Source code for mindspore_gl.sampling.negative_sample

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""" negative_sample """
import random
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import mindspore_gl.bucket_kernel

[docs]def negative_sample(positive, node, num_neg_samples, mode='undirected', re='more'): r""" Input all positive sample edge sets, and specify the negative sample length, and then return the negative sample edge set of the same length, and will not repeat the positive samples Can choose to consider self-loop, directed graph or undirected graph operation Args: positive(list or numpy.ndarray): All positive sample edges. node(int): number of node. num_neg_samples(int): Negative sample length. mode(str): type of operation matrix. Default: 'undirected'. - undirected: undirected graph. - bipartite: bipartite graph. - other: other type graph. re(str): type of input data. Default: 'more'. - more: positive array shape :math:`(data\_length, 2)`. - other: positive array shape :math:`(2, data\_length)`. Returns: - **array** - Negative sample edge set, shape is :math:`(num\_neg\_samples, 2)`. Raises: TypeError: If 'positive' is not a list or numpy.ndarry. TypeError: If 'node' is not a positive int. TypeError: If 're' is not in 'more' or 'other'. ValueError: If `mode` is not in 'bipartite', 'undirected' or 'other'. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.sampling import negative_sample >>> positive = [[1,2],[2,3]] >>> neg_len = 4 >>> neg = negative_sample(positive, 4, neg_len) >>> print(neg) [[0 3] [0 2] [1 3] [0 1]] """ check_param(positive, node, num_neg_samples, mode, re) def sample(population: int, k: int): """ Randomly sample the edge set of length population, if the length is less than k, directly output all edges of length population """ if population <= k: return np.arange(population) return random.sample(range(population), k) if re == 'more': positive = np.array([i for i in positive], dtype=np.int32) row = np.array([i[0] for i in positive], dtype=np.int32) col = np.array([i[1] for i in positive], dtype=np.int32) size = positive.shape[0] else: positive = np.array(positive) row = np.array(positive[0], dtype=np.int32) col = np.array(positive[1], dtype=np.int32) size = positive.shape[1] idx, population = edge_index_to_vector(np.array([row, col], dtype=np.int32), (node, node), mode=mode) if num_neg_samples is None: num_neg_samples = size num_neg = num_neg_samples if mode == 'undirected': num_neg_samples = ceil(num_neg_samples / 2) prob = 1. - size / (node * node - node) sample_size = int(1.1 * num_neg_samples / prob) neg_idx = None for _ in range(3): rnd = np.array(sample(population, sample_size)) mask = np.isin(rnd, idx) if neg_idx is not None: mask |= np.isin(rnd, neg_idx) rnd = rnd[~mask] neg_idx = rnd if neg_idx is None else np.concatenate([neg_idx, rnd]) if len(neg_idx) >= num_neg_samples: neg_idx = neg_idx[:num_neg_samples] break assert num_neg_samples == neg_idx.shape[0] neg_idx = vector_to_edge_index(neg_idx, (node, node), mode=mode) if re == 'more': idx = np.array([[neg_idx[0][i], neg_idx[1][i]] for i in range(num_neg)]) else: idx = np.stack([neg_idx[0][:num_neg], neg_idx[1][:num_neg]]) return idx
def edge_index_to_vector(edge_index, size, mode='undirected'): """ Convert the edge to the corresponding number, you can specify whether to consider the processing method of the diagonal matrix, the processing method of the directed graph or the processing method of the undirected graph Args: edge_index(list):set of two edges,shape is (row_len or col_len, 2) size(tuple):number of graph nodes, shape is (node, node) mode(str):type of operation matrix Returns: idx(array): Transformed vector,shape is (1, row_len or col_len) population(int): number of edges to sample Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.sampling import edge_index_to_vector >>> import numpy as np >>> idx, population = edge_index_to_vector(np.array([[0, 0, 1],[1, 2, 2]]), (3,3)) >>> print(idx, population) [0 1 2] 3 """ if not isinstance(edge_index, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("The edge_index data type is {},\ but it should be ndarray.".format(type(edge_index))) if not isinstance(size, tuple): raise TypeError("The size data type is {},\ but it should be tuple.".format(type(size))) if not isinstance(mode, str): raise TypeError("The mode data type is {},\ but it should be str.".format(type(mode))) assert size[0] == size[1] if mode == 'bipartite': row, col = edge_index idx = (row * size[1]) + col population = size[0] * size[1] elif mode == 'undirected': row, col = edge_index num_nodes = size[0] mask = row < col row, col = row[mask], col[mask] offset = np.arange(1, num_nodes).cumsum(0)[row] idx = row*(num_nodes) + col - offset population = (num_nodes * (num_nodes + 1)) // 2 - num_nodes else: row, col = edge_index num_nodes = size[0] mask = row != col row, col = row[mask], col[mask] col[row < col] -= 1 idx = row*(num_nodes - 1) + col population = num_nodes * num_nodes - num_nodes return idx, population def vector_to_edge_index(idx, size, mode='undirected'): """ Convert the number to the corresponding edge, you can specify whether to consider the processing method of the diagonal matrix, the processing method of the directed graph or the processing method of the undirected graph Args: idx(ndarray):collection of edges,shape:(1, row_len or col_len) size(tuple):number of graph nodes, shape:(node, node) mode(str):type of operation matrix Returns: array, transformed edge, shape:(row_len or col_len, 2) Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.sampling import vector_to_edge_index >>> import numpy as np >>> idx = vector_to_edge_index(np.array([0, 1, 2]), (3, 3)) >>> print(idx) [[0 0 1] [1 2 2]] """ if not isinstance(idx, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("The idx data type is {},\ but it should be ndarray.".format(type(idx))) if not isinstance(size, tuple): raise TypeError("The size data type is {},\ but it should be tuple.".format(type(size))) if not isinstance(mode, str): raise TypeError("The mode data type is {},\ but it should be str.".format(type(mode))) def bucketize(i, v): """ Divide y into intervals and return the number of intervals in y for each element in x. """ i = list(i) v = list(v) l = len(i) n = len(v) res = mindspore_gl.bucket_kernel.bucket(i, v, l, n) return res assert size[0] == size[1] if mode == 'bipartite': row = np.round(idx / size[1]) col = idx % size[1] idx = np.stack([row, col]) elif mode == 'undirected': num_nodes = size[0] offset = np.arange(1, num_nodes).cumsum(0) offset1 = np.arange(1, num_nodes)[::-1].cumsum(0) row = bucketize(offset1, idx) col = (offset[row] + idx) % num_nodes a, b = np.concatenate([row, col]), np.concatenate([col, row]) idx = np.stack([a, b]) else: num_nodes = size[0] row = np.floor(idx / (num_nodes - 1)) col = idx % (num_nodes - 1) col[row <= col] += 1 idx = np.stack([row, col]) return idx def check_param(positive, node, num_neg_samples, mode, re): """check parameters""" if not isinstance(positive, (list, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError("The positive data type is {},\ but it should be ndarray or list.".format(type(positive))) if not isinstance(node, int) or node <= 0: raise TypeError("The node type is {},\ but it should be int.".format(type(node))) if num_neg_samples is not None and (not isinstance(num_neg_samples, int)) or num_neg_samples <= 0: raise TypeError("The num_neg_samples type is {},\ but it should be int.".format(type(num_neg_samples))) if mode not in ['bipartite', 'undirected', 'other']: raise TypeError("The mode data type is {},\ but it should be str.".format(type(mode))) if re not in ['more', 'other']: raise TypeError("The re data type is {},\ but it should be str.".format(type(re)))