Static Graph Syntax Support

Linux Ascend GPU CPU Model Development Beginner Intermediate Expert

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In graph mode, Python code is not executed by the Python interpreter. Instead, the code is compiled into a static computation graph, and then the static computation graph is executed.

Currently, only the function, Cell, and subclass instances modified by the @ms_function decorator can be built. For a function, build the function definition. For the network, build the construct method and other methods or functions called by the construct method.

For details about how to use ms_function, click

For details about the definition of Cell, click

Due to syntax parsing restrictions, the supported data types, syntax, and related operations during graph building are not completely consistent with the Python syntax. As a result, some usage is restricted.

The following describes the data types, syntax, and related operations supported during static graph building. These rules apply only to graph mode.

All the following examples run on the network in graph mode. The network definition is not described.

Data Types

Built-in Python Data Types

Currently, the following built-in Python data types are supported: Number, String, List, Tuple, and Dictionary.


Supports int, float, and bool, but does not support complex numbers.

Number can be defined on the network. That is, the syntax y = 1, y = 1.2, and y = True are supported.

Forcible conversion to Number is not supported on the network. That is, the syntax y = int(x), y = float(x), and y = bool(x) are not supported.


String can be constructed on the network. That is, the syntax y = "abcd" is supported.

Forcible conversion to String is not supported on the network. That is, the syntax y = str(x) is not supported.


List can be constructed on the network, that is, the syntax y = [1, 2, 3] is supported.

Forcible conversion to List is not supported on the network. That is, the syntax y = list(x) is not supported.

List to be output in the computation graph will be converted into Tuple.

  • Supported APIs

    append: adds an element to list.

    For example:

    x = [1, 2, 3]

    The result is as follows:

    x: (1, 2, 3, 4)
  • Supported index values and value assignment

    Single-level and multi-level index values and value assignment are supported.

    The index value supports only int.

    The assigned value can be Number, String, Tuple, List, or Tensor.

    For example:

    x = [[1, 2], 2, 3, 4]
    m = x[0][1]
    x[1] = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
    x[2] = "ok"
    x[3] = (1, 2, 3)
    x[0][1] = 88
    n = x[-3]

    The result is as follows:

    m: 2
    x: ([1, 88], Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2, 3]), 'ok', (1, 2, 3))
    n: Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2, 3])


Tuple can be constructed on the network, that is, the syntax y = (1, 2, 3) is supported.

Forcible conversion to Tuple is not supported on the network. That is, the syntax y = tuple(x) is not supported.

  • Supported index values

    The index value can be int, slice, Tensor, and multi-level index value. That is, the syntax data = tuple_x[index0][index1]... is supported.

    Restrictions on the index value Tensor are as follows:

    • Tuple stores Cell. Each Cell must be defined before a tuple is defined. The number of input parameters, input parameter type, and input parameter shape of each Cell must be the same. The number of outputs of each Cell must be the same. The output type must be the same as the output shape.

    • The index Tensor is a scalar Tensor whose dtype is int32. The value range is [-tuple_len, tuple_len), negative index is not supported in Ascend backend.

    • This syntax does not support the running branches whose control flow conditions if, while, and for are variables. The control flow conditions can be constants only.

    • GPU and Ascend backend is supported.

    An example of the int and slice indexes is as follows:

    x = (1, (2, 3, 4), 3, 4, Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3])))
    y = x[1][1]
    z = x[4]
    m = x[1:4]
    n = x[-4]

    The result is as follows:

    y: 3
    z: Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2, 3])
    m: ((2, 3, 4), 3, 4)
    n: (2, 3, 4)

    An example of the Tensor index is as follows:

    class Net(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Net, self).__init__()
            self.relu = nn.ReLU()
            self.softmax = nn.Softmax()
            self.layers = (self.relu, self.softmax)
        def construct(self, x, index):
            ret = self.layers[index](x)
            return ret


Dictionary can be constructed on the network. That is, the syntax y = {"a": 1, "b": 2} is supported. Currently, only String can be used as the key value.

Dictionary to be output in the computational graph will extract all value values to form the Tuple output.

  • Supported APIs

    keys: extracts all key values from dict to form Tuple and return it.

    values: extracts all value values from dict to form Tuple and return it.

    For example:

    x = {"a": Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3])), "b": Tensor(np.array([4, 5, 6])), "c": Tensor(np.array([7, 8, 9]))}
    y = x.keys()
    z = x.values()

    The result is as follows:

    y: ("a", "b", "c")
    z: (Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2, 3]), Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[4, 5, 6]), Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[7, 8, 9]))
  • Supported index values and value assignment

    The index value supports only String. The assigned value can be Number, Tuple, or Tensor.

    For example:

    x = {"a": Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3])), "b": Tensor(np.array([4, 5, 6])), "c": Tensor(np.array([7, 8, 9]))}
    y = x["b"]
    x["a"] = (2, 3, 4)

    The result is as follows:

    y: Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[4, 5, 6])
    x: {"a": (2, 3, 4), Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[4, 5, 6]), Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[7, 8, 9])}

MindSpore User-defined Data Types

Currently, MindSpore supports the following user-defined data types: Tensor, Primitive, and Cell.


