
class mindspore.ops.WhileLoop[source]

Provide a useful op for reducing compilation times of while loop. The execution logic of the WhileLoop operator can be roughly represented by the following code:

def WhileLoop(cond_func, loop_func, init_val):
        init_val = loop_func(init_val)
    return init_val

The current WhileLoop operator has the following syntactic limitations:

  • Using a side-effect function as loop_func is currently not support, such as operations that modify parameters, global variables, etc.

  • The return value of loop_func being of a different type or shape from the init_val is currently not support.


This is an experimental API that is subject to change or deletion.

  • cond_func (Function) - The condition function.

  • loop_func (Function) - The loop function, take one argument and return value has the same type with input argument.

  • init_val (Union[Tensor, number, str, bool, list, tuple, dict]) - The initial value.


Union[Tensor, number, str, bool, list, tuple, dict], the final result of the while loop, has same type and shape with input init_val .

  • TypeError – If cond_func is not a function.

  • TypeError – If loop_func is not a function.

  • ValueError – If loop_func cannot take init_val as input or has different output type or shape with init_val .

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> from mindspore import ops
>>> def loop_while_fun(init_val):
...     val = init_val
...     val = val + 1
...     return val
>>> init_state = 10
>>> while_loop = ops.WhileLoop()
>>> result = while_loop(lambda x : x < 100, loop_while_fun, init_state)
>>> print(result)