# Copyright 2022-2023 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Dynamic Profile Monitor"""
import os
import sys
import time
import stat
import json
import atexit
import struct
import random
import multiprocessing
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.train import Callback
from mindspore.profiler import Profiler, tensor_board_trace_handler, schedule
from mindspore.communication import get_rank
from mindspore.profiler.parser.ascend_analysis.file_manager import FileManager
from mindspore.profiler.parser.ascend_analysis.path_manager import PathManager
from mindspore.profiler.profiler_interface import ProfilerInterface
from mindspore.profiler.common.constant import ProfilerActivity, ProfilerLevel, AicoreMetrics
from mindspore.profiler.common.util import no_exception_func
def get_real_rank():
"""get rank id"""
return get_rank()
except RuntimeError:
return int(os.getenv("RANK_ID", "0"))
def print_msg(msg):
"""print msg"""
print("[Dynamic Profiler] " + msg, flush=True)
class DynamicProfilerArgs:
Data class for dynamic profile config.
FMT = "i" * 6 + "?" * 6
SIZE = struct.calcsize(FMT)
def __init__(self,
start_step: int = -1,
stop_step: int = -1,
aicore_metrics: int = -1,
profiler_level: int = 0,
analyse_mode: int = -1,
activities: int = 0,
profile_memory: bool = False,
mstx: bool = False,
parallel_strategy: bool = False,
with_stack: bool = False,
data_simplification: bool = True,
is_valid: bool = False,
self._start_step = start_step
self._stop_step = stop_step
self._aicore_metrics = aicore_metrics
self._profiler_level = profiler_level
self._analyse_mode = analyse_mode
self._activities = activities
self._profile_memory = profile_memory
self._mstx = mstx
self._parallel_strategy = parallel_strategy
self._with_stack = with_stack
self._data_simplification = data_simplification
self._is_valid = is_valid
def _check_params_type(self):
""" check params type."""
if not isinstance(self._start_step, int):
logger.warning("start_step should be int type, start_step will be reset to -1.")
self._start_step = -1
if not isinstance(self._stop_step, int):
logger.warning("stop_step should be int type, stop_step will be reset to -1.")
self._stop_step = -1
if not isinstance(self._aicore_metrics, int):
logger.warning("aicore_metrics should be int type, aicore_metrics will be reset to -1.")
self._aicore_metrics = -1
if not isinstance(self._profiler_level, int):
logger.warning("profiler_level should be int type, profiler_level will be reset to 0.")
self._profiler_level = 0
if not isinstance(self._analyse_mode, int):
logger.warning("analyse_mode should be int type, analyse_mode will be reset to -1.")
self._analyse_mode = -1
if not isinstance(self._activities, int):
logger.warning("activities should be int type, activities will be reset to 0.")
self._activities = 0
if not isinstance(self._profile_memory, bool):
logger.warning("profile_memory should be bool type, profile_memory will be reset to False.")
self._profile_memory = False
if not isinstance(self._mstx, bool):
logger.warning("mstx should be bool type, mstx will be reset to False.")
self._mstx = False
if not isinstance(self._parallel_strategy, bool):
logger.warning("parallel_strategy should be bool type, parallel_strategy will be reset to False.")
self._parallel_strategy = False
if not isinstance(self._with_stack, bool):
logger.warning("with_stack should be bool type, with_stack will be reset to False.")
self._with_stack = False
if not isinstance(self._data_simplification, bool):
logger.warning("data_simplification should be bool type, data_simplification will be reset to True.")
self._data_simplification = True
if not isinstance(self._is_valid, bool):
logger.warning("is_valid should be bool type, is_valid will be reset to False.")
self._is_valid = False
def start_step(self):
""" get start step value."""
return self._start_step
def stop_step(self):
""" get stop step value."""
return self._stop_step
def is_valid(self):
""" get json valid value."""
return self._is_valid
def is_valid(self, value):
""" set json valid value."""
self._is_valid = value
def analyse_mode(self):
""" get analyse mode value."""
return self._convert_analyse_mode(self._analyse_mode)
def vars(self):
""" get all values in DynamicProfilerArgs."""
not_supported_args = ['_is_valid']
res = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key not in not_supported_args:
res[key.replace('_', '', 1)] = value
return res
def args(self):
""" get all args in DynamicProfilerArgs."""
