Source code for mindspore_gl.dataset.alchemy

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"""Alchemy Dataset"""
from typing import Union
import pathlib
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
from mindspore_gl.graph import MindHomoGraph
from rdkit import Chem
from rdkit.Chem import ChemicalFeatures
from rdkit import RDConfig
import pandas as pd
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs]class Alchemy: """ Alchemy dataset, a source dataset for reading and parsing Alchemy dataset. About Alchemy dataset: The Tencent Quantum Lab has recently introduced a new molecular dataset, called Alchemy, to facilitate the development of new machine learning models useful for chemistry and materials science. The dataset lists 12 quantum mechanical properties of 130,000+ organic molecules comprising up to 12 heavy atoms (C, N, O, S, F and Cl), sampled from the GDBMedChem database. These properties have been calculated using the open-source computational chemistry program Python-based Simulation of Chemistry Framework (PySCF). Statistics: - Graphs: 99776 - Nodes: 9.71 - Edges: 10.02 - Number of quantum mechanical properties: 12 Dataset can be download here: `Alchemy dev <>`_ and `Alchemy valid <>`_ . You can organize the dataset files into the following directory structure and read by `preprocess` API. .. code-block:: . ├── dev │ ├── dev_target.csv │ └── sdf │ ├── atom_10 │ ├── atom_11 │ ├── atom_12 │ └── atom_9 └── valid ├── sdf │ ├── atom_11 │ └── atom_12 └── valid_target.csv Args: root(str): path to the root directory that contains alchemy_with_mask.npz. datasize(int): train data size Raises: TypeError: if `root` is not a str. RuntimeError: if `root` does not contain data files. ValueError: if `datasize` is more than 99776. Examples: >>> from mindspore_gl.dataset import Alchemy >>> root = "path/to/alchemy" >>> dataset = Alchemy(root) """ dataset_url = "" fdef_name = pathlib.Path(RDConfig.RDDataDir) / 'BaseFeatures.fdef' chem_feature_factory = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(str(fdef_name)) def __init__(self, root, datasize=10000): if not isinstance(root, str): raise TypeError(f"For '{self.cls_name}', the 'root' should be a str, " f"but got {type(root)}.") if datasize > 99776: raise ValueError(f"The maximum capacity of dataset is 99776") self._root = pathlib.Path(root) self._path = self._root / f'alchemy_{datasize}_with_mask.npz'.format(datasize) self._edge_array = None self._graphs = None self._node_feat = None self._edge_feat = None self._graph_label = None self._graph_nodes = None self._graph_edges = None self._train_mask = None self._val_mask = None self._datasize = datasize if self._root.is_dir() and self._path.is_file(): self._load() elif self._root.is_dir(): self._preprocess() self._load() else: raise Exception('data file does not exist') def _preprocess(self): """process data""" node_feat_array, edges_feat_array, graph_label_array = None, None, None adj_coo_row, adj_coo_col = [], [] graph_edges_list, graph_nodes_list = [0], [0] train_mask, val_mask = [], [] for mode in ['dev', 'valid']: if mode == 'valid': tqdm_length = min(3951, self._datasize) else: tqdm_length = self._datasize pbar = tqdm(total=tqdm_length) target_file = self._root / mode / "{}_target.csv".format(mode) = pd.read_csv(target_file, index_col=0, usecols=['gdb_idx',] + ['property_%d' % x for x in range(12)]) =[['property_%d' % x for x in range(12)]] sdf_dir = self._root / mode / "sdf" sdf_list = sdf_dir.glob("**/*.sdf") atom_list = [] for file in sdf_list: name = str(file) name = name[name.find('sdf/atom_'):].replace('sdf/atom_', '') name = int(name[:name.find('/')].replace('/', '')) atom_list.append([file, name]) atom_list = sorted(atom_list, key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) search_list = [x[0] for x in atom_list] count = 0 for sdf_file in search_list: if count >= tqdm_length: break if mode == 'valid': val_mask.append(1) train_mask.append(0) else: train_mask.append(1) val_mask.append(0) count += 1 num_atoms, node_feat, edges, edge_feat, label = self._file_to_graph(sdf_file) if edge_feat is None: continue adj_coo_row += edges[0] adj_coo_col += edges[1] num_edges = len(edges[0]) if node_feat_array is None: node_feat_array = node_feat else: node_feat_array = np.concatenate((node_feat_array, node_feat), axis=0) if edges_feat_array is None: edges_feat_array = edge_feat else: edges_feat_array = np.concatenate((edges_feat_array, edge_feat), axis=0) if graph_label_array is None: graph_label_array = label else: graph_label_array = np.concatenate((graph_label_array, label), axis=0) graph_nodes_list.append(num_atoms + graph_nodes_list[-1]) graph_edges_list.append(num_edges + graph_edges_list[-1]) pbar.update() pbar.close() print("loaded!") edge_array_list = np.array([adj_coo_row, adj_coo_col]) np.savez(self._path, edge_array=edge_array_list, train_mask=train_mask, val_mask=val_mask, node_feat=node_feat_array, edge_feat=edges_feat_array, graph_label=graph_label_array, graph_edges=graph_edges_list, graph_nodes=graph_nodes_list) def _file_to_graph(self, sdf_file): """ Read sdf file and convert to feature data """ sdf = open(str(sdf_file)).read() mol = Chem.MolFromMolBlock(sdf, removeHs=False) num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() atom_feats = self._alchemy_nodes(mol) edges = [x for x in range(num_atoms) for y in range(num_atoms - 1)],\ [y for x in range(num_atoms) for y in range(num_atoms) if x != y] bond_feats = self._alchemy_edges(mol) label =[int(sdf_file.stem)].tolist() label = np.array(label).reshape(1, -1) return num_atoms, atom_feats, edges, bond_feats, label def _alchemy_nodes(self, mol): """ Featurization for all atoms in a molecule """ atom_feats = [] donor_dict = defaultdict(int) acceptor_dict = defaultdict(int) def_file = str(pathlib.Path(RDConfig.RDDataDir) / 'BaseFeatures.fdef') mol_feats = ChemicalFeatures.BuildFeatureFactory(def_file).GetFeaturesForMol(mol) for molecule in mol_feats: if molecule.GetFamily() == 'Acceptor': atoms_list = molecule.GetAtomIds() for u in atoms_list: acceptor_dict[u] = 1 elif molecule.GetFamily() == 'Donor': atoms_list = molecule.GetAtomIds() for u in atoms_list: donor_dict[u] = 1 num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() for u in range(num_atoms): atom = mol.GetAtomWithIdx(u) symbol = atom.GetSymbol() atomic_num = atom.GetAtomicNum() aromatic = atom.GetIsAromatic() hybridization = atom.GetHybridization() total_num_hs = atom.GetTotalNumHs() h_u = [] h_u += [int(symbol == x) for x in ['H', 'C', 'N', 'O', 'F', 'S', 'Cl']] h_u.append(atomic_num) h_u.append(acceptor_dict[u]) h_u.append(donor_dict[u]) h_u.append(int(aromatic)) h_u += [int(hybridization == x) for x in (Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP2, Chem.rdchem.HybridizationType.SP3) ] h_u.append(total_num_hs) atom_feats.append(h_u) return atom_feats def _alchemy_edges(self, mol): """ Featurization for all bonds in a molecule. The bond indices """ edges_feats = [] num_atoms = mol.GetNumAtoms() for i in range(num_atoms): for j in range(num_atoms): if i == j: continue e_uv = mol.GetBondBetweenAtoms(i, j) if e_uv is not None: edges_type = e_uv.GetBondType() else: edges_type = None edges_feats.append([ float(edges_type == x) for x in (Chem.rdchem.BondType.SINGLE, Chem.rdchem.BondType.DOUBLE, Chem.rdchem.BondType.TRIPLE, Chem.rdchem.BondType.AROMATIC, None) ]) return edges_feats def _load(self): """Load the saved npz dataset from files.""" self._npz_file = np.load(self._path, allow_pickle=True) self._edge_array = self._npz_file['edge_array'].astype(np.int64) self._graph_edges = self._npz_file['graph_edges'].astype(np.int64) self._graphs = np.array(list(range(len(self._graph_edges)))) @property def num_features(self): """ Feature size of each node. Returns: - int, the number of feature size. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> num_features = dataset.num_features """ return self.node_feat.shape[-1] @property def num_edge_features(self): """ Number of label classes. Returns: - int, the number of classes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> num_edge_features = dataset.num_edge_features """ return self.edge_feat.shape[-1] @property def n_tasks(self): """ Graph label size. Returns: - int, size of graph label. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> n_tasks = dataset.n_tasks """ return self.graph_label.shape[-1] @property def train_mask(self): """ Mask of training nodes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of mask. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> train_mask = dataset.train_mask """ if self._train_mask is None: self._train_mask = self._npz_file['train_mask'] return self._train_mask @property def val_mask(self): """ Mask of validation nodes. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of mask. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_mask = dataset.val_mask """ if self._val_mask is None: self._val_mask = self._npz_file['val_mask'] return self._val_mask @property def train_graphs(self): """ Train graph id Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of train graph id. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> train_graphs = dataset.train_graphs """ return (np.nonzero(self.train_mask)[0]).astype(np.int32) @property def val_graphs(self): """ Valid graph id Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of valid graph id. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_graphs = dataset.val_graphs """ return (np.nonzero(self.val_mask)[0]).astype(np.int32) @property def graph_nodes(self): """ Accumulative graph nodes count Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of accumulative nodes. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_mask = dataset.graph_nodes """ if self._graph_nodes is None: self._graph_nodes = self._npz_file['graph_nodes'] return self._graph_nodes @property def graph_edges(self): """ Accumulative graph edges count. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of accumulative edges. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> val_mask = dataset.graph_edges """ if self._graph_edges is None: self._graph_edges = self._npz_file['graph_edges'] return self._graph_edges @property def graph_count(self): """ Total graph numbers. Returns: - int, numbers of graph. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> graph_count = dataset.graph_count """ return len(self._graphs) @property def node_feat(self): """ Node features. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of node feature. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_feat = dataset.node_feat """ if self._node_feat is None: self._node_feat = self._npz_file["node_feat"] return self._node_feat @property def edge_feat(self): """ Edge features. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of edge feature. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_feat = dataset.edge_feat """ if self._edge_feat is None: self._edge_feat = self._npz_file["edge_feat"] return self._edge_feat
[docs] def graph_feat(self, graph_idx): """ graph node features. Args: graph_idx (int): index of graph. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, node feature of graph. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> graph_feat = dataset.graph_feat(graph_idx) """ return self.node_feat[self.graph_nodes[graph_idx]: self.graph_nodes[graph_idx + 1]]
[docs] def graph_edge_feat(self, graph_idx): """ graph edge features. Args: graph_idx (int): index of graph. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, edge feature of graph. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> graph_edge_feat = dataset.graph_edge_feat(graph_idx) """ return self.edge_feat[self.graph_edges[graph_idx]: self.graph_edges[graph_idx + 1]]
@property def graph_label(self): """ Graph label. Returns: - numpy.ndarray, array of graph label. Examples: >>> #dataset is an instance object of Dataset >>> node_feat = dataset.graph_label """ if self._graph_label is None: self._graph_label = self._npz_file["graph_label"] return self._graph_label def __getitem__(self, idx) -> Union[MindHomoGraph, np.ndarray]: assert idx < self.graph_count, "Index out of range" res = MindHomoGraph() # reindex to 0 coo_array = self._edge_array[:, self.graph_edges[idx]: self.graph_edges[idx + 1]] res.set_topo_coo(coo_array) res.node_count = self.graph_nodes[idx + 1] - self.graph_nodes[idx] res.edge_count = self.graph_edges[idx + 1] - self.graph_edges[idx] return res