Currently, tensors cannot be constructed on the network. That is, the syntax x = Tensor(args...) is not supported.

You can use the @constexpr decorator to modify the function and generate the Tensor in the function.

For details about how to use @constexpr, click

The constant Tensor used on the network can be used as a network attribute and defined in init, that is, self.x = Tensor(args...). Then the constant can be used in construct.

In the following example, Tensor of shape = (3, 4), dtype = int64 is generated by @constexpr.

def generate_tensor():
    return Tensor(np.ones((3, 4)))

The following describes the attributes, APIs, index values, and index value assignment supported by the Tensor.

  • Supported attributes

    shape: obtains the shape of Tensor and returns a Tuple.

    dtype: obtains the data type of Tensor and returns a data type defined by MindSpore.

  • Supported APIs

    all: reduces Tensor through the all operation. Only Tensor of the Bool type is supported.

    any: reduces Tensor through the any operation. Only Tensor of the Bool type is supported.

view: reshapes Tensor into input shape.

expand_as: expands Tensor to the same shape as another Tensor based on the broadcast rule.

For example:

x = Tensor(np.array([[True, False, True], [False, True, False]]))
x_shape = x.shape
x_dtype = x.dtype
x_all = x.all()
x_any = x.any()
x_view = x.view((1, 6))

y = Tensor(np.ones((2, 3), np.float32))
z = Tensor(np.ones((2, 2, 3)))
y_as_z = y.expand_as(z)

The result is as follows:

x_shape: (2, 3)
x_dtype: Bool
x_all: Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, value=False)
x_any: Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Bool, value=True)
x_view: Tensor(shape=[1, 6], dtype=Bool, value=[[True, False, True, False, True, False]])

y_as_z: Tensor(shape=[2, 2, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]], [[1.0, 1.0, 1.0], [1.0, 1.0, 1.0]]])
  • Index values

    The index value can be int, bool, None, slice, Tensor, List, or Tuple.

    • int index value

      Single-level and multi-level int index values are supported. The single-level int index value is tensor_x[int_index], and the multi-level int index value is tensor_x[int_index0][int_index1]....

      The int index value is obtained on dimension 0 and is less than the length of dimension 0. After the position data corresponding to dimension 0 is obtained, dimension 0 is eliminated.

      For example, if a single-level int index value is obtained for a tensor whose shape is (3, 4, 5), the obtained shape is (4, 5).

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level int index value based on the previous-level index value.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3 * 2).reshape((2, 3, 2)))
      data_single = tensor_x[0]
      data_multi = tensor_x[0][1]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[3, 2], dtype=Int64, value=[[0, 1], [2, 3], [4, 5]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Int64, value=[2, 3])
    • bool index value

      Single-level and multi-level bool index values are supported. The single-level bool index value is tensor_x[True], and the multi-level True index value is tensor_x[True][False]....

      The True index value operation is obtained on dimension 0. After all data is obtained, a dimension is extended on the axis=0 axis. The length of the dimension is 1.

      For example, if a single-level True index value is obtained from a tensor whose shape is (3, 4, 5), the obtained shape is (1, 3, 4, 5), if a single-level False index value is obtained from a tensor whose shape is (3, 4, 5), the obtained shape is (0, 3, 4, 5).

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level bool index value based on the previous-level index value.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3 ).reshape((2, 3)))
      data_single = tensor_x[True]
      data_multi = tensor_x[True][False]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[1, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[1, 0, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[[], []]]])
    • None index value

      The None index value is the same as the True index value. For details, see the True index value.

    • ellipsis index value

      Single-level and multi-level ellipsis index values are supported. The single-level ellipsis index value is tensor_x[...], and the multi-level ellipsis index value is tensor_x[...][...]....

      The ellipsis index value is obtained on all dimensions to get the original data without any change. Generally, it is used as a component of the Tuple index. The Tuple index is described as follows.

      For example, if the ellipsis index value is obtained for a tensor whose shape is (3, 4, 5), the obtained shape is still (3, 4, 5).

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3 ).reshape((2, 3)))
      data_single = tensor_x[...]
      data_multi = tensor_x[...][...]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[0, 1, 2], [3, 4, 5]])
    • slice index value

      Single-level and multi-level slice index values are supported. The single-level slice index value is tensor_x[slice_index], and the multi-level slice index value is tensor_x[slice_index0][slice_index1]....

      The slice index value is obtained on dimension 0. The element of the sliced position on dimension 0 is obtained. The slice does not reduce the dimension even if the length is 1, which is different from the int index value.

      For example, tensor_x[0:1:1] != tensor_x[0], because shape_former = (1,) + shape_latter.

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level slice index value based on the previous-level index value.

      slice consists of start, stop, and step. The default value of start is 0, the default value of stop is the length of the dimension, and the default value of step is 1.

      Example: tensor_x[:] == tensor_x[0:length:1].

