Source code for mindspore.ops.operations.inner_ops

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import numbers
from ..._checkparam import Validator as validator
from ..._checkparam import Rel
from ...common import dtype as mstype
from ...common.dtype import tensor, dtype_to_pytype
from ..primitive import prim_attr_register, Primitive, PrimitiveWithInfer

[docs]class ScalarCast(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Casts the input scalar to another type. Inputs: - **input_x** (scalar) - The input scalar. Only constant value is allowed. - **input_y** (mindspore.dtype) - The type to be cast. Only constant value is allowed. Outputs: Scalar. The type is the same as the python type corresponding to `input_y`. Raises: TypeError: If neither `input_x` nor `input_y` is a constant value. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> scalar_cast = ops.ScalarCast() >>> output = scalar_cast(255.0, mindspore.int32) >>> print(output) 255 """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self): pass def __infer__(self, x, t): validator.check_equal_int(len(x['shape']), 0, 'x shape', value, to = x['value'], t['value'] if value is not None: validator.check_value_type("value", value, [numbers.Number, bool], if isinstance(to, type(tensor)): to = to.element_type() np_type = dtype_to_pytype(to) value = np_type(value) out = {'shape': x['shape'], 'dtype': t['value'], 'value': value} return out
[docs]class Randperm(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Generates n random samples from 0 to n-1 without repeating. If `max_length` > n, the last `max_length-n` elements will be filled with `pad`. Args: max_length (int): Number of items expected to get and the number must be greater than 0. Default: 1. pad (int): The pad value to be filled. Default: -1. dtype (mindspore.dtype): The type of output. Default: mindspore.int32. Inputs: - **n** (Tensor[int]) - The input tensor with shape: (1,) and the number must be in (0, `max_length`]. Default: 1. Outputs: - **output** (Tensor) - The output Tensor with shape: (`max_length`,) and type: `dtype`. Raises: TypeError: If neither `max_length` nor `pad` is an int. TypeError: If `n` is not a Tensor. TypeError: If `n` has non-Int elements. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> randperm = ops.Randperm(max_length=30, pad=-1) >>> n = Tensor([20], dtype=mindspore.int32) >>> output = randperm(n) >>> print(output) [15 6 11 19 14 16 9 5 13 18 4 10 8 0 17 2 14 1 12 3 7 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1] """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, max_length=1, pad=-1, dtype=mstype.int32): """Initialize Randperm""" validator.check_value_type("pad", pad, [int], validator.check_value_type("max_length", max_length, [int], validator.check_int(max_length, 1, Rel.GE, "1", self.dtype = dtype self.max_length = max_length self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=[], outputs=['output']) def infer_shape(self, n_shape): validator.check_int(len(n_shape), 1, Rel.EQ, "rank_of_n", validator.check_int(n_shape[0], 1, Rel.EQ, "length_of_n", return [self.max_length] def infer_dtype(self, n_type): validator.check_type_name("n_type", n_type, mstype.int32, valid_values = (mstype.int8, mstype.int16, mstype.int32, mstype.int64, mstype.uint8, mstype.uint16, mstype.uint32, mstype.uint64) validator.check_type_name("dtype", self.dtype, valid_values, return self.dtype
