# Copyright 2024 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
"""Checkpoint related classes and functions."""
import os
from mindspore.train.serialization import save_checkpoint
from mindspore.parallel._utils import _get_device_num
from mindspore import _checkparam as Validator
from mindspore.train.callback._callback import Callback
from mindspore import context
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore.communication import get_rank, get_group_size
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.train.serialization import _get_cur_rank_dp
from mindspore._c_expression import _repair_device, _stop_device, _tft_sem_post, _tft_sem_enable
from mindspore._c_expression import clean_tdt_channel
from mindspore._c_expression import send_recv, reset_params
from mindspore._c_expression import CollectiveManager
from mindspore._c_expression import _get_uce_process_strategy, _get_uce_mem_info
from mindspore._c_expression import Tensor as Tensor_
import mindspore
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
def _get_ckpt_dir(step, ckpt_save_path, is_tmp_file):
""" Common func to generate ckpt dir name."""
tmp = "_tmp" if is_tmp_file else ""
mid_dir = f"tft_saved_checkpoints-step_{str(step)}{tmp}"
return os.path.join(ckpt_save_path, mid_dir)
def _save_checkpoint_on_failure(step, save_info, args, cb_ctx):
""" Callback used for TFT save ckpt function when errors occur."""
logger.info("Enter _save_checkpoint_on_failure function")
if not cb_ctx._is_params_consistent(): # pylint: disable=W0212
raise RuntimeError("Can't save parameters, because they are left in inconsistent state!")
ckpt_save_path = cb_ctx.ckpt_save_path
cb_params = args
cur_rank = get_rank()
cur_step_num = cb_params.cur_step_num
cur_epoch_num = cb_params.cur_epoch_num
batch_num = cb_params.batch_num
if cur_step_num > step:
cur_epoch_num = (step - 1) // batch_num + 1
step_num_in_epoch = int((step - 1) % batch_num + 1)
append_dict = {}
append_dict["epoch_num"] = cur_epoch_num
append_dict["step_num"] = step
append_dict["cur_rank"] = cur_rank
append_dict["batch_num"] = batch_num
append_dict["__exception_save__"] = True
append_dict["global_step"] = Parameter([cb_ctx.global_step])
outputs = cb_params.net_outputs
if isinstance(outputs, (tuple, list)) and len(outputs) >= 3:
append_dict["loss_scale"] = outputs[2]
ckpt_file = f"ttp_rank_{str(cur_rank)}-{str(cur_epoch_num)}_{str(step_num_in_epoch)}.ckpt"
cur_ckpt_dir = _get_ckpt_dir(step, ckpt_save_path, True) + "/rank_" + str(cur_rank)
os.makedirs(cur_ckpt_dir, exist_ok=True)
cur_file = os.path.join(cur_ckpt_dir, ckpt_file)
save_checkpoint(cb_params.train_network, cur_file,
integrated_save=False, append_dict=append_dict)
logger.info("Finish _save_checkpoint_on_failure function")
def _rename_save_result(step, cb_ctx):
""" Callback used for TFT rename function after ckpt save callback was finished and successful."""
logger.info("Enter _rename_save_result function")
tmp_dir = _get_ckpt_dir(step, cb_ctx.ckpt_save_path, True)
fin_dir = _get_ckpt_dir(step, cb_ctx.ckpt_save_path, False)
os.rename(tmp_dir, fin_dir)
logger.info("Finish _rename_save_result function")
def _tft_exit_cb(ctx):
logger.error("Enter mindio ttp exit process, which means other ranks occur exception, check other ranks' logs!")
os._exit(1) # pylint: disable=W0212
def _tft_repair_callback(step, need_rebuild, error_ranks, repair_info, args, cb_ctx):
""" Callback used for TFT repair function."""
