Basic Use of Model

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BUILD THE NETWORK of Programming Guidedescribes how to define the forward network, loss function and optimizer. In addition, it shows how to encapsulate these structures into training and evaluating networks and execute them. On this basis, this document is about how to use the high-level API Model for training and evaluating models.

In general, it is sufficient for basic needs when you can define training and evaluating networks and run them directly. However, it is still recommended to train and evaluate models by Model. On the one hand, Model can simplify the code in some degree. For example, there is no need to manually traverse the dataset. In the case without the need to customize TrainOneStepCell, Model can be used to automatically build the training network. The eval interface of Model can be used for model evaluation with direct output of evaluation results, which is not necessary to invoke the evaluation indicators’ functions such as clear, update, eval. On the other hand, Model provides many high-level functions, such as data sinking and mixing accuracy. Without the help of Model, it would take more time to use these functions by imitating Model for customization.

This document starts with a basic introduction of Model, and then focuses on how to use Model for Model Training, Evaluation and Inference.

In the following example, the parameter initialization uses random values, which may result in different outputs from local execution. If you need a stable output of fixed values, you can set a fixed random seed. The setting method can be referred to mindspore.set_seed().

Basic Introduction of Model

Model is a high-level API for model training provided by MindSpore, which can be used for model training, evaluation and inference.

The Model contains the following input parameters:

  • network (Cell):In general, it is a forward network which inputs data and labels, and outputs predicted values.

  • loss_fn (Cell):The loss function used.

  • optimizer (Cell):The optimizer used.

  • metrics (set):Evaluation metrics used for model evaluation. The default value None will be used when there is no need for model evaluation.

  • eval_network (Cell):The network used for model evaluation which does not need to be specified in some simple cases.

  • eval_indexes (List):It is used to indicate the meaning of the evaluation network output in combination with eval_network. The function of this parameter can be replaced by set_indexes of nn.Metric. It is recommenced to use set_indexes.

  • amp_level (str):It is used to specify the mixed accuracy level.

  • kwargs:It can configure overflow detection and mixed accuracy policies.

Model provides the following interfaces for model training, evaluation and inference:

  • train:It is used for model training on the training set.

  • eval:It is used for model evaluation on the validation set.

  • predict:It is used to inference over the input dataset and output the prediction result.

Model Training, Evaluation and Inference

For neural networks in simple scenarios, the forward network network, loss function loss_fn, optimizer optimizer and evaluation metrics metrics can be specified during defining Model. In this case, Model will use network as the inference network and build the training network using nn.WithLossCell and nn.TrainOneStepCell as well as build the evaluation network using nn.WithEvalCell.

Take the linear regression used in Build Training and Evaluating Network as an example:

import mindspore.nn as nn
from mindspore.common.initializer import Normal

class LinearNet(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self):
        self.fc = nn.Dense(1, 1, Normal(0.02), Normal(0.02))

    def construct(self, x):
        return self.fc(x)

net = LinearNet()
# Set Loss Function
crit = nn.MSELoss()
# Set Optimizer
opt = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.005, momentum=0.9)
# Set Evaluation Metrics
metrics = {"mae"}

Build Training and Evaluating Network describes the way to build and directly run training and evaluating networks via nn. WithLossCell, nn.TrainOneStepCell and nn.WithEvalCell. When using Model, there is no need to build the training and evaluating networks manually. You can use the following way to define Model and invoke train and eval interfaces to achieve the same effect.

Create training and validation sets:

import numpy as np
import mindspore.dataset as ds

def get_data(num, w=2.0, b=3.0):
    for _ in range(num):
        x = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0)
        noise = np.random.normal(0, 1)
        y = x * w + b + noise
        yield np.array([x]).astype(np.float32), np.array([y]).astype(np.float32)

def create_dataset(num_data, batch_size=16):
    dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(list(get_data(num_data)), column_names=['data', 'label'])
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
    return dataset

# Create Dataset
train_dataset = create_dataset(num_data=160)
eval_dataset = create_dataset(num_data=80)

Define Model and perform training, and check the value of the loss function during training by the LossMonitor callback function:

from mindspore import Model
from mindspore.train.callback import LossMonitor

model = Model(network=net, loss_fn=crit, optimizer=opt, metrics=metrics)
# Acquire Training Process Data
epochs = 2
model.train(epochs, train_dataset, callbacks=[LossMonitor()], dataset_sink_mode=False)

The implementation results are as follows:

epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 158.6485
epoch: 1 step: 2, loss is 56.015274
epoch: 1 step: 3, loss is 22.507223
epoch: 1 step: 4, loss is 29.29523
epoch: 1 step: 5, loss is 54.613194
epoch: 1 step: 6, loss is 119.0715
epoch: 1 step: 7, loss is 47.707245
epoch: 1 step: 8, loss is 6.823062
epoch: 1 step: 9, loss is 12.838973
epoch: 1 step: 10, loss is 24.879482
epoch: 2 step: 1, loss is 38.01019
epoch: 2 step: 2, loss is 34.66765
epoch: 2 step: 3, loss is 13.370583
epoch: 2 step: 4, loss is 3.0936844
epoch: 2 step: 5, loss is 6.6003437
epoch: 2 step: 6, loss is 19.703354
epoch: 2 step: 7, loss is 28.276491
epoch: 2 step: 8, loss is 10.402792
epoch: 2 step: 9, loss is 6.908296
epoch: 2 step: 10, loss is 1.5971221

