Source code for mindspore.rewrite.api.symbol_tree

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"""Rewrite module api: SymbolTree."""
from __future__ import absolute_import
from typing import Optional

from mindspore.nn import Cell
from ..._checkparam import Validator
from .node import Node
from ..symbol_tree_builder import SymbolTreeBuilder
from ..symbol_tree import Position, SymbolTree as SymbolTreeImpl

[文档]class SymbolTree: """ A `SymbolTree` usually corresponding to forward method of a network. Args: network (Cell): Network to be rewritten. Only support `Cell`-type-network now. Raises: RuntimeError: If `network` is not a Cell. RuntimeError: If there is any unsupported ast node type while parsing or optimizing. """ def __init__(self, handler: SymbolTreeImpl): Validator.check_value_type("handler", handler, [SymbolTreeImpl], "SymbolTree") self._symbol_tree: SymbolTreeImpl = handler
[文档] @classmethod def create(cls, network): """ Create a new `SymbolTree` of the input `network`. Args: network (Cell): `network` used to create `SymbolTree`. Returns: Symboltree, a `Symboltree` created based on `network`. Raises: TypeError: If `network` is not a `Cell` instance. """ Validator.check_value_type("network", network, [Cell], "SymbolTree") return cls(SymbolTreeBuilder(network).build())
[文档] def get_handler(self) -> SymbolTreeImpl: """ Get handler of `SymbolTree` implementation. Returns: An instance of `SymbolTree`. """ return self._symbol_tree
[文档] def nodes(self): """ Get a generator for node of corresponding network. Returns: A generator for node of current `SymbolTree`. """ for node in self._symbol_tree.nodes(): yield Node(node)
[文档] def get_node(self, node_name: str) -> Optional[Node]: """ Get node by `node_name`. Args: node_name (str): A string represents name of node. Returns: An instance of node if find else None. Raises: TypeError: If `node_name` is not `str`. """ Validator.check_value_type("node_name", node_name, [str], "SymbolTree") node_impl = self._symbol_tree.get_node(node_name) if node_impl is None: return None return Node(node_impl)
[文档] def get_inputs(self) -> [Node]: """ Get input nodes of current `SymbolTree`. Returns: [Node], the node list of the current `Symboltree`. """ return [Node(node_impl) for node_impl in self._symbol_tree.get_inputs()]
[文档] def before(self, node: Node): """ Get insert position before input `node`. `Position` is used to indicate where to insert node, it indicates position in source code rather than position in topological order. We don't need to care about what `Position` is, just treat it as a handler and use it as an arguments of `insert` api of `SymbolTree`. Args: node (Node): Indicate the position before which node. Can be a node or name of node. Returns: A `Position` to indicate where to insert node. Raises: TypeError: if `node` is not a `Node`. """ Validator.check_value_type("node", node, [Node], "SymbolTree") return self._symbol_tree.before(node.get_handler())
[文档] def after(self, node: Node): """ Get insert position after input `node`. `Position` is used to indicate where to insert node, it indicates position in source code rather than position in topological order. We don't need to care about what `Position` is, just treat it as a handler and use it as an arguments of `insert` api of `SymbolTree`. Args: node (Node): Indicate the position after which node. Can be a node or name of node. Returns: A `Position` to indicate where to insert node. Raises: TypeError: If `node` is not a `Node`. """ Validator.check_value_type("node", node, [Node], "SymbolTree") return self._symbol_tree.after(node.get_handler())
[文档] def insert(self, position, node: Node) -> Node: """ Insert a `node` into `SymbolTree` at `position`. `position` is obtained from `before` api or `after` api of `SymbolTree`. Args: position (Position): Indicate where to insert `node`. node (Node): An instance of Node to be inserted. Returns: An instance of Node being inserted. `node` could be changed while calling this method for uniqueness and custom-object in args or kwargs. Raises: RuntimeError: If `position` is not belong to current `SymbolTree`. TypeError: If `position` is not a `Position`. TypeError: If `node` is not a `Node`. """ Validator.check_value_type("position", position, [Position], "SymbolTree") Validator.check_value_type("node", node, [Node], "SymbolTree") return Node(self._symbol_tree.insert_node(position, node.get_handler()))
