Source code for mindarmour.privacy.sup_privacy.sup_ctrl.conctrl

# Copyright 2021 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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control function of suppress-based privacy.
import math
import gc
import numpy as np

from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindspore.nn import Cell

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_int_positive, check_value_positive, \
    check_value_non_negative, check_param_type
LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'Suppression training.'

[docs]class SuppressPrivacyFactory: """ Factory class of SuppressCtrl mechanisms""" def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def create(networks, mask_layers, policy="local_train", end_epoch=10, batch_num=20, start_epoch=3, mask_times=1000, lr=0.05, sparse_end=0.90, sparse_start=0.0): """ Args: networks (Cell): The training network. mask_layers (list): Description of the training network layers that need to be suppressed. policy (str): Training policy for suppress privacy training. Default: "local_train", means local training. end_epoch (int): The last epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 10. This end_epoch parameter should be the same as 'epoch' parameter of mindspore.train.model.train(). batch_num (int): The num of batch in an epoch, should be equal to num_samples/batch_size. Default: 20. start_epoch (int): The first epoch in suppress operations, 0<start_epoch<=end_epoch<=100. Default: 3. mask_times (int): The num of suppress operations. Default: 1000. lr (Union[float, int]): Learning rate, should be unchanged during training. 0<lr<=0.50. Default: 0.05. This lr parameter should be the same as 'learning_rate' parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD(). sparse_end (float): The sparsity to reach, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.90. sparse_start (Union[float, int]): The sparsity to start, 0.0<=sparse_start<sparse_end<1.0. Default: 0.0. Returns: SuppressCtrl, class of Suppress Privavy Mechanism. Examples: >>> networks_l5 = LeNet5() >>> masklayers = [] >>> masklayers.append(MaskLayerDes("conv1.weight", 0, False, True, 10)) >>> suppress_ctrl_instance = SuppressPrivacyFactory().create(networks=networks_l5, >>> mask_layers=masklayers, >>> policy="local_train", >>> end_epoch=10, >>> batch_num=(int)(10000/cfg.batch_size), >>> start_epoch=3, >>> mask_times=1000, >>> lr=lr, >>> sparse_end=0.90, >>> sparse_start=0.0) >>> net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(sparse=True, reduction="mean") >>> net_opt = nn.Momentum(params=networks_l5.trainable_params(), learning_rate=lr, momentum=0.0) >>> config_ck = CheckpointConfig(save_checkpoint_steps=(int)(samples/cfg.batch_size), >>> keep_checkpoint_max=10) >>> model_instance = SuppressModel(network=networks_l5, >>> loss_fn=net_loss, >>> optimizer=net_opt, >>> metrics={"Accuracy": Accuracy()}) >>> model_instance.link_suppress_ctrl(suppress_ctrl_instance) >>> ds_train = generate_mnist_dataset("./MNIST_unzip/train", >>> batch_size=cfg.batch_size, repeat_size=1, samples=samples) >>> ckpoint_cb = ModelCheckpoint(prefix="checkpoint_lenet", >>> directory="./trained_ckpt_file/", >>> config=config_ck) >>> model_instance.train(epoch_size, ds_train, callbacks=[ckpoint_cb, LossMonitor(), suppress_masker], >>> dataset_sink_mode=False) """ check_param_type('policy', policy, str) if policy == "local_train": return SuppressCtrl(networks, mask_layers, end_epoch, batch_num, start_epoch, mask_times, lr, sparse_end, sparse_start) msg = "Only local training is supported now, but got {}.".format(policy) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg)