self._profiler_level = self._convert_profiler_level(self._profiler_level)
self._activities = self._convert_activities(self._activities)
self._aicore_metrics = self._convert_aicore_metrics(self._aicore_metrics)
not_supported_args = ['_start_step', '_stop_step', '_analyse_mode', '_is_valid']
res = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.items():
if key not in not_supported_args:
res[key.replace('_', '', 1)] = value
return res
def from_bytes(cls, byte_data):
""" unpack bytes to DynamicProfilerArgs."""
unpacked = struct.unpack(cls.FMT, byte_data)
return cls(*unpacked)
def to_bytes(self):
""" pack DynamicProfilerArgs to bytes."""
instance_vars = tuple(self.__dict__.values())
if len(instance_vars) != len(self.FMT):
raise ValueError("Number of variables does not match format string.")
return struct.pack(DynamicProfilerArgs.FMT, *instance_vars)
def _convert_analyse_mode(self, analyse_mode: int) -> str:
""" convert analyse_mode to real args in Profiler."""
if analyse_mode == 0:
return 'sync'
if analyse_mode == 1:
return 'async'
return None
def _convert_profiler_level(self, profiler_level: int) -> ProfilerLevel:
""" convert profiler_level to real args in Profiler."""
if profiler_level == -1:
return ProfilerLevel.LevelNone
if profiler_level == 0:
return ProfilerLevel.Level0
if profiler_level == 1:
return ProfilerLevel.Level1
if profiler_level == 2:
return ProfilerLevel.Level2
return ProfilerLevel.Level0
def _convert_activities(self, activities: int) -> ProfilerLevel:
""" convert activities to real args in Profiler."""
if activities == 0:
return [ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.NPU]
if activities == 1:
return [ProfilerActivity.CPU]
if activities == 2:
return [ProfilerActivity.NPU]
return [ProfilerActivity.CPU, ProfilerActivity.NPU]
def _convert_aicore_metrics(self, aicore_metrics: int) -> AicoreMetrics:
""" convert aicore_metrics to real args in Profiler."""
if aicore_metrics == -1:
return AicoreMetrics.AiCoreNone
if aicore_metrics == 0:
return AicoreMetrics.PipeUtilization
if aicore_metrics == 1:
return AicoreMetrics.ArithmeticUtilization
if aicore_metrics == 2:
return AicoreMetrics.Memory
if aicore_metrics == 3:
return AicoreMetrics.MemoryL0
if aicore_metrics == 4:
return AicoreMetrics.MemoryUB
if aicore_metrics == 5:
return AicoreMetrics.ResourceConflictRatio
if aicore_metrics == 6:
return AicoreMetrics.L2Cache
return AicoreMetrics.AiCoreNone
class DynamicProfilerMonitorBase(Callback):
Dynamic profile callback base class implementing the dynamic profile functionality.
def __init__(self, cfg_path, output_path=None, poll_interval=2, **kwargs):
self._cfg_path = cfg_path
self._cfg_json_path = os.path.join(self._cfg_path, "profiler_config.json")
self._cfg_json_path = os.path.realpath(self._cfg_json_path)
self._output_path = "dyn_profile_data" if output_path is None else output_path
self._poll_interval = poll_interval
if not isinstance(self._poll_interval, int):
logger.error("Poll interval must be an integer, reset to 2.")
self._poll_interval = 2
if self._poll_interval < 1:
logger.error("Poll interval must be greater than 1, reset to 2.")
self._poll_interval = 2
self._kwargs = kwargs
self._shm_name = time.strftime("DynamicProfileShm%Y%m%d%H", time.localtime())
self._rank_id = get_real_rank()
self._shared_loop_flag = multiprocessing.Value('b', True)
self._shm = None
self._process = None
self._profiler = None
self._last_start_step = None
self._last_stop_step = None
self._is_create_process = None
self._is_started = False
self._start_step = -1
self._stop_step = -1
self._step_num = 0
# generate api by del decorator.
def step_begin(self, run_context):
Start profile at the begin of step.
run_context (RunContext): Context of the train running.
prof_args = self._get_prof_args()
if not prof_args.is_valid:
logger.error("Dynamic profile json is not valid, please check the json file.")