logger.info("Enter _tft_repair_callback repair type: {}".format(repair_info["repair_type"]))
if(repair_info["repair_type"] == cb_ctx.tft.RepairType.RT_UCE_HIGHLEVEL.value\
or repair_info["repair_type"] == cb_ctx.tft.RepairType.RT_UCE_LOWLEVEL.value):
logger.info("Enter _tft_repair_callback uce REPARI_DEVICE device_id : {}".format(cb_ctx.device_id))
if(repair_info["repair_type"] == cb_ctx.tft.RepairType.RT_UCE_HIGHLEVEL.value\
or repair_info["repair_type"] == cb_ctx.tft.RepairType.RT_SEND.value):
logger.info("Enter _tft_repair_callback SEND_RECV repair type: \
{}, src_rank:{}, dst_rank: {}".format(repair_info["repair_type"], repair_info["src"], repair_info["dst"]))
cb_params = args
src_rank = repair_info["src"][0]
dst_rank = repair_info["dst"][0]
if send_recv(cb_params.train_network.trainable_params(), src_rank, dst_rank) != 0:
raise ValueError("Call send_recv failed.")
logger.info("Finish _tft_repair_callback")
def _tft_clean_callback(is_uce_error, args, ctx):
""" Callback used for TFT clean function."""
logger.info("Enter _tft_clean_callback")
ret = 0
if is_uce_error:
err_strategy = _get_uce_process_strategy()
logger.info("_tft_clean_callback err_strategy: {}".format(err_strategy))
if err_strategy == "RS_UCE_HIGHLEVEL":
ret = 0
elif err_strategy == "RS_UCE_LOWLEVEL":
ret = 2
ret = 1
logger.info("Enter _tft_clean_callback resume_hccl_comm")
logger.info("Finish _tft_clean_callback, ret: {}".format(ret))
return ret
def _tft_stop_callback(args, cb_ctx):
""" Callback used for TFT stop function."""
logger.info("Enter _tft_stop_callback device_id: {}".format(cb_ctx.device_id))
if (not cb_ctx.is_uce_rank) and (not cb_ctx._is_params_consistent()): # pylint: disable=W0212
raise RuntimeError("Can't stop device, because training parameters are left in inconsistent state!")
cb_ctx.is_uce_rank = False
logger.info("Finish _tft_stop_callback")
[文档]class TFTRegister(Callback):
This callback is used to enable the TFT feature
`MindIO TFT <https://www.hiascend.com/document/detail/zh/mindx-dl/60rc2/mindio/mindiottp/mindiottp001.html>`_.
This callback will execute TFT operations during training process, such as TFT init, report and exception handle.
Required for Ascend graph mode only. And sink size must be less than or equal to 1.
ctrl_rank_id (int): TFT controller's running rank_id, used for init TFT controller.
ctrl_ip (str): TFT controller's ip address, used for init TFT controller.
ctrl_port (int): TFT controller's ip port, used for init TFT controller and processor.
ckpt_save_path (str): Checkpoint save directory when failure occurs, checkpoint file will save to directory
named ttp_saved_checkpoints-step_{cur_step_num} under this directory.
Exception: TFT init failed.
ModuleNotFoundError: Mindio TFT whl package is not installed.
.. note::
Before running the following examples, you need to configure the communication environment variables.
It's recommended to use the msrun startup method.
Please see the `msrun start up
for more details.
