Source code for mindspore_gl.sampling.k_hop_sampling

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"""Computes the k-hop subgraph around a subset of nodes"""
import numpy as np
[docs]def k_hop_subgraph(node_idx, num_hops, adj_coo, node_count, relabel_nodes=False, flow='source_to_target'): """ K-hop sampling on MindHomoGraph Args: node_idx(int, list, tuple or numpy.ndarray): sampling subgraph around 'node_idx'. num_hops(int): sampling 'num_hops' hop subgraph. adj_coo(numpy.ndarray): input adj of graph. node_count(int): the number of nodes. relabel_nodes(bool): node indexes need relabel or not. flow: the visit direction. Returns: res(dict), has 4 keys 'subset', 'adj_coo', 'inv', 'edge_mask', where, - **subset** (numpy.ndarray) - nodes' idx of sampled K-hop subgraph. - **adj_coo** (numpy.ndarray) - adj of sampled K-hop subgraph. - **inv** (list) - the mapping from node indices in `node_idx` to their new location. - **edge_mask** (numpy.ndarray) - the edge mask indicating which edges were preserved. """ assert flow in ['source_to_target', 'target_to_source'] if flow == 'target_to_source': row, col = adj_coo else: col, row = adj_coo node_mask = np.empty_like(row, shape=node_count, dtype=np.bool_) if isinstance(node_idx, (int, list, tuple)): node_idx = np.array([node_idx]).flatten() subsets = [node_idx] for _ in range(num_hops): node_mask.fill(False) node_mask[subsets[-1]] = True edge_mask = np.take(node_mask, row) subsets.append(col[edge_mask]) subsets = np.concatenate(subsets) subset, inv = np.unique(subsets, return_inverse=True) inv = inv[:node_idx.size] node_mask.fill(False) node_mask[subset] = True edge_mask = node_mask[row] & node_mask[col] adj_coo = adj_coo[:, edge_mask] if relabel_nodes: node_idx = np.full((node_count,), -1) node_idx[subset] = np.arange(subset.shape[0]) adj_coo = node_idx[adj_coo] res = {"subset": subset, "adj_coo": adj_coo, "inv": inv, "edge_mask": edge_mask} return res