[docs]class SuppressCtrl(Cell): """ Args: networks (Cell): The training network. mask_layers (list): Description of those layers that need to be suppressed. end_epoch (int): The last epoch in suppress operations. batch_num (int): The num of grad operation in an epoch. start_epoch (int): The first epoch in suppress operations. mask_times (int): The num of suppress operations. lr (Union[float, int]): Learning rate. sparse_end (float): The sparsity to reach. sparse_start (Union[float, int]): The sparsity to start. """ def __init__(self, networks, mask_layers, end_epoch, batch_num, start_epoch, mask_times, lr, sparse_end, sparse_start): super(SuppressCtrl, self).__init__() self.networks = check_param_type('networks', networks, Cell) self.mask_layers = check_param_type('mask_layers', mask_layers, list) self.mask_end_epoch = check_int_positive('end_epoch', end_epoch) self.batch_num = check_int_positive('batch_num', batch_num) self.mask_start_epoch = check_int_positive('start_epoch', start_epoch) self.mask_times = check_int_positive('mask_times', mask_times) = check_value_positive('lr', lr) self.sparse_end = check_param_type('sparse_end', sparse_end, float) self.sparse_start = check_value_non_negative('sparse_start', sparse_start) self.weight_lower_bound = 0.005 # all network weight will be larger than this value self.sparse_vibra = 0.02 # the sparsity may have certain range of variations self.sparse_valid_max_weight = 0.02 # if max network weight is less than this value, suppress operation stop temporarily self.add_noise_thd = 0.50 # if network weight is more than this value, noise is forced self.noise_volume = 0.1 # noise volume 0.1 self.base_ground_thd = 0.0000001 # if network weight is less than this value, will be considered as 0 self.model = None # SuppressModel instance self.grads_mask_list = [] # list for Grad Mask Matrix tensor self.de_weight_mask_list = [] # list for weight Mask Matrix tensor self.to_do_mask = False # the flag means suppress operation is toggled immediately self.mask_started = False # the flag means suppress operation has been started self.mask_start_step = 0 # suppress operation is actually started at this step self.mask_prev_step = 0 # previous suppress operation is done at this step self.cur_sparse = 0.0 # current sparsity to which one suppress will get self.mask_all_steps = (end_epoch - start_epoch + 1)*batch_num # the amount of step contained in all suppress operation self.mask_step_interval = self.mask_all_steps/mask_times # the amount of step contaied in one suppress operation self.mask_initialized = False # flag means the initialization is done self.grad_idx_map = [] if > 0.5: msg = "learning rate should not be greater than 0.5, but got {}".format( LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.mask_start_epoch > self.mask_end_epoch: msg = "start_epoch should not be greater than end_epoch, but got start_epoch and end_epoch are: " \ "{}, {}".format(self.mask_start_epoch, self.mask_end_epoch) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.mask_end_epoch > 100: msg = "The end_epoch should be smaller than 100, but got {}".format(self.mask_end_epoch) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.mask_step_interval <= 0: msg = "step_interval should be greater than 0, but got {}".format(self.mask_step_interval) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.mask_step_interval <= 10 or self.mask_step_interval >= 20: msg = "mask_interval should be greater than 10, smaller than 20, but got {}".format(self.mask_step_interval) msg += "\n Precision of trained model may be poor !!! " msg += "\n please modify epoch_start, epoch_end and batch_num !" msg += "\n mask_interval = (epoch_end-epoch_start+1)*batch_num, batch_num = samples/batch_size", msg) if self.sparse_end >= 1.00 or self.sparse_end <= 0: msg = "sparse_end should be in range (0, 1), but got {}".format(self.sparse_end) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self.sparse_start >= self.sparse_end: msg = "sparse_start should be smaller than sparse_end, but got sparse_start and sparse_end are: " \ "{}, {}".format(self.sparse_start, self.sparse_end) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if mask_layers is not None: mask_layer_id = 0 for one_mask_layer in mask_layers: if not isinstance(one_mask_layer, MaskLayerDes): msg = "mask_layers should be a list of MaskLayerDes, but got a {}".format(type(one_mask_layer)) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) layer_name = one_mask_layer.layer_name mask_layer_id2 = 0 for one_mask_layer_2 in mask_layers: if mask_layer_id != mask_layer_id2 and layer_name == one_mask_layer_2.layer_name: msg = "Mask layer name should be unique, but got duplicate name: {} in mask_layer {} and {}".