if prof_args.start_step == -1 or prof_args.start_step == self._last_start_step:
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
step_num = cb_params.cur_step_num
start_step, stop_step = self._check_step(prof_args.start_step, prof_args.stop_step, step_num)
# Prevent repeated calls of the start function within a complete interval
if step_num == start_step:
if self._is_started:
logger.error("Dynamic profile is already started at step %d, "
"please wait the first profile finished at step %d.",
self._last_start_step, self._last_stop_step)
if self._profiler is None:
prof_path = os.path.join(self._output_path, f"rank{self._rank_id}_start{start_step}_stop{stop_step}")
self._profiler = Profiler(output_path=prof_path, start_profile=False, **prof_args.args)
print_msg(f"Rank {self._rank_id} create output path {prof_path}")
self._is_started = True
self._last_start_step = start_step
self._last_stop_step = stop_step
print_msg(f"Rank {self._rank_id} Dynamic profiler start at step {start_step}, "
f"will stop at step {stop_step}")
# generate api by del decorator.
def step_end(self, run_context):
Stop profile at the end of step.
run_context (RunContext): Context of the train running.
prof_args = self._get_prof_args()
if not prof_args.is_valid:
logger.error("Dynamic profile json is not valid, please check the json file.")
if prof_args.stop_step == -1:
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
step_num = cb_params.cur_step_num
if step_num == self._last_stop_step and self._is_started:
if self._profiler:
if prof_args.analyse_mode:
self._profiler = None
self._is_started = False
print_msg(f"Rank {self._rank_id} Dynamic profiler stop at step {step_num}")
# generate api by del decorator.
def step(self):
Used for Ascend, distinguish step collection and parsing performance data by dynamic profiler.
RuntimeError: If the 'start_step' parameter setting is greater than the 'stop_step' parameter setting.
>>> import json
>>> import os
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> from mindspore import context, nn
>>> from mindspore.profiler import DynamicProfilerMonitor
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self.fc = nn.Dense(2, 2)
... def construct(self, x):
... return self.fc(x)
>>> def generator_net():
... for _ in range(2):
... yield np.ones([2, 2]).astype(np.float32), np.ones([2]).astype(np.int32)
>>> def train(test_net):
... optimizer = nn.Momentum(test_net.trainable_params(), 1, 0.9)
... loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True)
... data = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator_net(), ["data", "label"])
... model = mindspore.train.Model(test_net, loss, optimizer)
... model.train(1, data)
>>> def change_cfg_json(json_path):
... with open(json_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as file:
... data = json.load(file)
... data['start_step'] = 6
... data['stop_step'] = 7
... with open(json_path, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as file:
... json.dump(data, file, ensure_ascii=False, indent=4)
>>> if __name__ == '__main__':
... # set json configuration file
... cfg_json = {
... "start_step": 2,
... "stop_step": 5,
... "aicore_metrics": -1,
... "profiler_level": 0,
... "activities": 0,
... "analyse_mode": -1,
... "parallel_strategy": False,
... "with_stack": False,
... "data_simplification": True,
... }
... context.set_context(mode=mindspore.PYNATIVE_MODE)
... mindspore.set_device("Ascend")
... cfg_path = os.path.join("./cfg_path", "profiler_config.json")
... # set cfg file
... with open(cfg_path, 'w') as f:
... json.dump(cfg_json, f, indent=4)
... # Assume the user has correctly configured the environment variable (RANK_ID is not a non-numeric type)
... rank_id = int(os.getenv('RANK_ID')) if os.getenv('RANK_ID') else 0
... # cfg_path contains the json configuration file path, and output_path is the output path
... dp = DynamicProfilerMonitor(cfg_path=cfg_path, output_path=cfg_path)
... STEP_NUM = 15
... # Define a network of training models
... net = Net()
... for i in range(STEP_NUM):
... print(f"step {i}")
... train(net)
... # Modify the configuration file after step 7. For example, change start_step to 8 and stop_step to 10
... if i == 7:
... # Modify parameters in the JSON file
... change_cfg_json(os.path.join(cfg_path, "profiler_config.json"))
... # Call step collection
... dp.step()
self._step_num += 1
prof_args = self._get_prof_args()
if not prof_args.is_valid:
logger.error("Dynamic profile json is not valid, please check the json file.")
