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"""pynative shard"""
import copy
import mindspore as ms
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore._c_expression import Shard_
[docs]class Layout():
Parallel layout describes the detailed sharding information.
- It is valid only in semi auto parallel or auto parallel mode.
- The multiplication result of the `device_matrix` must be equal to the device count in a pipeline stage.
- When the layout function is invoked to constructs a sharding strategy, each alias name is only allowed to be
used once to shard a tensor.
device_matrix (tuple): Describe the shape of devices arrangement, its element type is int.
alias_name (tuple): The alias name for each axis of device_matrix, its length shoits element type is string.
TypeError: `device_matrix` is not a tuple type.
TypeError: `alias_name` is not a tuple type.
ValueError: `device_matrix` length is not equal to `alias_name` length.
TypeError: The element of `device_matrix` is not int type.
TypeError: The element of `alias_name` is not a str type.
ValueError: The element of `alias_name` is an empty str.
ValueError: The element of `alias_name` is "None".
ValueError: `alias_name` contains repeated element.
>>> from mindspore import Layout
>>> layout = Layout((2, 2, 2), ("dp", "sp", "mp"))
>>> layout0 = layout("dp", "mp")
>>> print(layout0.to_dict())
{"device_matrix": (2, 2, 2), "tensor_map": (2, 0)}
def __init__(self, device_matrix, alias_name):
if not isinstance(device_matrix, tuple):
raise TypeError(f'device_matrix must be tuple type, but got:{type(device_matrix)}')
if not isinstance(alias_name, tuple):
raise TypeError(f'alias_name must be tuple type, but got:{type(alias_name)}')
if len(device_matrix) != len(alias_name):
raise ValueError(f'device_matrix length should be equal to alias_name length')
for in_ele in device_matrix:
if not isinstance(in_ele, int):
raise TypeError(f'The element of device_matrix must be int type, but got:{type(in_ele)}')
for in_ele in alias_name:
if not isinstance(in_ele, str):
raise TypeError(f'The element of alias_name must be str type, but got:{type(in_ele)}')
if not in_ele:
raise ValueError(f"The element of alias_name can not be empty.")
if in_ele == "None":
raise ValueError(f"The element of alias_name can not set 'None', because 'None' means no sharding.")
if len(set(alias_name)) != len(alias_name):
raise ValueError(f'Each element of alias_name {alias_name} should be different')
self._device_shape = device_matrix
self._alias_name = alias_name
self._tensor_map = None
def __call__(self, *tensor_map):
self._tensor_map = ()
writed_map = ()
for ele in tensor_map:
if isinstance(ele, tuple):
ele_map = ()
for item in ele:
if item == "None":
ele_map += (-1,)
if item not in self._alias_name:
raise ValueError(f'The axis {item} is not found in {self._alias_name}')
if item in writed_map:
raise ValueError(f'The axis {item} has been set more than one in {self._alias_name}')
ele_map += (len(self._alias_name) - 1 - self._alias_name.index(item),)
writed_map += (item,)
self._tensor_map += (ele_map,)
if ele == "None":
self._tensor_map += (-1,)
if ele not in self._alias_name:
raise ValueError(f'The axis {ele} is not found in {self._alias_name}')
if ele in writed_map:
raise ValueError(f'The axis {ele} has been set more than one in {self._alias_name}')
self._tensor_map += (len(self._alias_name) - 1 - self._alias_name.index(ele),)
writed_map += (ele,)
return copy.deepcopy(self)
[docs] def to_dict(self):
Transform layout to a dictionary.
if self._device_shape is None:
raise ValueError("The device_shape of layout is None")
if self._tensor_map is None:
raise ValueError("The tensor_map of layout is None")
return {"device_matrix": self._device_shape, "tensor_map": self._tensor_map}
class Shard(Shard_):
"""Shard operation"""
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize Shard."""
self.shard_fn = None
self.fn = None
self.in_strategy = None
self.out_strategy = None
self.parameter_plan = None
self.device = None
self.level = None
def __call__(self, fn, in_strategy, out_strategy=None, parameter_plan=None, device="Ascend", level=0):
if ms.context.get_context("mode") != ms.context.PYNATIVE_MODE or \
ms.context.get_auto_parallel_context("parallel_mode") not in ["auto_parallel"]:
raise AssertionError(
f"Cell shard only supports auto parallel under PyNative mode.")