\ format(layer_name, mask_layer_id, mask_layer_id2) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if mask_layer_id != mask_layer_id2 and one_mask_layer.grad_idx == one_mask_layer_2.grad_idx: msg = "Grad_idx should be unique, but got duplicate idx: {} in mask_layer {} and {}".\ format(layer_name, one_mask_layer_2.layer_name, one_mask_layer.grad_idx) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) mask_layer_id2 = mask_layer_id2 + 1 mask_layer_id = mask_layer_id + 1 if networks is not None: for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): shape = np.shape([1]) mul_mask_array = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32) grad_mask_cell = GradMaskInCell(mul_mask_array, False, False, -1) grad_mask_cell.mask_able = False self.grads_mask_list.append(grad_mask_cell) add_mask_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) de_weight_cell = DeWeightInCell(add_mask_array) de_weight_cell.mask_able = False self.de_weight_mask_list.append(de_weight_cell) self.grad_idx_map.append(-1) m = 0 for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): one_mask_layer = None if mask_layers is not None: one_mask_layer = get_one_mask_layer(mask_layers, if one_mask_layer is not None and not one_mask_layer.inited: one_mask_layer.inited = True shape = P.Shape()(layer) mul_mask_array = np.ones(shape, dtype=np.float32) grad_mask_cell = GradMaskInCell(mul_mask_array, one_mask_layer.is_add_noise, one_mask_layer.is_lower_clip, one_mask_layer.min_num, one_mask_layer.upper_bound) grad_mask_cell.mask_able = True self.grads_mask_list[one_mask_layer.grad_idx] = grad_mask_cell add_mask_array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=np.float32) de_weight_cell = DeWeightInCell(add_mask_array) de_weight_cell.mask_able = True self.de_weight_mask_list[one_mask_layer.grad_idx] = de_weight_cell self.grad_idx_map[m] = one_mask_layer.grad_idx msg = "do mask {}, {}, {}".format(m, one_mask_layer.layer_name, one_mask_layer.grad_idx), msg) elif one_mask_layer is not None and one_mask_layer.inited: msg = "repeated match masked setting {}=>{}.".format(one_mask_layer.layer_name, LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) m += 1 self.mask_initialized = True msg = "init SuppressCtrl by networks", msg) msg = "complete init mask for lenet5.step_interval: {}".format(self.mask_step_interval), msg) for one_mask_layer in mask_layers: if not one_mask_layer.inited: msg = "can't match this mask layer: {} ".format(one_mask_layer.layer_name) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) msg = "this lr parameter should be the same as 'learning_rate' parameter of mindspore.nn.SGD()\n" msg += "this end_epoch parameter should be the same as 'epoch' parameter of mindspore.train.model.train()\n" msg += "sup_privacy only support SGD optimizer", msg)
[docs] def update_status(self, cur_epoch, cur_step, cur_step_in_epoch): """ Update the suppress operation status. Args: cur_epoch (int): Current epoch of the whole training process. cur_step (int): Current step of the whole training process. cur_step_in_epoch (int): Current step of the current epoch. """ if not self.mask_initialized: self.mask_started = False elif (self.mask_start_epoch <= cur_epoch <= self.mask_end_epoch) or self.mask_started: if not self.mask_started: self.mask_started = True self.mask_start_step = cur_step if cur_step >= (self.mask_prev_step + self.mask_step_interval): self.mask_prev_step = cur_step self.to_do_mask = True # execute the last suppression operation elif cur_epoch == self.mask_end_epoch and cur_step_in_epoch == self.batch_num-2: self.mask_prev_step = cur_step self.to_do_mask = True else: self.to_do_mask = False else: self.to_do_mask = False self.mask_started = False