[docs]class NoRepeatNGram(PrimitiveWithInfer): """ Updates log_probs with repeat n-grams. During beam search, if consecutive `ngram_size` words exist in the generated word sequence, the consecutive `ngram_size` words will be avoided during subsequent prediction. For example, when `ngram_size` is 3, the generated word sequence is [1, 2, 3, 2, 3], the next predicted word will not be 2 and the value of `log_probs` will be replaced with -FLOAT_MAX. Because 3 consecutive words [2, 3, 2] do not appear twice in the word sequence. Args: ngram_size (int): Size of n-grams, must be greater than 0. Default: 1. Inputs: - **state_seq** (Tensor) - A 3-D tensor with shape: (batch_size, beam_width, m). - **log_probs** (Tensor) - A 3-D tensor with shape: (batch_size, beam_width, vocab_size). The value of log_probs will be replaced with -FLOAT_MAX when n-grams repeated. Outputs: - **log_probs** (Tensor) - The output Tensor with same shape and type as original `log_probs`. Raises: TypeError: If `ngram_size` is not an int. TypeError: If neither `state_seq` nor `log_probs` is a Tensor. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` Examples: >>> no_repeat_ngram = ops.NoRepeatNGram(ngram_size=3) >>> state_seq = Tensor([[[1, 2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2], ... [9, 3, 9, 5, 4, 1, 5]], ... [[4, 8, 6, 4, 5, 6, 4], ... [4, 8, 8, 4, 3, 4, 8]]], dtype=mindspore.int32) >>> log_probs = Tensor([[[0.7, 0.8, 0.6, 0.9, 0.2, 0.8, 0.4, 0.6, 0.2, 0.7], ... [0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.1, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.1]], ... [[0.9, 0.7, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4, 0.8, 0.6], ... [0.5, 0.8, 0.8, 0.7, 0.7, 0.8, 0.2, 0.7, 0.9, 0.7]]], dtype=mindspore.float32) >>> output = no_repeat_ngram(state_seq, log_probs) >>> print(output) [[[ 6.9999999e-01 -3.4028235e+38 6.0000002e-01 8.9999998e-01 2.0000000e-01 -3.4028235e+38 4.0000001e-01 6.0000002e-01 2.0000000e-01 6.9999999e-01] [ 4.0000001e-01 5.0000000e-01 6.0000002e-01 6.9999999e-01 8.0000001e-01 1.0000000e-01 8.9999998e-01 8.0000001e-01 6.9999999e-01 1.0000000e-01]] [[ 8.9999998e-01 6.9999999e-01 6.0000002e-01 3.0000001e-01 5.0000000e-01 -3.4028235e+38 5.0000000e-01 4.0000001e-01 8.0000001e-01 6.0000002e-01] [ 5.0000000e-01 8.0000001e-01 8.0000001e-01 6.9999999e-01 6.9999999e-01 8.0000001e-01 2.0000000e-01 6.9999999e-01 -3.4028235e+38 6.9999999e-01]]] """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, ngram_size=1): """NoRepeatNGram Randperm""" validator.check_value_type("ngram_size", ngram_size, [int], validator.check_int(ngram_size, 1, Rel.GE, "ngram_size", self.ngram_size = ngram_size self.init_prim_io_names(inputs=['state_seq', 'log_probs'], outputs=['log_probs']) def infer_shape(self, seq_shape, log_shape): validator.check_int(len(seq_shape), 3, Rel.EQ, "rank of state_seq", validator.check_int(len(log_shape), 3, Rel.EQ, "rank of log_probs", validator.check("state_seq shape[0]", seq_shape[0], "log_probs shape[0]", log_shape[0], Rel.EQ, validator.check("state_seq shape[1]", seq_shape[1], "log_probs shape[1]", log_shape[1], Rel.EQ, validator.check("ngram_size", self.ngram_size, "state_seq shape[2] + 1", seq_shape[2] + 1, Rel.LE, return log_shape def infer_dtype(self, seq_type, log_type): validator.check_type_name("seq_type", seq_type, mstype.int32, valid_values = (mstype.float16, mstype.float32, mstype.float64) validator.check_type_name("log_type", log_type, valid_values, return log_type
