mindspore.ops.functional ============================= functional算子是经过初始化后的Primitive,可以直接作为函数使用。functional算子的使用示例如下: .. code-block:: python from mindspore import Tensor, ops from mindspore import dtype as mstype input_x = Tensor(-1, mstype.int32) input_dict = {'x':1, 'y':2} result_abs = ops.absolute(input_x) print(result_abs) result_in_dict = ops.in_dict('x', input_dict) print(result_in_dict) result_not_in_dict = ops.not_in_dict('x', input_dict) print(result_not_in_dict) result_isconstant = ops.isconstant(input_x) print(result_isconstant) result_typeof = ops.typeof(input_x) print(result_typeof) # outputs: # 1 # True # False # True # Tensor[Int32] 神经网络层函数 ---------------- 神经网络 ^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.adaptive_avg_pool2d mindspore.ops.avg_pool2d mindspore.ops.ctc_greedy_decoder mindspore.ops.deformable_conv2d mindspore.ops.dropout2d mindspore.ops.dropout3d mindspore.ops.flatten mindspore.ops.interpolate mindspore.ops.kl_div mindspore.ops.lrn mindspore.ops.max_pool3d mindspore.ops.pad mindspore.ops.padding 损失函数 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.cross_entropy mindspore.ops.nll_loss mindspore.ops.smooth_l1_loss 激活函数 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.fast_gelu mindspore.ops.gumbel_softmax mindspore.ops.hardshrink mindspore.ops.hardswish mindspore.ops.log_softmax mindspore.ops.mish mindspore.ops.selu mindspore.ops.soft_shrink mindspore.ops.softsign mindspore.ops.tanh 采样函数 ^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.grid_sample 数学运算函数 ---------------- 逐元素运算 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.abs mindspore.ops.acos mindspore.ops.acosh mindspore.ops.add mindspore.ops.addn mindspore.ops.asin mindspore.ops.asinh mindspore.ops.atan mindspore.ops.atan2 mindspore.ops.atanh mindspore.ops.bernoulli mindspore.ops.bessel_i0 mindspore.ops.bessel_i0e mindspore.ops.bessel_i1 mindspore.ops.bessel_i1e mindspore.ops.bessel_j0 mindspore.ops.bessel_j1 mindspore.ops.bessel_k0 mindspore.ops.bessel_k0e mindspore.ops.bessel_k1 mindspore.ops.bessel_k1e mindspore.ops.bessel_y0 mindspore.ops.bessel_y1 mindspore.ops.bitwise_and mindspore.ops.bitwise_or mindspore.ops.bitwise_xor mindspore.ops.ceil mindspore.ops.cos mindspore.ops.cosh mindspore.ops.div mindspore.ops.erf mindspore.ops.erfc mindspore.ops.exp mindspore.ops.expm1 mindspore.ops.floor mindspore.ops.floor_div mindspore.ops.floor_mod mindspore.ops.inplace_add mindspore.ops.inplace_sub mindspore.ops.inplace_update mindspore.ops.inv mindspore.ops.invert mindspore.ops.lerp mindspore.ops.log mindspore.ops.log1p mindspore.ops.logical_and mindspore.ops.logical_not mindspore.ops.logical_or mindspore.ops.mul mindspore.ops.neg mindspore.ops.pow mindspore.ops.round mindspore.ops.sin mindspore.ops.sinh mindspore.ops.sub mindspore.ops.tan mindspore.ops.trunc mindspore.ops.truncate_div mindspore.ops.truncate_mod mindspore.ops.xlogy .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.absolute - `absolute` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.abs` instead. * - mindspore.ops.floordiv - `floordiv` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.floor_div` instead. * - mindspore.ops.floormod - `floormod` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.floor_mod` instead. * - mindspore.ops.neg_tensor - `neg_tensor` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.neg` instead. * - mindspore.ops.pows - `pows` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.pow` instead. * - mindspore.ops.sqrt - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Sqrt`. * - mindspore.ops.square - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Square`. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_add - `tensor_add` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.add` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_div - `tensor_div` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.div` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_exp - `tensor_exp` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.exp` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_expm1 - `tensor_expm1` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.expm1` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_floordiv - `tensor_floordiv` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.floor_div` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_mod - `tensor_mod` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.floor_mod` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_mul - `tensor_mul` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.mul` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_pow - `tensor_pow` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.pow` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_sub - `tensor_sub` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.sub` instead. Reduction函数 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.amax mindspore.ops.amin mindspore.ops.argmin mindspore.ops.cummax mindspore.ops.cummin mindspore.ops.logsumexp mindspore.ops.max mindspore.ops.mean mindspore.ops.min mindspore.ops.norm mindspore.ops.prod .