# Installing MindSpore Golden Stick ## Environmental restrictions The following table lists the environment required for installing, compiling and running MindSpore Golden Stick: | software | version | | :-----: | :-----: | | Ubuntu | 18.04 | | Python | 3.7-3.9 | > Please refer to [requirements](https://gitee.com/mindspore/golden-stick/blob/r0.3.0-alpha/requirements.txt) for other third party dependencies. > MindSpore Golden Stick can only run on Ubuntu18.04. ## Version dependency The MindSpore Golden Stick depends on the MindSpore training and inference framework, please refer the table below and [MindSpore Installation Guide](https://mindspore.cn/install) to install the corresponding MindSpore verision. | MindSpore Golden Stick Version | Branch | MindSpore version | | :-----------------------------: | :----------------------------------------------------------: | :-------: | | 0.3.0 | [r0.3.0-alpha](https://gitee.com/mindspore/golden-stick/tree/r0.3.0-alpha/) | 2.0.0 | | 0.2.0 | [r0.2](https://gitee.com/mindspore/golden-stick/tree/r0.2/) | 1.9.0 | | 0.1.0 | [r0.1](https://gitee.com/mindspore/golden-stick/tree/r0.1/) | 1.8.0 | After MindSpore is installed, you can use pip or source code build for MindSpore Golden Stick installation. ## Installing from pip command If you use the pip command, please download the whl package from [MindSpore Golden Stick](https://www.mindspore.cn/versions/en) page and install it. ```shell pip install https://ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com/{MindSpore_version}/GoldenStick/any/mindspore_rl-{mg_version}-py3-none-any.whl --trusted-host ms-release.obs.cn-north-4.myhuaweicloud.com -i https://pypi.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/simple ``` > - Installing whl package will download MindSpore Golden Stick dependencies automatically (detail of dependencies is shown in requirement.txt), other dependencies should install manually. > - `{MindSpore_version}` stands for the version of MindSpore. For the version matching relationship between MindSpore and MindSpore Golden Stick, please refer to [page](https://www.mindspore.cn/versions). > - `{ms_version}` stands for the version of MindSpore Golden Stick. For example, if you would like to download version 0.3.0, you should fill 2.0.0 in `{MindSpore_version}` and fill 0.3.0 in `{mg_version}`. ## Installing from source code Download [source code](https://gitee.com/mindspore/golden-stick), then enter the `golden-stick` directory. ```shell bash build.sh pip install output/mindspore_gs-0.3.0-py3-none-any.whl ``` `build.sh` is the compiling script in `golden-stick` directory. ### Verification If you can successfully execute following command, then the installation is completed. ```python import mindspore_gs ```