class LambApplyOptimizerAssign(PrimitiveWithInfer): r""" Updates gradients by LAMB optimizer algorithm. Get the compute ratio. The Lamb optimzier is proposed in `Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes <>`_. The updating formulas are as follows, .. math:: \begin{array}{ll} \\ m = \beta_1 * m + (1 - \beta_1) * g \\ v = \beta_2 * v + (1 - \beta_2) * g * g \\ m = \frac{m}{1 - \beta_1^t} \\ v = \frac{v}{1 - \beta_2^t} \\ r = \frac{m}{\sqrt{v} + \epsilon} \\ w = w - l * \frac{\left \| w \right \|}{\left \| r \right \|} * (r + \lambda * w)) \end{array} :math:`m` represents the 1st moment vector, :math:`v` represents the 2nd moment vector, :math:`g` represents `gradient`, :math:`l` represents learning rate `lr`, :math:`\beta_1, \beta_2` represent `beta1` and `beta2`, :math:`t` represents updating step while :math:`beta_1^t` and :math:`beta_2^t` represent `beta1_power` and `beta2_power`, :math:`\lambda` represents `weight_decay`, :math:`w` represents `var`, :math:`\epsilon` represents `epsilon`. Inputs: - **gradient** (Tensor) - Gradient of parameters, float32/float16. - **v** (Tensor) - the 2nd moment vector in the updating formula, has the same type as `gradient`. - **m** (Tensor) - The 1st moment vector in the updating formula, has the same type as `gradient`. - **var** (Tensor) - Weights to be updated, has the same type as `gradient`. - **beta1** (Tensor) - :math:`beta_1` in the updating formula, float32/float16. - **sub1** (Tensor) - :math:`1-beta_1` in the updating formula, has the same type as `beta1`. - **beta2** (Tensor) - :math:`beta_2` in the updating formula, has the same type as `beta1`. - **sub2** (Tensor) - :math:`1-beta_2` in the updating formula, has the same type as `beta1`. - **epsilon** (Tensor) - Term added to the denominator, has the same type as `beta1`. - **steps** (Tensor) - :math:`t` in the updating formula, global step, has the same type as `beta1`. - **lr** (Tensor) - :math:`l` in the updating formula, learning rate, has the same type as `beta1`. - **decay_flag** (Tensor) -Specify whether param update with weight decay, has the same type as `beta1`. - **weight_decay** (Tensor) - :math:`\lambda` in the updating formula, has the same type as `beta1`. Outputs: Tensor, the compute ratio r. - **update** (Tensor) - :math:`r + \lambda * w` in the updating formula. The same shape and data type as `m`. - **v** (Tensor) - the 2nd moment vector in the updating formula after updated inplace, has the same type as `gradient`. - **m** (Tensor) - The 1st moment vector in the updating formula after updated inplace, has the same type as `gradient`. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self): """Initialize LambApplyOptimizerAssign""" self.add_prim_attr('side_effect_mem', True) def infer_shape(self, grad_shape, v_shape, m_shape, var_shape, beta1_shape, sub1_shape, beta2_shape, sub2_shape, eps_shape, steps_shape, use_weight_shape, weight_decay_shape): validator.check("var_shape", var_shape, "m_shape", m_shape, Rel.EQ, validator.check("var_shape", var_shape, "v_shape", v_shape, Rel.EQ, validator.check("var_shape", var_shape, "grad_shape", grad_shape, Rel.EQ, return m_shape, v_shape, m_shape def infer_dtype(self, grad_dtype, v_dtype, m_dtype, var_dtype, beta1_dtype, sub1_dtype, beta2_dtype, sub2_dtype, eps_dtype, steps_dtype, use_weight_dtype, weight_decay_dtype): args = {"var": var_dtype, "m": m_dtype, "v": v_dtype, "grad": grad_dtype} validator.check_tensors_dtypes_same_and_valid(args, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32], args = {"beta1": beta1_dtype, "sub1": sub1_dtype, "beta2": beta2_dtype, "sub2": sub2_dtype, "eps": eps_dtype, "steps": steps_dtype, "use_weight": use_weight_dtype, "weight_decay": weight_decay_dtype} validator.check_scalar_or_tensor_types_same(args, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32],, True) return