Source code for mindspore.train.train_thor.convert_utils

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"""Conversion interface for second-order optimizer thor."""
from __future__ import absolute_import

import mindspore.nn as nn
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
from mindspore import context

[docs]class ConvertNetUtils: """ Convert net to thor layer net, used to compute and store second-order information matrix. Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> convert_net_utils = ms.train.ConvertNetUtils() """ def __init__(self): self._convert_method_map = {nn.Dense: ConvertNetUtils._convert_dense, nn.Embedding: ConvertNetUtils._convert_embedding, nn.Conv2d: ConvertNetUtils._convert_conv2d, nn.EmbeddingLookup: ConvertNetUtils._convert_embeddinglookup} @staticmethod def _convert_dense(subcell): """ Convert dense cell to second-order cell """ weight = subcell.weight act_name = None if subcell.activation_flag: act_class = subcell.activation.__class__.__name__ act_name = act_class.lower() if act_name == "fastgelu": act_name = "fast_gelu" if subcell.out_channels == 1001: new_subcell = nn.DenseThor(in_channels=subcell.in_channels, out_channels=subcell.out_channels, weight_init=weight, has_bias=subcell.has_bias, bias_init='zeros', activation=act_name) else: compute_type = mstype.float16 if context.get_context("device_target") == "GPU": compute_type = mstype.float32 new_subcell = nn.DenseThor(in_channels=subcell.in_channels, out_channels=subcell.out_channels, weight_init=weight, has_bias=subcell.has_bias, bias_init='zeros', activation=act_name).to_float(compute_type) if subcell.has_bias: new_subcell.bias = subcell.bias return new_subcell @staticmethod def _convert_embedding(subcell): """ Convert embedding cell to second-order cell """ new_subcell = nn.EmbeddingThor(vocab_size=subcell.vocab_size, embedding_size=subcell.embedding_size, use_one_hot=False) new_subcell.embedding_table = subcell.embedding_table return new_subcell @staticmethod def _convert_embeddinglookup(subcell): """ convert embedding cell to second_order cell """ new_subcell = nn.EmbeddingLookupThor(vocab_size=subcell.vocab_size, embedding_size=subcell.embedding_size,, sparse=subcell.sparse, vocab_cache_size=subcell.vocab_cache_size) new_subcell.embedding_table = subcell.embedding_table return new_subcell @staticmethod def _convert_conv2d(subcell): """ Convert conv2d cell to second-order cell """ out_channel = subcell.out_channels in_channel = subcell.in_channels kernel_size = subcell.kernel_size[0] stride = subcell.stride padding = subcell.padding pad_mode = subcell.pad_mode has_bias = subcell.has_bias weight = subcell.weight new_subcell = nn.Conv2dThor(in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=padding, pad_mode=pad_mode, has_bias=has_bias, weight_init=weight) return new_subcell @staticmethod def _need_change(subcell, prefix): """for thor layers, need to change""" if isinstance(subcell, (nn.Dense, nn.Conv2d)) and subcell.weight.requires_grad: if "rpn_with_loss.rpn_convs_list." in prefix.lower() or "wide" in prefix.lower(): return False return True if isinstance(subcell, (nn.Embedding, nn.EmbeddingLookup)) and subcell.embedding_table.requires_grad: return True return False def _convert_to_thor_net(self, net): """ Convert net to thor net """ cells = net.name_cells() change = False for name in cells: subcell = cells[name] if subcell == net: continue elif isinstance(subcell, (nn.DenseThor, nn.Conv2dThor, nn.EmbeddingThor, nn.EmbeddingLookupThor)): continue elif isinstance(subcell, (nn.Conv2dTranspose, nn.Conv1d, nn.Conv1dTranspose, nn.BatchNorm1d, nn.GroupNorm, nn.LayerNorm, nn.BatchNorm2d, nn.MaxPool2d)): continue elif isinstance(subcell, (nn.Embedding, nn.Dense, nn.Conv2d, nn.EmbeddingLookup)): prefix = subcell.param_prefix if self._need_change(subcell, prefix): new_subcell = self._convert_method_map.get(type(subcell))(subcell) new_subcell.update_parameters_name(prefix + '.') net.insert_child_to_cell(name, new_subcell) change = True else: self._convert_to_thor_net(subcell) if isinstance(net, nn.SequentialCell) and change: net.cell_list = list(net.cells())
