mindspore.hal.device 源代码

# Copyright 2023 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ============================================================================

"""Hardware device interfaces."""
import inspect
import functools
from mindspore._c_expression import MSContext, DeviceContextManager
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore import context

    from ._cpu import _HalCPU
except ImportError:

    from ._gpu import _HalGPU
except ImportError:

    from ._ascend import _HalAscend
except ImportError:

_context_handle = MSContext.get_instance()
_device_context_mgr = DeviceContextManager.get_instance()

hal_instances = {}
valid_targets = ["CPU", "GPU", "Ascend"]
# Create hal instance as soon as module is imported.
for target in valid_targets:
    if _context_handle.is_pkg_support_device(target):
        if target == "CPU" and CPU_AVAILABLE:
            hal_instances["CPU"] = _HalCPU()
        elif target == "GPU" and GPU_AVAILABLE:
            hal_instances["GPU"] = _HalGPU()
        elif target == "Ascend" and ASCEND_AVAILABLE:
            hal_instances["Ascend"] = _HalAscend()

def _check_inputs_validation(fn):
    Decorator to check inputs validation of device interfaces.
    If device target's hal instance is not created, throw an exception.
    def deco(*args, **kwargs):
        bound_args = inspect.signature(fn).bind(*args, **kwargs)
        params = bound_args.arguments
        if "device_target" in params:
            device_target = params["device_target"]
            if device_target is None:
                device_target = context.get_context("device_target")
                params["device_target"] = device_target
            if not isinstance(device_target, str):
                raise TypeError(f"The argument 'device_target' must be str, but got {device_target}, "
                                f"type is {type(device_target)}.")
            if device_target not in valid_targets:
                raise ValueError(f"The argument 'device_target' must be one of "
                                 f"{valid_targets}, but got {device_target}.")
            if device_target not in hal_instances:
                raise ValueError(f"{device_target} backend is not available for this MindSpore package."
                                 "You can call hal.is_available to check the reason.")

        return fn(*bound_args.args, **bound_args.kwargs)
    return deco

def _check_device_id(fn):
    Decorator to check whether the device id is valid: must be equal or greater than 0 and less than device count.
    def deco(*args, **kwargs):
        bound_args = inspect.signature(fn).bind(*args, **kwargs)
        params = bound_args.arguments

        device_target = None
        if "device_target" in params:
            device_target = params["device_target"]
        dev_count = device_count(device_target)

        if "device_id" in params:
            device_id = params["device_id"]
            if not isinstance(device_id, int):
                raise TypeError(f"The argument 'device_id' must be int, but got {device_id}, "
                                f"type is {type(device_id)}.")
            if device_id < 0:
                raise ValueError(f"The argument 'device_id' should not be negative, but got {device_id}.")
            if device_id >= dev_count:
                raise ValueError(f"The argument 'device_id' must be less than device count: {dev_count}, "
                                 f"but got {device_id}.")
            raise RuntimeError(f"Function {fn} has no input named 'device_id'. "
                               "Please do not use '_check_device_id' decorator.")
        return fn(*args, **kwargs)
    return deco

