msrun Launching

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msrun is an encapsulation of the Dynamic Cluster startup method. Users can use msrun to pull multi-process distributed tasks across nodes with a single command line instruction. Users can use msrun to pull up multi-process distributed tasks on each node with a single command line command, and there is no need to manually set dynamic networking environment variables. msrun supports both Ascend, GPU and CPU backends. As with the Dynamic Cluster startup, msrun has no dependencies on third-party libraries and configuration files.

  • msrun is available after the user installs MindSpore, and the command msrun --help can be used to view the supported parameters.

  • msrun supports graph mode as well as PyNative mode.

A parameters list of command line:

Parameters Functions Types Values Instructions
--worker_num The total number of Worker processes participating in the distributed task. Integer An integer greater than 0. The default value is 8. The total number of Workers started on all nodes should be equal to this parameter:
if the total number is greater than this parameter, the extra Worker processes will fail to register;
if the total number is less than this parameter, the cluster will wait for a certain period of timeout before prompting the task to pull up the failed task and exit,
and the size of the timeout window can be configured by the parameter cluster_time_out.
--local_worker_num The number of Worker processes pulled up on the current node. Integer An integer greater than 0. The default value is 8. When this parameter is consistent with worker_num, it means that all Worker processes are executed locally.
The node_rank value is ignored in this scenario.
--master_addr Specifies the IP address of the Scheduler. String Legal IP address. The default is msrun will automatically detect on which node to pull up the Scheduler process, and users do not need to care.
If the corresponding address cannot be found, the training task will pull up and fail.
IPv6 addresses are not supported in the current version
The current version of msrun uses the ip -j addr command to query the current node address, which requires the user's environment to support this command.
--master_port Specifies the Scheduler binding port number. Integer Port number in the range 1024 to 65535. The default is 8118.
--node_rank The index of the current node. Integer An integer greater than 0. The default value is -1. This parameter is ignored in single-machine multi-card scenario.
In multi-machine and multi-card scenarios, if this parameter is not set, the rank_id of the Worker process will be assigned automatically;
if it is set, the rank_id will be assigned to the Worker process on each node according to the index.
If the number of Worker processes per node is different, it is recommended that this parameter not be configured to automatically assign the rank_id.
--log_dir Worker, and Scheduler log output paths. String Folder path. Defaults to the current directory. If the path does not exist, msrun creates the folder recursively.
The log format is as follows: for the Scheduler process, the log is named scheduler.log;
For Worker process, log name is worker_[rank].log, where rank suffix is the same as the rank_id assigned to the Worker,
but they may be inconsistent in multiple-machine and multiple-card scenarios where node_rank is not set.
It is recommended that grep -rn "Global rank id" is executed to view rank_id of each Worker.
--join Whether msrun waits for the Worker as well as the Scheduler to exit. Bool True or False. Default: False. If set to False, msrun will exit immediately after pulling up the process and check the logs to confirm that the distributed task is executing properly.
If set to True, msrun waits for all processes to exit, collects the exception log and exits.
--cluster_time_out Cluster networking timeout in seconds. Integer Default: 600 seconds. This parameter represents the waiting time in cluster networking.
If no worker_num number of Workers register successfully beyond this time window, the task pull-up fails.
--bind_core Enable processes binding CPU cores. Bool True or False. Default: False. If set to True, msrun will evenly allocate CPU cores and bind them to the spawned distributed processes.
--sim_level Set single card simulated compilation level. Integer Default: -1. Disable simulated compilation. If this parameter is set, msrun starts only a single process for simulated compilation and does not execute operators. This feature is commonly used to debug large-scale distributed training parallel strategies, and to detect memory and strategy issues in advance.
If set to 0, only compile the frontend graph; If set to 1, further compile backend graph compilation and exit during the execution phase
--sim_rank_id rank_id of the simulated process. Integer Default: 0. Set rank id of the simulated process.
--rank_table_file rank_table configuration. Only valid on Ascend platform. String File path of rank_table configuration. Default: empty string. This parameter represents the rank_table configuration file on Ascend platform, describing current distributed cluster.
task_script User Python scripts. String Legal script path. Normally, this parameter is the python script path, and msrun will pull up the process as python task_script task_script_args by default.
msrun also supports this parameter as pytest.
In this scenario the task script and task parameters are passed in the parameter task_script_args.
task_script_args Parameters for the user Python script. Parameter list. For example, msrun --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=8 --device_target=Ascend --dataset_path=/path/to/dataset