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(4 * 2 * 2).reshape((4, 2, 2)))
      data_single = tensor_x[1:4:2]
      data_multi = tensor_x[1:4:2][1:]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[2, 2, 2], dtype=Int64, value=[[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[12, 13], [14, 15]]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[1, 2, 2], dtype=Int64, value=[[[12, 13], [14, 15]]])
    • Tensor index value

      Single-level and multi-level Tensor index values are supported. The single-level Tensor index value is tensor_x[tensor_index], and the multi-level Tensor index value is tensor_x[tensor_index0][tensor_index1]....

      The Tensor index value is obtained on dimension 0, and the element in the corresponding position of dimension 0 is obtained.

      The data type of the Tensor index must be one of int8, int16, int32, and int64, the element cannot be a negative number, and the value must be less than the length of dimension 0.

      The Tensor index value is obtained by data_shape = tensor_inde4x.shape + tensor_x.shape[1:].

      For example, if the index value is obtained for a tensor whose shape is (6, 4, 5) by using a tensor whose shape is (2, 3), the obtained shape is (2, 3, 4, 5).

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level Tensor index value based on the previous-level index value.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(4 * 2 * 3).reshape((4, 2, 3)))
      tensor_index0 = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [0, 3]]), mstype.int32)
      tensor_index1 = Tensor(np.array([[0, 0]]), mstype.int32)
      data_single = tensor_x[tensor_index0]
      data_multi = tensor_x[tensor_index0][tensor_index1]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[2, 2, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]], [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[12, 13], [14, 15]]]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[1, 2, 2, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]], [[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]]]])
    • List index value

      Single-level and multi-level Tensor index values are supported. The single-level List index value is tensor_x[list_index], and the multi-level List index value is tensor_x[list_index0][list_index1]....

      The List index value is obtained on dimension 0, and the element in the corresponding position of dimension 0 is obtained.

      The data type of the List index must be all bool, all int or mixed of them. The List elements of int type must be in the range of [-dimension_shape, dimension_shape-1] and the count of List elements with bool type must be the same as the dimension_shape of dimension 0 and will perform as to filter the corresponding element of the Tenson data. If the above two types appear simultaneously, the List elements with the bool type will be converted to 1/0 for True/False.

      The Tensor index value is obtained by data_shape = tensor_inde4x.shape + tensor_x.shape[1:].

      For example, if the index value is obtained for a tensor whose shape is (6, 4, 5) by using a tensor whose shape is (2, 3), the obtained shape is (2, 3, 4, 5).

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level Tensor index value based on the previous-level index value.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(4 * 2 * 3).reshape((4, 2, 3)))
      tensor_index0 = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [0, 3]]), mstype.int32)
      tensor_index1 = Tensor(np.array([[0, 0]]), mstype.int32)
      data_single = tensor_x[tensor_index0]
      data_multi = tensor_x[tensor_index0][tensor_index1]

      The result is as follows:

      data_single: Tensor(shape=[2, 2, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]], [[[0, 1], [2, 3]], [[12, 13], [14, 15]]]])
      data_multi: Tensor(shape=[1, 2, 2, 2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[[[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]], [[[4, 5], [6, 7]], [[8, 9], [10, 11]]]]])
    • Tuple index value

      The data type of the Tuple index can be int, bool, None, slice, ellipsis, Tensor, List, or Tuple. Single-level and multi-level Tuple index values are supported. For the single-level Tuple index, the value is tensor_x[tuple_index]. For the multi-level Tuple index, the value is tensor_x[tuple_index0][tuple_index1].... The regulations of elements List and Tuple are the same as that of single index List index. The regulations of others are the same to the respondding single element type.

      Elements in the Tuple index can be sort out by Basic Index or Advanced Index. slice, ellipsis and None are Basic Index and int, bool, Tensor, List, Tuple are Advanced Index. In the Getitem Progress, all the elements of the Advanced Index type will be broadcast to the same shape, and the final shape will be inserted to the first Advanced Index element’s position if they are continuous, else they will be inserted to the 0 position.

      In the index, the None elements will expand the corresponding dimensions, bool elements will expand the corresponding dimension and be broadcast with the other Advanced Index element. The others elements except the type of ellipsis, bool, and None, will correspond to each position dimension. That is, the 0th element in Tuple operates the 0th dimension, and the 1st element operates the 1st dimension. The index rule of each element is the same as the index value rule of the element type.

      The Tuple index contains a maximum of one ellipsis. The first half of the ellipsis index elements correspond to the Tensor dimensions starting from the dimension 0, and the second half of the index elements correspond to the Tensor dimensions starting from the last dimension. If other dimensions are not specified, all dimensions are obtained.

      The data type of Tensor contained in the element must be one of (int8, int16, int32, int64). In addition, the value of Tensor element must be non-negative and less than the length of the operation dimension.

      For example, tensor_x[0:3, 1, tensor_index] == tensor_x[(0:3, 1, tensor_index)], because 0:3, 1, tensor_index is a Tuple.

