mindspore.common.dtype 源代码

# This is the Python adaptation and derivative work of Myia (https://github.com/mila-iqia/myia/).
# Copyright 2020-2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# ============================================================================
"""Data type for MindSpore."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import enum
from inspect import isfunction
import numpy as np
from mindspore._c_expression import typing
from mindspore._c_expression.typing import Type

__dtype__ = [
    "int8", "byte",
    "int16", "short",
    "int32", "intc",
    "int64", "intp",
    "uint8", "ubyte",
    "uint16", "ushort",
    "uint32", "uintc",
    "uint64", "uintp",
    "float16", "half",
    "float32", "single",
    "float64", "double",
    "bool_", "float_",
    "list_", "tuple_",
    "int_", "uint",
    "number", "tensor_type",
    "string", "type_none",
    "TensorType", "_null",
    "Type", "Int",
    "complex64", "complex128",
    "bfloat16", "qint4x2"

__method__ = [
    "dtype_to_nptype", "dtype_to_pytype",
    "pytype_to_dtype", "get_py_obj_dtype"

__all__ = ["Type", "QuantDtype"]

# type definition
bool_ = typing.Bool()

qint4x2 = typing.Int(4)
int8 = typing.Int(8)
byte = int8
int16 = typing.Int(16)
short = int16
int32 = typing.Int(32)
intc = int32
int64 = typing.Int(64)
intp = int64

uint8 = typing.UInt(8)
ubyte = uint8
uint16 = typing.UInt(16)
ushort = uint16
uint32 = typing.UInt(32)
uintc = uint32
uint64 = typing.UInt(64)
uintp = uint64

float16 = typing.Float(16)
half = float16
float32 = typing.Float(32)
single = float32
float64 = typing.Float(64)
double = float64
bfloat16 = typing.BFloat(16)
complex64 = typing.Complex(64)
complex128 = typing.Complex(128)

number = typing.Number()
int_ = typing.Int()
uint = typing.UInt()
float_ = typing.Float()
string = typing.String()
list_ = typing.List()
tuple_ = typing.Tuple()
type_none = typing.TypeNone()
_null = typing.TypeNull()

tensor_type = typing.TensorType()
index_slices = typing.RowTensorType()
coo_tensor = typing.COOTensorType()
csr_tensor = typing.CSRTensorType()
undetermined = typing.UndeterminedType()

function = typing.Function()
symbolic_key = typing.SymbolicKeyType()
env_type = typing.EnvType()
type_type = typing.TypeType()
type_refkey = typing.RefKeyType()

Int = typing.Int
Float = typing.Float
Bool = typing.Bool
String = typing.String
List = typing.List
Tuple = typing.Tuple
Dict = typing.Dict
Slice = typing.Slice
FunctionType = typing.Function
Ellipsis_ = typing.TypeEllipsis
MsClassType = typing.TypeMsClassType
NoneType = typing.TypeNone
EnvType = typing.EnvType
TensorType = typing.TensorType
CSRTensorType = typing.CSRTensorType
AnythingType = typing.TypeAny
RefType = typing.RefType
_NullType = typing.TypeNull

number_type = (int8,

int_type = (int8, int16, int32, int64,)
uint_type = (uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64,)
float_type = (float16, float32, float64, bfloat16,)
signed_type = (int8, byte, int16, short, int32, intc, int64,
               intp, float16, half, float32, single, float64,
               double, bfloat16, complex64, complex128)
complex_type = (complex64, complex128,)
all_types = (bool_, int8, uint8, int16, int32, int64, float16, float32, float64, bfloat16, complex64, complex128)
implicit_conversion_seq = {t: idx for idx, t in enumerate(all_types)}

_simple_types = {
    list: list_,
    tuple: tuple_,
    type(None): type_none,
    bool: bool_,
    int: int64,
    float: float64,
    complex: complex128,
    str: string,
    np.bool_: bool_,
    np.str_: string,
    np.int8: int8,
    np.int16: int16,
    np.int32: int32,
    np.int64: int64,
    np.uint8: uint8,
    np.uint16: uint16,
    np.uint32: uint32,
    np.uint64: uint64,
    np.float16: float16,
    np.float32: float32,
    np.float64: float64,