Environment Variables

The following table shows the environment variables can be used in user scripts, which are set by msrun:

Environment Variables Functions Values
MS_ROLE This process role. The current version of msrun exports the following two values:
  • MS_SCHED: Represents the Scheduler process.
  • MS_WORKER: Represents the Worker process.
MS_SCHED_HOST The IP address of the user-specified Scheduler. Same as parameter --master_addr.
MS_SCHED_PORT User-specified Scheduler binding port number. Same as parameter --master_port.
MS_WORKER_NUM The total number of Worker processes specified by the user. Same as parameter --worker_num.
MS_TOPO_TIMEOUT Cluster Timeout Time. Same as parameter --cluster_time_out.
RANK_SIZE The total number of Worker processes specified by the user. Same as parameter --worker_num.
RANK_ID The rank_id assigned to the Worker process. In a multi-machine multi-card scenario, if the parameter --node_rank is not set, RANK_ID will only be exported after the cluster is initialized.
So to use this environment variable, it is recommended to set the --node_rank parameter correctly.

msrun is used as an encapsulation of the Dynamic Cluster startup method, and all user-configurable environment variables can be found in dynamic networking environment variables.

Operating Practices

The startup script is consistent across hardware platforms. The following is an example of how to write a startup script for Ascend:

You can download the full sample code here: startup_method.

The directory structure is as follows:

└─ sample_code
    ├─ startup_method
    ... defines the network structure and the training process. is a single-machine multi-card execution script that starts with msrun. and are multi-machine, multi-card execution scripts started with msrun and executed on separate nodes.

1. Preparing Python Training Scripts

Here is an example of data parallelism to train a recognition network for the MNIST dataset.

First specify the operation mode, hardware device, etc. Unlike single card scripts, parallel scripts also need to specify configuration items such as parallel mode and initialize the HCCL, NCCL or MCCL communication domain with init(). If device_target is not set here, it will be automatically specified as the backend hardware device corresponding to the MindSpore package.

import mindspore as ms
from mindspore.communication import init

ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.DATA_PARALLEL, gradients_mean=True)

Then build the following network:

from mindspore import nn

class Network(nn.Cell):
    def __init__(self):
        self.flatten = nn.Flatten()
        self.fc = nn.Dense(28*28, 10, weight_init="normal", bias_init="zeros")
        self.relu = nn.ReLU()

    def construct(self, x):
        x = self.flatten(x)
        logits = self.relu(self.fc(x))
        return logits
net = Network()

Finally, the dataset is processed and the training process is defined:

import os
from mindspore import nn
import mindspore as ms
import mindspore.dataset as ds
from mindspore.communication import get_rank, get_group_size

def create_dataset(batch_size):
    dataset_path = os.getenv("DATA_PATH")
    rank_id = get_rank()
    rank_size = get_group_size()
    dataset = ds.MnistDataset(dataset_path, num_shards=rank_size, shard_id=rank_id)
    image_transforms = [ / 255.0, 0),,), std=(0.3081,)),
    label_transform = ds.transforms.TypeCast(ms.int32)
    dataset =, 'image')
    dataset =, 'label')
    dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size)
    return dataset

data_set = create_dataset(32)
loss_fn = nn.CrossEntropyLoss()
optimizer = nn.SGD(net.trainable_params(), 1e-2)

def forward_fn(data, label):
    logits = net(data)
    loss = loss_fn(logits, label)
    return loss, logits

grad_fn = ms.value_and_grad(forward_fn, None, net.trainable_params(), has_aux=True)
grad_reducer = nn.DistributedGradReducer(optimizer.parameters)

for epoch in range(10):
    i = 0
    for data, label in data_set:
        (loss, _), grads = grad_fn(data, label)
        grads = grad_reducer(grads)
        if i % 10 == 0:
            print("epoch: %s, step: %s, loss is %s" % (epoch, i, loss))
        i += 1