This example should be run with 4 devices.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import os
>>> import math
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> from mindspore import nn, ops, Parameter, train
>>> from mindspore.communication import init, get_rank
>>> from mindspore.common.initializer import initializer, HeUniform
>>> from mindspore.train import Model, TFTRegister
>>> from mindspore import dataset as ds
>>> ms.set_context(mode=ms.GRAPH_MODE, jit_level='O2')
>>> ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.SEMI_AUTO_PARALLEL, pipeline_stages=2)
>>> init()
>>> ms.set_seed(1)
>>> ms.set_auto_parallel_context(strategy_ckpt_config={"save_file":
... "./src_pipeline_strategys/src_strategy_{}.ckpt".format(get_rank())})
>>> class MatMulCell(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self, param=None, shape=None):
... super().__init__()
... if shape is None:
... shape = [28 * 28, 512]
... weight_init = HeUniform(math.sqrt(5))
... self.param = Parameter(initializer(weight_init, shape), name="param")
... if param is not None:
... self.param = param
... self.print = ops.Print()
... self.matmul = ops.MatMul()
... def construct(self, x):
... out = self.matmul(x, self.param)
... self.print("out is:", out)
... return out
>>> class Network(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super().__init__()
... self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
... self.layer1 = MatMulCell()
... self.relu1 = nn.ReLU()
... self.layer2 = nn.Dense(512, 512)
... self.relu2 = nn.ReLU()
... self.layer3 = nn.Dense(512, 10)
... def construct(self, x):
... x = self.flatten(x)
... x = self.layer1(x)
... x = self.relu1(x)
... x = self.layer2(x)
... x = self.relu2(x)
... logits = self.layer3(x)
... return logits
>>> net = Network()
>>> net.layer1.pipeline_stage = 0
>>> net.relu1.pipeline_stage = 0
>>> net.layer2.pipeline_stage = 0
>>> net.relu2.pipeline_stage = 1
>>> net.layer3.pipeline_stage = 1
>>> def create_dataset(batch_size):
... dataset_path = os.getenv("DATA_PATH")
... dataset = ds.MnistDataset(dataset_path)
... image_transforms = [
... ds.vision.Rescale(1.0 / 255.0, 0),
... ds.vision.Normalize(mean=(0.1307,), std=(0.3081,)),
... ds.vision.HWC2CHW()
... ]
... label_transform = ds.transforms.TypeCast(ms.int32)
... dataset = dataset.map(image_transforms, 'image')
... dataset = dataset.map(label_transform, 'label')
... dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
... return dataset
>>> dataset = create_dataset(32)
>>> optimizer = nn.SGD(net.trainable_params(), 1e-2)
>>> optimizer_wrapper = nn.OptTFTWrapper(optimizer)
>>> loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
>>> net_with_loss = nn.PipelineCell(nn.WithLossCell(net, loss_fn), 4)
>>> net_with_loss.set_train()
>>> model = Model(net_with_loss, optimizer=optimizer_wrapper)
>>> tft_cb = TFTRegister(0, "", 2000, "./tft_checkpoint/")
>>> loss_cb = train.LossMonitor(1)
>>> model.train(1, dataset, callbacks=[tft_cb, loss_cb])
def __init__(self, ctrl_rank_id, ctrl_ip, ctrl_port, ckpt_save_path):
super(TFTRegister, self).__init__()
tft_env = os.getenv("MS_ENABLE_TFT", "")
if ("TTP:1" not in tft_env) and ("UCE:1" not in tft_env):
raise ValueError("MindIO TFT regitster need custom switch on[MS_ENABLE_TFT='{TTP:1,UCE:1}']!")
mode = context.get_context("mode")
device_target = context.get_context("device_target")
if device_target != "Ascend" or mode != context.GRAPH_MODE:
raise ValueError("MindIO adataper only support on Ascend device with GRAPH Mode!")
