mindspore.dataset.utils.line_reader 源代码

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# ==============================================================================
"""Efficient line based file reading.
import os

from mindspore import log as logger
from ..core.validator_helpers import check_filename, check_uint64, check_value

[文档]class LineReader: """ Efficient file line reader. This class is used to hold the line offsets of line based file. The following functionality is provided: - len(): return the number of lines in the file - readline(line): open file handle (if not opened yet), and read a line in the file - close(): close the file handle opened in readline Args: filename (str): line based file to be loaded. Raises: TypeError: Parameter `filename` is wrong. RuntimeError: The input file does not exist or is not a regular file. Examples: >>> from mindspore.dataset import LineReader >>> >>> reader = LineReader("/path/to/txt/or/csv/file") >>> reader.readline(1) >>> reader.close() """ def __init__(self, filename): check_filename(filename) self.filename = os.path.realpath(filename) if not os.path.exists(self.filename): raise RuntimeError("The input file [{}] does not exist.".format(filename)) if not os.path.isfile(self.filename): raise RuntimeError("The input file [{}] is not a regular file.".format(filename)) # get the line offsets self.offsets = [0] with open(self.filename, mode='rb') as fo: while fo.readline(): self.offsets.append(fo.tell()) # pop the last empty line offset self.offsets.pop() if not self.offsets: logger.warning("The input file [{}] is empty.".format(filename)) # will be init in readline self.fo_handle = None def __getitem__(self, line): """Read specified line content""" return self.readline(line) def __len__(self): """Get the total number of lines in the file""" return self.len() def __del__(self): """Close the file when object released""" self.close()
[文档] def len(self): """Get the total number of lines in the file""" return len(self.offsets)
[文档] def readline(self, line): """ Read specified line content. Args: line (int): the line number to be read, starting at 1. Returns: str, line content (until line break character). Raises: TypeError: Parameter `line` is the wrong type. ValueError: Parameter `line` exceeds the file range. """ check_uint64(line, "line") check_value(line, [1, len(self.offsets)], "line") if self.fo_handle is None: self.fo_handle = open(self.filename, mode="rt") self.fo_handle.seek(self.offsets[line - 1]) content = self.fo_handle.readline() # remove the line break character if content.endswith("\r\n"): content = content[:-2] elif content.endswith("\n"): content = content[:-1] elif content.endswith("\r"): content = content[:-1] return content
[文档] def close(self): """Close the file""" if self.fo_handle is None: return self.fo_handle.close() self.fo_handle = None