Release Notes

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MindSpore Golden Stick 0.4.0 Release Notes

Major Features and Improvements

  • Added post-training weight quantization W8A16 algorithm RoundToNearest, which realizes the lossless compression parameters of Llama2 7B/13B/70B and Baichuan2 13B networks by over 40%.

API Change

  • Added PTQConfig to configure the post-training quantization algorithm.

  • Added PTQMode enumeration class, which can be configured in ‘PTQConfig’, is used to distinguish between the two phases of the quantization algorithm: the quantization phase and the deployment phase.

  • Added BackendTarget enumeration class, which can be configured in PTQConfig, to indicate the backend to which the quantized network will eventually be deployed. For example, ‘BackendTarget.Ascend’ indicates that it will eventually be deployed to the Ascend backend of MindSpore.


Thanks goes to these wonderful people:

zhuxiaoxion, hangangqiang

Contributions of any kind are welcome!