mindspore_gl.dataloader.split_data 源代码

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""" split_data """
import numpy as np
import scipy.sparse as sp

[文档]def split_data(x, val_ratio=0.05, test_ratio=0.1, graph_type='undirected'): r""" Cut the training set into training set, validation set and test set according to the proportion of user input, and perform graph reconstruction on the training set, and then return. Args: x (mindspore_gl.dataloader.Dataset): Graph Structured Dataset val_ratio(float, optional): Validation set proportion. Default: 0.05. test_ratio(float, optional): Test set proportion. Default: 0.1. graph_type(str, optional): The type of graph.'undirected': undirected graph, 'directed': directed graph. Default: 'undirected'. Returns: - **train** (numpy.ndarray) - Train set positive examples, shape :math:`(train\_len, 2)` . - **val** (numpy.ndarray) - Validation set positive example, shape :math:`(val\_len, 2)` . - **test** (numpy.ndarray) - Test set positive examples, shape :math:`(test\_len, 2)` . Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.dataloader import split_data >>> from mindspore_gl.dataset import CoraV2 >>> ds = CoraV2('data_path') >>> adj_coo, (train, val, test) = split_data(ds) >>> print(train.shape, val.shape, test.shape) (11684, 2) (263, 2) (527, 2) """ col = x.adj_coo.col row = x.adj_coo.row # Construct an adjacency matrix adj = [] for i in range(len(col)): idx = [] idx.append(col[i]) idx.append(row[i]) adj.append(idx) # Take the upper triangular matrix adj_c = [i for i in adj if i[0] != i[1]] if graph_type == 'undirected': adj_cc = [] for i in adj_c: if [i[1], i[0]] not in adj_cc: adj_cc.append(i) else: adj_cc = adj_c # Shuffle the subscript order, split the validation set and the test set np.random.shuffle(adj_cc) s = len(adj_cc) val_l = int(s*val_ratio) test_l = int(s*test_ratio) idx = np.random.randint(val_l+test_l, s-val_l-test_l) val = adj_cc[idx:idx+val_l] test = adj_cc[idx+val_l:idx+val_l+test_l] # Remove the validation and test sets from the training set for i in val+test: if i in adj: adj.remove([i[1], i[0]]) adj.remove([i[0], i[1]]) train = adj adj, val, test, train = np.array(adj), np.array(val), np.array(test), np.array(train) # Refactored graph data = np.ones(train.shape[0]) adj_train = sp.csr_matrix((data, (train[:, 0], train[:, 1])), shape=x.adj_coo.shape).tocoo(copy=False) return adj_train, (train, val, test)