Source code for mindspore.nn.metrics.metric

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"""Metric base class."""
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from scipy.ndimage import morphology
import numpy as np
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor

_eval_types = {'classification', 'multilabel'}

[docs]class Metric(metaclass=ABCMeta): """ Base class of metric. Note: For examples of subclasses, please refer to the definition of class `MAE`, 'Recall' etc. """ def __init__(self): pass def _convert_data(self, data): """ Convert data type to numpy array. Args: data (Object): Input data. Returns: Ndarray, data with `np.ndarray` type. """ if isinstance(data, Tensor): data = data.asnumpy() elif isinstance(data, list): data = np.array(data) elif isinstance(data, np.ndarray): pass else: raise TypeError('Input data type must be tensor, list or numpy.ndarray') return data @staticmethod def _check_onehot_data(data): """ Whether input data are one-hot encoding. Args: data (numpy.array): Input data. Returns: bool, return true, if input data are one-hot encoding. """ if data.ndim > 1 and np.equal(data ** 2, data).all(): shp = (data.shape[0],) + data.shape[2:] if np.equal(np.ones(shp), data.sum(axis=1)).all(): return True return False @staticmethod def _get_surface_distance(y_pred_edges, y_edges, distance_metric): """ Calculate the surface distances from `y_pred_edges` to `y_edges`. Args: y_pred_edges (np.ndarray): the edge of the predictions. y_edges (np.ndarray): the edge of the ground truth. distance_metric (string): The parameter of calculating Hausdorff distance supports three measurement methods, "euclidean", "chessboard" or "taxicab". Default: "euclidean". """ if not np.any(y_pred_edges): return np.array([]) if not np.any(y_edges): dis = np.full(y_edges.shape, np.inf) else: if distance_metric == "euclidean": dis = morphology.distance_transform_edt(~y_edges) else: dis = morphology.distance_transform_cdt(~y_edges, metric=distance_metric) surface_distance = dis[y_pred_edges] return surface_distance def _check_surface_distance_inputs(self, inputs): """ Checks the values of y_pred and y. Args: y_pred (Tensor): Predict array. y (Tensor): Target array. """ y_pred = self._convert_data(inputs[0]) y = self._convert_data(inputs[1]) label_idx = inputs[2] if not isinstance(label_idx, (int, float)): raise TypeError("The data type of label_idx must be int or float, but got {}.".format(type(label_idx))) if label_idx not in y_pred and label_idx not in y: raise ValueError("The label_idx should be in y_pred or y, but {} is not.".format(label_idx)) if y_pred.size == 0 or y_pred.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError("y_pred and y should have same shape, but got {}, {}.".format(y_pred.shape, y.shape)) if y_pred.dtype != bool: y_pred = y_pred == label_idx if y.dtype != bool: y = y == label_idx y_pred_edges = morphology.binary_erosion(y_pred) ^ y_pred y_edges = morphology.binary_erosion(y) ^ y return y_pred_edges, y_edges def __call__(self, *inputs): """ Evaluate input data once. Args: inputs (tuple): The first item is predict array, the second item is target array. Returns: Float, compute result. """ self.clear() self.update(*inputs) return self.eval()
[docs] @abstractmethod def clear(self): """ An interface describes the behavior of clearing the internal evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must define clear function to use this base class')
[docs] @abstractmethod def eval(self): """ An interface describes the behavior of computing the evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must define eval function to use this base class')
[docs] @abstractmethod def update(self, *inputs): """ An interface describes the behavior of updating the internal evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. Args: inputs: A variable-length input argument list. """ raise NotImplementedError('Must define update function to use this base class')
class EvaluationBase(Metric): """ Base class of evaluation. Note: Please refer to the definition of class `Accuracy`. Args: eval_type (str): Type of evaluation must be in {'classification', 'multilabel'}. Raises: TypeError: If the input type is not classification or multilabel. """ def __init__(self, eval_type): super(EvaluationBase, self).__init__() if eval_type not in _eval_types: raise TypeError('Type must be in {}, but got {}'.format(_eval_types, eval_type)) self._type = eval_type def _check_shape(self, y_pred, y): """ Checks the shapes of y_pred and y. Args: y_pred (Tensor): Predict array. y (Tensor): Target array. """ if self._type == 'classification': if y_pred.ndim != y.ndim + 1: raise ValueError('Classification case, dims of y_pred equal dims of y add 1, ' 'but got y_pred: {} dims and y: {} dims'.format(y_pred.ndim, y.ndim)) if y.shape != (y_pred.shape[0],) + y_pred.shape[2:]: raise ValueError('Classification case, y_pred shape and y shape can not match. ' 'got y_pred shape is {} and y shape is {}'.format(y_pred.shape, y.shape)) else: if y_pred.ndim != y.ndim: raise ValueError('{} case, dims of y_pred need equal with dims of y, but got y_pred: {} ' 'dims and y: {} dims.'.format(self._type, y_pred.ndim, y.ndim)) if y_pred.shape != y.shape: raise ValueError('{} case, y_pred shape need equal with y shape, but got y_pred: {} and y: {}'. format(self._type, y_pred.shape, y.shape)) def _check_inputs_shape(self, inputs): """ Checks the values of y_pred and y. Args: y_pred (Tensor): Predict array. y (Tensor): Target array. """ y_pred = self._convert_data(inputs[0]) y = self._convert_data(inputs[1]) if self._type == 'classification' and y_pred.ndim == y.ndim and Metric._check_onehot_data(y): y = y.argmax(axis=1) self._check_shape(y_pred, y) self._check_value(y_pred, y) return y_pred, y def _check_inputs(self, y_pred, y, class_nums): """ Checks the values of y_pred, y and class_nums. Args: y_pred (Tensor): Predict array. y (Tensor): Target array. class_nums(int): Class number. """ if class_nums == 0: class_nums = y_pred.shape[1] elif y_pred.shape[1] != class_nums: raise ValueError('Class number not match, last input data contain {} classes, but current data contain {} ' 'classes'.format(class_nums, y_pred.shape[1])) class_num = class_nums if self._type == "classification": if y.max() + 1 > class_num: raise ValueError('y_pred contains {} classes less than y contains {} classes.'. format(class_num, y.max() + 1)) y = np.eye(class_num)[y.reshape(-1)] indices = y_pred.argmax(axis=1).reshape(-1) y_pred = np.eye(class_num)[indices] elif self._type == "multilabel": y_pred = y_pred.swapaxes(1, 0).reshape(class_num, -1) y = y.swapaxes(1, 0).reshape(class_num, -1) return y_pred, y, class_nums def _check_value(self, y_pred, y): """ Checks the values of y_pred and y. Args: y_pred (Tensor): Predict array. y (Tensor): Target array. """ if self._type != 'classification' and not (np.equal(y_pred ** 2, y_pred).all() and np.equal(y ** 2, y).all()): raise ValueError('For multilabel case, input value must be 1 or 0.') def clear(self): """ A interface describes the behavior of clearing the internal evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. """ raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def update(cls, *inputs): """ A interface describes the behavior of updating the internal evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. Args: inputs: The first item is predicted array and the second item is target array. """ raise NotImplementedError def eval(self): """ A interface describes the behavior of computing the evaluation result. Note: All subclasses must override this interface. """ raise NotImplementedError