Perform model evaluation and obtain the results:

eval_result = model.eval(eval_dataset)

The implementation results are as follows:

{'mae': 2.4565244197845457}

Inference using predict:

for d in eval_dataset.create_dict_iterator():
    data = d["data"]

output = model.predict(data)

The implementation results are as follows:

[[ 13.330149  ]
 [ -3.380001  ]
 [ 11.5734005 ]
 [ -0.84721684]
 [ 11.391014  ]
 [ -9.029837  ]
 [  1.1881653 ]
 [  2.1025467 ]
 [ 13.401606  ]
 [  1.8194647 ]
 [  8.862836  ]
 [ 14.427877  ]
 [  4.330497  ]
 [-12.431898  ]
 [ -4.5104184 ]
 [  9.439548  ]]

In general, post-processing on the inference results is required to obtain more intuitive inference results.

Compared to building the network and then running it directly, there is no need for set_train to configure the execution patterns of the network structure when using Model for model training, inference and evaluation.

Model Applications for Custom Scenarios

As already mentioned in Loss Function and Build Training and Evaluating Network, the network encapsulation functions nn.WithLossCell, nn.TrainOneStepCell and nn.WithEvalCell provided by MindSpore are not applicable to all scenarios which means we often need to customize the encapsulation method of the network in real scenarios. In such cases it is obviously not reasonable for Model to use these encapsulation functions to encapsulate automatically. The next section will introduce how to properly use Model in these cases.

Connect Forward Network with Loss Function Manually

In scenarios with multiple data or multiple labels, you can manually link the forward network with the custom loss function as the network of the model, with the default value of None for loss_fn. Then, model will directly use nn.TrainOneStepCell to form network and optimizer into a training network without going through nn.WithLossCell.

The following example is from the Loss Function

  1. Define Multi-Label Datasets

    import numpy as np
    import mindspore.dataset as ds
    def get_multilabel_data(num, w=2.0, b=3.0):
        for _ in range(num):
            x = np.random.uniform(-10.0, 10.0)
            noise1 = np.random.normal(0, 1)
            noise2 = np.random.normal(-1, 1)
            y1 = x * w + b + noise1
            y2 = x * w + b + noise2
            yield np.array([x]).astype(np.float32), np.array([y1]).astype(np.float32), np.array([y2]).astype(np.float32)
    def create_multilabel_dataset(num_data, batch_size=16):
        dataset = ds.GeneratorDataset(list(get_multilabel_data(num_data)), column_names=['data', 'label1', 'label2'])
        dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
        return dataset
  2. Customized Multi-Label Loss Function

    import mindspore.ops as ops
    from mindspore.nn import LossBase
    class L1LossForMultiLabel(LossBase):
        def __init__(self, reduction="mean"):
            super(L1LossForMultiLabel, self).__init__(reduction)
            self.abs = ops.Abs()
        def construct(self, base, target1, target2):
            x1 = self.abs(base - target1)
            x2 = self.abs(base - target2)
            return self.get_loss(x1)/2 + self.get_loss(x2)/2
  3. Connect the forward network and the loss function, where net uses LinearNet defined in the previous section

    import mindspore.nn as nn
    class CustomWithLossCell(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self, backbone, loss_fn):
            super(CustomWithLossCell, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False)
            self._backbone = backbone
            self._loss_fn = loss_fn
        def construct(self, data, label1, label2):
            output = self._backbone(data)
            return self._loss_fn(output, label1, label2)
    net = LinearNet()
    loss = L1LossForMultiLabel()
    loss_net = CustomWithLossCell(net, loss)
  4. Define Model and Perform Training

    from mindspore.train.callback import LossMonitor
    from mindspore import Model
    opt = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.005, momentum=0.9)
    model = Model(network=loss_net, optimizer=opt)
    multi_train_dataset = create_multilabel_dataset(num_data=160)
    model.train(epoch=1, train_dataset=multi_train_dataset, callbacks=[LossMonitor()], dataset_sink_mode=False)

    The implementation results are as follows:

    epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 2.7395597
    epoch: 1 step: 2, loss is 3.730921
    epoch: 1 step: 3, loss is 6.393111
    epoch: 1 step: 4, loss is 5.684395
    epoch: 1 step: 5, loss is 6.089678
    epoch: 1 step: 6, loss is 8.953241
    epoch: 1 step: 7, loss is 9.357056
    epoch: 1 step: 8, loss is 8.601417
    epoch: 1 step: 9, loss is 9.339062
    epoch: 1 step: 10, loss is 7.6557174
  5. Model Evaluation

    Model uses nn.WithEvalCell to build the evaluation network by default, but it is also necessary to build the evaluating network manually when the demand is not satisfied, such as a typical case with multiple data and multiple labels. Model provides eval_network for setting up a custom evaluating network. The manual construction of the evaluating network is as follows:

    Encapsulation method for the custom evaluation network:

    import mindspore.nn as nn
    class CustomWithEvalCell(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self, network):
            super(CustomWithEvalCell, self).__init__(auto_prefix=False)
   = network
        def construct(self, data, label1, label2):
            output =
            return output, label1, label2

    Build the Evaluating Network manually:

    eval_net = CustomWithEvalCell(net)

    Use Model for model evaluation:

    from mindspore.train.callback import LossMonitor
    from mindspore import Model
    mae1 = nn.MAE()
    mae2 = nn.MAE()
    mae1.set_indexes([0, 1])
    mae2.set_indexes([0, 2])
    model = Model(network=loss_net, optimizer=opt, eval_network=eval_net, metrics={"mae1": mae1, "mae2": mae2})
    multi_eval_dataset = create_multilabel_dataset(num_data=80)
    result = model.eval(multi_eval_dataset, dataset_sink_mode=False)

    The implementation results are as follows:

    {'mae1': 8.572821712493896, 'mae2': 8.346409797668457}
    • When performing model evaluation, the output of the evaluation network will be transmitted to the update function of the evaluation metrics. In other words, the update function will receive three inputs, which are logits, label1 and label2. nn.MAE only allows to calculate evaluation metrics on two inputs. Therefore, set_indexes is used to specify mae1 to calculate evaluation results using inputs with subscripts 0 and 1, i.e. logits and label1. It is also used to specify mae2 to calculate evaluation results using inputs with subscripts 0 and 2, i.e. logits and label2.

    • In practice, it is often necessary for all tags to participate in the evaluation. In this case, you need to customize Metric to flexibly use all outputs of the evaluation network to calculate the evaluation results. The details of the Metric customized method can be found at:

  6. Inference

    Model does not provide parameters for specifying the custom inference network, so you can run the forward network directly to get the inference results.

    for d in multi_eval_dataset.create_dict_iterator():
        data = d["data"]
    output = net(data)

    The implementation results are as follows:

    [[ 7.147398  ]
    [ 3.4073524 ]
    [ 7.1618156 ]
    [ 1.8599509 ]
    [ 0.8132744 ]
    [ 4.92359   ]
    [ 0.6972816 ]
    [ 6.6525955 ]
    [ 1.2478441 ]
    [ 2.791972  ]
    [-1.2134678 ]
    [ 7.424588  ]
    [ 0.24634433]
    [ 7.15598   ]
    [ 0.68831706]
    [ 6.171982  ]]

Custom Training Network

When customizing TrainOneStepCell, you need to manually build the training network as network of Model, where loss_fn and optimizer both use the default value None. Then, Model will use network as the training network without any encapsulation.

Scenarios for customizing TrainOneStepCell can be found in Build Training and Evaluating Network. The following is a simple example, where loss_net and opt are CustomWithLossCell and Momentum as defined in the previous section.

from mindspore.nn import TrainOneStepCell as CustomTrainOneStepCell
from mindspore import Model
from mindspore.train.callback import LossMonitor

# Build the Training Network Manually
train_net = CustomTrainOneStepCell(loss_net, opt)
# Define `Model` and Perform Training
model = Model(train_net)
multi_train_ds = create_multilabel_dataset(num_data=160)
model.train(epoch=1, train_dataset=multi_train_ds, callbacks=[LossMonitor()], dataset_sink_mode=False)

The implementation results are as follows:

epoch: 1 step: 1, loss is 8.834492
epoch: 1 step: 2, loss is 9.452023
epoch: 1 step: 3, loss is 6.974942
epoch: 1 step: 4, loss is 5.8168106
epoch: 1 step: 5, loss is 5.6446257
epoch: 1 step: 6, loss is 4.7653127
epoch: 1 step: 7, loss is 4.059086
epoch: 1 step: 8, loss is 3.5931993
epoch: 1 step: 9, loss is 2.8107128
epoch: 1 step: 10, loss is 2.3682175

Here train_net is the training network. When customizing the training network, you also need to customize the evaluating network. The way to perform model evaluation and inference is same as Connect Forward Network with Loss Function Manually in the previous section.

When both the label and the predicted value of the custom training network are single values, the evaluation function does not require special treatment, such as customization or using set_indexes. However, it is still necessary to pay attention to the correct usage of evaluation metrics in other scenarios.

Weight Sharing of Custom Network

The weight sharing mechanism has been introduced in Build Training and Evaluating Network. When using MindSpore to build different network structures, as long as they are encapsulated in a same instance, all weights in this instance are shared. So, if there is any weight change in one network structure, the weights in other network structures will be changed simultaneously.

When using Model for training, for simple scenarios, Model internally uses nn.WithLossCell, nn.TrainOneStepCell and nn.WithEvalCell to build training and evaluating networks based on the forward network Instance. Model itself ensures weight sharing among inference, training, and evaluating networks. However, for custom scenarios, users need to be aware that the forward network should be instantiated only once. If the forward network is instantiated separately when building the training network and the evaluating network, you need to manually load the weights in the training network when using eval for model evaluation. Otherwise the model evaluation will use the initial weight values.