Source code for mindquantum.circuit.uccsd

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# ============================================================================
"""UCCSD ansatz."""

from collections import OrderedDict as ordict
import itertools
import numpy as np
from openfermion.chem import MolecularData
from openfermion.ops import FermionOperator
from openfermion.utils.indexing import down_index
from openfermion.utils.indexing import up_index
from openfermion.transforms import jordan_wigner
from mindquantum.gate import RX
from mindquantum.gate import H
from mindquantum.gate import X
from mindquantum.gate import RZ
from mindquantum.gate import RY
from .circuit import Circuit

def _para_uccsd_singlet_generator(mol, th=0):
    Generate a uccsd quantum circuit.

        mol (molecular): A hdf5 molecular file generated by HiQ Fermion.
        th (int, optional): A threadhold of parameters. If a parameter is
            lower than the threadhold, than we will not update it in VQE
            algorithm. Default: 0.
    n_qubits = mol.n_qubits
    n_electrons = mol.n_electrons
    params = {}
    if n_qubits % 2 != 0:
        raise ValueError('The total number of spin-orbitals should be even.')
    out = []
    out_tmp = []
    n_spatial_orbitals = n_qubits // 2
    n_occupied = int(np.ceil(n_electrons / 2))
    n_virtual = n_spatial_orbitals - n_occupied

    # Unpack amplitudes
    n_single_amplitudes = n_occupied * n_virtual
    # Generate excitations
    spin_index_functions = [up_index, down_index]
    # Generate all spin-conserving single and double excitations derived
    # from one spatial occupied-virtual pair
    for i, (p, q) in enumerate(
            itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied))):

        # Get indices of spatial orbitals
        virtual_spatial = n_occupied + p
        occupied_spatial = q
        virtual_up = virtual_spatial * 2
        occupied_up = occupied_spatial * 2
        virtual_down = virtual_spatial * 2 + 1
        occupied_down = occupied_spatial * 2 + 1
        single_amps = mol.ccsd_single_amps[virtual_up, occupied_up]
        double1_amps = mol.ccsd_double_amps[virtual_up, occupied_up,
                                            virtual_down, occupied_down]
        single_amps_name = 'p' + str(i)
        double1_amps_name = 'p' + str(i + n_single_amplitudes)

        for spin in range(2):
            # Get the functions which map a spatial orbital index to a
            # spin orbital index
            this_index = spin_index_functions[spin]
            other_index = spin_index_functions[1 - spin]

            # Get indices of spin orbitals
            virtual_this = this_index(virtual_spatial)
            virtual_other = other_index(virtual_spatial)
            occupied_this = this_index(occupied_spatial)
            occupied_other = other_index(occupied_spatial)

            # Generate single excitations
            if abs(single_amps) > th:
                params[single_amps_name] = single_amps
                fermion_ops1 = FermionOperator(
                    ((occupied_this, 1), (virtual_this, 0)), 1)
                fermion_ops2 = FermionOperator(
                    ((virtual_this, 1), (occupied_this, 0)), 1)
                out.append([fermion_ops1 - fermion_ops2, single_amps_name])

            # Generate double excitation
            if abs(double1_amps) > th:
                params[double1_amps_name] = double1_amps
                fermion_ops1 = FermionOperator(
                    ((virtual_this, 1), (occupied_this, 0), (virtual_other, 1),
                     (occupied_other, 0)), 1)
                fermion_ops2 = FermionOperator(
                    ((occupied_other, 1), (virtual_other, 0),
                     (occupied_this, 1), (virtual_this, 0)), 1)
                out.append([fermion_ops1 - fermion_ops2, double1_amps_name])
    out_tmp = []
    # Generate all spin-conserving double excitations derived
    # from two spatial occupied-virtual pairs
    for i, ((p, q), (r, s)) in enumerate(
                itertools.product(range(n_virtual), range(n_occupied)), 2)):

        # Get indices of spatial orbitals
        virtual_spatial_1 = n_occupied + p
        occupied_spatial_1 = q
        virtual_spatial_2 = n_occupied + r
        occupied_spatial_2 = s

        virtual_1_up = virtual_spatial_1 * 2
        occupied_1_up = occupied_spatial_1 * 2
        virtual_2_up = virtual_spatial_2 * 2 + 1
        occupied_2_up = occupied_spatial_2 * 2 + 1

        double2_amps = mol.ccsd_double_amps[virtual_1_up, occupied_1_up,
                                            virtual_2_up, occupied_2_up]
        double2_amps_name = 'p' + str(i + 2 * n_single_amplitudes)

        # Generate double excitations
        for (spin_a, spin_b) in itertools.product(range(2), repeat=2):
            # Get the functions which map a spatial orbital index to a
            # spin orbital index
            index_a = spin_index_functions[spin_a]
            index_b = spin_index_functions[spin_b]

