
mindspore.get_ckpt_path_with_strategy(cur_ckpt_path, cur_strategy_path)[source]

Find available checkpoint file path from all backup checkpoint files of current rank. It suppose that checkpoint path contains substring 'rank_{rank_id}' which is used to distinguish between different path.If cur_ckpt_path doesn't have 'rank_{rank_id}' substring, will return cur_ckpt_path itself when cur_ckpt_path is exist, otherwise return None.


This API must be called after the communication is initialized because the cluster information needs to be obtained internally.

  • cur_ckpt_path (str) – the checkpoint file path which cur rank needs.

  • cur_strategy_path (str) – strategy file path for current rank.


  • new_ckpt_file (String), if found available checkpoint file , return it.

  • None, if not found available checkpoint, return None.


>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore.communication import init
>>> from mindspore import get_ckpt_path_with_strategy
>>> ms.set_context(mode=ms.GRAPH_MODE)
>>> ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode=ms.ParallelMode.DATA_PARALLEL, gradients_mean=True)
>>> init()
>>> ckpt_file= "./rank_5/iteration-1_40.ckpt"
>>> strategy_file = "./src_pipeline_strategys/src_strategy_5.ckpt"
>>> ckpt_file_new = get_ckpt_path_with_strategy(ckpt_file, strategy_file)
>>> print(ckpt_file_new)