      The multi-level index value can be understood as obtaining the current-level Tuple index value based on the previous-level index value.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3 * 4).reshape((2, 3, 4)))
      tensor_index = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 1], [0, 3, 2]]), mstype.int32)
      data = tensor_x[1, 0:1, tensor_index]

      The result is as follows:

      data: Tensor(shape=[2, 3, 1], dtype=Int64, value=[[[13], [14], [13]], [[12], [15], [14]]])
  • Index value assignment

    The index value can be int, ellipsis, slice, Tensor, or Tuple.

    Index value assignment can be understood as assigning values to indexed position elements based on certain rules. All index value assignment does not change the original shape of Tensor.

    In addition, enhanced index value assignment is supported, that is, +=, -=, *=, /=, %=, **=, and //= are supported.

    • int index value assignment

      Single-level and multi-level int index value assignments are supported. The single-level int index value assignment is tensor_x[int_index] = u, and the multi-level int index value assignment is tensor_x[int_index0][int_index1]... = u.

      The assigned values support Number and Tensor. Number and Tensor are converted into the data type of the updated Tensor.

      When an assigned value is Number, all position elements obtained from the int index are updated to Number.

      When an assigned value is Tensor, the shape of Tensor must be equal to or broadcast as shape of the result of int index. After the shape of Tensor and shape of int are consistent, then, update the Tensor element to the index, and obtain the position of the original Tensor element in the result.

      For example, if the value of Tensor of shape = (2, 3, 4) is set to 100 by using the int index 1, the updated Tensor shape is still (2, 3, 4), but the values of all elements whose position is 1 on dimension 0 are updated to 100.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_y = Tensor(np.arange(2 *3).reshape((2, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_z = Tensor(np.arange(2* 3).reshape((2, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_x[1] = 88.0
      tensor_y[1][1] = 88.0
      tensor_z[1]= Tensor(np.array([66, 88, 99]).astype(np.float32))

      The result is as follows:

      tensor_x: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [88.0, 88.0, 88.0]])
      tensor_y: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 88.0, 5.0]])
      tensor_z: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [66.0, 88.0, 99.0]])
    • ellipsis index value assignment

      Single-level and multi-level ellipsis index value assignments are supported. The single-level ellipsis index value assignment is tensor_x[...] = u, and the multi-level ellipsis index value assignment is tensor_x[...][...]... = u.

      The assigned values support Number and Tensor. Number and Tensor are converted into the data type of the updated Tensor.

      When an assigned value is Number, all elements are updated to Number.

      When an assigned value is Tensor, the number of elements in Tensor must be 1 or equal to the number of elements in the Tensor obtained by the slice index. Broadcast when the element is 1, and reshape when the number is equal but the shape is inconsistent. After ensuring that the two shape are the same, update the assigned Tensor elements to the original Tensor one by one according to their positions.

      For example, if the value of Tensor of shape = (2, 3, 4) is set to 100 by using the ... index, the updated Tensor shape is still (2, 3, 4), and all elements are changed to 100.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)))
      tensor_y = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)))
      tensor_z = Tensor(np.arange(2 * 3).reshape((2, 3)))
      tensor_x[...] = 88
      tensor_y[...]= Tensor(np.array([22, 44, 55]))

      The result is as follows:

      tensor_x: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[88, 88, 88], [88, 88, 88]])
      tensor_y: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[22, 44, 55], [22, 44, 55]])
    • slice index value assignment

      Single-level and multi-level slice index value assignments are supported. The single-level slice index value assignment is tensor_x[slice_index] = u, and the multi-level slice index value assignment is tensor_x[slice_index0][slice_index1]... = u.

      The assigned values support Number and Tensor. Number and Tensor are converted into the data type of the updated Tensor.

      When an assigned value is Number, all position elements obtained from the slice index are updated to Number.

      When an assigned value is Tensor, the shape of Tensor must be equal to or reshaped as slice of the result of int index. After the shape of Tensor and shape of int are consistent, then, update the Tensor element to the index, and obtain the position of the original Tensor element in the result.

      For example, if the value of Tensor of shape = (2, 3, 4) is set to 100 by using the 0:1:1 index, the updated Tensor shape is still (2, 3, 4), but the values of all elements whose position is 0 on dimension 0 are updated to 100.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_y = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_z = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_x[0:1] = 88.0
      tensor_y[0:2][0:2] = 88.0
      tensor_z[0:2] = Tensor(np.array([11, 12, 13, 11, 12, 13]).astype(np.float32))

      The result is as follows:

      tensor_x: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[88.0, 88.0, 88.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]])
      tensor_y: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[88.0, 88.0, 88.0], [88.0, 88.0, 88.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]])
      tensor_z: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], [11.0, 12.0, 13.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]])
    • Tensor index value assignment

      Only the single-level Tensor index can be assigned with a value, that is, tensor_x[tensor_index] = u.

      The Tensor index supports the int32 and bool types.

      The assigned values support Number, Tuple, and Tensor. The values in Number, Tuple, and Tensor must be the same as those in the original Tensor data type.

