Source code for mindspore.nn.layer.channel_shuffle

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"""channel shuffle"""
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.nn.cell import Cell

__all__ = ['ChannelShuffle']

[docs]class ChannelShuffle(Cell): r""" Divide the channels in a tensor of shape :math:`(*, C, H, W)` into :math:`g` group and rearrange them as :math:`(*, \frac{C}{g}, g, H*W)`, while retaining the original tensor shape in the final output. Args: groups (int): Number of groups to divide channels in, must be greater than 0. Refer to :math:`g` in the above formula. Inputs: - **x** (Tensor) - Tensor of shape :math:`(*, C_{in}, H_{in}, W_{in})`. Outputs: Tensor, with the same type and shape as the `x`. Raises: TypeError: If `groups` is not a positive integer. ValueError: If `groups` is less than 1. ValueError: If dims of `x` is less than 3. ValueError: If number of channels can not be divisible by groups. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import mindspore as ms >>> import numpy as np >>> channel_shuffle = ms.nn.ChannelShuffle(2) >>> x = ms.Tensor(np.arange(16).astype(np.int32).reshape(1, 4, 2, 2)) >>> print(x) [[[[ 0 1] [ 2 3]] [[ 4 5] [ 6 7]] [[ 8 9] [10 11]] [[12 13] [14 15]]]] >>> output = channel_shuffle(x) >>> print(output) [[[[ 0 1] [ 2 3]] [[ 8 9] [10 11]] [[ 4 5] [ 6 7]] [[12 13] [14 15]]]] """ def __init__(self, groups): """Initialize ChannelShuffle.""" super(ChannelShuffle, self).__init__() if not isinstance(groups, int): raise TypeError(f"For ChannelShuffle, the param `groups` must be int, but got {type(groups)}.") if groups < 1: raise ValueError(f"For ChannelShuffle, the param `groups` must be larger than 0, but got {groups}.") self.groups = groups self.shape = P.Shape() self.reshape = P.Reshape() self.transpose = P.Transpose() def construct(self, x): x_shape = self.shape(x) n, c = x_shape[0], x_shape[1] out = self.reshape(x, (n, self.groups, c // self.groups, -1)) out = self.transpose(out, (0, 2, 1, 3)) return self.reshape(out, x_shape)