if prof_args.start_step == -1 or prof_args.stop_step == -1:
# Skips the number of steps less than start_step
if self._step_num < prof_args.start_step:
if self._start_step != prof_args.start_step or self._stop_step != prof_args.stop_step:
# Update new start_step and stop_step
self._start_step = prof_args.start_step
self._stop_step = prof_args.stop_step
if self._start_step >= 0 and 0 <= self._start_step <= self._stop_step:
prof_path = os.path.join(self._output_path,
print_msg(f"Rank {self._rank_id} create output path {prof_path}")
print_msg(f"Rank {self._rank_id} Dynamic profile start at step {self._start_step}, "
f"will stop at step {self._stop_step}")
self._profiler = Profiler(output_path=prof_path,
schedule=schedule(wait=0, warmup=0,
active=self._stop_step - self._start_step + 1,
self._profiler = None
logger.error("Rank %d Dynamic profile start at step %d and stop at step %d in config_json must be "
"greater than or equal to 0, and stop step should not be less than start step",
self._rank_id, self._start_step, self._stop_step)
if self._profiler:
# generate api by del decorator.
def on_train_end(self, run_context):
Callback on trian end
run_context (RunContext): Context of the train running.
def _get_prof_args(self):
""" Get prof_args """
logger.error("Dynamic profiler _get_prof_args is not implemented")
return DynamicProfilerArgs()
def _clean_resource(self):
"""Clean resource"""
logger.error("Dynamic profiler _clean_resource is not implemented")
def _check_step(self, start_step, stop_step, step_num):
"""Check step valid"""
if start_step <= 0 or stop_step <= 0:
return -1, -1
if start_step > stop_step:
logger.error("start_step must be less than stop_step, "
"but get start_step = %d, stop_step = %d", start_step, stop_step)
return -1, -1
if start_step < step_num and start_step != self._last_start_step:
logger.error("start_step must be greater than step_num, "
"but get start_step = %d, stop_step = %d, step_num = %d", start_step, stop_step, step_num)
return -1, -1
if stop_step < step_num and stop_step != self._last_stop_step:
logger.error("stop_step must be greater than step_num, "
"but get start_step = %d, stop_step = %d, step_num = %d", start_step, stop_step, step_num)
return -1, -1
return start_step, stop_step
# generate api by del decorator.
def _init_cfg_json(self):
"""Init config json file"""
if self._rank_id == 0:
if not os.path.exists(self._cfg_json_path):
logger.warning("cfg_path is not exist, create default cfg json")
FileManager.create_json_file(self._cfg_path, DynamicProfilerArgs().vars,
"profiler_config.json", indent=4)
logger.info("rank_id is not 0, skip init cfg json")
print_msg(f"Init config json file: {self._cfg_json_path}")
def _create_shm(self):
"""Create a json monitor process based on whether the SharedMemory is successfully created"""
logger.error("Dynamic profiler _create_shm is not implemented")
# generate api by del decorator.
def _create_process(self):
"""Create json monitor process, one process will be created at one worker"""
if self._is_create_process:
# daemon need to be set to True, otherwise the process will not be killed when the main process exits.
self._process = multiprocessing.Process(target=worker_func, daemon=True,
args=(self._shared_loop_flag, self._poll_interval,
self._shm, self._cfg_json_path))
logger.info("Config monitor process has been created by rank %d.", self._rank_id)
self._process = None
logger.info("Rank %d no need to create process.", self._rank_id)
# generate api by del decorator.
def _check_shm_for_killed(self):
User killed process shm can not clean normally, so check this when create shm.
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
shm_path = os.path.join("/dev/shm", self._shm_name)
shm_path = self._shm_path
if not os.path.exists(shm_path):
MAX_TIME_DIFF = 30 # seconds
time_shm = os.stat(shm_path).st_ctime
cur_proc_time = self._get_pid_st_ctime(os.getpid())
if cur_proc_time and abs(cur_proc_time - time_shm) > MAX_TIME_DIFF:
raise RuntimeError("There maybe exist share memory before this task, if you kill last task, "
"dynamic profiler will not valid, please remove %s, and retry." % shm_path)
def _get_pid_st_ctime(self, pid):
"""Get pid st_ctime"""
fd = os.open("/proc/" + str(pid), os.O_RDONLY, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
stat_ino = os.fstat(fd)
create_time = stat_ino.st_ctime
return create_time
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.error("Process with PID %d does not exist.", pid)
except PermissionError:
logger.error("Permission denied when accessing PID %d.", pid)
except Exception as ex: # pylint: disable=W0703
logger.error("An error occurred while getting creation time for PID %d: %s", pid, str(ex))
