Source code for mindspore.nn.probability.bijector.scalar_affine

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"""Scalar Affine Bijector"""
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from ..distribution._utils.custom_ops import log_generic
from .bijector import Bijector

[文档]class ScalarAffine(Bijector): """ Scalar Affine Bijector. This Bijector performs the operation: .. math:: Y = a * X + b where a is the scale factor and b is the shift factor. Args: scale (float, list, numpy.ndarray, Tensor): The scale factor. Default: 1.0. shift (float, list, numpy.ndarray, Tensor): The shift factor. Default: 0.0. name (str): The name of the bijector. Default: 'ScalarAffine'. Note: The dtype of `shift` and `scale` must be float. If `shift`, `scale` are passed in as numpy.ndarray or tensor, they have to have the same dtype otherwise an error will be raised. Raises: TypeError: When the dtype of `shift` or `scale` is not float, and when the dtype of `shift` and `scale` is not same. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore >>> import mindspore.nn as nn >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> >>> # To initialize a ScalarAffine bijector of scale 1.0 and shift 2. >>> scalaraffine = nn.probability.bijector.ScalarAffine(1.0, 2.0) >>> value = Tensor([1, 2, 3], dtype=mindspore.float32) >>> ans1 = scalaraffine.forward(value) >>> print(ans1.shape) (3,) >>> ans2 = scalaraffine.inverse(value) >>> print(ans2.shape) (3,) >>> ans3 = scalaraffine.forward_log_jacobian(value) >>> print(ans3.shape) () >>> ans4 = scalaraffine.inverse_log_jacobian(value) >>> print(ans4.shape) () """ def __init__(self, scale=1.0, shift=0.0, name='ScalarAffine'): """ Constructor of ScalarAffine Bijector. """ param = dict(locals()) param['param_dict'] = {'scale': scale, 'shift': shift} super(ScalarAffine, self).__init__( is_constant_jacobian=True, is_injective=True, name=name, dtype=None, param=param) self._scale = self._add_parameter(scale, 'scale') self._shift = self._add_parameter(shift, 'shift') self.abs = P.Abs() self.oneslike = P.OnesLike() self.dtypeop = P.DType() self.cast = P.Cast() self.log = log_generic @property def scale(self): """ Return the scale parameter of the bijector. Output: Tensor, the scale parameter of the bijector. """ return self._scale @property def shift(self): """ Return the shift parameter of the bijector. Output: Tensor, the shift parameter of the bijector. """ return self._shift def extend_repr(self): """Display instance object as string.""" if self.is_scalar_batch: str_info = 'scale = {}, shift = {}'.format(self.scale, self.shift) else: str_info = 'batch_shape = {}'.format(self.batch_shape) return str_info def _forward(self, x): r""" .. math:: f(x) = a * x + b """ x = self._check_value_dtype(x) scale_local = self.cast_param_by_value(x, self.scale) shift_local = self.cast_param_by_value(x, self.shift) forward_v = scale_local * x + shift_local * self.oneslike(x) return forward_v def _inverse(self, y): r""" .. math:: f(y) = \frac{y - b}{a} """ y = self._check_value_dtype(y) scale_local = self.cast_param_by_value(y, self.scale) shift_local = self.cast_param_by_value(y, self.shift) inverse_v = (y - shift_local) / scale_local return inverse_v def _forward_log_jacobian(self, x): r""" .. math:: f(x) = a * x + b f'(x) = a \log(f'(x)) = \log(a) """ x = self._check_value_dtype(x) scale_local = self.cast_param_by_value(x, self.scale) forward_log_j = self.log(self.abs(scale_local)) return forward_log_j def _inverse_log_jacobian(self, y): r""" .. math:: f(y) = \frac{(y - b)}{a} f'(x) = \frac{1.0}{a} \log(f'(x)) = - \log(a) """ y = self._check_value_dtype(y) scale_local = self.cast_param_by_value(y, self.scale) inverse_log_j = -1. * self.log(self.abs(scale_local)) return inverse_log_j