[文档]def pytype_to_dtype(obj): """ Convert python type to MindSpore type. Args: obj (type): A python type object. Returns: Type of MindSpore type. Raises: NotImplementedError: If the python type cannot be converted to MindSpore type. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> out = ms.pytype_to_dtype(bool) >>> print(out) Bool """ if isinstance(obj, np.dtype): obj = obj.type if isinstance(obj, typing.Type): return obj if not isinstance(obj, type): raise TypeError("For 'pytype_to_dtype', the argument 'obj' must be a python type object," "such as int, float, str, etc. But got type {}.".format(type(obj))) if obj in _simple_types: return _simple_types[obj] raise NotImplementedError(f"The python type {obj} cannot be converted to MindSpore type.")
[文档]def get_py_obj_dtype(obj): """ Get the MindSpore data type, which corresponds to python type or variable. Args: obj (type): An object of python type, or a variable of python type. Returns: Type of MindSpore type. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> ms.get_py_obj_dtype(1) mindspore.int64 """ # Tensor if hasattr(obj, 'shape') and hasattr(obj, 'dtype') and isinstance(obj.dtype, typing.Type): return TensorType(obj.dtype) # Primitive or Cell if hasattr(obj, '__primitive_flag__') or hasattr(obj, 'construct'): return function # python function type if isfunction(obj): return function # mindspore type if isinstance(obj, typing.Type): return type_type # python type if isinstance(obj, type): return pytype_to_dtype(obj) # others return pytype_to_dtype(type(obj))
[文档]def dtype_to_nptype(type_): r""" Convert MindSpore dtype to numpy data type. Args: type\_ (:class:`mindspore.dtype`): MindSpore's dtype. Returns: The data type of numpy. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> ms.dtype_to_nptype(ms.int8) <class 'numpy.int8'> """ return { bool_: np.bool_, int8: np.int8, int16: np.int16, int32: np.int32, int64: np.int64, uint8: np.uint8, uint16: np.uint16, uint32: np.uint32, uint64: np.uint64, float16: np.float16, float32: np.float32, float64: np.float64, complex64: np.complex64, complex128: np.complex128, bfloat16: np.float32, }[type_]
[文档]def dtype_to_pytype(type_): r""" Convert MindSpore dtype to python data type. Args: type\_ (:class:`mindspore.dtype`): MindSpore's dtype. Returns: Type of python. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> out = ms.dtype_to_pytype(ms.bool_) >>> print(out) <class 'bool'> """ return { bool_: bool, int_: int, int8: int, int16: int, int32: int, int64: int, uint8: int, uint16: int, uint32: int, uint64: int, float_: float, float16: float, float32: float, float64: float, bfloat16: float, list_: list, tuple_: tuple, string: str, complex64: complex, complex128: complex, type_none: type(None) }[type_]
def _issubclass_(type_, dtype): if not isinstance(type_, typing.Type): return False return typing.is_subclass(type_, dtype) def type_size_in_bytes(dtype): """ Return type size in bytes. Args: dtype (:class:`mindspore.dtype`): MindSpore dtype. Returns: Type size in bytes. """ if not isinstance(dtype, typing.Type): raise TypeError("The argument `dtype` should be instance of ", typing.Type) return typing.type_size_in_bytes(dtype) # generate api by del decorator.
[文档]class QuantDtype(): """ An enum for quant datatype, contains `INT1` ~ `INT16`, `UINT1` ~ `UINT16`. `QuantDtype` is defined in `dtype.py <https://gitee.com/mindspore/mindspore/blob/v2.3.0-rc2/mindspore/python/mindspore/common/dtype.py>`_ , use command below to import: .. code-block:: from mindspore import QuantDtype Tutorial Examples: - `Quantization algorithm in Golden Stick <https://www.mindspore.cn/golden_stick/docs/en/master/quantization/slb.html #applying-the-quantization-algorithm>`_ """ INT1 = 0 INT2 = 1 INT3 = 2 INT4 = 3 INT5 = 4 INT6 = 5 INT7 = 6 INT8 = 7 INT9 = 8 INT10 = 9 INT11 = 10 INT12 = 11 INT13 = 12 INT14 = 13 INT15 = 14 INT16 = 15 UINT1 = 100 UINT2 = 101 UINT3 = 102 UINT4 = 103 UINT5 = 104 UINT6 = 105 UINT7 = 106 UINT8 = 107 UINT9 = 108 UINT10 = 109 UINT11 = 110 UINT12 = 111 UINT13 = 112 UINT14 = 113 UINT15 = 114 UINT16 = 115 def __str__(self): return f"{self.name}"
[文档] def value(self) -> int: """ Return value of `QuantDtype`. This interface is currently used to serialize or deserialize `QuantDtype` primarily. Returns: An int as value of `QuantDtype`. Examples: >>> from mindspore import QuantDtype >>> print(QuantDtype.INT8.value()) 7 >>> print(QuantDtype.UINT16.value()) 115 """ return self._value_