if ms.context.get_context("device_target") not in ["Ascend", "GPU"]:
raise AssertionError(
f"'Shard' now only supports 'Ascend' and 'GPU'")
if ms.context.get_auto_parallel_context("search_mode") != "sharding_propagation":
raise AssertionError(
f"'search_mode' must be 'sharding_propagation' for 'Shard'")
if not isinstance(in_strategy, tuple):
raise TypeError(
f"For 'Shard', the 'in_strategy' should be a tuple, but got {type(in_strategy).__name__}")
if not isinstance(out_strategy, (type(None), tuple)):
raise TypeError(f"For 'Shard', the 'out_strategy' should be None or tuple, "
f"but got {type(out_strategy).__name__}")
if not isinstance(device, str):
raise TypeError(f"For 'Shard', the 'device' should be a string, "
f"but got {type(device).__name__}")
if not isinstance(level, int):
raise TypeError(f"For 'Shard', the 'level' should be an integer, "
f"but got {type(level).__name__}")
if ms.get_algo_parameters("fully_use_devices") is True:
logger.warning("After calling 'shard', the environment variable 'fully_use_devices' "
"will be overwritten as False.")
if ms.context.get_auto_parallel_context("full_batch_is_set") is False:
logger.warning("When calling the shard interface, "
"'dataset_strategy' or 'full_batch' is not manually set by the user, "
"and the 'dataset_strategy' will be set to 'full_batch'.")
if self._is_attrs_has_been_set(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, device, level):
return self.shard_fn
shard_ = Shard()
if isinstance(fn, ms.nn.Cell):
for param in fn.trainable_params():
param.is_in_shard = True
# Set parameter layout to corresponding parameter
self._set_param_layout_into_parameter(fn, parameter_plan)
def shard_fn(*args):
def after_shard(*args):
return shard_(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, device, level)(*args)
return after_shard(*args)
self.shard_fn = shard_fn
self.fn = fn
self.in_strategy = in_strategy
self.out_strategy = out_strategy
self.device = device
self.level = level
return self.shard_fn
def _search_parameter_by_name(param_name: str, net):
param_name = param_name.replace("self.", "")
for param in net.trainable_params():
if param.name == param_name:
return param
return None
def _check_layout_is_valid(param_name, param_shape, param_strategy):
if len(param_strategy) != len(param_shape):
raise ValueError(f"For {param_name}, the length of param_strategy: {len(param_strategy)}, "
f"is not equal to param_shape len: {len(param_shape)}.")
for i, _ in enumerate(param_strategy):
if param_shape[i] % param_strategy[i] != 0:
raise ValueError(f"For '{param_name}', the param_shape is {param_shape} and "
f"the setting param_strategy is {param_strategy}. "
f"The param_shape[{i}]: {param_shape[i]} cannot be divisible by "
f"param_strategy[{i}]: {param_strategy[i]}.")
def _set_param_layout_into_parameter(self, fn, parameter_plan):
""" Set param_strategy into parameter if fn is a Cell and parameter_plan is a dict."""
if parameter_plan is None:
if isinstance(parameter_plan, dict):
if not isinstance(fn, ms.nn.Cell):
raise TypeError(
f"If parameter_plan is set, type of fn must be mindspore.nn.Cell, but got {type(fn)}")
for k in parameter_plan.keys():
v = parameter_plan[k]
if not isinstance(k, str) or not isinstance(v, tuple):
raise TypeError(f"For 'Shard', the type of each key and value in 'parameter_plan' must be str and "
f"tuple, but got {type(k).__name__} and {type(v).__name__}")
raise TypeError(f"For 'Shard', the 'parameter_plan' should be a dict or None, "
f"but got {type(parameter_plan).__name__}")
for param_name in parameter_plan.keys():
param_strategy = parameter_plan[param_name]
param = self._search_parameter_by_name(param_name, fn)
if param is None:
f"{param_name} is not exist, ignored its setting.")