      When an assigned value is Number, all position elements obtained from the Tensor index are updated to Number.

      When an assigned value is Tensor, the shape of Tensor must be equal to or broadcast as shape of the index result. After the shape of Tensor and shape of int are consistent, then, update the Tensor element to the index, and obtain the position of the original Tensor element in the result.

      When the assigned value is Tuple, the elements in Tuple can only be all Number or all Tensor.

      When all assigned values are Number, the type of Number must be the same as that of the original Tensor data type, and the number of elements must be the same as the last dimension of the obtained index result shape. Then, the index result shape is obtained through broadcast.

      When all assigned values are Tensor, these Tensor values are packaged on the axis=0 axis and become new Tensor. In this case, the value is assigned according to the rule of assigning the value to Tensor.

      For example, assign an index value to a tensor whose shape is (6, 4, 5) and dtype is float32 by using a tensor whose shape is set to (2, 3). If the assigned value is Number, in this case, Number must be float. If the assigned value is Tuple, all elements in tuple must be float and the number of elements must be 5. If the assigned value is Tensor, dtype of Tensor must be float32, and shape can be broadcast as (2, 3, 4, 5).

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_y = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_index = Tensor(np.array([[2, 0, 2], [0, 2, 0], [0, 2, 0]], np.int32))
      tensor_x[tensor_index] = 88.0
      tensor_y[tensor_index] = Tensor(np.array([11.0, 12.0, 13.0]).astype(np.float32))

      The result is as follows:

      tensor_x: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[88.0, 88.0, 88.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [88.0, 88.0, 88.0]])
      tensor_y: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[11.0, 12.0, 13.0], [3.0, 4.0, 5.0], [11.0, 12.0, 13.0]])
    • Tuple index value assignment

      Single-level and multi-level Tuple index value assignments are supported. The single-level Tuple index value assignment is tensor_x[tuple_index] = u, and the multi-level Tuple index value assignment is tensor_x[tuple_index0][tuple_index1]... = u.

      The Tuple index value assignment is the same as that of the Tuple index value. However, multi-level Tuple index value assignment does not support Tuple containing Tensor.

      The assigned values support Number, Tuple, and Tensor. The values in Number, Tuple, and Tensor must be the same as those in the original Tensor data type.

      When an assigned value is Number, all position elements obtained from the Tensor index are updated to Number.

      When an assigned value is Tensor, the shape of Tensor must be equal to or broadcast as shape of the index result. After the shape of Tensor and shape of int are consistent, then, update the Tensor element to the index, and obtain the position of the original Tensor element in the result.

      When the assigned value is Tuple, the elements in Tuple can only be all Number or all Tensor.

      When all assigned values are Number, the type of Number must be the same as that of the original Tensor data type, and the number of elements must be the same as the last dimension of the obtained index result shape. Then, the index result shape is obtained through broadcast.

      When all assigned values are Tensor, these Tensor values are packaged on the axis=0 axis and become new Tensor. In this case, the value is assigned according to the rule of assigning the value to Tensor.

      For example:

      tensor_x = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_y = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_z = Tensor(np.arange(3 * 3).reshape((3, 3)).astype(np.float32))
      tensor_index = Tensor(np.array([[0, 1], [1, 0]]).astype(np.int32))
      tensor_x[1, 1:3] = 88.0
      tensor_y[1:3, tensor_index] = 88.0
      tensor_z[1:3, tensor_index] = Tensor(np.array([11, 12]).astype(np.float32))

      The result is as follows:

      tensor_x: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 88.0, 88.0], [6.0, 7.0, 8.0]])
      tensor_y: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [88.0, 88.0, 5.0], [88.0, 88.0, 8.0]])
      tensor_z: Tensor(shape=[3, 3], dtype=Float32, value=[[0.0, 1.0, 2.0], [12.0, 11.0, 5.0], [12.0, 11.0, 8.0]])


Currently, Primitive and its subclass instances can be constructed on the network. That is, the reduce_sum = ReduceSum(True) syntax is supported.

However, during construction, the parameter can be specified only in position parameter mode, and cannot be specified in the key-value pair mode. That is, the syntax reduce_sum = ReduceSum(keep_dims=True) is not supported.

Currently, the attributes and APIs related to Primitive and its subclasses cannot be called on the network.

For details about the definition of Primitive, click

For details about the defined Primitive, click


Currently, Cell and its subclass instances can be constructed on the network. That is, the syntax cell = Cell(args...) is supported.

However, during construction, the parameter can be specified only in position parameter mode, and cannot be specified in the key-value pair mode. That is, the syntax cell = Cell(arg_name=value) is not supported.

Currently, the attributes and APIs related to Cell and its subclasses cannot be called on the network unless they are called through self in contrcut of Cell.

For details about the definition of Cell, click

For details about the defined Cell, click


Arithmetic operators and assignment operators support the Number and Tensor operations, as well as the Tensor operations of different dtype.

This is because these operators are converted to operators with the same name for computation, and they support implicit type conversion.