[docs] def update_mask(self, networks, cur_step): """ Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of network layers. Args: networks (Cell): The training network. cur_step (int): Current epoch of the whole training process. """ if self.sparse_end <= 0.0: return self.cur_sparse = self.sparse_end +\ (self.sparse_start - self.sparse_end)*\ math.pow((1.0 - (cur_step + 0.0 - self.mask_start_step) / self.mask_all_steps), 3) self.cur_sparse = min(self.cur_sparse, self.sparse_end) m = 0 for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): grad_idx = self.grad_idx_map[m] if grad_idx < 0: m = m + 1 continue if self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].mask_able: len_array = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].para_num min_num = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx].min_num sparse_min_thd = 1.0 - min(min_num, len_array) / len_array actual_stop_pos = int(len_array * min(sparse_min_thd, self.cur_sparse)) grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[grad_idx] last_sparse_pos = grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list[-1] if actual_stop_pos <= 0 or \ (actual_stop_pos < last_sparse_pos + grad_mask_cell.part_num and \ grad_mask_cell.is_approximity and m > 0): sparse_weight_thd = 0 msg = "{} len={}, sparse={}, current sparse thd={}, [idle] \n" \ .format(, len_array, actual_stop_pos / len_array, sparse_weight_thd), msg) m = m + 1 continue weight_array = weight_avg = np.mean(weight_array) weight_array_flat = weight_array.flatten() weight_array_flat_abs = np.abs(weight_array_flat) weight_abs_avg = np.mean(weight_array_flat_abs) weight_abs_max = np.max(weight_array_flat_abs) weight_abs_min = np.min(weight_array_flat_abs) if m == 0 and weight_abs_max < self.sparse_valid_max_weight: msg = "layer 0 weight_abs_max = {}, give up this masking ... ".format(weight_abs_max), msg) del weight_array_flat_abs del weight_array_flat del weight_array gc.collect() return if grad_mask_cell.is_approximity and m > 0: sparse_weight_thd = self.update_mask_layer_approximity(weight_array_flat, weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos, grad_idx) else: partition = np.partition(weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos - 1) sparse_weight_thd = partition[actual_stop_pos - 1] self.update_mask_layer(weight_array_flat, sparse_weight_thd, actual_stop_pos, weight_abs_max, grad_idx) del partition msg = "{} len={}, sparse={}, current sparse thd={}, max={}, min={}, avg={}, avg_abs={} \n".format(, len_array, actual_stop_pos/len_array, sparse_weight_thd, weight_abs_max, weight_abs_min, weight_avg, weight_abs_avg), msg) del weight_array_flat_abs del weight_array_flat del weight_array gc.collect() m = m + 1
[docs] def update_mask_layer(self, weight_array_flat, sparse_weight_thd, sparse_stop_pos, weight_abs_max, layer_index): """ Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer. Args: weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray): The weight array of layer's parameters. sparse_weight_thd (float): The weight threshold of sparse operation. sparse_stop_pos (int): The maximum number of elements to be suppressed. weight_abs_max (float): The maximum absolute value of weights. layer_index (int): The index of target layer. """ grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index] mul_mask_array_flat = grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat de_weight_cell = self.de_weight_mask_list[layer_index] add_mask_array_flat = de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat min_num = grad_mask_cell.min_num is_add_noise = grad_mask_cell.is_add_noise is_lower_clip = grad_mask_cell.is_lower_clip upper_bound = grad_mask_cell.upper_bound if not self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].mask_able: return m = 0 n = 0 p = 0 q = 0 # add noise on weights if not masking or clipping. weight_noise_bound = min(self.add_noise_thd, max(self.noise_volume*10, weight_abs_max*0.75)) size = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].para_num for i in range(0, size): if mul_mask_array_flat[i] <= 