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.reduce_sum - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.ReduceSum`. 比较函数 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.approximate_equal mindspore.ops.equal mindspore.ops.ge mindspore.ops.gt mindspore.ops.intopk mindspore.ops.isclose mindspore.ops.isfinite mindspore.ops.isnan mindspore.ops.le mindspore.ops.less mindspore.ops.maximum mindspore.ops.minimum mindspore.ops.ne mindspore.ops.same_type_shape .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.check_bprop - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.CheckBprop`. * - mindspore.ops.isinstance\_ - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.IsInstance`. * - mindspore.ops.issubclass\_ - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.IsSubClass`. * - mindspore.ops.not_equal - `not_equal` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.ne` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_ge - `tensor_ge` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.ge` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_gt - `tensor_gt` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.gt` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_le - `tensor_le` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.le` instead. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_lt - `tensor_lt` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.less` instead. 线性代数函数 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.batch_dot mindspore.ops.dot mindspore.ops.ger mindspore.ops.matmul mindspore.ops.matrix_solve mindspore.ops.tensor_dot mindspore.ops.renorm Tensor操作函数 ---------------- Tensor创建 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.eye mindspore.ops.fill mindspore.ops.linspace mindspore.ops.ones mindspore.ops.ones_like 随机生成函数 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.gamma mindspore.ops.laplace mindspore.ops.random_gamma mindspore.ops.multinomial mindspore.ops.normal mindspore.ops.poisson mindspore.ops.standard_laplace mindspore.ops.standard_normal mindspore.ops.uniform mindspore.ops.uniform_candidate_sampler Array操作 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.adaptive_max_pool2d mindspore.ops.batch_to_space_nd mindspore.ops.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits mindspore.ops.broadcast_to mindspore.ops.col2im mindspore.ops.concat mindspore.ops.diag mindspore.ops.expand_dims mindspore.ops.gather mindspore.ops.gather_d mindspore.ops.gather_elements mindspore.ops.gather_nd mindspore.ops.index_add mindspore.ops.index_fill mindspore.ops.masked_fill mindspore.ops.masked_select mindspore.ops.matrix_band_part mindspore.ops.matrix_set_diag mindspore.ops.matrix_diag mindspore.ops.matrix_diag_part mindspore.ops.meshgrid mindspore.ops.narrow mindspore.ops.nonzero mindspore.ops.one_hot mindspore.ops.population_count mindspore.ops.range mindspore.ops.rank mindspore.ops.repeat_elements mindspore.ops.reshape mindspore.ops.scatter_nd mindspore.ops.select mindspore.ops.sequence_mask mindspore.ops.shape mindspore.ops.size mindspore.ops.slice mindspore.ops.space_to_batch_nd mindspore.ops.sparse_segment_mean mindspore.ops.split mindspore.ops.squeeze mindspore.ops.stack mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_add mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_div mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_mul mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_sub mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_elements mindspore.ops.tile mindspore.ops.top_k mindspore.ops.transpose mindspore.ops.unique mindspore.ops.unique_consecutive mindspore.ops.unsorted_segment_max mindspore.ops.unsorted_segment_min mindspore.ops.unsorted_segment_prod mindspore.ops.unique_with_pad mindspore.ops.unstack .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.cast - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Cast`. * - mindspore.ops.cumprod - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.CumProd`. * - mindspore.ops.cumsum - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.CumSum`. * - mindspore.ops.dtype - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.DType`. * - mindspore.ops.sort - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Sort`. * - mindspore.ops.strided_slice - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.StridedSlice`. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_scatter_update - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.TensorScatterUpdate`. * - mindspore.ops.tensor_slice - `tensor_slice` will be deprecated in the future. Please use `mindspore.ops.slice` instead. 类型转换 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.scalar_cast mindspore.ops.scalar_to_array mindspore.ops.scalar_to_tensor mindspore.ops.tuple_to_array 稀疏函数 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.dense_to_sparse_coo mindspore.ops.dense_to_sparse_csr mindspore.ops.csr_to_coo 梯度剪裁 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.clip_by_global_norm mindspore.ops.clip_by_value Parameter操作函数 -------------------- .