Source code for mindspore.log

# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
log module
import warnings
import sys
import os
import re
import stat
import time
import logging
from logging.handlers import RotatingFileHandler
import traceback
import threading
import platform

if platform.system() != "Windows":
    import fcntl

__all__ = ['get_level', 'get_log_config']

# The lock for setting up the logger
_setup_logger_lock = threading.Lock()

# When getting the logger, Used to check whether
# the logger already exists

# The flag for enable console output
STD_ON = '1'
# The flag for disable console output
STD_OFF = '0'
# Rotating max bytes, default is 50M
MAX_BYTES = '52428800'
# Rotating backup count, default is 30
# The default log level

# Log level name and level mapping
_name_to_level = {
    'DEBUG': 10,
    'INFO': 20,
    'WARNING': 30,
    'ERROR': 40,
    'CRITICAL': 50,

# GLog level and level name
_gloglevel_to_name = {
    '0': 'DEBUG',
    '1': 'INFO',
    '2': 'WARNING',
    '3': 'ERROR',
    '4': 'CRITICAL',

# The mapping of logger configurations to glog configurations
_confmap_dict = {'level': 'GLOG_v', 'console': 'GLOG_logtostderr', 'filepath': 'GLOG_log_dir',
                 'maxBytes': 'logger_maxBytes', 'backupCount': 'logger_backupCount',
                 'stderr_level': 'GLOG_stderrthreshold'}

class _MultiCompatibleRotatingFileHandler(RotatingFileHandler):
    """Inherit RotatingFileHandler for multiprocess compatibility."""

    def doRollover(self):
        """Override doRollover for multiprocess compatibility
        and setting permission of Log file"""

        # Attain an exclusive lock with blocking mode by `fcntl` module.
        with open(self.baseFilename, 'a') as file_pointer:
            if platform.system() != "Windows":
                fcntl.lockf(file_pointer.fileno(), fcntl.LOCK_EX)
            os.chmod(self.baseFilename, stat.S_IREAD)
            # Modify the permission of Log file
            os.chmod(self.baseFilename, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)

class _DataFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    """Log formatter"""

    def __init__(self, sub_module, fmt=None, **kwargs):
        Initialization of logFormatter.

            sub_module (str): The submodule name.
            fmt (str): Specified format pattern. Default: ``None``.
        super(_DataFormatter, self).__init__(fmt=fmt, **kwargs)
        self.sub_module = sub_module.upper()

    def formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None):
        Override formatTime for uniform format %Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S.SSS.SSS

            record (str): Log record.
            datefmt (str): Date format.

            str, formatted timestamp.
        created_time = self.converter(record.created)
        if datefmt:
            return time.strftime(datefmt, created_time)

        timestamp = time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S', created_time)
        msecs = str(round(record.msecs * 1000))
        # Format the time stamp
        return f'{timestamp}.{msecs[:3]}.{msecs[3:]}'

    def format(self, record):
        Apply log format with specified pattern.

            record (str): Format pattern.

            str, formatted log content according to format pattern.
        # NOTICE: when the Installation directory of mindspore changed,
        # ms_home_path must be changed
        ms_install_home_path = 'mindspore'
        idx = record.pathname.rfind(ms_install_home_path)
        if idx >= 0:
            # Get the relative path of the file
            record.filepath = record.pathname[idx:]
            record.filepath = record.pathname
        record.sub_module = self.sub_module
        return super().format(record)

def _get_logger():
    Get logger instance.

        Logger, a logger.
        return GLOBAL_LOGGER

    kwargs = _get_env_config()
    logger = _setup_logger(_adapt_cfg(kwargs))
    return logger

def _adapt_cfg(kwargs):
    Glog configurations converted to logger configurations.

        kwargs (dict): The dictionary of log configurations.

            - console (str): Whether to output log to stdout.
            - level (str): Log level.
            - filepath (str): The path for saving logs, if console is false, a file path must be assigned.
            - maxBytes (str): The Maximum value of a log file for rotating, only valid if console is false.
            - backupCount (str): The count of rotating backup log files, only valid if console is false.

        Dict, the input parameter dictionary.
    kwargs['level'] = _gloglevel_to_name.get(kwargs.get('level', LOGGER_LEVEL))
    kwargs['stderr_level'] = _gloglevel_to_name.get(kwargs.get('stderr_level', LOGGER_LEVEL))
    kwargs['console'] = not kwargs.get('console') == STD_OFF
    kwargs['maxBytes'] = int(kwargs.get('maxBytes', MAX_BYTES))
    kwargs['backupCount'] = int(kwargs.get('backupCount', BACKUP_COUNT))
    return kwargs

def info(msg, *args, **kwargs):
    Log a message with severity 'INFO' on the MindSpore logger.

        >>> from mindspore import log as logger
        >>>"The arg(%s) is: %r", name, arg)
    _get_logger().info(msg, *args, **kwargs)

def debug(msg, *args, **kwargs):
    Log a message with severity 'DEBUG' on the MindSpore logger.

        >>> from mindspore import log as logger
        >>> logger.debug("The arg(%s) is: %r", name, arg)
    _get_logger().debug(msg, *args, **kwargs)

def error(msg, *args, **kwargs):
    """Log a message with severity 'ERROR' on the MindSpore logger."""
    _get_logger().error(msg, *args, **kwargs)

def warning(msg, *args, **kwargs):
    """Log a message with severity 'WARNING' on the MindSpore logger."""
    _get_logger().warning(msg, *args, **kwargs)

def critical(msg, *args, **kwargs):
    """Log a message with severity 'CRITICAL' on the MindSpore logger."""
    _get_logger().critical(msg, *args, **kwargs)

