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import com.mindspore.MSTensor;

MSTensor defined tensor in MindSpore.

Public Member Functions


MSTensor createTensor(String tensorName, int dataType, int[] tensorShape, ByteBuffer buffer)

MSTensor createTensor(String tensorName, Object obj)

int[] getShape()

int getDataType()

byte[] getByteData()

float[] getFloatData()

int[] getIntData()

long[] getLongData()

void setData(byte[] data)

void setData(float[] data)

void setData(int[] data)

void setData(long[] data)

void setData(ByteBuffer data)

long size()

int elementsNum()

void free()

String tensorName()



public static MSTensor createTensor(String tensorName, int dataType, int[] tensorShape, ByteBuffer buffer)

Create MindSpore MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • tensorName: tensor name.

    • dataType: tensor data type.

    • tensorShape: tensor shape.

    • buffer: tensor data buffer.

  • Returns

    MindSpore MSTensor.

public static MSTensor createTensor(String tensorName, Object obj)

Create MindSpore MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • tensorName: tensor name.

    • obj: Array object or a scalar,support dtype:float, double, int, long, boolean.

  • Returns

    MindSpore MSTensor.


public int[] getShape()

Get the shape of the MindSpore MSTensor.

  • Returns

    A array of int as the shape of the MindSpore MSTensor.


public int getDataType()

DataType is defined in com.mindspore.DataType.

  • Returns

    The MindSpore data type of the MindSpore MSTensor class.


public byte[] getByteData()

Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is byte.

  • Returns

    The byte array containing all MSTensor output data.


public float[] getFloatData()

Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is float.

  • Returns

    The float array containing all MSTensor output data.


public int[] getIntData()

Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is int.

  • Returns

    The int array containing all MSTensor output data.


public long[] getLongData()

Get output data of MSTensor, the data type is long.

  • Returns

    The long array containing all MSTensor output data.


public void setData(byte[] data)

Set the input data of MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • data: Input data of byte[] type.

public void setData(float[] data)

Set the input data of MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • data: Input data of float[] type.

public void setData(int[] data)

Set the input data of MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • data: Input data of int[] type.

public void setData(long[] data)

Set the input data of MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • data: Input data of long[] type.

public void setData(ByteBuffer data)

Set the input data of MSTensor.

  • Parameters

    • data: Input data of ByteBuffer type.


public long size()

Get the size of the data in MSTensor in bytes.

  • Returns

    The size of the data in MSTensor in bytes.


public int elementsNum()

Get the number of elements in MSTensor.

  • Returns

    The number of elements in MSTensor.


public void free()

Free all temporary memory in MindSpore MSTensor.


public String tensorName()

Get tensor name.

  • Returns

    Tensor name.


import com.mindspore.config.DataType;

Define tensor data type.

Public member variable

public static final int kNumberTypeBool = 30;
public static final int kNumberTypeInt = 31;
public static final int kNumberTypeInt8 = 32;
public static final int kNumberTypeInt16 = 33;
public static final int kNumberTypeInt32 = 34;
public static final int kNumberTypeInt64 = 35;
public static final int kNumberTypeUInt = 36;
public static final int kNumberTypeUInt8 = 37;
public static final int kNumberTypeUInt16 = 38;
public static final int kNumberTypeUint32 = 39;
public static final int kNumberTypeUInt64 = 40;
public static final int kNumberTypeFloat = 41;
public static final int kNumberTypeFloat16 = 42;
public static final int kNumberTypeFloat32 = 43;
public static final int kNumberTypeFloat64 = 44;