
class mindspore.nn.probability.toolbox.UncertaintyEvaluation(model, train_dataset, task_type, num_classes=None, epochs=1, epi_uncer_model_path=None, ale_uncer_model_path=None, save_model=False)[source]

Toolbox for Uncertainty Evaluation.

  • model (Cell) – The model for uncertainty evaluation.

  • train_dataset (Dataset) – A dataset iterator to train model.

  • task_type (str) – Option for the task types of model - regression: A regression model. - classification: A classification model.

  • num_classes (int) – The number of labels of classification. If the task type is classification, it must be set; otherwise, it is not needed. Default: None.

  • epochs (int) – Total number of iterations on the data. Default: 1.

  • epi_uncer_model_path (str) – The save or read path of the epistemic uncertainty model. Default: None.

  • ale_uncer_model_path (str) – The save or read path of the aleatoric uncertainty model. Default: None.

  • save_model (bool) – Whether to save the uncertainty model or not, if true, the epi_uncer_model_path and ale_uncer_model_path must not be None. If false, the model to evaluate will be loaded from the the path of the uncertainty model; if the path is not given , it will not save or load the uncertainty model. Default: False.

Supported Platforms:

Ascend GPU


>>> network = LeNet()
>>> param_dict = load_checkpoint('checkpoint_lenet.ckpt')
>>> load_param_into_net(network, param_dict)
>>> ds_train = create_dataset('workspace/mnist/train')
>>> ds_eval = create_dataset('workspace/mnist/test')
>>> evaluation = UncertaintyEvaluation(model=network,
...                                    train_dataset=ds_train,
...                                    task_type='classification',
...                                    num_classes=10,
...                                    epochs=1,
...                                    epi_uncer_model_path=None,
...                                    ale_uncer_model_path=None,
...                                    save_model=False)
>>> for eval_data in ds_eval.create_dict_iterator(output_numpy=True, num_epochs=1):
...    eval_data = Tensor(eval_data['image'], mstype.float32)
...    epistemic_uncertainty = evaluation.eval_epistemic_uncertainty(eval_data)
...    aleatoric_uncertainty = evaluation.eval_aleatoric_uncertainty(eval_data)
>>> output = epistemic_uncertainty.shape
>>> print(output)
(32, 10)
>>> output = aleatoric_uncertainty.shape
>>> print(output)

Evaluate the aleatoric uncertainty of inference results, which also called data uncertainty.


eval_data (Tensor) – The data samples to be evaluated, the shape must be (N,C,H,W).


numpy.dtype, the aleatoric uncertainty of inference results of data samples.


Evaluate the epistemic uncertainty of inference results, which also called model uncertainty.


eval_data (Tensor) – The data samples to be evaluated, the shape must be (N,C,H,W).


numpy.dtype, the epistemic uncertainty of inference results of data samples.