[docs]def get_level(): """ Get the logger level. Returns: str, the Log level includes 4(CRITICAL), 3(ERROR), 2(WARNING), 1(INFO), 0(DEBUG). Examples: >>> import os >>> os.environ['GLOG_v'] = '3' >>> import mindspore as ms >>> level = ms.get_level() >>> print(level) '3' """ # level and glog level mapping dictionary level_to_glog_level = dict(zip(_name_to_level.values(), _gloglevel_to_name.keys())) return level_to_glog_level.get(_get_logger().getEffectiveLevel())
def _get_formatter(): """ Get the string of log formatter. Returns: str, the string of log formatter. """ formatter = '[%(levelname)s] %(sub_module)s(%(process)d:' \ '%(thread)d,%(processName)s):%(asctime)s ' \ '[%(filepath)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s' return formatter def _get_env_config(): """ Get configurations from environment variables. Returns: Dict, the dictionary of configurations. """ config_dict = {} for key, env_value in _confmap_dict.items(): value = os.environ.get(env_value) if value: config_dict[key] = value.strip() return config_dict def _check_directory_by_regular(target, reg=None, flag=re.ASCII, prim_name=None): """Check whether directory is legitimate.""" if not isinstance(target, str): raise ValueError("The directory {} must be string, but got {}, please check it".format(target, type(target))) if reg is None: reg = r"^[\/0-9a-zA-Z@\_\-\.\:\\]+$" if re.match(reg, target, flag) is None: prim_name = f'in `{prim_name}`' if prim_name else "" raise ValueError("'{}' {} is illegal, it should be match regular'{}' by flag'{}'".format( target, prim_name, reg, flag)) def _make_directory(path: str): """Make directory.""" if path is None or not isinstance(path, str) or path.strip() == "": raise TypeError("Input path '{}' is invalid type".format(path)) path = os.path.realpath(path) _check_directory_by_regular(path) if os.path.exists(path): real_path = path else: try: permissions = os.R_OK | os.W_OK | os.X_OK os.umask(permissions << 3 | permissions) mode = permissions << 6 os.makedirs(path, mode=mode, exist_ok=True) real_path = path except PermissionError: raise TypeError("No write permission on the directory `{path}`.") return real_path def _verify_config(kwargs): """ Verify log configurations. Args: kwargs (dict): The dictionary of log configurations. - console (str): Whether to output log to stdout. - level (str): Log level. - filepath (str): The path for saving logs, if console is false, a file path must be assigned. - maxBytes (str): The Maximum value of a log file for rotating, only valid if console is false. - backupCount (str): The count of rotating backup log files, only valid if console is false. """ # Check the input value of level level = kwargs.get('level', None) if level is not None: _verify_level(level) # Check the input value of stderr_level level = kwargs.get('stderr_level', None) if level is not None: _verify_level(level) # Check the input value of console console = kwargs.get('console', None) file_path = kwargs.get('filepath', None) if console is not None: if not console.isdigit() or console not in (STD_OFF, STD_ON): raise ValueError(f'Incorrect value, the value of {_confmap_dict["console"]} must be 0 or 1, ' f'but got {console}.') if console == STD_OFF and not file_path: raise ValueError(f'When {_confmap_dict["console"]} is set to 0, the directory of saving log ' f'{_confmap_dict["filepath"]} must be set, but got it empty.') # Check the input value of filepath if console == STD_OFF and file_path is not None: file_real_path = os.path.realpath(file_path) if not os.path.exists(file_real_path): _make_directory(file_real_path) # Check the input value of maxBytes max_bytes = kwargs.get('maxBytes', None) if console == STD_OFF and max_bytes is not None: if not max_bytes.isdigit(): raise ValueError(f'Incorrect value, the value of {_confmap_dict["maxBytes"]} must be positive integer. ' f'But got {_confmap_dict["maxBytes"]}:{max_bytes}.') # Check the input value of backupCount backup_count = kwargs.get('backupCount', None) if console == STD_OFF and backup_count is not None: if not backup_count.isdigit(): raise ValueError(f'Incorrect value, the value of {_confmap_dict["backupCount"]} must be positive ' f'integer. But got {_confmap_dict["backupCount"]}:{backup_count}') def _verify_level(level): """ Verify log level. Args: level (str): The log level. """ level_name = _gloglevel_to_name.get(level, None) # Check the value of input level if level_name not in _name_to_level: raise ValueError(f'Incorrect log level, please check the configuration of GLOG_v or ' f'GLOG_stderrthreshold, desired log level: 4-CRITICAL, 3-ERROR, 2-WARNING, ' f'1-INFO, 0-DEBUG. But got {level}.')
[docs]def get_log_config(): """ Get logger configurations. Returns: Dict, the dictionary of logger configurations. Examples: >>> import os >>> import mindspore as ms >>> os.environ['GLOG_v'] = '1' >>> os.environ['GLOG_logtostderr'] = '0' >>> os.environ['GLOG_log_dir'] = '/var/log' >>> os.environ['logger_maxBytes'] = '5242880' >>> os.environ['logger_backupCount'] = '10' >>> os.environ['GLOG_stderrthreshold'] = '2' >>> config = ms.get_log_config() >>> print(config) {'GLOG_v': '1', 'GLOG_logtostderr': '0', 'GLOG_log_dir': '/var/log', 'logger_maxBytes': '5242880', 'logger_backupCount': '10', 'GLOG_stderrthreshold': '2'} """ logger = _get_logger() handler = logger.handlers[0] config_dict = {} config_dict['GLOG_v'] = get_level() config_dict['GLOG_logtostderr'] = STD_ON if == 'FileHandler': config_dict['GLOG_logtostderr'] = STD_OFF # Separating file path and name file_path_and_name = os.path.split(handler.baseFilename) config_dict['GLOG_log_dir'] = file_path_and_name[0] config_dict['logger_maxBytes'] = handler.maxBytes config_dict['logger_backupCount'] = handler.backupCount handler_stderr = logger.handlers[1] # level and glog level mapping dictionary level_to_glog_level = dict(zip(_name_to_level.values(), _gloglevel_to_name.keys())) config_dict['GLOG_stderrthreshold'] = level_to_glog_level.get(handler_stderr.level) return config_dict