For details about the rules, click

Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operator

Supported Type


Number + Number, Tensor + Tensor, Tensor + Number, Tuple + Tuple, and String + String


Number - Number, Tensor - Tensor, and Tensor - Number


Number * Number, Tensor * Tensor, and Tensor * Number


Number / Number, Tensor / Tensor, and Tensor / Number


Number % Number, Tensor % Tensor, and Tensor% Number


Number ** Number, Tensor ** Tensor, and Tensor ** Number


Number // Number, Tensor // Tensor, and Tensor // Number



Assignment Operators

Assignment Operator

Supported Type


Scalar and Tensor


Number += Number, Tensor += Tensor, Tensor += Number, Tuple += Tuple, and String += String


Number -= Number, Tensor -= Tensor, and Tensor -= Number


Number *= Number, Tensor *= Tensor, and Tensor *= Number


Number /= Number, Tensor /= Tensor, and Tensor /= Number


Number %= Number, Tensor %= Tensor, and Tensor %= Number


Number **= Number, Tensor **= Tensor, and Tensor **= Number


Number //= Number, Tensor //= Tensor, and Tensor //= Number

Logical Operators

Logical Operator

Supported Type


Number and Number, Tensor, and Tensor


Number or Number, and Tensor or Tensor


not Number, not Tensor, and not tuple

Member Operators

Member Operator

Supported Type


Number in tuple, String in tuple, Tensor in Tuple, Number in List, String in List, Tensor in List, and String in Dictionary

not in

Same as in

Identity Operators

Identity Operator

Supported Type


The value can only be None, True, or False.

is not

The value can only be None, True, or False.


Conditional Control Statements

single if


  • if (cond): statements...

  • x = y if (cond) else z

Parameter: cond – The supported types are Number, Tuple, List, String, None, Tensor and Function. It can also be an expression whose computation result type is one of them.


  • During graph building, if if is not eliminated, the data type and shape of return inside the if branch must be the same as those outside the if branch.

  • When only if is available, the data type and shape of the if branch variable after the update must be the same as those before the update.

  • When both if and else are available, the updated data type and shape of the if branch variable must be the same as those of the else branch.

  • Does not support higher-order differential.

  • Does not support elif statements.

Example 1:

if x > y:
  return m
  return n

The data types of m returned by the if branch and n returned by the else branch must be the same as those of shape.

Example 2:

if x > y:
  out = m
  out = n
return out

The data types of out after the if branch is updated and else after the out branch is updated must be the same as those of shape.

side-by-side if


  • if (cond1):statements else:statements...if (cond2):statements...

Parameters: cond1 and cond2 – Consistent with single if.


  • Inherit all restrictions of single if.

  • The total number of if in calculating graph can not exceed 50.

  • Too many if will cause the compilation time to be too long. Reducing the number of if will help improve compilation efficiency.


if x > y:
  out = x
  out = y
if z > x:
  out = out + 1
return out

if in if


  • if (cond1):if (cond2):statements...

Parameters: cond1 and cond2 – Consistent with single if.


  • Inherit all restrictions of single if.

  • The total number of if in calculating graph can not exceed 50.

  • Too many if will cause the compilation time to be too long. Reducing the number of if will help improve compilation efficiency.


if x > y:
  z = z + 1
  if z > x:
    return m
  return n

Loop Statements



  • for i in sequence

Parameter: sequence –Iterative sequences (Tuple and List).


  • The total number of graph operations is a multiple of number of iterations of the for loop. Excessive number of iterations of the for loop may cause the graph to occupy more memory than usage limit.


z = Tensor(np.ones((2, 3)))
x = (1, 2, 3)
for i in x:
  z += i
return z

The result is as follows:

z: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[7, 7], [7, 7], [7, 7]])

single while


  • while (cond)

Parameter: cond – Consistent with single if.


  • During graph building, if while is not eliminated, the data type and shape of return inside while must be the same as those outside while.

  • The data type and shape of the updated variables in while must be the same as those before the update.

  • Does not support training scenarios.

Example 1:

while x < y:
  x += 1
  return m
return n

The m data type returned inside while inside and n data type returned outside while must be the same as those of shape.

Example 2:

out = m
while x < y:
  x += 1
  out = out + 1
return out

In while, the data types of out before and after update must be the same as those of shape.

side-by-side while


  • while (cond1):statements while (cond2):statemetns...

Parameters: cond1 and cond2 – Consistent with single if.


  • Inherit all restrictions of single while.

  • The total number of while in calculating graph can not exceed 50.

  • Too many while will cause the compilation time to be too long. Reducing the number of while will help improve compilation efficiency.


out = m
while x < y:
  x += 1
  out = out + 1
while out > 10:
  out -= 10
return out

while in while


-while (cond1):while (cond2):statements...

Parameters: cond1 and cond2 – Consistent with single if.


  • Inherit all restrictions of single while.

  • The total number of while in calculating graph can not exceed 50.