[文档]def is_initialized(device_target): """ Returns whether specified backend is initialized. Note: - The api will be deprecated. Note: MindSpore's backends "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend" will be initialized in the following scenarios: - For distributed job, backend will be initialized after `mindspore.communication.init` method is called. - For standalone job, backend will be initialized after running the first operator or calling creating stream/event interfaces. Args: device_target (str): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: Bool, whether the specified backend is initialized. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops >>> ms.context.set_context(device_target="CPU") >>> assert not ms.hal.is_initialized("CPU") >>> a = Tensor(np.ones([1, 2]), ms.float32) >>> b = Tensor(np.ones([1, 2]), ms.float32) >>> c = ops.add(a, b).asnumpy() >>> print(ms.hal.is_initialized("CPU")) True """ if device_target not in valid_targets: raise ValueError(f"For 'hal.is_initialized', the argument 'device_target' must be one of " f"{valid_targets}, but got {device_target}.") _device_context = _device_context_mgr.get_device_context(device_target) if _device_context is None: logger.info(f"Backend {device_target} is not created yet.") return False return _device_context.initialized()
[文档]def is_available(device_target): """ Returns whether specified backend is available. All dependent libraries should be successfully loaded if this backend is available. Note: - The api will be deprecated. - CPU hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.cpu.is_available`. - GPU hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.gpu.is_available`. - Ascend hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.ascend.is_available`. Args: device_target (str): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: Bool, whether the specified backend is available for this MindSpore package. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.is_available(device_target)) True """ if device_target not in valid_targets: raise ValueError(f"For 'hal.is_available', the argument 'device_target' must be one of " f"{valid_targets}, but got {device_target}.") # MindSpore will try to load plugins in "import mindspore", and availability status will be stored. if not _context_handle.is_pkg_support_device(device_target): logger.warning(f"Backend {device_target} is not available.") load_plugin_error = _context_handle.load_plugin_error() if load_plugin_error != "": logger.warning(f"Here's error when loading plugin for MindSpore package." f"Error message: {load_plugin_error}") return False return True
[文档]@_check_inputs_validation def device_count(device_target=None): """ Returns device count of specified backend. Note: - The api will be deprecated. - CPU hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.cpu.device_count`. - GPU hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.gpu.device_count`. - Ascend hardware, please use the interface :func:`mindspore.device_context.ascend.device_count`. Note: If `device_target` is not specified, get the device count of the current backend set by context. For CPU backend, this method always returns 1. Args: device_target (str, optional): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: int. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.device_count(device_target)) """ hal_instance = hal_instances.get(device_target) if hal_instance is None: raise RuntimeError(f"device_target {device_target} not exist.") return hal_instance.device_count()
[文档]@_check_device_id @_check_inputs_validation def get_device_capability(device_id, device_target=None): """ Get specified device's capability. Note: - The api will be deprecated. Note: If `device_target` is not specified, get the device capability of the current backend set by context. Args: device_id (int): The device id of which the capability will be returned. device_target (str, optional): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: tuple(int, int) for GPU. - param1 - int, cuda major revision number. - param2 - int, cuda minor revision number. None for Ascend and CPU. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.get_device_capability(0, device_target)) """ hal_instance = hal_instances.get(device_target) if hal_instance is None: raise RuntimeError(f"device_target {device_target} not exist.") return hal_instance.get_device_capability(device_id)
[文档]@_check_device_id @_check_inputs_validation def get_device_properties(device_id, device_target=None): """ Get specified device's properties. Note: - The api will be deprecated. Note: If `device_target` is not specified, get the device properties of the current backend set by context. For Ascend, backend must be initialized before calling this method, or `total_memory` and `free_memory` will be 0, and `device_id` will be ignored since this method only returns current device's properties. Args: device_id (int): The device id of which the properties will be returned. device_target (str, optional): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: - `cudaDeviceProp` for GPU. .. code-block:: cudaDeviceProp { name(str), major(int), minor(int), is_multi_gpu_board(int), is_integrated(int), multi_processor_count(int), total_memory(int), warp_size(int) } - `AscendDeviceProperties` for Ascend. .. code-block:: AscendDeviceProperties { name(str), total_memory(int), free_memory(int) } - None for CPU. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.get_device_properties(0, device_target)) """ hal_instance = hal_instances.get(device_target) if hal_instance is None: raise RuntimeError(f"device_target {device_target} not exist.") return hal_instance.get_device_properties(device_id)
[文档]@_check_device_id @_check_inputs_validation def get_device_name(device_id, device_target=None): """ Get specified device's name. Note: - The api will be deprecated. Note: If `device_target` is not specified, get the device name of the current backend set by context. This method always returns "CPU" for CPU backend. Args: device_id (int): The device id of which the name will be returned. device_target (str, optional): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: str. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.get_device_name(0, device_target)) """ hal_instance = hal_instances.get(device_target) if hal_instance is None: raise RuntimeError(f"device_target {device_target} not exist.") return hal_instance.get_device_name(device_id)
[文档]@_check_inputs_validation def get_arch_list(device_target=None): """ Get the architecture list this MindSpore was compiled for. Note: - The api will be deprecated. Note: If `device_target` is not specified, get the device name of the current backend set by context. Args: device_target (str, optional): The device name of backend, should be one of "CPU", "GPU" and "Ascend". Returns: str for GPU. None for Ascend and CPU. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> device_target = ms.context.get_context("device_target") >>> print(ms.hal.get_arch_list(device_target)) """ hal_instance = hal_instances.get(device_target) if hal_instance is None: raise RuntimeError(f"device_target {device_target} not exist.") return hal_instance.get_arch_list()