# Copyright 2022 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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# ============================================================================
"""ReduceLROnPlateau Callback class."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import numpy as np
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore import _checkparam as Validator
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.ops import functional as F, ReduceOp
from mindspore import nn, ops
from mindspore.communication import get_group_size
from mindspore.context import ParallelMode
from mindspore.parallel._auto_parallel_context import auto_parallel_context
from mindspore.train.callback._callback import Callback, _handle_loss
_smaller_better_metrics = ['hausdorff_distance', 'mae', 'mse', 'loss', 'perplexity',
'mean_surface_distance', 'root_mean_square_distance', 'eval_loss']
[文档]class ReduceLROnPlateau(Callback):
Reduce learning rate when the monitor has stopped improving.
Models often benefit from reducing the learning rate by a factor
of 2-10 once learning stagnates. This callback monitors the training
process and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number
of epochs, the learning rate is reduced.
Learning rate grouping is not supported now.
monitor (str): quantity to be monitored. If evaluation is performed on
the end of train epochs, the valid monitors can be ``"loss"``,
``"eval_loss"`` or metric names passed when instantiate the `Model`;
otherwise the valid monitor is ``"loss"``.
When `monitor` is ``"loss"``, if train network has multiple outputs,
the first element will be returned as training loss. Default: ``'eval_loss'``.
factor (float): factor by which the learning rate will be reduced.
`new_lr = lr * factor`. Default: ``0.1`` .
patience (int): `monitor` value is better than history best value over
`min_delta` is seen as improvement, `patience` is number of epochs
with no improvement that would be waited. When the waiting
counter `self.wait` is larger than or equal to `patience`, the lr
will be reduced. Default: ``10`` .
verbose (bool): If False: quiet, if True: print related information.
Default: ``False`` .
mode (str): one of `{'auto', 'min', 'max'}`. In "min" mode,
the learning rate will be reduced when the
quantity monitored has stopped decreasing; in "max" mode it will be
reduced when the quantity monitored has stopped increasing; in "auto"
mode, the direction is automatically inferred from the name of the
monitored quantity. Default: ``'auto'`` .
min_delta (float): threshold for measuring the new optimum, to only focus on
significant changes. Default: ``1e-4`` .
cooldown (int): number of epochs to wait before resuming normal operation after
lr has been reduced. Default: ``0`` .
min_lr (float): lower bound on the learning rate. Default: ``0`` .
ValueError: `mode` not in ``'auto'``, ``'min'`` or ``'max'``.
ValueError: The monitor value is not a scalar.
ValueError: The learning rate is not a Parameter.
>>> from mindspore import nn
>>> from mindspore.train import Model, ReduceLROnPlateau
>>> # Define the network structure of LeNet5. Refer to
>>> # https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r2.5.0/docs/mindspore/code/lenet.py
>>> net = LeNet5()
>>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean')
>>> optim = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), 0.01, 0.9)
>>> model = Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=optim, metrics={"acc"})
>>> # Create the dataset taking MNIST as an example. Refer to
>>> # https://gitee.com/mindspore/docs/blob/r2.5.0/docs/mindspore/code/mnist.py
>>> dataset = create_dataset()
>>> cb = ReduceLROnPlateau(monitor="acc", patience=3, verbose=True)
>>> model.fit(10, dataset, callbacks=cb)
def __init__(self, monitor='eval_loss', factor=0.1, patience=10, verbose=False,
mode='auto', min_delta=1e-4, cooldown=0, min_lr=0):
super(ReduceLROnPlateau, self).__init__()
self.monitor = Validator.check_value_type('monitor', monitor, str)
self.factor = Validator.check_float_range(factor, 0.0, 1.0, Validator.INC_NEITHER)
self.patience = Validator.check_non_negative_int(patience)
self.verbose = Validator.check_bool(verbose)
self.mode = Validator.check_value_type('mode', mode, str)
min_delta = Validator.check_value_type("min_delta", min_delta, [float, int])
self.min_delta = abs(min_delta)
self.cooldown = Validator.check_non_negative_int(cooldown)
self.min_lr = Validator.check_value_type("min_lr", min_lr, [float, int])
self.cooldown_counter = 0
self.wait = 0
self._reduce = ValueReduce()
if self.mode not in ['auto', 'min', 'max']:
raise ValueError("mode should be 'auto', 'min' or 'max', but got %s." % self.mode)
if self.mode == 'min' or (self.mode == 'auto' and self.monitor in _smaller_better_metrics):
self.is_improvement = lambda a, b: np.less(a, b-self.min_delta)
self.best = np.Inf
self.is_improvement = lambda a, b: np.greater(a, b+self.min_delta)
self.best = -np.Inf
[文档] def on_train_begin(self, run_context):
Initialize variables at the begin of training.