  • Too many while will cause the compilation time to be too long. Reducing the number of while will help improve compilation efficiency.


out = m
while x < y:
  while z < y:
    z += 1
    out = out + 1
  x += 1
return out

Conditional Control Statements in Loop Statements

if in for


  • for i in sequence:if (cond)`


  • cond – Consistent with single if.

  • sequence – Iterative sequence(TupleList)


  • Inherit all restrictions of single if.

  • Inherit all restrictions of for.

  • If cond is variable, it is forbidden to use if (cond):return,if (cond):continue,if (cond):break statements.

  • The total number of if is a multiple of number of iterations of the for loop. Excessive number of iterations of the for loop may cause the compilation time to be too long.


z = Tensor(np.ones((2, 3)))
x = (1, 2, 3)
for i in x:
  if i < 3:
    z += i
return z

The result is as follows:

z: Tensor(shape=[2, 3], dtype=Int64, value=[[4, 4], [4, 4], [4, 4]])

if in while


  • while (cond1):if (cond2)

Parameters: cond1 and cond2 – Consistent with single if.


  • Inherit all restrictions of single if and single while.

  • If cond2 is variable, it is forbidden to use if (cond2):return,if (cond2):continue,if (cond2):break statements.


out = m
while x < y:
  if z > 2*x:
    out = out + 1
  x += 1
return out

Function Definition Statements

def Keyword

Defines functions.


def function_name(args): statements...

For example:

def number_add(x, y):
  return x + y
ret = number_add(1, 2)

The result is as follows:

ret: 3

lambda Expression

Generates functions.

Usage: lambda x, y: x + y

For example:

number_add = lambda x, y: x + y
ret = number_add(2, 3)

The result is as follows:

ret: 5


Python Built-in Functions

Currently, the following built-in Python functions are supported: len, isinstance, partial, map, range, enumerate, super, and pow.


Returns the length of a sequence.

Calling: len(sequence)

Input parameter: sequenceTuple, List, Dictionary, or Tensor.

Return value: length of the sequence, which is of the int type. If the input parameter is Tensor, the length of dimension 0 is returned.

For example:

x = (2, 3, 4)
y = [2, 3, 4]
d = {"a": 2, "b": 3}
z = Tensor(np.ones((6, 4, 5)))
x_len = len(x)
y_len = len(y)
d_len = len(d)
z_len = len(z)

The result is as follows:

x_len: 3
y_len: 3
d_len: 2
z_len: 6


Determines whether an object is an instance of a class. Different from operator Isinstance, the second input parameter of Isinstance is the type defined in the dtype module of MindSpore.

Calling: isinstance(obj, type)

Input parameters:

  • obj – Any instance of any supported type.

  • type – A type in the MindSpore dtype module.

Return value: If obj is an instance of type, return True. Otherwise, return False.

For example:

x = (2, 3, 4)
y = [2, 3, 4]
z = Tensor(np.ones((6, 4, 5)))
x_is_tuple = isinstance(x, mstype.tuple_)
y_is_list= isinstance(y, mstype.list_)
z_is_tensor = isinstance(z, mstype.tensor)

The result is as follows:

x_is_tuple: True
y_is_list: True
z_is_tensor: True


A partial function used to fix the input parameter of the function.

Calling: partial(func, arg, ...)

Input parameters:

  • func –Function.

  • arg – One or more parameters to be fixed. Position parameters and key-value pairs can be specified.

Return value: functions with certain input parameter values fixed

For example:

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

add_ = partial(add, x=2)
m = add_(y=3)
n = add_(y=5)

The result is as follows:

m: 5
n: 7


Maps one or more sequences based on the provided functions and generates a new sequence based on the mapping result. If the number of elements in multiple sequences is inconsistent, the length of the new sequence is the same as that of the shortest sequence.

Calling: map(func, sequence, ...)

Input parameters:

  • func –Function.

  • sequence – One or more sequences (Tuple or List).

Return value: A Tuple

For example:

def add(x, y):
  return x + y

elements_a = (1, 2, 3)
elements_b = (4, 5, 6)
ret = map(add, elements_a, elements_b)

The result is as follows:

ret: (5, 7, 9)


Packs elements in the corresponding positions in multiple sequences into tuples, and then uses these tuples to form a new sequence. If the number of elements in each sequence is inconsistent, the length of the new sequence is the same as that of the shortest sequence.

Calling: zip(sequence, ...)

Input parameter: sequence – One or more sequences (Tuple or List)`.

Return value: A Tuple

For example:

elements_a = (1, 2, 3)
elements_b = (4, 5, 6)
ret = zip(elements_a, elements_b)

The result is as follows:

ret: ((1, 4), (2, 5), (3, 6))


Creates a Tuple based on the start value, end value, and step.


  • range(start, stop, step)

  • range(start, stop)

  • range(stop)

Input parameters:

  • start – start value of the count. The type is int. The default value is 0.

  • stop – end value of the count (exclusive). The type is int.

  • step – Step. The type is int. The default value is 1.

