Source code for mindspore.dataset.debug.debug_hook

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This module defines the class for minddata pipeline debugger.
class DebugHook is not exposed to users as an external API.

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

[docs]class DebugHook(ABC): """ The base class for Dataset Pipeline Python Debugger hook. All user defined hook behaviors must inherit this base class. To debug the input and output data of `map` operation in dataset pipeline, users can add breakpoint in `compute` method, or print types and shapes of the data. Args: prev_op_name (str, optional): name of the operation before current debugging point. Default: ``None``. Examples: >>> import mindspore.dataset as ds >>> import mindspore.dataset.debug as debug >>> >>> class CustomizedHook(debug.DebugHook): ... def __init__(self): ... super().__init__() ... ... def compute(self, *args): ... import pdb ... pdb.set_trace() ... print("Data after decode", *args) ... return args >>> >>> # Enable debug mode >>> ds.config.set_debug_mode(True, debug_hook_list=[CustomizedHook()]) >>> >>> # Define dataset pipeline >>> dataset = ds.ImageFolderDataset(dataset_dir="/path/to/image_folder_dataset_directory") >>> # Insert debug hook after `Decode` operation. >>> dataset =[vision.Decode(), CustomizedHook(), vision.CenterCrop(100)]) """ def __init__(self, prev_op_name=None): self.prev_op_name = prev_op_name self.is_first_op = None def __call__(self, *args): # If insert debug function into map, like [Decode(), debug_fun(), Resize], # the debug_fun does not have self.prev_op_name, so skip the common print. if not self.prev_op_name: pass else: # log op name if self.is_first_op: log_message = "[Dataset debugger] Print the [INPUT] of the operation [{}].".format(self.prev_op_name) else: log_message = "[Dataset debugger] Print the [OUTPUT] of the operation [{}].".format(self.prev_op_name) print(log_message, flush=True) ######################## NOTE ######################## # Add a breakpoint to the following line to inspect # input and output of each transform. ###################################################### self.compute(args) return args
[docs] @abstractmethod def compute(self, *args): """ Defines the debug behaviour to be performed. This method must be overridden by all subclasses. Refers to the example above to define a customized hook. Args: *args (Any): The input/output of the operation, just print it. """ raise RuntimeError("compute() is not overridden in subclass of class DebugHook.")
def set_previous_op_name(self, prev_op_name): # Set prev_op_name. self.prev_op_name = prev_op_name def set_is_first(self, is_first_op): # Set op is the first in map. self.is_first_op = is_first_op