0.0: add_mask_array_flat[i] = weight_array_flat[i] / m = m + 1 elif abs(weight_array_flat[i]) <= sparse_weight_thd: if m < size - min_num and m < sparse_stop_pos: # to mask mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 0.0 add_mask_array_flat[i] = weight_array_flat[i] / m = m + 1 else: # not mask if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] \ - min(self.weight_lower_bound, sparse_weight_thd)) / else: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] + min(self.weight_lower_bound, sparse_weight_thd)) / p = p + 1 elif is_lower_clip and abs(weight_array_flat[i]) <= \ self.weight_lower_bound and sparse_weight_thd > self.weight_lower_bound*0.5: # not mask mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0 if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] - self.weight_lower_bound) / else: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] + self.weight_lower_bound) / p = p + 1 elif abs(weight_array_flat[i]) > upper_bound: mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0 if weight_array_flat[i] > 0.0: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] - upper_bound) / else: add_mask_array_flat[i] = (weight_array_flat[i] + upper_bound) / n = n + 1 else: # not mask mul_mask_array_flat[i] = 1.0 if is_add_noise and abs(weight_array_flat[i]) > weight_noise_bound > 0.0: # add noise add_mask_array_flat[i] = np.random.uniform(-self.noise_volume, self.noise_volume) / q = q + 1 else: add_mask_array_flat[i] = 0.0 grad_mask_cell.update() de_weight_cell.update() msg = "Dimension of mask tensor is {}D, which located in the {}-th layer of the network. \n The number of " \ "suppressed elements, max-clip elements, min-clip elements and noised elements are {}, {}, {}, {}"\ .format(len(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_shape), layer_index, m, n, p, q), msg) grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list.append(m)
[docs] def update_mask_layer_approximity(self, weight_array_flat, weight_array_flat_abs, actual_stop_pos, layer_index): """ Update add mask arrays and multiply mask arrays of one single layer with many parameter. disable clipping loweer, clipping, adding noise operation Args: weight_array_flat (numpy.ndarray): The weight array of layer's parameters. weight_array_flat_abs (numpy.ndarray): The abs weight array of layer's parameters. actual_stop_pos (int): The actually para num should be suppressed. layer_index (int): The index of target layer. """ grad_mask_cell = self.grads_mask_list[layer_index] mul_mask_array_flat = grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat de_weight_cell = self.de_weight_mask_list[layer_index] add_mask_array_flat = de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat part_size = grad_mask_cell.part_size part_num = grad_mask_cell.part_num para_num = grad_mask_cell.para_num init_batch_suppress = False if not self.grads_mask_list[layer_index].mask_able: return 0.0 real_part_num = 0 sparse_thd = 0.0 last_sparse_pos = grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list[-1] split_k_num = max(0, int((actual_stop_pos - last_sparse_pos) / part_num)) if last_sparse_pos <= 0: init_batch_suppress = True for i in range(0, part_num): array_row_mul_mask = mul_mask_array_flat[i * part_size : (i + 1) * part_size] array_row_flat_abs = weight_array_flat_abs[i * part_size : (i + 1) * part_size] if not init_batch_suppress: array_row_flat_abs_masked = np.where(array_row_mul_mask <= 0.0, -1.0, array_row_flat_abs) set_abs = set(array_row_flat_abs_masked) set_abs.remove(-1.0) list2 = list(set_abs) val_array_align = np.array(list2) del array_row_flat_abs_masked del set_abs del list2 gc.collect() else: val_array_align = array_row_flat_abs real_split_k_num = min(split_k_num, len(val_array_align) - 1) if real_split_k_num <= 0: del array_row_flat_abs del array_row_mul_mask del val_array_align gc.collect() continue partition = np.partition(val_array_align, real_split_k_num - 1) sparse_k_thd = partition[real_split_k_num - 1] if sparse_k_thd > 0 or init_batch_suppress: real_part_num = real_part_num + 1 sparse_thd = sparse_thd + sparse_k_thd del array_row_flat_abs del array_row_mul_mask del val_array_align del partition gc.collect() if real_part_num > 0: sparse_thd = sparse_thd / real_part_num new_mul_mask_array_flat = np.where(weight_array_flat_abs <= sparse_thd, 0.0, 1.0) grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat = new_mul_mask_array_flat new_add_mask_array_flat = np.where(new_mul_mask_array_flat <= 0.0, weight_array_flat /, 0.0) de_weight_cell.add_mask_array_flat = new_add_mask_array_flat grad_mask_cell.update() de_weight_cell.update() del mul_mask_array_flat del add_mask_array_flat gc.collect() real_suppress_num = para_num - int(np.sum(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_flat)) grad_mask_cell.sparse_pos_list.append(real_suppress_num) else: real_suppress_num = 0 msg = "Dimension of mask tensor is {}D, which located in the {}-th layer of the network. " \ "\n The ideal number of suppressed elements is {}/{}/{}, real suppress elements is {}" \ .format(len(grad_mask_cell.mul_mask_array_shape), layer_index, split_k_num, (actual_stop_pos - last_sparse_pos), actual_stop_pos, real_suppress_num), msg) if init_batch_suppress: init_sparse_actual = real_suppress_num/para_num print("init batch suppresss, actual sparse = {}".format(init_sparse_actual)) gc.collect() return sparse_thd
[docs] def reset_zeros(self): """ Set add mask arrays to be zero. """ for de_weight_cell in self.de_weight_mask_list: de_weight_cell.reset_zeros()
[docs] def calc_theoretical_sparse_for_conv(self): """ Compute actually sparsity of mask matrix for conv1 layer and conv2 layer. """ array_mul_mask_flat_conv1 = self.grads_mask_list[0].mul_mask_array_flat array_mul_mask_flat_conv2 = self.grads_mask_list[1].mul_mask_array_flat sparse = 0.0 sparse_value_1 = 0.0 sparse_value_2 = 0.0 full = 0.0 full_conv1 = 0.0 full_conv2 = 0.0 for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv1.size): full += 1.0 full_conv1 += 1.0 if array_mul_mask_flat_conv1[i] <= 0.0: sparse += 1.0 sparse_value_1 += 1.0 for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv2.size): full = full + 1.0 full_conv2 = full_conv2 + 1.0 if array_mul_mask_flat_conv2[i] <= 0.0: sparse = sparse + 1.0 sparse_value_2 += 1.0 sparse = sparse/full sparse_value_1 = sparse_value_1/full_conv1 sparse_value_2 = sparse_value_2/full_conv2 msg = "conv sparse mask={}, sparse_1={}, sparse_2={}".format(sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2), msg) return sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2
[docs] def calc_actual_sparse_for_conv(self, networks): """ Compute actually sparsity of network for conv1 layer and conv2 layer. Args: networks (Cell): The training network. """ sparse = 0.0 sparse_value_1 = 0.0 sparse_value_2 = 0.0 full = 0.0 full_conv1 = 0.0 full_conv2 = 0.0 array_cur_conv1 = np.ones(np.shape([1]), dtype=np.float32) array_cur_conv2 = np.ones(np.shape([1]), dtype=np.float32) for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): if "networks.conv1.weight" in or "networks.layers.0.weight" in # lenet5/res50 vgg16 array_cur_conv1 = print("calc_actual_sparse, match conv1") if "networks.conv2.weight" in or "networks.layers.3.weight" in \ or "networks.layer1.0.conv1.weight" in # res50 array_cur_conv2 = print("calc_actual_sparse, match conv2") array_mul_mask_flat_conv1 = array_cur_conv1.flatten() array_mul_mask_flat_conv2 = array_cur_conv2.flatten() for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv1.size): full += 1.0 full_conv1 += 1.0 if abs(array_mul_mask_flat_conv1[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd: sparse += 1.0 sparse_value_1 += 1.0 for i in range(0, array_mul_mask_flat_conv2.size): full = full + 1.0 full_conv2 = full_conv2 + 1.0 if abs(array_mul_mask_flat_conv2[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd: sparse = sparse + 1.0 sparse_value_2 += 1.0 sparse = sparse / full sparse_value_1 = sparse_value_1 / full_conv1 sparse_value_2 = sparse_value_2 / full_conv2 msg = "conv sparse fact={}, sparse_1={}, sparse_2={}".format(sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2), msg) del array_mul_mask_flat_conv1 del array_mul_mask_flat_conv2 del array_cur_conv1 del array_cur_conv2 gc.collect() return sparse, sparse_value_1, sparse_value_2