run_context (RunContext): Context information of the model. For more details,
please refer to :class:`mindspore.train.RunContext`.
self.cooldown_counter = 0
self.wait = 0
if self.mode == 'min' or (self.mode == 'auto' and self.monitor in _smaller_better_metrics):
self.best = np.Inf
self.best = -np.Inf
[文档] def on_train_epoch_end(self, run_context):
monitors the training process and if no improvement is seen for a 'patience' number
of epochs, the learning rate is reduced.
run_context (RunContext): Context information of the model. For more details,
please refer to :class:`mindspore.train.RunContext`.
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
cur_lr = cb_params.optimizer.learning_rate
if not isinstance(cur_lr, Parameter):
raise ValueError("ReduceLROnPlateau does not support dynamic learning rate and group learning rate now.")
current_monitor_value = self._get_monitor_value(cb_params)
parallel_mode = auto_parallel_context().get_parallel_mode()
rank_size = 1 if parallel_mode == ParallelMode.STAND_ALONE else get_group_size()
if rank_size == 1:
reduce_monitor_value = current_monitor_value
reduce_monitor_value = self._reduce(Tensor(current_monitor_value, mstype.float32)).asnumpy() / rank_size
if reduce_monitor_value is None:
if self.cooldown_counter > 0:
self.cooldown_counter -= 1
self.wait = 0
if self.is_improvement(reduce_monitor_value, self.best):
self.best = reduce_monitor_value
self.wait = 0
elif self.cooldown_counter <= 0:
self.wait += 1
if self.wait >= self.patience:
if cur_lr > Tensor(self.min_lr):
new_lr = max(cur_lr * self.factor, self.min_lr)
F.assign(cb_params.optimizer.learning_rate, Tensor(new_lr))
if self.verbose:
print('Epoch %05d: ReduceLROnPlateau reducing learning rate to %s.'
% (cb_params.cur_epoch_num, new_lr))
self.cooldown_counter = self.cooldown
self.wait = 0
def _get_monitor_value(self, cb_params):
Get the monitor value at the end of epoch during training.
If `mindspore.train.callback.ReduceLROnPlateau` used with `model.train`, no evaluation process
during training, only monitor="loss" is valid; if it used with `model.fit`, evaluation process will be
performed at the end of epoch, valid monitor is "loss", "eval_loss" and metrics passed to `Model`.
cb_params (dict): A dictionary stores context information of the model. For more details,
please refer to :class:`mindspore.train.RunContext`.
monitor_candidates = {}
if self.monitor == "loss":
loss = cb_params.get("net_outputs")
monitor_value = _handle_loss(loss)
if isinstance(loss, float) and (np.isnan(loss) or np.isinf(loss)):
logger.warning("Invalid %s.", self.monitor)
monitor_candidates = cb_params.get("eval_results", {})
monitor_value = monitor_candidates.get(self.monitor)
if monitor_value is None:
support_keys = set(["loss"] + list(monitor_candidates.keys()))
logger.warning('Learning rate reduction is conditioned on %s, '
'which is not available. Available choices are: %s',
self.monitor, support_keys)
if isinstance(monitor_value, np.ndarray) and monitor_value.shape != ():
raise ValueError("ReduceLROnPlateau only supports scalar monitor now.")
return np.array(monitor_value) if monitor_value else None
class ValueReduce(nn.Cell):
Reduces the tensor data across all devices, all devices will get the same final result.
For more details, please refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.AllReduce`.
def __init__(self):
super(ValueReduce, self).__init__()
self.allreduce = ops.AllReduce(ReduceOp.SUM)
def construct(self, x):
return self.allreduce(x)