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class mindspore.ops.FloorMod[source]

Computes the remainder of division element-wise, and it’s a flooring divide.

Refer to mindspore.ops.floor_mod() for more details.

  • x (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]) - The first input is a number or a bool or a tensor whose data type is number or bool.

  • y (Union[Tensor, Number, bool]) - The second input is a number or a bool when the first input is a tensor, or it can be a tensor whose data type is number or bool.


Tensor, the shape is the same as the one after broadcasting, and the data type is the one with higher precision of the two inputs.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU CPU


>>> import mindspore
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from mindspore import Tensor, ops
>>> x = Tensor(np.array([2, 4, -1]), mindspore.int32)
>>> y = Tensor(np.array([3, 3, 3]), mindspore.int32)
>>> floor_mod = ops.FloorMod()
>>> output = floor_mod(x, y)
>>> print(output)
[2 1 2]