- class mindspore.ops.DynamicRNN(*args, **kwargs)[source]
Applies a recurrent neural network to the input. Only long short-term memory (LSTM) currently supported.
is the sigmoid function, and is the Hadamard product. are learnable weights between the output and the input in the formula. For instance, are the weight and bias used to transform from input to .- Parameters
cell_type (str) – A string identifying the cell type in the op. Default: ‘LSTM’. Only ‘LSTM’ is currently supported.
direction (str) – A string identifying the direction in the op. Default: ‘UNIDIRECTIONAL’. Only ‘UNIDIRECTIONAL’ is currently supported.
cell_depth (int) – An integer identifying the cell depth in the op. Default: 1.
use_peephole (bool) – A bool identifying if use peephole in the op. Default: False.
keep_prob (float) – A float identifying the keep prob in the op. Default: 1.0.
cell_clip (float) – A float identifying the cell clip in the op. Default: -1.0.
num_proj (int) – An integer identifying the num proj in the op. Default: 0.
time_major (bool) – A bool identifying the time major in the op. Default: True. Only True is currently supported.
activation (str) – A string identifying the type of activation function in the op. Default: ‘tanh’. Only ‘tanh’ is currently supported.
forget_bias (float) – A float identifying the forget bias in the op. Default: 0.0.
is_training (bool) – A bool identifying is training in the op. Default: True.
- Inputs:
x (Tensor) - Current words. Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, input_size). The data type must be float16.
w (Tensor) - Weight. Tensor of shape (input_size + hidden_size, 4 x hidden_size). The data type must be float16.
b (Tensor) - Bias. Tensor of shape (4 x hidden_size). The data type must be float16 or float32.
seq_length (Tensor) - The length of each batch. Tensor of shape (batch_size). Only None is currently supported.
init_h (Tensor) - Hidden state of initial time. Tensor of shape (1, batch_size, hidden_size). The data type must be float16.
init_c (Tensor) - Cell state of initial time. Tensor of shape (1, batch_size, hidden_size). The data type must be float16.
- Outputs:
y (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
output_h (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). With data type of float16.
output_c (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
i (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
j (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
f (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
o (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
tanhct (Tensor) - A Tensor of shape (num_step, batch_size, hidden_size). Has the same type with input b.
- Raises
TypeError – If cell_type, direction or activation is not a str.
TypeError – If cell_depth or num_proj is not an int.
TypeError – If keep_prob, cell_clip or forget_bias is not a float.
TypeError – If use_peehpole, time_major or is_training is not a bool.
TypeError – If x, w, b, seq_length, init_h or init_c is not a Tensor.
TypeError – If dtype of x, w, init_h or nit_c is not float16.
TypeError – If dtype of b is neither float16 nor float32.
- Supported Platforms:
>>> x = Tensor(np.random.rand(2, 16, 64).astype(np.float16)) >>> w = Tensor(np.random.rand(96, 128).astype(np.float16)) >>> b = Tensor(np.random.rand(128).astype(np.float16)) >>> init_h = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 16, 32).astype(np.float16)) >>> init_c = Tensor(np.random.rand(1, 16, 32).astype(np.float16)) >>> dynamic_rnn = ops.DynamicRNN() >>> output = dynamic_rnn(x, w, b, None, init_h, init_c) >>> print(output[0].shape) (2, 16, 32)