            # Get indices of spin orbitals
            virtual_1_a = index_a(virtual_spatial_1)
            occupied_1_a = index_a(occupied_spatial_1)
            virtual_2_b = index_b(virtual_spatial_2)
            occupied_2_b = index_b(occupied_spatial_2)
            if abs(double2_amps) > th:
                params[double2_amps_name] = double2_amps
                fermion_ops1 = FermionOperator(
                    ((virtual_1_a, 1), (occupied_1_a, 0), (virtual_2_b, 1),
                     (occupied_2_b, 0)), 1)
                fermion_ops2 = FermionOperator(
                    ((occupied_2_b, 1), (virtual_2_b, 0), (occupied_1_a, 1),
                     (virtual_1_a, 0)), 1)
                out.append([fermion_ops1 - fermion_ops2, double2_amps_name])
    return out, params

def _transform2pauli(fermion_ansatz):
    Transform a fermion ansatz to pauli ansatz based on jordan-wigner
    out = ordict()
    for i in fermion_ansatz:
        qubit_generator = jordan_wigner(i[0])
        if qubit_generator.terms != {}:
            for key, term in qubit_generator.terms.items():
                if key not in out:
                    out[key] = ordict({i[1]: float(term.imag)})
                    if i[1] in out[key]:
                        out[key][i[1]] += float(term.imag)
                        out[key][i[1]] = float(term.imag)
    return out

def _pauli2circuit(pauli_ansatz):
    """Transform a pauli ansatz to parameterized quantum circuit."""
    circuit = Circuit()
    for k, v in pauli_ansatz.items():
        circuit += decompose_single_term_time_evolution(k, v)
    return circuit

[docs]def decompose_single_term_time_evolution(term, para): """ Decompose a time evolution gate into basic quantum gates. This function only work for the hamiltonian with only single pauli word. For example, exp(-i * t * ham), ham can only be a single pauli word, such as ham = X0 x Y1 x Z2, and at this time, term will be ((0, 'X'), (1, 'Y'), (2, 'Z')). When the evolution time is expressd as t = a*x + b*y, para would be {'x':a, 'y':b}. Args: term (tuple, QubitOperator): the hamiltonian term of just the evolution qubit operator. para (dict): the parameters of evolution operator. Returns: Circuit, a quantum circuit. Example: >>> from projectq.ops import QubitOperator >>> ham = QubitOperator('X0 Y1') >>> circuit = decompose_single_term_time_evolution(ham, {'a':1}) >>> print(circuit) H(0) RX(1.571,1) X(1 <-: 0) RZ(a|1) X(1 <-: 0) RX(10.996,1) H(0) """ if not isinstance(term, tuple): try: if len(term.terms) != 1: raise ValueError("Only work for single term time \ evolution operator, but get {}".format(len(term))) term = list(term.terms.keys())[0] except TypeError: raise Exception("Not supported type:{}".format(type(term))) out = [] term = sorted(term) rxs = [] if len(term) == 1: # single pauli operator if term[0][1] == 'X': out.append(RX(para).on(term[0][0])) elif term[0][1] == 'Y': out.append(RY(para).on(term[0][0])) else: out.append(RZ(para).on(term[0][0])) else: for index, action in term: if action == 'X': out.append(H.on(index)) elif action == 'Y': rxs.append(len(out)) out.append(RX(np.pi / 2).on(index)) for i in range(len(term) - 1): out.append(X.on(term[i + 1][0], term[i][0])) out.append(RZ({i: 2 * j for i, j in para.items()}).on(term[-1][0])) for i in range(len(out) - 1)[::-1]: if i in rxs: out.append(RX(np.pi * 3.5).on(out[i].obj_qubits)) else: out.append(out[i]) return Circuit(out)
[docs]def generate_uccsd(filename, th=0): """ Generate a uccsd quantum circuit based on a molecular data generated by HiQfermion or openfermion. Args: filename (str): the name of the molecular data file. th (int): the threshold to filt the uccsd amplitude. When th < 0, we will keep all amplitudes. When th == 0, we will keep all amplitude that are positive. Returns: - **uccsd_circuit** (Circuit), the ansatz circuit generated by uccsd method. - **initial_amplitudes** (numpy.ndarray), the initial parameter values of uccsd circuit. - **parameters_name** (list[str]), the name of initial parameters. - **qubit_hamiltonian** (QubitOperator), the hamiltonian of the molecule. - **n_qubits** (int), the number of qubits in simulation. - **n_electrons**, the number of electrons of the molecule. """ mol = MolecularData(filename=filename) mol.load() print("ccsd:{}.".format(mol.ccsd_energy)) print("fci:{}.".format(mol.fci_energy)) fermion_ansatz, parameters = _para_uccsd_singlet_generator(mol, th) pauli_ansatz = _transform2pauli(fermion_ansatz) uccsd_circuit = _pauli2circuit(pauli_ansatz) qubit_hamiltonian = jordan_wigner(mol.get_molecular_hamiltonian()) qubit_hamiltonian.compress() parameters_name = list(parameters.keys()) initial_amplitudes = [parameters[i] for i in parameters_name] return uccsd_circuit, \ initial_amplitudes, \ parameters_name, \ qubit_hamiltonian, \ mol.n_qubits, \ mol.n_electrons