mindspore.nn.layer.rnn_cells 源代码

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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"""RNN Cells module, include RNNCell, GRUCell, LSTMCell."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from functools import wraps

import math
import numpy as np

import mindspore.ops as P
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.common.initializer import initializer, Uniform
from mindspore.ops.primitive import constexpr, _primexpr
from mindspore.nn.cell import Cell
from mindspore import _checkparam as validator

__all__ = ['LSTMCell', 'GRUCell', 'RNNCell']

def _check_input_dtype(input_dtype, param_name, allow_dtypes, cls_name):
    validator.check_type_name(param_name, input_dtype, allow_dtypes, cls_name)

def _check_is_tensor(param_name, input_data, cls_name):
    """Internal function, used to check whether the input data is Tensor."""
    if input_data is not None and not isinstance(P.typeof(input_data), mstype.TensorType):
        raise TypeError(f"For '{cls_name}', the '{param_name}' must be '{mstype.TensorType}', "
                        f"but got '{P.typeof(input_data)}'")

def _check_is_tuple(param_name, input_data, cls_name):
    """Internal function, used to check whether the input data is Tensor."""
    if input_data is not None and not isinstance(P.typeof(input_data), mstype.Tuple):
        raise TypeError(f"For '{cls_name}', the '{param_name}' must be '{mstype.Tuple}', "
                        f"but got '{P.typeof(input_data)}'")

def _check_tuple_length(param_name, input_data, length, cls_name):
    """Internal function, used to check whether the input data is Tensor."""
    if input_data is not None and len(input_data) != length:
        raise TypeError(f"For '{cls_name}', the length of '{param_name}' must be '{length}', "
                        f"but got '{len(input_data)}'")

def _check_batch_size_equal(batch_size_x, batch_size_hx, cls_name):
    if batch_size_x != batch_size_hx:
        raise ValueError(f"For '{cls_name}' batch size of x and hx must be equal, but got {batch_size_x} of x "
                         f"and {batch_size_hx} of hx.")

def _check_lstmcell_init(func):
    """Internal function, used to check init args."""
    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
        logger.warning(f"LSTMCell has been changed from 'single LSTM layer' to 'single LSTM cell', "
                       f"if you still need use single LSTM layer, please use `nn.LSTM` instead.")
        if len(args) > 4 or 'batch_size' in kwargs or \
            'dropout' in kwargs or 'bidirectional' in kwargs:
            raise ValueError(f"The arguments of `nn.LSTMCell` from old MindSpore version(<1.6) are detected, "
                             f"if you still need use single LSTM layer, please use `nn.LSTM` instead.")
        return func(*args, **kwargs)
    return wrapper

def _rnn_tanh_cell(inputs, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    '''RNN cell function with tanh activation'''
    if b_ih is None:
        igates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih)
        hgates = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh)
        igates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih) + b_ih
        hgates = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh) + b_hh
    return P.Tanh()(igates + hgates)

def _rnn_relu_cell(inputs, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    '''RNN cell function with relu activation'''
    if b_ih is None:
        igates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih)
        hgates = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh)
        igates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih) + b_ih
        hgates = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh) + b_hh
    return P.ReLU()(igates + hgates)

def _lstm_cell(inputs, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    '''LSTM cell function'''
    hx, cx = hidden
    if b_ih is None:
        gates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih) + P.MatMul(False, True)(hx, w_hh)
        gates = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih) + P.MatMul(False, True)(hx, w_hh) + b_ih + b_hh
    ingate, forgetgate, cellgate, outgate = P.Split(1, 4)(gates)

    ingate = P.Sigmoid()(ingate)
    forgetgate = P.Sigmoid()(forgetgate)
    cellgate = P.Tanh()(cellgate)
    outgate = P.Sigmoid()(outgate)

    cy = (forgetgate * cx) + (ingate * cellgate)
    hy = outgate * P.Tanh()(cy)

    return hy, cy

def _gru_cell(inputs, hidden, w_ih, w_hh, b_ih, b_hh):
    '''GRU cell function'''
    if b_ih is None:
        gi = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih)
        gh = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh)
        gi = P.MatMul(False, True)(inputs, w_ih) + b_ih
        gh = P.MatMul(False, True)(hidden, w_hh) + b_hh
    i_r, i_i, i_n = P.Split(1, 3)(gi)
    h_r, h_i, h_n = P.Split(1, 3)(gh)

    resetgate = P.Sigmoid()(i_r + h_r)
    inputgate = P.Sigmoid()(i_i + h_i)
    newgate = P.Tanh()(i_n + resetgate * h_n)
    hy = newgate + inputgate * (hidden - newgate)