2. Preparing the Startup Script

For msrun, single-machine multi-card and multi-machine multi-card execution commands are similar, single-machine multi-card only needs to keep the parameters worker_num and local_worker_num the same, and single-machine multi-card scenarios do not need to set the master_addr, which defaults to

Single-machine Multi-card

The following is an example of performing a single-machine 8-card training session:

The script uses the msrun command to pull up 1 Scheduler process as well as 8 Worker processes on the current node (no need to set master_addr, defaults to; no need to set node_rank for single-machine):

if [ ! -d "${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data" ]; then
    if [ ! -f "${EXEC_PATH}/" ]; then
export DATA_PATH=${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data/train/

rm -rf msrun_log
mkdir msrun_log
echo "start training"

msrun --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=8 --master_port=8118 --log_dir=msrun_log --join=True --cluster_time_out=300

Execute the command:


The single-machine 8-card distributed training task can be executed. The log file is saved to the . /msrun_log directory and the results are saved in . /msrun_log/worker_*.log. The Loss results are as follows:

epoch: 0, step: 0, loss is 2.3499548
epoch: 0, step: 10, loss is 1.6682479
epoch: 0, step: 20, loss is 1.4237018
epoch: 0, step: 30, loss is 1.0437132
epoch: 0, step: 40, loss is 1.0643986
epoch: 0, step: 50, loss is 1.1021575
epoch: 0, step: 60, loss is 0.8510884
epoch: 0, step: 70, loss is 1.0581372
epoch: 0, step: 80, loss is 1.0076828
epoch: 0, step: 90, loss is 0.88950706

Multi-machine Multi-card

The following is an example of executing 2-machine, 8-card training, with each machine executing the startup of 4 Workers:

The script is executed on node 1 and uses the msrun command to pull up 1 Scheduler process and 4 Worker processes, configures master_addr as the IP address of node 1 (msrun automatically detects that the current node ip matches the master_addr and pulls up the Scheduler process). Set the current node to node 0 with node_rank:

if [ ! -d "${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data" ]; then
    if [ ! -f "${EXEC_PATH}/" ]; then
export DATA_PATH=${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data/train/

rm -rf msrun_log
mkdir msrun_log
echo "start training"

msrun --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=4 --master_addr=<node_1 ip address> --master_port=8118 --node_rank=0 --log_dir=msrun_log --join=True --cluster_time_out=300

The script is executed on node 2 and uses the msrun command to pull up 4 Worker processes, configures master_addr as the IP address of node 1. Set the current node to node 0 with node_rank:

if [ ! -d "${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data" ]; then
    if [ ! -f "${EXEC_PATH}/" ]; then
export DATA_PATH=${EXEC_PATH}/MNIST_Data/train/

rm -rf msrun_log
mkdir msrun_log
echo "start training"

msrun --worker_num=8 --local_worker_num=4 --master_addr=<node_1 ip address> --master_port=8118 --node_rank=1 --log_dir=msrun_log --join=True --cluster_time_out=300

The difference between the instructions for node 2 and node 1 is that node_rank is different.

Executed at node 1:


Executed at node 2:


The 2-machine, 8-card distributed training task can be executed, and the log files are saved to the . /msrun_log directory and the results are saved in . /msrun_log/worker_*.log. The Loss results are as follows:

epoch: 0, step: 0, loss is 2.3499548
epoch: 0, step: 10, loss is 1.6682479
epoch: 0, step: 20, loss is 1.4237018
epoch: 0, step: 30, loss is 1.0437132
epoch: 0, step: 40, loss is 1.0643986
epoch: 0, step: 50, loss is 1.1021575
epoch: 0, step: 60, loss is 0.8510884
epoch: 0, step: 70, loss is 1.0581372
epoch: 0, step: 80, loss is 1.0076828
epoch: 0, step: 90, loss is 0.88950706