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.assign mindspore.ops.assign_add mindspore.ops.assign_sub mindspore.ops.scatter_add mindspore.ops.scatter_div mindspore.ops.scatter_max mindspore.ops.scatter_min mindspore.ops.scatter_mul mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_add mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_div mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_max mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_min mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_mul mindspore.ops.scatter_nd_sub mindspore.ops.scatter_update 微分函数 ------------ .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.derivative mindspore.ops.grad mindspore.ops.jet mindspore.ops.jvp mindspore.ops.value_and_grad mindspore.ops.vjp mindspore.ops.vmap 调试函数 ---------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.print\_ - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Print`. 其他函数 ---------------- .. list-table:: :widths: 50 50 :header-rows: 1 * - functional - Description * - mindspore.ops.bool_and - Calculate the result of logical AND operation. (Usage is the same as "and" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.bool_eq - Determine whether the Boolean values are equal. (Usage is the same as "==" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.bool_not - Calculate the result of logical NOT operation. (Usage is the same as "not" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.bool_or - Calculate the result of logical OR operation. (Usage is the same as "or" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.depend - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Depend`. * - mindspore.ops.in_dict - Determine if a str in dict. * - mindspore.ops.is_not - Determine whether the input is not the same as the other one. (Usage is the same as "is not" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.is\_ - Determine whether the input is the same as the other one. (Usage is the same as "is" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.isconstant - Determine whether the object is constant. * - mindspore.ops.not_in_dict - Determine whether the object is not in the dict. * - mindspore.ops.partial - Refer to :class:`mindspore.ops.Partial`. * - mindspore.ops.scalar_add - Get the sum of two numbers. (Usage is the same as "+" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_div - Get the quotient of dividing the first input number by the second input number. (Usage is the same as "/" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_eq - Determine whether two numbers are equal. (Usage is the same as "==" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_floordiv - Divide the first input number by the second input number and round down to the closest integer. (Usage is the same as "//" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_ge - Determine whether the number is greater than or equal to another number. (Usage is the same as ">=" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_gt - Determine whether the number is greater than another number. (Usage is the same as ">" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_le - Determine whether the number is less than or equal to another number. (Usage is the same as "<=" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_log - Get the natural logarithm of the input number. * - mindspore.ops.scalar_lt - Determine whether the number is less than another number. (Usage is the same as "<" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_mod - Get the remainder of dividing the first input number by the second input number. (Usage is the same as "%" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_mul - Get the product of the input two numbers. (Usage is the same as "*" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_ne - Determine whether two numbers are not equal. (Usage is the same as "!=" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_pow - Compute a number to the power of the second input number. * - mindspore.ops.scalar_sub - Subtract the second input number from the first input number. (Usage is the same as "-" in Python) * - mindspore.ops.scalar_uadd - Get the positive value of the input number. * - mindspore.ops.scalar_usub - Get the negative value of the input number. * - mindspore.ops.shape_mul - The input of shape_mul must be shape multiply elements in tuple(shape). * - mindspore.ops.stop_gradient - Disable update during back propagation. (`stop_gradient `_) * - mindspore.ops.string_concat - Concatenate two strings. * - mindspore.ops.string_eq - Determine if two strings are equal. * - mindspore.ops.typeof - Get type of object. .. mscnplatformautosummary:: :toctree: ops :nosignatures: :template: classtemplate.rst mindspore.ops.core mindspore.ops.count_nonzero