    return hy

class RNNCellBase(Cell):
    '''Basic class for RNN Cells'''
    def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, has_bias: bool, num_chunks: int):
        validator.check_value_type("has_bias", has_bias, [bool], self.cls_name)
        validator.check_positive_int(hidden_size, "hidden_size", self.cls_name)
        validator.check_positive_int(input_size, "input_size", self.cls_name)
        self.input_size = input_size
        self.hidden_size = hidden_size
        self.has_bias = has_bias
        self.weight_ih = Parameter(Tensor(np.random.randn(num_chunks * hidden_size, input_size).astype(np.float32)))
        self.weight_hh = Parameter(Tensor(np.random.randn(num_chunks * hidden_size, hidden_size).astype(np.float32)))
        if has_bias:
            self.bias_ih = Parameter(Tensor(np.random.randn(num_chunks * hidden_size).astype(np.float32)))
            self.bias_hh = Parameter(Tensor(np.random.randn(num_chunks * hidden_size).astype(np.float32)))
            self.bias_ih = None
            self.bias_hh = None

    def reset_parameters(self):
        stdv = 1 / math.sqrt(self.hidden_size)
        for weight in self.get_parameters():
            weight.set_data(initializer(Uniform(stdv), weight.shape))

[文档]class RNNCell(RNNCellBase): r""" An Elman RNN cell with tanh or ReLU non-linearity. .. math:: h_t = \tanh(W_{ih} x_t + b_{ih} + W_{hh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{hh}) Here :math:`h_t` is the hidden state at time `t`, :math:`x_t` is the input at time `t`, and :math:`h_{(t-1)}` is the hidden state of the previous layer at time :math:`t-1` or the initial hidden state at time `0`. If `nonlinearity` is `relu`, then `relu` is used instead of `tanh`. Args: input_size (int): Number of features of input. hidden_size (int): Number of features of hidden layer. has_bias (bool): Whether the cell has bias `b_ih` and `b_hh`. Default: ``True`` . nonlinearity (str): The non-linearity to use. Can be either ``"tanh"`` or ``"relu"`` . Default: ``"tanh"`` . Inputs: - **x** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, input\_size)` . - **hx** (Tensor) - Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . Data type of `hx` must be the same as `x`. Outputs: - **hx'** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . Raises: TypeError: If `input_size` or `hidden_size` is not an int or not greater than 0. TypeError: If `has_bias` is not a bool. ValueError: If `nonlinearity` is not in ['tanh', 'relu']. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import numpy as np >>> net = ms.nn.RNNCell(10, 16) >>> x = ms.Tensor(np.ones([5, 3, 10]).astype(np.float32)) >>> hx = ms.Tensor(np.ones([3, 16]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = [] >>> for i in range(5): ... hx = net(x[i], hx) ... output.append(hx) >>> print(output[0].shape) (3, 16) """ _non_linearity = ['tanh', 'relu'] def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, has_bias: bool = True, nonlinearity: str = "tanh"): super().__init__(input_size, hidden_size, has_bias, num_chunks=1) validator.check_value_type("nonlinearity", nonlinearity, [str], self.cls_name) validator.check_string(nonlinearity, self._non_linearity, "nonlinearity", self.cls_name) self.nonlinearity = nonlinearity def construct(self, x, hx): _check_is_tensor('x', x, self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('hx', hx, self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(x.dtype, "x", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(hx.dtype, "hx", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_batch_size_equal(x.shape[0], hx.shape[0], self.cls_name) if self.nonlinearity == "tanh": ret = _rnn_tanh_cell(x, hx, self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh, self.bias_ih, self.bias_hh) else: ret = _rnn_relu_cell(x, hx, self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh, self.bias_ih, self.bias_hh) return ret
[文档]class LSTMCell(RNNCellBase): r""" A LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) cell. .. math:: \begin{array}{ll} \\ i_t = \sigma(W_{ix} x_t + b_{ix} + W_{ih} h_{(t-1)} + b_{ih}) \\ f_t = \sigma(W_{fx} x_t + b_{fx} + W_{fh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{fh}) \\ \tilde{c}_t = \tanh(W_{cx} x_t + b_{cx} + W_{ch} h_{(t-1)} + b_{ch}) \\ o_t = \sigma(W_{ox} x_t + b_{ox} + W_{oh} h_{(t-1)} + b_{oh}) \\ c_t = f_t * c_{(t-1)} + i_t * \tilde{c}_t \\ h_t = o_t * \tanh(c_t) \\ \end{array} Here :math:`\sigma` is the sigmoid function, and :math:`*` is the Hadamard product. :math:`W, b` are learnable weights between the output and the input in the formula. For instance, :math:`W_{ix}, b_{ix}` are the weight and bias used to transform from input :math:`x` to :math:`i`. Details can be found in paper `LONG SHORT-TERM MEMORY <https://www.bioinf.jku.at/publications/older/2604.pdf>`_ and `Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Network Architectures for Large Scale Acoustic Modeling <https://static.googleusercontent.com/media/research.google.com/zh-CN//pubs/archive/43905.pdf>`_. The encapsulated LSTMCell can be simplified to the following formula: .. math:: h^{'},c^{'} = LSTMCell(x, (h_0, c_0)) Args: input_size (int): Number of features of input. hidden_size (int): Number of features of hidden layer. has_bias (bool): Whether the cell has bias `b_ih` and `b_hh`. Default: ``True`` . Inputs: - **x** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, input\_size)` . - **hx** (tuple) - A tuple of two Tensors (h_0, c_0) both of data type mindspore.float32 and shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . The data type of `hx` must be the same as `x`. Outputs: - **hx'** (Tensor) - A tuple of two Tensors (h', c') both of data shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . Raises: TypeError: If `input_size`, `hidden_size` is not an int. TypeError: If `has_bias` is not a bool. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import numpy as np >>> net = ms.nn.LSTMCell(10, 16) >>> x = ms.Tensor(np.ones([5, 3, 10]).astype(np.float32)) >>> h = ms.Tensor(np.ones([3, 16]).astype(np.float32)) >>> c = ms.Tensor(np.ones([3, 16]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = [] >>> for i in range(5): ... hx = net(x[i], (h, c)) ... output.append(hx) >>> print(output[0][0].shape) (3, 16) """ @_check_lstmcell_init def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, has_bias: bool = True): super().__init__(input_size, hidden_size, has_bias, num_chunks=4) self.support_non_tensor_inputs = True def construct(self, x, hx): _check_is_tensor('x', x, self.cls_name) _check_is_tuple('hx', hx, self.cls_name) _check_tuple_length('hx', hx, 2, self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('hx[0]', hx[0], self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('hx[1]', hx[1], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(x.dtype, "x", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(hx[0].dtype, "hx[0]", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(hx[1].dtype, "hx[1]", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_batch_size_equal(x.shape[0], hx[0].shape[0], self.cls_name) _check_batch_size_equal(x.shape[0], hx[1].shape[0], self.cls_name) return _lstm_cell(x, hx, self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh, self.bias_ih, self.bias_hh) def _check_construct_args(self, *inputs, **kwargs): if len(inputs) == 4: raise ValueError(f"For '{self.cls_name}', the number of input args of construct is {len(inputs)}, if you " f"are using the implementation of `nn.LSTMCell` from old MindSpore version(<1.6), " f"please notice that: LSTMCell has been changed from 'single LSTM layer' to " f"'single LSTM cell', if you still need use single LSTM layer, " f"please use `nn.LSTM` instead.") return super()._check_construct_args(*inputs, **kwargs)
[文档]class GRUCell(RNNCellBase): r""" A GRU(Gated Recurrent Unit) cell. .. math:: \begin{array}{ll} r = \sigma(W_{ir} x + b_{ir} + W_{hr} h + b_{hr}) \\ z = \sigma(W_{iz} x + b_{iz} + W_{hz} h + b_{hz}) \\ n = \tanh(W_{in} x + b_{in} + r * (W_{hn} h + b_{hn})) \\ h' = (1 - z) * n + z * h \end{array} Here :math:`\sigma` is the sigmoid function, and :math:`*` is the Hadamard product. :math:`W, b` are learnable weights between the output and the input in the formula. For instance, :math:`W_{ir}, b_{ir}` are the weight and bias used to transform from input :math:`x` to :math:`r`. Details can be found in paper `Learning Phrase Representations using RNN Encoder–Decoder for Statistical Machine Translation <https://aclanthology.org/D14-1179.pdf>`_. Args: input_size (int): Number of features of input. hidden_size (int): Number of features of hidden layer. has_bias (bool): Whether the cell has bias `b_in` and `b_hn`. Default: ``True`` . Inputs: - **x** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, input\_size)` . - **hx** (Tensor) - Tensor of data type mindspore.float32 and shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . Data type of `hx` must be the same as `x`. Outputs: - **hx'** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(batch\_size, hidden\_size)` . Raises: TypeError: If `input_size`, `hidden_size` is not an int. TypeError: If `has_bias` is not a bool. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import numpy as np >>> net = ms.nn.GRUCell(10, 16) >>> x = ms.Tensor(np.ones([5, 3, 10]).astype(np.float32)) >>> hx = ms.Tensor(np.ones([3, 16]).astype(np.float32)) >>> output = [] >>> for i in range(5): ... hx = net(x[i], hx) ... output.append(hx) >>> print(output[0].shape) (3, 16) """ def __init__(self, input_size: int, hidden_size: int, has_bias: bool = True): super().__init__(input_size, hidden_size, has_bias, num_chunks=3) def construct(self, x, hx): _check_is_tensor('x', x, self.cls_name) _check_is_tensor('hx', hx, self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(x.dtype, "x", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_input_dtype(hx.dtype, "hx", [mstype.float32, mstype.float16], self.cls_name) _check_batch_size_equal(x.shape[0], hx.shape[0], self.cls_name) return _gru_cell(x, hx, self.weight_ih, self.weight_hh, self.bias_ih, self.bias_hh)