
class mindspore.dataset.vision.Inter[source]

Interpolation methods.

Available values are as follows:

  • Inter.NEAREST : Nearest neighbor interpolation.

  • Inter.ANTIALIAS : Antialias interpolation. Supported only when the input is PIL.Image.Image.

  • Inter.LINEAR : Linear interpolation, the same as Inter.BILINEAR.

  • Inter.BILINEAR : Bilinear interpolation.

  • Inter.CUBIC : Cubic interpolation, the same as Inter.BICUBIC.

  • Inter.BICUBIC : Bicubic interpolation.

  • Inter.AREA : Pixel area interpolation. Supported only when the input is numpy.ndarray.

  • Inter.PILCUBIC : Pillow implementation of bicubic interpolation. Supported only when the input is numpy.ndarray.