param_name, param.shape, param_strategy)
if param.param_info.param_strategy:
logger.warning(f"The layout of parameter '{param_name}' "
f"has been set to {param.param_info.param_strategy}, "
f"current setting {param_strategy} will be ignored.")
param.param_info.param_strategy = param_strategy
def _is_attrs_has_been_set(self, fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, device, level):
return self.shard_fn is not None and self.fn == fn and self.in_strategy == in_strategy and \
self.out_strategy == out_strategy and self.device == device and self.level == level
[docs]def shard(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy=None, parameter_plan=None, device="Ascend", level=0):
Defining the input and output layouts of this cell and the parallel strategies of remaining ops will be
generated by sharding propagation. In PyNative mode, use this method
to specify a Cell for distributed execution in graph mode.
in_strategy and out_strategy define the input and output layout respectively.
in_strategy/out_strategy should be a tuple, each element of which corresponds to the desired layout of
this input/output, and None represents data_parallel,
which can refer to the description of :func:`mindspore.ops.Primitive.shard`.
The parallel strategies of remaining operators are derived from the strategy specified by the input and output.
You need to set the execution mode to PyNative mode,
set the parallel mode in `set_auto_parallel_context` (parallel_mode) to "auto_parallel"
and the search mode (search_mode) to "sharding_propagation".
If the input contain Parameter, its strategy should be set in `in_strategy`.
fn (Union[Cell, Function]): Function to be executed in parallel.
Its arguments and return value must be Tensor or Parameter.
If `fn` is a Cell with parameters, `fn` needs to be an instantiated object,
otherwise its arguments cannot be accessed.
in_strategy (tuple): Define the layout of inputs, each element of the tuple should be a tuple or None.
Tuple defines the layout of the corresponding input
and None represents a data parallel strategy.
out_strategy (Union[tuple, None]): Define the layout of outputs similar with `in_strategy`.
It is not in use right now. Default: ``None`` .
parameter_plan (Union[dict, None]): Define the layout for the specified parameters. Each element in dict
defines the layout of the parameter like "param_name: layout".
The key is a parameter name of type 'str'.
The value is a 1-D integer tuple, indicating the corresponding layout.
If the parameter name is incorrect or the corresponding parameter
has been set, the parameter setting will be ignored.
Default: ``None`` .
device (string): Select a certain `device` target. It is not in use right now.
Support ["CPU", "GPU", "Ascend"]. Default: ``"Ascend"`` .
level (int): Option for parallel strategy infer algorithm, namely the object function, maximize computation
over communication ratio, maximize speed performance, minimize memory usage etc. It is not in
use right now. Support [0, 1, 2]. Default: ``0`` .
Function, return the function that will be executed under auto parallel process.
AssertionError: If execute mode is not PYNATIVE_MODE.
AssertionError: If parallel mode is not "auto_parallel".
AssertionError: If search_mode it not "sharding_propagation".
AssertionError: If device_target it not "Ascend" or "GPU".
TypeError: If `in_strategy` is not a tuple.
TypeError: If `out_strategy` is not a tuple or None.
TypeError: If `parameter_plan` is not a dict or None.
TypeError: If any key in `parameter_plan` is not a str.
TypeError: If any value in `parameter_plan` is not a tuple.
TypeError: If `device` is not a str.
TypeError: If `level` is not an integer.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import Tensor
>>> from mindspore.communication import init
>>> ms.set_context(mode=ms.PYNATIVE_MODE)
>>> init()
>>> ms.set_auto_parallel_context(parallel_mode="auto_parallel", search_mode="sharding_propagation",
... device_num=2)
>>> def test_shard(x, y):
... return x + y
>>> x = Tensor(np.ones(shape=(32, 10)), dtype=ms.float32)
>>> y = Tensor(np.ones(shape=(32, 10)), dtype=ms.float32)
>>> output = ms.shard(test_shard, in_strategy=((2, 1), (2, 1)))(x, y)
>>> print(output.shape)
(32, 10)
Tutorial Examples:
- `Functional Operator Sharding
if not isinstance(fn, (ms.nn.Cell)):
logger.warning("'fn' is not a mindspore.nn.Cell, and its definition cannot involve Parameter; "
"otherwise, the result may be incorrect.")
return Shard()(fn, in_strategy, out_strategy, parameter_plan, device, level)