Return value: A Tuple

For example:

x = range(0, 6, 2)
y = range(0, 5)
z = range(3)

The result is as follows:

x: (0, 2, 4)
y: (0, 1, 2, 3, 4)
z: (0, 1, 2)


Generates an index sequence of a sequence. The index sequence contains data and the corresponding subscript.


  • enumerate(sequence, start)

  • enumerate(sequence)

Input parameters:

  • sequence – A sequence (Tuple, List, or Tensor).

  • start – Start position of the subscript. The type is int. The default value is 0.

Return value: A Tuple

For example:

x = (100, 200, 300, 400)
y = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4], [5 ,6]]))
m = enumerate(x, 3)
n = enumerate(y)

The result is as follows:

m: ((3, 100), (4, 200), (5, 300), (5, 400))
n: ((0, Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2])), (1, Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Int64, value=[3, 4])), (2, Tensor(shape=[2], dtype=Int64, value=[5, 6])))


Calls a method of the parent class (super class). Generally, the method of the parent class is called after super.


  • super().xxx()

  • super(type, self).xxx()

Input parameters:

  • type –Class.

  • self –Object.

Return value: method of the parent class.

For example:

class FatherNet(nn.Cell):
  def __init__(self, x):
      super(FatherNet, self).__init__(x)
      self.x = x

  def construct(self, x, y):
      return self.x * x

  def test_father(self, x):
      return self.x + x

class SingleSubNet(FatherNet):
def __init__(self, x, z):
    super(SingleSubNet, self).__init__(x)
    self.z = z

def construct(self, x, y):
    ret_father_construct = super().construct(x, y)
    ret_father_test = super(SingleSubNet, self).test_father(x)
    return ret_father_construct, ret_father_test


Returns the power.

Calling: pow(x, y)

Input parameters:

  • x – Base number, Number, or Tensor.

  • y – Power exponent, Number, or Tensor.

Return value: y power of x, Number, or Tensor

For example:

x = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
y = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
ret = pow(x, y)

The result is as follows:

ret: Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 4, 27]))


Prints logs.

Calling: print(arg, ...)

Input parameter: arg – Information to be printed (int, float, bool, String or Tensor). When the arg is int, float, or bool, it will be printed out as a 0-D tensor.

Return value: none

For example:

x = Tensor(np.array([1, 2, 3]))
y = 3
print("x: ", x)
print("y: ", y)

The result is as follows:

x: Tensor(shape=[3], dtype=Int64, value=[1, 2, 3]))
y: Tensor(shape=[], dtype=Int64, value=3))

Function Parameters

  • Default parameter value: The data types int, float, bool, None, str, tuple, list, and dict are supported, whereas Tensor is not supported.

  • Variable parameters: Inference and training of networks with variable parameters are supported.

  • Key-value pair parameter: Functions with key-value pair parameters cannot be used for backward propagation on computational graphs.

  • Variable key-value pair parameter: Functions with variable key-value pairs cannot be used for backward propagation on computational graphs.

Network Definition

Instance Types on the Entire Network

  • Common Python function with the @ms_function decorator.

  • Cell subclass inherited from nn.Cell.

Network Construction Components



Cell instance

mindspore/nn/* and user-defined Cell.

Member function of a Cell instance

Member functions of other classes in the construct function of Cell can be called.

dataclass instance

Class decorated with @dataclass.

Primitive operator


Composite operator


constexpr generation operator

Value computation operator generated by @constexpr.


User-defined Python functions and system functions listed in the preceding content.

Network Constraints

  1. By default, the input parameters of the entire network (that is, the outermost network input parameters) support only Tensor. To support non-Tensor, you can set the support_non_tensor_inputs attribute of the network to True.

    During network initialization, self.support_non_tensor_inputs = True is set. Currently, this configuration supports only the forward network and does not support the backward network. That is, the backward operation cannot be performed on the network whose input parameters are not Tensor.

    The following is an example of supporting the outermost layer to transfer scalars:

    class ExpandDimsNet(nn.Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(ExpandDimsNet, self).__init__()
            self.support_non_tensor_inputs = True
            self.expandDims = ops.ExpandDims()
        def construct(self, input_x, input_axis):
            return self.expandDims(input_x, input_axis)
    expand_dim_net = ExpandDimsNet()
    input_x = Tensor(np.random.randn(2,2,2,2).astype(np.float32))
    expand_dim_net(input_x, 0)
  2. You are not allowed to modify non-Parameter data members of the network.

    For example:

    class Net(Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Net, self).__init__()
            self.num = 2
            self.par = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones((2, 3, 4))), name="par")
        def construct(self, x, y):
            return x + y

    In the preceding defined network, self.num is not a Parameter and cannot be modified. self.par is a Parameter and can be modified.

  3. When an undefined class member is used in the construct function, AttributeError is not thrown like the Python interpreter. Instead, it is processed as None.

    For example:

    class Net(Cell):
        def __init__(self):
            super(Net, self).__init__()
        def construct(self, x):
            return x + self.y

    In the preceding defined network, construct uses the undefined class member self.y. In this case, self.y is processed as None.