m_dtype, v_dtype, v_dtype class LambApplyWeightAssign(PrimitiveWithInfer): r""" Updates gradients by LAMB optimizer algorithm. The weight update part. The Lamb optimzier is proposed in `Large Batch Optimization for Deep Learning: Training BERT in 76 minutes <>`_. The updating formulas are as follows, .. math:: \begin{array}{ll} \\ m = \beta_1 * m + (1 - \beta_1) * g \\ v = \beta_2 * v + (1 - \beta_2) * g * g \\ m = \frac{m}{1 - \beta_1^t} \\ v = \frac{v}{1 - \beta_2^t} \\ r = \frac{m}{\sqrt{v} + \epsilon} \\ w = w - l * \frac{\left \| w \right \|}{\left \| r \right \|} * (r + \lambda * w)) \end{array} :math:`m` represents the 1st moment vector, :math:`v` represents the 2nd moment vector, :math:`g` represents `gradient`, :math:`l` represents learning rate `lr`, :math:`\beta_1, \beta_2` represent `beta1` and `beta2`, :math:`t` represents updating step while :math:`beta_1^t` and :math:`beta_2^t` represent `beta1_power` and `beta2_power`, :math:`\lambda` represents `weight_decay`, :math:`w` represents `var`, :math:`\epsilon` represents `epsilon`. Inputs: - **w_norm** (Tensor) - :math:`\left \| w \right \|` in the updating formula, float32/float16. - **g_norm** (Tensor) - :math:`\left \| r \right \|` in the updating formula, has the same type as `w_norm`. - **lr** (Tensor) - :math:`l` in the updating formula, the learning rate, float32/float16. - **update** (Tensor) -:math:`r + \lambda * w`in the updating formula, float32/float16. - **var** (Tensor) - Weights to be updated, the same shape and type as `update`. Outputs: - **var** (Tensor) - Weights to be updated in place, the same shape and type as `var` in inputs. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self): """Initialize LambApplyWeightAssign""" self.add_prim_attr('side_effect_mem', True) def infer_shape(self, w_norm_shape, g_norm_shape, lr_shape, update_shape, var_shape): validator.check("var_shape", var_shape, "update_shape", update_shape, Rel.EQ, return var_shape def infer_dtype(self, w_norm_dtype, g_norm_dtype, lr_dtype, update_dtype, var_dtype): args = {"var": var_dtype, "update": update_dtype} validator.check_tensors_dtypes_same_and_valid(args, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32], args = {"w_norm": w_norm_dtype, "g_norm": g_norm_dtype, "lr": lr_dtype} validator.check_scalar_or_tensor_types_same(args, [mstype.float16, mstype.float32],, True) return var_dtype class MakeRefKey(Primitive): """ Makes a RefKey instance by string. RefKey stores the name of Parameter, can be passed through the functions, and used for Assign target. Args: tag (str): Parameter name to make the RefKey. Inputs: No inputs. Outputs: RefKeyType, made from the Parameter name. Raises: TypeError: If `tag` is not a str. Supported Platforms: ``Ascend`` ``GPU`` ``CPU`` Examples: >>> import numpy as np >>> from mindspore import Parameter, Tensor >>> from mindspore import dtype as mstype >>> import mindspore.ops as ops >>> class Net(nn.Cell): ... def __init__(self): ... super(Net, self).__init__() ... self.y = Parameter(Tensor(np.ones([2, 3]), mstype.int32), name="y") ... self.make_ref_key = ops.MakeRefKey("y") ... ... def construct(self, x): ... key = self.make_ref_key() ... ref = ops.make_ref(key, x, self.y) ... return ref * x ... >>> x = Tensor(np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]), mindspore.int32) >>> net = Net() >>> output = net(x) >>> print(output) [[ 1 4 9] [16 25 36]] """ @prim_attr_register def __init__(self, tag): validator.check_value_type('tag', tag, (str,), def __call__(self): pass