# let it raise errors if not install mindio_tft package
from mindio_ttp import framework_ttp as tft
self.tft = tft
self.global_step = 0
self.has_init_replica = False
self.is_uce_rank = False
self._controller_ip = ctrl_ip
self._controller_rank_id = ctrl_rank_id
self._controller_port = ctrl_port
self.cb_params = None
self.device_id = context.get_context("device_id")
self.ckpt_save_path = ckpt_save_path
self.assign = mindspore.ops.Assign()
self.g_one = Parameter(Tensor([1], dtype=mstype.int32))
self.s1 = mindspore.hal.Stream()
def _is_params_consistent(self):
for key, param in self.cb_params.train_network.parameters_and_names():
if "tft_g_one_flag" in key:
with mindspore.hal.StreamCtx(self.s1):
tft_g_one_flag = Tensor(Tensor_.move_to(param, "CPU", False))
return int(tft_g_one_flag) == 1
return False
def _set_tft_optimizer_replica(self, run_context):
""" set Mindio TFT optimizer replica info, used internal. """
cur_rank = get_rank()
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
train_network = cb_params.train_network
# in data_parallel mode, every ranks has same train parameters
if context.get_auto_parallel_context("parallel_mode") == "data_parallel":
group_size = get_group_size()
dp = tuple(range(group_size))
param_layout_dict = train_network.parameter_layout_dict
dp = _get_cur_rank_dp(param_layout_dict) if param_layout_dict else _get_cur_rank_dp(train_network)
logger.warning(f"Set TFT replica with dp: {dp}.")
replica_info = [
"type": 1,
"rank_list": list(dp),
"replica_cnt": len(dp),
"replica_shift": 0
self.tft.tft_set_optimizer_replica(cur_rank, replica_info)
def _init_tft(self):
""" Init Mindio TFT, used internal. """
logger.info("Begin to init tft.")
self.tft.tft_register_save_ckpt_handler(_save_checkpoint_on_failure, self)
self.tft.tft_register_rename_handler(_rename_save_result, self)
self.tft.tft_register_exit_handler(_tft_exit_cb, self)
self.tft.tft_register_stop_handler(_tft_stop_callback, self)
self.tft.tft_register_clean_handler(_tft_clean_callback, self)
self.tft.tft_register_repair_handler(_tft_repair_callback, self)
world_size = _get_device_num()
cur_rank = get_rank()
enable_local_copy = False
enable_arf = False
enable_tls = False
tls_key_dir = ""
if cur_rank == self._controller_rank_id:
logger.info(f"Begin to start tft controller on rank_id:{cur_rank}")
self.tft.tft_init_controller(cur_rank, world_size, enable_local_copy, enable_arf)
self.tft.tft_start_controller(self._controller_ip, self._controller_port, enable_tls, tls_key_dir)
logger.info("Finish start tft controller.")
logger.info("Begin to start tft processor.")
self.tft.tft_init_processor(cur_rank, world_size, enable_local_copy, enable_tls, tls_key_dir)
self.tft.tft_start_processor(self._controller_ip, self._controller_port)
logger.info("Finished start tft processor.")
def _reset_acc_grads(self):
accu_grad_params = map(lambda e: e[1],
filter(lambda e: e[1].name.startswith('accu_grads'),
accu_grad_list = list(accu_grad_params)
if reset_params(accu_grad_list) != 0:
raise ValueError("Call reset_params failed.")
[文档] def on_train_step_end(self, run_context):
And report status to MindIO TFT after every step finished.
run_context (RunContext): Context of the train running. Refer to
:class:`mindspore.train.RunContext` for detail.
if self.has_init_replica is False:
self.has_init_replica = True
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
logger.info("START Set optimizer finish step status to TFT. step: {}".format(cb_params.cur_step_num))
if cb_params.optimizer is not None:
self.global_step = int(cb_params.optimizer.global_step.data)
self.assign(cb_params.optimizer.tft_g_one_flag, self.g_one)
self.global_step = int(cb_params.network.optimizer.global_step.data)
self.assign(cb_params.network.optimizer.tft_g_one_flag, self.g_one)
logger.info("END Set optimizer finish step status to TFT.")
def on_train_begin(self, run_context):
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
sink_size = cb_params.get("sink_size", 0)
if sink_size > 1:
raise ValueError("TFT feature doesn't support sink_size > 1.")
logger.info("Set set args to TFT.")
self.cb_params = cb_params
def end(self, run_context):
cur_rank = get_rank()
if cur_rank == self._controller_rank_id: