Source code for mindspore_gl.graph.graph

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"""Claesses for Graph data structure"""
from typing import Dict
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
import mindspore_gl.sample_kernel as kernel

CsrAdjNameTuple = namedtuple("csr_adj", ['indptr', 'indices'])

[docs]class CsrAdj(CsrAdjNameTuple): """ Build the csr matrix nametuple. Args: indptr (numpy.ndarry): indptr of scr matrix. indices (numpy.ndarry): indices of scr matrix. Raises: TypeError: If `indptr` or `indices` is not a numpy.ndarray. TypeError: If `indptr` or `indices` is not a one dimesion array. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore_gl.graph.graph import CsrAdj >>> indptr = np.array([0, 2, 3, 6]) >>> indices = np.array([0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2]) >>> csr_adj = CsrAdj(indptr, indices) >>> print(csr_adj) CsrAdj(indptr=array([0, 2, 3, 6]), indices=array([0, 2, 2, 0, 1, 2])) """ def __init__(self, indptr, indices): if not isinstance(indptr, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("'indptr' type must be numpy.ndarray, but get {}.".format(type(indptr))) if len(indptr.shape) >= 2 and indptr.shape[1] >= 2: raise TypeError("'indptr' shape must 1 dimesion, but get {}.".format(indptr.shape)) if not isinstance(indices, np.ndarray): raise TypeError("'indices' type must be numpy.ndarray, but get {}.".format(type(indices))) if len(indices.shape) >= 2 and indices.shape[1] >= 2: raise TypeError("'indices' shape must 1 dimesion, but get {}.".format(indices.shape)) super(CsrAdj, self).__init__()
def coo_to_csr(): raise NotImplementedError() def csr_to_coo(csr: CsrAdj): coo_adj = [[], []] j = 0 for i in range(len(csr.indptr) - 1): while j < csr.indptr[i + 1]: coo_adj[0].append(i) coo_adj[1].append(csr.indices[j]) j += 1 return coo_adj class MindRelationGraph: """ Relation Graph, a simple implementation of relation graph structure in mindspore-gl. Args: src_node_type(str): source node type. dst_node_type(str): destination node type. edge_type(str): edge type. """ def __init__(self, src_node_type: str, dst_node_type: str, edge_type: str): self._u_type = src_node_type self._v_type = dst_node_type self._e_type = edge_type self._relation_type = f"{src_node_type}_{edge_type}_{dst_node_type}" # dataloader self._adj_csr = None self._adj_coo = None self._reverse_adj_csr = None self._node_dict = None self._node_ids = None self._edge_ids = None ################################ # Initialize Graph ################################ def set_topo(self, adj_csr: CsrAdj, node_dict=None, edge_ids: np.ndarray = None): """ set topology for relation graph by either csr_adj. Args: adj_csr(csr_adj): csr format description of adjacent matrix. edge_ids(numpy.ndarray): edge ids for each edge. node_dict(Dict): global->local node id. """ self._adj_csr = adj_csr self._node_dict = node_dict self._node_ids = None if node_dict is None else np.array(list(node_dict.keys())) self._edge_ids = edge_ids ##################################### # Query Graph, With Lazy Computation ##################################### def has_node(self, node): """ If this relation graph has certain node. Args: node: global node id Returns: - bool, indicate if node is in this graph """ return node < self._adj_csr.indptr.shape[0] \ if self._node_dict is None else self._node_dict.get(node) is not None def successors(self, src_node): mapped_idx = self._node_dict.get(src_node, None) assert mapped_idx is not None neighbor_start = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx] neighbor_end = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx + 1] neighbors = self._adj_csr.indices[neighbor_start: neighbor_end] node_ids = neighbors if self._node_ids is None else self._node_ids[neighbors] return node_ids def predecessors(self, dst_node): pass def out_degree(self, src_node): mapped_idx = src_node if self._node_dict is None else self._node_dict.get(src_node, None) assert mapped_idx is not None neighbor_start = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx] neighbor_end = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx + 1] return neighbor_end - neighbor_start def out_degrees(self, src_nodes): pass def in_degree(self, dst_node): pass def in_degrees(self, dst_nodes): pass def format(self, out_format): pass ######################### # properties ######################### @property def node_num(self): return self._adj_csr.indptr.shape[0] @property def edge_num(self): return self._adj_csr.indices.shape[0] @property def relation_type(self): return self._relation_type @property def nodes(self): return np.arange(self.node_num) if self._node_ids is None else self._node_ids @property def edges(self): return np.arange(self.edge_num) if self._edge_ids is None else self._edge_ids @property def adj_csr(self) -> CsrAdj: return self._adj_csr ###################################### # Transform Graph To Different Format ######################################
[docs]class BatchMeta: """ BatchMeta, meta information for a batched graph. Args: graph_nodes(numpy.array): accumulated node sum for graphs in batched graph(first element is 0). graph_edges(numpy.array): accumulated edge sum for graphs in batched graph(first element is 0). Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.graph import BatchMeta >>> graph_nodes = np.array([0, 20, 40, 60, 80]) >>> graph_edges = np.array([0, 100, 200, 300, 400]) >>> graph = BatchMeta(graph_nodes, graph_edges) >>> print(graph[1]) (20, 100) """ def __init__(self, graph_nodes, graph_edges): self._graph_nodes = graph_nodes self._graph_edges = graph_edges # For Lazy Computation self._node_map_idx = None self._edge_map_idx = None @property def graph_nodes(self): """ nodes of graph. Returns: - numpy.array, accumulated node sum for graphs in batched graph(first element is 0) """ return self._graph_nodes @property def graph_edges(self): """ edges of graph. Returns: - numpy.array, accumulated edge sum for graphs in batched graph(first element is 0) """ return self._graph_edges @property def graph_count(self): """ graph nums. Returns: - int, total graph count in this batched graph """ return self._graph_edges.shape[0] - 1 @property def node_map_idx(self): """ index of node list. Returns: - numpy.array, array indicate graph index for each node """ if self._node_map_idx is not None: return self._node_map_idx self._node_map_idx = np.zeros([self._graph_nodes[-1]], dtype=np.int32) kernel.set_node_map_idx(self._node_map_idx, self._graph_nodes) return self._node_map_idx @property def edge_map_idx(self): """ index of edge list. Returns: - numpy.array, array indicate graph index for each edge """ if self._edge_map_idx is not None: return self._edge_map_idx self._edge_map_idx = np.zeros([self._graph_edges[-1]], dtype=np.int32) kernel.set_edge_map_idx(self._edge_map_idx, self._graph_edges) return self._edge_map_idx def __getitem__(self, graph_idx): """ return node count and edge count for idx graph Args: graph_idx(int): graph idx for query Returns: - (int, int), (node_count, edge_count) """ assert graph_idx < self.graph_count, "index out of range" return (self.graph_nodes[graph_idx + 1] - self.graph_nodes[graph_idx], self.graph_edges[graph_idx + 1] - self.graph_edges[graph_idx])
[docs]class MindHomoGraph: """ Build in-memory homo graph. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> import networkx >>> from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix >>> from mindspore_gl.graph import MindHomoGraph, CsrAdj >>> node_count = 20 >>> edge_prob = 0.1 >>> graph = networkx.generators.random_graphs.fast_gnp_random_graph(node_count, edge_prob) >>> edge_array = np.transpose(np.array(list(graph.edges))) >>> row = edge_array[0] >>> col = edge_array[1] >>> data = np.zeros(row.shape) >>> csr_mat = csr_matrix((data, (row, col)), shape=(node_count, node_count)) >>> generated_graph = MindHomoGraph() >>> node_dict = {idx: idx for idx in range(node_count)} >>> edge_count = col.shape[0] >>> edge_ids = np.array(list(range(edge_count))).astype(np.int32) >>> generated_graph.set_topo(CsrAdj(csr_mat.indptr.astype(np.int32), csr_mat.indices.astype(np.int32)), ... node_dict, edge_ids) >>> print(generated_graph.neighbors(0)) # results will be random for suffle [10 14] """ def __init__(self): self._node_dict = None self._node_ids = None self._edge_ids = None self._adj_csr: CsrAdj = None self._adj_coo = None self._node_count = 0 self._edge_count = 0 "Batch Meta Info" self._batch_meta = None
[docs] def set_topo(self, adj_csr: np.ndarray, node_dict, edge_ids: np.ndarray): """ initialize CSR Graph Args: adj_csr(mindspore_gl.graph.csr_adj): adj of graph, csr type node_dict(dict): node id dict edge_ids(numpy.ndarray): array of edges """ self._adj_csr = adj_csr self._node_dict = node_dict self._edge_ids = edge_ids self._node_ids = np.array(list(node_dict.keys()))
[docs] def set_topo_coo(self, adj_coo, node_dict=None, edge_ids: np.ndarray = None): """ initialize COO Graph Args: adj_coo(numpy.ndarray): adj of graph, coo type node_dict(dict): node id dict edge_ids(numpy.ndarray): array of edges """ self._adj_coo = adj_coo self._node_dict = node_dict self._node_ids = None if node_dict is None else np.array(list(node_dict.keys())) self._edge_ids = edge_ids
[docs] def neighbors(self, node): """ Query With Lazy Computation Args: node(int): node idx Returns: - numpy.ndarray, sampled node """ self._check_csr() mapped_idx = self._node_dict.get(node, None) assert mapped_idx is not None neighbor_start = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx] neighbor_end = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx + 1] neighbors = self._adj_csr.indices[neighbor_start: neighbor_end] node_ids = self._node_ids[neighbors] return node_ids
[docs] def degree(self, node): """ Query With Lazy Computation node degree. Args: node(int): node idx Returns: - int, degree of node """ self._check_csr() mapped_idx = self._node_dict.get(node, None) assert mapped_idx is not None neighbor_start = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx] neighbor_end = self._adj_csr.indptr[mapped_idx + 1] return neighbor_end - neighbor_start
@property def adj_csr(self): """ csr adj matrix Returns: - mindspore_gl.graph.csr_adj, csr graph Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> adj_csr = graph.adj_csr """ self._check_csr() return self._adj_csr @property def adj_coo(self): """ coo adj matrix Returns: - numpy.ndarray, coo graph Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> adj_coo = graph.adj_coo """ self._check_coo() return self._adj_coo @adj_coo.setter def adj_coo(self, adj_coo): del self._adj_csr self._adj_csr = None self._adj_coo = adj_coo @property def edge_count(self): """Edge count of graph Returns: - int, edge numbers Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> edge_count = graph.edge_count """ if self._edge_count > 0: return self._edge_count if self._adj_csr is not None: self._edge_count = self._adj_csr.indices.shape[0] if self._adj_coo is not None: self._edge_count = self._adj_coo.shape[1] if self._edge_count == 0: raise Exception("graph topo is not set") return self._edge_count @property def node_count(self): """Node count of graph Returns: - int, nodes numbers Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_count = graph.node_count """ if self._node_count > 0: return self._node_count if self._adj_csr is not None: self._node_count = self._adj_csr.indptr.shape[0] if self._adj_coo is not None: self._node_count = (np.unique(self.adj_coo[0])).shape[0] if self._node_count == 0: raise Exception("graph topo is not set") return self._node_count @property def is_batched(self) -> bool: """If the graph be batched Returns: - bool, the graph be batched Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> is_batched = graph.is_batched """ return self.batch_meta is not None @property def batch_meta(self) -> BatchMeta: """If the graph be batched Returns: - mindspore_gl.graph.BatchMeta, bathc meta info Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> batch_meta = graph.batch_meta """ return self._batch_meta @batch_meta.setter def batch_meta(self, batch_meta: BatchMeta): self._batch_meta = batch_meta @node_count.setter def node_count(self, node_count): self._node_count = node_count @edge_count.setter def edge_count(self, edge_count): self._edge_count = edge_count def __getitem__(self, graph_idx) -> 'MindHomoGraph': if not self.is_batched: return self res = MindHomoGraph() node_count, edge_count = self.batch_meta[graph_idx] res.adj_coo = self.adj_coo[:, self.batch_meta.graph_edges[graph_idx]: self.batch_meta.graph_edges[graph_idx + 1]] res.adj_coo -= - self.batch_meta.graph_nodes[graph_idx] res.node_count = node_count res.edge_count = edge_count return res def _check_csr(self): """graph type check, is csr""" assert self._adj_csr is not None or self._adj_coo is not None if self._adj_csr is not None: return self._adj_csr = coo_to_csr() return def _check_coo(self): """graph type check, is coo""" assert self._adj_csr is not None or self._adj_coo is not None if self._adj_coo is not None: return self._adj_coo = csr_to_coo(self._adj_csr) return
class MindHeteroGraph: """ HeteroGeneous Graph """ def __init__(self): self._rel_graphs: Dict = {} # Information For Batch self._batch_meta = None def add_graph(self, rel_graph: MindRelationGraph): self._rel_graphs[rel_graph.relation_type] = rel_graph ######################################## # Query Graphs With Lazy Computation ####################################### def successors(self, relation_type, src_node): return self._rel_graphs[relation_type].successors(src_node) def predecessors(self, dst_node): pass def out_degree(self, relation_type, src_node): return self._rel_graphs[relation_type].out_degree(src_node) def out_degrees(self, relation_type, src_nodes): pass def in_degree(self, relation_type, dst_node): pass def in_degrees(self, relation_type, dst_nodes): pass def format(self, relation_type, out_format): pass def nodes(self, relation_type): return self._rel_graphs[relation_type].nodes def edges(self, relation_type): return self._rel_graphs[relation_type].edges def sample_succeessors(self, relation_type, src_node, neighbor_num): return self._rel_graphs[relation_type].sample_successors(src_node, neighbor_num)