[docs] def convert_to_thor_net(self, net): """ This interface is used to convert a network to thor layer network, in order to calculate and store the second-order information matrix. Note: This interface is automatically called by the second-order optimizer thor. Args: net (Cell): Network to be trained by the second-order optimizer thor. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import nn >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore.nn import thor >>> >>> # Define the network structure of LeNet5. Refer to >>> # >>> net = LeNet5() >>> temp = Tensor([4e-4, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-5], ms.float32) >>> opt = thor(net, learning_rate=temp, damping=temp, momentum=0.9, loss_scale=128, frequency=4) >>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean') >>> loss_scale = ms.FixedLossScaleManager(128, drop_overflow_update=False) >>> model = ms.Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, loss_scale_manager=loss_scale, metrics={'acc'}, ... amp_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=False) >>> model = ms.train.ConvertModelUtils.convert_to_thor_model(model=model, network=net, loss_fn=loss, ... optimizer=opt,loss_scale_manager=loss_scale, metrics={'acc'}, ... amp_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=False) """ net.update_cell_prefix() self._convert_to_thor_net(net) net.update_cell_type("second-order")
[docs]class ConvertModelUtils: """ Convert model to thor model. """
[docs] @staticmethod def convert_to_thor_model(model, network, loss_fn=None, optimizer=None, metrics=None, amp_level="O0", loss_scale_manager=None, keep_batchnorm_fp32=False): """ This interface is used to convert model to thor model. Args: model (Object): High-Level API for Training. network (Cell): A training network. loss_fn (Cell): Objective function. Default: ``None`` . optimizer (Cell): Optimizer used to updating the weights. Default: ``None`` . metrics (Union[dict, set]): A Dictionary or a set of metrics to be evaluated by the model during training. eg: {'accuracy', 'recall'}. Default: ``None`` . amp_level (str): Level for mixed precision training. Supports ["O0", "O2", "O3", "auto"]. Default: ``"O0"`` . - O0: Do not change. - O2: Cast network to float16, keep batchnorm run in float32, using dynamic loss scale. - O3: Cast network to float16, with additional property 'keep_batchnorm_fp32=False'. - auto: Set level to recommended level in different devices. O2 is recommended on GPU, O3 is recommended on Ascend. The recommended level is based on the expert experience, cannot always generalize. User should specify the level for special network. loss_scale_manager (Union[None, LossScaleManager]): If it is None, the loss would not be scaled. Otherwise, scale the loss by LossScaleManager and optimizer can not be None. It is a key argument. e.g. Use `loss_scale_manager=None` to set the value. Default: ``None`` . keep_batchnorm_fp32 (bool): Keep Batchnorm running in `float32`. If True, the level setting before will be overwritten. Default: ``False`` . Returns: model (Object), High-Level API for Training. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> from mindspore import nn >>> from mindspore import Tensor >>> from mindspore.nn import thor >>> >>> # Define the network structure of LeNet5. Refer to >>> # >>> net = LeNet5() >>> # Create the dataset taking MNIST as an example. Refer to >>> # >>> dataset = create_dataset() >>> temp = Tensor([4e-4, 1e-4, 1e-5, 1e-5], ms.float32) >>> opt = thor(net, learning_rate=temp, damping=temp, momentum=0.9, loss_scale=128, frequency=4) >>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction='mean') >>> loss_scale = ms.amp.FixedLossScaleManager(128, drop_overflow_update=False) >>> model = ms.train.Model(net, loss_fn=loss, optimizer=opt, loss_scale_manager=loss_scale, metrics={'acc'}, ... amp_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=False) >>> model = ms.train.ConvertModelUtils.convert_to_thor_model(model=model, network=net, loss_fn=loss, ... optimizer=opt, loss_scale_manager=loss_scale, metrics={'acc'}, ... amp_level="O2", keep_batchnorm_fp32=False) """ optim_name = type(optimizer).__name__ if optim_name in ("ThorAscend", "ThorGpu"): from mindspore.train.train_thor.model_thor import ModelThor if isinstance(network, nn.TrainOneStepCell): model = ModelThor(network=network) else: model = ModelThor(network=network, loss_fn=loss_fn, optimizer=optimizer, amp_level=amp_level, loss_scale_manager=loss_scale_manager, keep_batchnorm_fp32=keep_batchnorm_fp32, metrics=metrics) return model