[文档] def erase_node(self, node: Node) -> Optional[Node]: """ Erase a `node` from rewrite. Can only erase a node not being depended on. Args: node (Node): A `Node` to be erased. Can be a node or name of node. Returns: An instance of `Node` being erased if node is in `SymbolTree` else None. Raises: TypeError: If `node` is not a `Node`. """ Validator.check_value_type("node", node, [Node], "SymbolTree") return Node(self._symbol_tree.erase_node(node.get_handler()))
[文档] def replace(self, old_node: Node, new_nodes: [Node]) -> Node: """ Replace `old_node` with a node_tree. Note: 1. Replace support one-to-one replacement or one-to-multi replacement. If you need multi-to-multi replacement, please refer to `PatternEngine`. 2. When applying one-to-multi replacement, Rewrite will insert all `new_nodes` into symbol_tree. 3. Caller should maintain arguments and targets of nodes intra sub-tree for specifying topological relation intra sub-tree. 4. Caller should maintain arguments of input nodes of sub-tree and for specifying topological relation of inputs of sub-tree. 5. Rewrite will maintain arguments of prepend node of sub-tree for specifying topological relation of outputs of sub-tree. 6. Rewrite will maintain all inputs of nodes after replace `new_nodes` into `SymbolTree`. Args: old_node (Node): Node to be replaced. new_nodes (list[Node]): Nodes of the node_tree to replace in. Returns: An instance of Node represents root of node_tree been replaced in. Raises: RuntimeError: Old node is isolated. TypeError: If `old_node` is not a `Node`. TypeError: If `new_nodes` is not a `list` or node in `new_nodes` is not a `Node`. """ Validator.check_value_type("old_node", old_node, [Node], "SymbolTree") Validator.check_element_type_of_iterable("new_nodes", new_nodes, [Node], "SymbolTree") nodes_impl = [node.get_handler() for node in new_nodes] return Node(self._symbol_tree.replace(old_node.get_handler(), nodes_impl))
[文档] def set_output(self, index: int, return_value: str) -> Node: """ Set return value of network. Args: index (int): Indicate which output being modified. return_value (str): New return value to been set. Returns: Return node of current rewrite. Raises: RuntimeError: If `index` is out of range. TypeError: If `index` is not a `int` number. TypeError: If `return_value` is not a `str`. """ Validator.check_value_type("index", index, [int], "SymbolTree") Validator.check_value_type("return_value", return_value, [str], "SymbolTree") return Node(self._symbol_tree.set_output(return_value, index))
[文档] def dump(self): """ Dump graph to console. """ self._symbol_tree.dump()
[文档] def print_node_tabulate(self): """ Print node information of graph. """ self._symbol_tree.print_node_tabulate()
[文档] def get_code(self) -> str: """ Get source code of modified network. Returns: A str represents source code of modified network. """ return self._symbol_tree.get_code()
[文档] def get_network(self) -> Cell: """ Get modified network. The source code of network is saved to a file, the default file name is ``. Returns: A network object. """ return self._symbol_tree.get_network()
[文档] def set_saved_file_name(self, file_name: str): """ Set the name of the file used to save the network. Args: file_name (str): filename to be set. """ Validator.check_value_type("file_name", file_name, [str], "Saving network") self._symbol_tree.set_saved_file_name(file_name)
[文档] def get_saved_file_name(self): """Gets the filename used to save the network.""" return self._symbol_tree.get_saved_file_name()
[文档] def save_network_to_file(self): """ Save the modified network to a file. Default file name is ``. """ self._symbol_tree.save_network_to_file()