def _clear_handler(logger): """Clear the handlers that has been set, avoid repeated loading""" for handler in logger.handlers: logger.removeHandler(handler) def _find_caller(stack_info=False, stacklevel=1): """ Find the stack frame of the caller. Override findCaller on the logger, Support for getting log record. Find the stack frame of the caller so that we can note the source file name, function name and line number. Args: stack_info (bool): If the value is true, print stack information to the log. Default: ``False``. Returns: tuple, the tuple of the frame data. """ f = sys._getframe(3) sinfo = None # log_file is used to check caller stack frame log_file = os.path.normcase(f.f_code.co_filename) f = f.f_back rv = "(unknown file)", 0, "(unknown function)", None while f: co = f.f_code filename = os.path.normcase(co.co_filename) if log_file == filename: f = f.f_back continue if stack_info: sinfo = _get_stack_info(f) rv = (co.co_filename, f.f_lineno, co.co_name, sinfo) break return rv def _get_stack_info(frame): """ Get the stack information. Args: frame(frame): the frame requiring information. Returns: str, the string of the stack information. """ stack_prefix = 'Stack (most recent call last):\n' sinfo = stack_prefix + "".join(traceback.format_stack(frame)) return sinfo def _get_rank_id(): """Get rank id.""" rank_id = os.getenv('RANK_ID') gpu_rank_id = os.getenv('OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK') ms_node_id = os.getenv('MS_NODE_ID') rank = '0' if rank_id and gpu_rank_id and rank_id != gpu_rank_id: warnings.warn( f"Environment variables RANK_ID and OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK set by different values, RANK_ID={rank_id}, " f"OMPI_COMM_WORLD_RANK={gpu_rank_id}. We will use RANK_ID to get rank id by default.") if rank_id: rank = rank_id elif gpu_rank_id: rank = gpu_rank_id elif ms_node_id: rank = ms_node_id return rank def _create_logfile_dir(kwargs): """ create logs dir Args: kwargs (dict): The dictionary of log configurations. Returns: Log_dir: Create subdirectory. Examples: >>> /rank_0/logs """ log_dir = os.path.realpath(kwargs.get('filepath')) rank_id = _get_rank_id() log_dir += '/rank_' + rank_id + '/logs' if not os.path.exists(log_dir): os.makedirs(log_dir, exist_ok=True) return log_dir def _setup_logger(kwargs): """ Set up the logger. Args: kwargs (dict): The dictionary of log configurations. - console (bool): Whether to output log to stdout. Default: True. - level (str): Log level. Default: WARNING. - filepath (str): The path for saving logs, if console is false, a file path must be assigned. - maxBytes (int): The Maximum value of a log file for rotating, only valid if console is false. Default: 52428800. - backupCount (int): The count of rotating backup log files, only valid if console is false. Default: 30. Returns: Logger, well-configured logger. """ # The name of Submodule sub_module = 'ME' # The name of Base log file pid = str(os.getpid()) log_name = 'mindspore.log.' + pid global GLOBAL_LOGGER _setup_logger_lock.acquire() try: if GLOBAL_LOGGER: return GLOBAL_LOGGER logger = logging.getLogger(name=f'{sub_module}.{log_name}') # Override findCaller on the logger, Support for getting log record logger.findCaller = _find_caller console = kwargs.get('console', True) # Set log level logger.setLevel(kwargs.get('level', logging.WARNING)) # Set "propagate" attribute to False, stop searching up the hierarchy, # avoid to load the handler of the root logger logger.propagate = False # Get the formatter for handler formatter = _get_formatter() # Clean up handle to avoid repeated loading _clear_handler(logger) # Set streamhandler for the console appender if console: console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) = 'StreamHandler' console_handler.formatter = _DataFormatter(sub_module, formatter) logger.addHandler(console_handler) # Set rotatingFileHandler for the file appender else: # filepath cannot be null, checked in function _verify_config () logfile_dir = _create_logfile_dir(kwargs) file_name = f'{logfile_dir}/{log_name}' logfile_handler = _MultiCompatibleRotatingFileHandler( filename=file_name, # Rotating max bytes, default is 50M maxBytes=kwargs.get('maxBytes', MAX_BYTES), # Rotating backup count, default is 30 backupCount=kwargs.get('backupCount', BACKUP_COUNT), encoding='utf8' ) = 'FileHandler' logfile_handler.formatter = _DataFormatter(sub_module, formatter) logger.addHandler(logfile_handler) with open(file_name, 'a'): # Modify the permission of Log file os.chmod(file_name, stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE) # Write the file and output warning and error logs to stderr console_handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) = 'StreamHandler' console_handler.formatter = _DataFormatter(sub_module, formatter) console_handler.setLevel(kwargs.get('stderr_level', logging.WARNING)) logger.addHandler(console_handler) GLOBAL_LOGGER = logger finally: _setup_logger_lock.release() return GLOBAL_LOGGER class _LogActionOnce: """ A wrapper for modify the warning logging to an empty function. This is used when we want to only log once to avoid the repeated logging. Args: logger (logging): The logger object. """ is_logged = dict() def __init__(self, logger, key, no_warning=False): self.logger = logger self.key = key self.no_warning = no_warning def __call__(self, func): import functools @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): if not hasattr(self.logger, 'warning'): return func(*args, **kwargs) _old_ = self.logger.warning if self.no_warning or self.key in _LogActionOnce.is_logged: self.logger.warning = lambda x: x else: _LogActionOnce.is_logged[self.key] = True res = func(*args, **kwargs) if hasattr(self.logger, 'warning'): self.logger.warning = _old_ return res return wrapper