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
# generate api by del decorator.
def write_bytes(shm, byte_data):
"""Write bytes to shared memory"""
shm.buf[:DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE] = byte_data
# generate api by del decorator.
def write_bytes(shm, byte_data):
"""Write bytes to shared memory"""
def worker_func(loop_flag, poll_interval, shm, cfg_path):
""" Json monitor process worker function python version >= 3.8"""
last_file_t = None
while loop_flag.value:
if os.path.exists(cfg_path):
file_t = os.path.getmtime(cfg_path)
if not last_file_t or last_file_t != file_t:
last_file_t = file_t
with open(cfg_path, 'r') as f:
data = json.load(f)
# convert json to DynamicProfilerArgs
prof_args = DynamicProfilerArgs(**data)
prof_args.is_valid = True
logger.info("Dynamic profiler process load json success")
except json.JSONDecodeError as e:
prof_args = DynamicProfilerArgs()
prof_args.is_valid = False
logger.error("Dynamic profiler process load json failed: %s", e)
byte_data = prof_args.to_bytes()
write_bytes(shm, byte_data)
logger.error("Dynamic profiler cfg json not exists")
logger.info("Dynamic profiler process done")
if sys.version_info >= (3, 8):
from multiprocessing import shared_memory
from unittest.mock import patch
class DynamicProfilerMonitor(DynamicProfilerMonitorBase):
This class to enable the dynamic profile monitoring of MindSpore neural networks.
cfg_path (str): Dynamic profile json config file directory. The requirement is a shared path
that can be accessed by all nodes. The parameters of the json configuration file are as follows:
- start_step (int, required) - Sets the step number at which the Profiler starts collecting data.
It is a relative value, with the first step of training being 1. The default value is -1, indicating
that data collection will not start during the entire training process.
- stop_step (int, required) - Sets the step number at which the Profiler stops collecting data. It is
a relative value, with the first step of training being 1. The stop_step must be greater than or
equal to start_step. The default value is -1, indicating that data collection will not start during
the entire training process.
- aicore_metrics (int, optional) - The range of values corresponds to the Profiler. The default value -1
indicates that AI Core utilization is not collected, and 0 indicates PipeUtilization, 1 indicates
ArithmeticUtilization, 2 stands for Memory, 3 stands for MemoryL0, 4 stands for MemoryUB, 5 indicates
ResourceConflictRatio, 6 indicates L2Cache.
- profiler_level (int, optional) - Sets the level of performance data collection, where -1 represents
ProfilerLevel.LevelNone, 0 represents ProfilerLevel.Level0, 1 represents ProfilerLevel.Level1, and
2 represents ProfilerLevel.Level2. The default value is 0, indicating the ProfilerLevel.Level0
collection level.
- activities (int, optional) - Sets the devices for performance data collection, where 0 represents
CPU+NPU, 1 represents CPU, and 2 represents NPU. The default value is 0, indicating the collection
of CPU+NPU performance data.
- profile_memory (bool, optional) - Set whether to collect memory performance data, true indicates that
memory performance data is collected, false indicates that memory performance data is not collected.
The default value is false, indicating that memory performance data is not collected.
- mstx (bool, optional) - Set whether to enable mstx, true indicates that mstx is enabled, false
indicates that mstx is disabled. The default value is false, indicating that mstx is not enabled.
- analyse_mode (int, optional) - Sets the mode for online analysis, corresponding to the analyse_mode
parameter of the mindspore.Profiler.analyse interface, where 0 represents "sync" and 1 represents
"async". The default value is -1, indicating that online analysis is not used.
- parallel_strategy (bool, optional) - Sets whether to collect parallel strategy performance data,
where true means to collect and false means not to collect. The default value is false, indicating
that parallel strategy performance data is not collected.
- with_stack (bool, optional) - Sets whether to collect call stack information, where true means to
collect and false means not to collect. The default value is false, indicating that call stack
information is not collected.
