Source code for mindspore.rewrite.api.scoped_value

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"""Rewrite module api: ValueType and ScopedValue."""
from enum import Enum
from typing import Optional, Union, List, Tuple
from mindspore import _checkparam as Validator

[docs]class ValueType(Enum): """ ValueType represents type of `ScopedValue`. - A `NamingValue` represents a reference to another variable. - A `CustomObjValue` represents an instance of custom class or an object whose type is out of range of base-type and container-type of ValueType. """ # base type ConstantValue = 0 # container type TupleValue = 20 ListValue = 21 DictValue = 22 # other type NamingValue = 40 CustomObjValue = 41
[docs]class ScopedValue: """ `ScopedValue` represents a value with its full-scope. `ScopedValue` is used to express: a left-value such as target of an assign statement, or a callable object such as func of a call statement, or a right-value such as args and kwargs of an assign statement. Args: arg_type (ValueType): A `ValueType` represents type of current value. scope (str): A string represents scope of current value. Take "self.var1" as an example, `scope` of this var1 is "self". Default: ``""`` . value: A handler represents value of current value. The type of value is corresponding to `arg_type`. Default: ``None`` . """ def __init__(self, arg_type: ValueType, scope: str = "", value=None): Validator.check_value_type("arg_type", arg_type, [ValueType], "ScopedValue") Validator.check_value_type("scope", scope, [str], "ScopedValue") self.type = arg_type self.scope = scope self.value = value
[docs] @classmethod def create_variable_value(cls, value) -> Optional['ScopedValue']: """ Create `ScopedValue` from a variable. `ScopedValue`'s type is determined by type of value. `ScopedValue`'s scope is empty. Args: value: The value to be converted to `ScopedValue`. Returns: An instance of `ScopedValue`. Examples: >>> from mindspore.rewrite import ScopedValue >>> variable = ScopedValue.create_variable_value(2) >>> print(variable) 2 """ if isinstance(value, (type(None), int, float, str, bool)): return cls(ValueType.ConstantValue, "", value) if isinstance(value, tuple): return cls(ValueType.TupleValue, "", tuple(cls.create_variable_value(single_value) for single_value in value)) if isinstance(value, list): return cls(ValueType.ListValue, "", list(cls.create_variable_value(single_value) for single_value in value)) if isinstance(value, dict): for key, _ in value.items(): if not isinstance(key, str): raise TypeError("key should be str, got: ", type(key)) return cls(ValueType.DictValue, "", dict((key, cls.create_variable_value(single_value)) for key, single_value in value.items())) return cls(ValueType.CustomObjValue, "", value)
[docs] @classmethod def create_naming_value(cls, name: str, scope: str = "") -> 'ScopedValue': """ Create a naming `ScopedValue`. A `NamingValue` represents a reference to another variable. Args: name: (str): A string represents the identifier of another variable. scope: (str): A string represents the scope of another variable. Default: ``""`` . Returns: An instance of `ScopedValue`. Raises: TypeError: If `name` is not `str`. TypeError: If `scope` is not `str`. Examples: >>> from mindspore.rewrite import ScopedValue >>> variable = ScopedValue.create_naming_value("conv", "self") >>> print(variable) self.conv """ Validator.check_value_type("name", name, [str], "ScopedValue") Validator.check_value_type("scope", scope, [str], "ScopedValue") return cls(ValueType.NamingValue, scope, name)
[docs] @staticmethod def create_name_values(names: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]], scopes: Union[List[str], Tuple[str]] = None) -> List['ScopedValue']: """ Create a list of naming `ScopedValue`. Args: names (List[str] or Tuple[str]): List or tuple of `str` represents names of referenced variables. scopes (List[str] or Tuple[str]): List or tuple of `str` represents scopes of referenced variables. Default: ``None`` . Returns: An list of instance of `ScopedValue`. Raises: RuntimeError: If the length of names is not equal to the length of scopes when scopes are not None. TypeError: If `names` is not `list` or `tuple` and name in `names` is not `str`. TypeError: If `scopes` is not `list` or `tuple` and scope in `scopes` is not `str`. Examples: >>> from mindspore.rewrite import ScopedValue >>> variables = ScopedValue.create_name_values(names=["z", "z_1"], scopes=["self", "self"]) >>> print(variables) [self.z, self.z_1] """ Validator.check_element_type_of_iterable("names", names, [str], "ScopedValue") if scopes is not None: Validator.check_element_type_of_iterable("scopes", scopes, [str], "ScopedValue") if len(names) != len(scopes): raise RuntimeError("Length of names should be equal to length of scopes") result = [] for index, name in enumerate(names): if scopes is not None: scope = scopes[index] else: scope = "" result.append(ScopedValue.create_naming_value(name, scope)) return result
def __str__(self): if self.type == ValueType.ConstantValue: return str(self.value) if self.type == ValueType.NamingValue: return f"{self.scope}.{self.value}" if self.scope else str(self.value) if self.type == ValueType.CustomObjValue: return f"CustomObj: {str(self.value)}" return f"Illegal ValueType: {str(self.type)}" def __eq__(self, other): if id(self) == id(other): return True return self.type == other.type and self.scope == other.scope and self.value == other.value def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __hash__(self): return hash((self.type, self.scope, self.value))