- data_simplification (bool, optional) - Sets whether to enable data simplification, where true means
to enable and false means not to enable. The default value is true, indicating that data
simplification is enabled.
output_path (str, optional): Output data path. Default: ``"./dyn_profile_data"`` .
poll_interval (int, optional): The polling period of the monitoring process, in seconds.
Default value: ``2``.
RuntimeError: When create shared memory times exceeds max times.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import nn
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> from mindspore.profiler import DynamicProfilerMonitor
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self.fc = nn.Dense(2,2)
... def construct(self, x):
... return self.fc(x)
>>> def generator():
... for i in range(2):
... yield (np.ones([2, 2]).astype(np.float32), np.ones([2]).astype(np.int32))
>>> def train(net):
... optimizer = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), 1, 0.9)
... loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True)
... data = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator, ["data", "label"])
... dynprof_cb = DynamicProfilerMonitor(cfg_path="./dyn_cfg", output_path="./dyn_prof_data")
... model = ms.train.Model(net, loss, optimizer)
... # register DynamicProfilerMonitor to model.train()
... model.train(10, data, callbacks=[dynprof_cb])
def __init__(self, cfg_path, output_path="./dyn_profile_data", poll_interval=2, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(cfg_path, str):
raise TypeError("The cfg_path must be a string.")
if not isinstance(output_path, str):
logger.warning(f"The output_path must be a string, "
f"but got type {type(output_path)}, it will be set to './dyn_profile_data'.")
output_path = "./dyn_profile_data"
super().__init__(cfg_path, output_path, poll_interval, **kwargs)
def _get_prof_args(self):
""" Get prof_args py38"""
return DynamicProfilerArgs.from_bytes(self._shm.buf[:DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE])
# generate api by del decorator.
def _clean_resource(self):
"""Clean resource py38"""
# stop profiler when stop_step over all train step
if self._profiler:
self._profiler = None
logger.warning("Rank %d Dynamic profiler stop at end of training", self._rank_id)
# join process
if self._process:
self._shared_loop_flag.value = False
self._process = None
logger.info("Rank %s process stop", self._rank_id)
# clear shared memory
if self._shm:
logger.info("Rank %s unlink shm", self._rank_id)
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.warning("Rank %s unlink shm failed, may be removed", self._rank_id)
self._shm = None
# generate api by del decorator.
def _create_shm(self):
"""Create a json monitor process based on whether the SharedMemory is successfully created py38"""
try_times = 10
while try_times:
# Step 1: try to open shm file, first time shm not exists.
# Python incorrectly tracks shared memory even if it is not
# created by the process. The following patch is a workaround.
with patch("multiprocessing.resource_tracker.register",
lambda *args, **kwargs: None):
self._shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=self._shm_name)
self._is_create_process = False
logger.info("Rank %d shared memory is connected.", self._rank_id)
except FileNotFoundError:
# Step 2: only one process can create shm successfully.
self._shm = shared_memory.SharedMemory(name=self._shm_name,
create=True, size=DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE)
self._is_create_process = True
logger.info("Rank %d shared memory is created.", self._rank_id)
except FileExistsError:
# other process will go to step 1 and open shm file
try_times -= 1
logger.warning("Rank %d shared memory create failed, "
"retry times = %d.", self._rank_id, try_times)
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 0.02)) # sleep 0 ~ 20 ms
except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=W0703
# shm open failed because of other process create shm not finished
try_times -= 1
logger.warning("Rank %d shared memory open failed, error: %s, retry times = %d",
self._rank_id, str(e), try_times)
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 0.02)) # sleep 0 ~ 20 ms
if try_times <= 0:
raise RuntimeError(f"Rank {self._rank_id} failed to create shared memory.")
import mmap
[docs] class DynamicProfilerMonitor(DynamicProfilerMonitorBase):
This class to enable the dynamic profile monitoring of MindSpore neural networks.
cfg_path (str): Dynamic profile json config file directory. The requirement is a shared path
that can be accessed by all nodes.
output_path (str, optional): Output data path. Default: ``"./dyn_profile_data"`` .
poll_interval (int, optional): The polling period of the monitoring process, in seconds.
Default value: ``2``.
RuntimeError: When create shared memory times exceeds max times.
Supported Platforms:
``Ascend`` ``GPU``
>>> import numpy as np
>>> import mindspore as ms
>>> from mindspore import nn
>>> import mindspore.dataset as ds
>>> from mindspore.profiler import DynamicProfilerMonitor
>>> class Net(nn.Cell):
... def __init__(self):
... super(Net, self).__init__()
... self.fc = nn.Dense(2,2)
... def construct(self, x):
... return self.fc(x)
>>> def generator():
... for i in range(2):
... yield (np.ones([2, 2]).astype(np.float32), np.ones([2]).astype(np.int32))
>>> def train(net):
... optimizer = nn.Momentum(net.trainable_params(), 1, 0.9)
... loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True)
... data = ds.GeneratorDataset(generator, ["data", "label"])
... dynprof_cb = DynamicProfilerMonitor(cfg_path="./dyn_cfg", output_path="./dyn_prof_data")
... model = ms.train.Model(net, loss, optimizer)
... # register DynamicProfilerMonitor to model.train()
... model.train(10, data, callbacks=[dynprof_cb])
def __init__(self, cfg_path, output_path="./dyn_profile_data", poll_interval=2, **kwargs):
if not isinstance(cfg_path, str):
raise TypeError("The cfg_path must be a string.")
if not isinstance(output_path, str):
logger.warning(f"The output_path must be a string, "
f"but got type {type(output_path)}, it will be set to './dyn_profile_data'.")
output_path = "./dyn_profile_data"
self._cfg_path = cfg_path
self._shm_name = time.strftime("DynamicProfileShm%Y%m%d%H", time.localtime())
self._shm_dir = os.path.join(self._cfg_path, "shm")
self._shm_path = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(self._shm_dir, self._shm_name))
super().__init__(cfg_path, output_path, poll_interval, **kwargs)
logger.warning("Dynamic profiler is not work well on python 3.7x, "
"please update to python 3.8+ for better performance.")
def _get_prof_args(self):
""" Get prof_args py37"""
return DynamicProfilerArgs.from_bytes(self._shm.read(DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE))
# generate api by del decorator.
def _clean_resource(self):
"""Clean resource py37"""
# stop profiler when stop_step over all train step
if self._profiler:
self._profiler = None
logger.warning("Rank %d Dynamic profiler stop at end of training", self._rank_id)
# join process
if self._process:
self._shared_loop_flag.value = False
self._process = None
logger.info("Rank %s process stop", self._rank_id)
# clear shared memory
if self._shm and self._is_create_process:
if self._memory_mapped_file and not self._memory_mapped_file.closed:
elif self.fd:
logger.info("Rank %s unlink shm", self._rank_id)
except FileNotFoundError:
logger.warning("Rank %s unlink shm failed, may be removed", self._rank_id)
self._shm = None
# generate api by del decorator.
def _create_shm(self):
"""Create a json monitor process based on whether the SharedMemory is successfully created py37"""
try_times = 10
while try_times:
# Step 1: try to open fd, first time fd not exists.
self.fd = os.open(self._shm_path, os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR,
stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
self._memory_mapped_file = os.fdopen(self.fd, 'rb')
self._shm = mmap.mmap(self._memory_mapped_file.fileno(), length=DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE)
self._is_create_process = False
logger.info("Rank %d shared memory is connected.", self._rank_id)
except ValueError:
except FileNotFoundError:
# Step 2: only one process can create fd successfully.
fd = os.open(self._shm_path, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR,
stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
# Init mmap file need to write data
with os.fdopen(fd, 'wb') as f:
data_instance = DynamicProfilerArgs()
byte_data = data_instance.to_bytes()
# create mmap
self.fd = os.open(self._shm_path, os.O_EXCL | os.O_RDWR,
stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IRGRP)
self._memory_mapped_file = os.fdopen(self.fd, 'rb')
self._shm = mmap.mmap(self._memory_mapped_file.fileno(), length=DynamicProfilerArgs.SIZE)
self._is_create_process = True
logger.info("Rank %d shared memory is created.", self._rank_id)
except FileExistsError:
# other process will go to step 1 and open shm file
try_times -= 1
logger.warning("Rank %d shared memory create failed, "
"retry times = %d.", self._rank_id, try_times)
time.sleep(random.uniform(0, 0.02)) # sleep 0 ~ 20 ms
if try_times <= 0:
raise RuntimeError("Failed to create shared memory.")