def calc_actual_sparse_for_fc1(self, networks): return self.calc_actual_sparse_for_layer(networks, "fc1.weight")
[docs] def calc_actual_sparse_for_layer(self, networks, layer_name): """ Compute actually sparsity of one network layer Args: networks (Cell): The training network. layer_name (str): The name of target layer. """ check_param_type('networks', networks, Cell) check_param_type('layer_name', layer_name, str) sparse = 0.0 full = 0.0 array_cur = None for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): if layer_name in array_cur = break if array_cur is None: msg = "no such layer to calc sparse: {} ".format(layer_name), msg) return 0.0 array_cur_flat = array_cur.flatten() for i in range(0, array_cur_flat.size): full += 1.0 if abs(array_cur_flat[i]) <= self.base_ground_thd: sparse += 1.0 sparse = sparse / full msg = "{} sparse fact={} ".format(layer_name, sparse), msg) del array_cur_flat del array_cur gc.collect() return sparse
def print_paras(self): msg = "paras: start_epoch:{}, end_epoch:{}, batch_num:{}, interval:{}, lr:{}, sparse_end:{}, sparse_start:{}" \ .format(self.mask_start_epoch, self.mask_end_epoch, self.batch_num, self.mask_step_interval,, self.sparse_end, self.sparse_start), msg)
def get_one_mask_layer(mask_layers, layer_name): """ Returns the layer definitions that need to be suppressed. Args: mask_layers (list): The layers that need to be suppressed. layer_name (str): The name of target layer. Returns: Union[MaskLayerDes, None], the layer definitions that need to be suppressed. """ for each_mask_layer in mask_layers: if each_mask_layer.layer_name in layer_name and not each_mask_layer.inited: return each_mask_layer return None
[docs]class MaskLayerDes: """ Describe the layer that need to be suppressed. Args: layer_name (str): Layer name, get the name of one layer as following: .. code-block:: for layer in networks.get_parameters(expand=True): if == "conv": ... grad_idx (int): Grad layer index, get mask layer's index in grad tuple.You can refer to the construct function of TrainOneStepCell in mindarmour/privacy/sup_privacy/train/ to get the index of some specified grad layers (print in PYNATIVE_MODE). is_add_noise (bool): If True, the weight of this layer can add noise. If False, the weight of this layer can not add noise. is_lower_clip (bool): If true, the weights of this layer would be clipped to greater than an lower bound value. If False, the weights of this layer won't be clipped. min_num (int): The number of weights left that not be suppressed. If min_num is smaller than (parameter num*SupperssCtrl.sparse_end), min_num has not effect. upper_bound (Union[float, int]): max abs value of weight in this layer, default: 1.20. """ def __init__(self, layer_name, grad_idx, is_add_noise, is_lower_clip, min_num, upper_bound=1.20): self.layer_name = check_param_type('layer_name', layer_name, str) check_param_type('grad_idx', grad_idx, int) self.grad_idx = check_value_non_negative('grad_idx', grad_idx) self.is_add_noise = check_param_type('is_add_noise', is_add_noise, bool) self.is_lower_clip = check_param_type('is_lower_clip', is_lower_clip, bool) self.min_num = check_param_type('min_num', min_num, int) self.upper_bound = check_value_positive('upper_bound', upper_bound) self.inited = False
class GradMaskInCell(Cell): """ Define the mask matrix for gradients masking. Args: array (numpy.ndarray): The mask array. is_add_noise (bool): If True, the weight of this layer can add noise. If False, the weight of this layer can not add noise. is_lower_clip (bool): If true, the weights of this layer would be clipped to greater than an lower bound value. If False, the weights of this layer won't be clipped. min_num (int): The number of weights left that not be suppressed. If min_num is smaller than (parameter num*SupperssCtrl.sparse_end), min_num has not effect. upper_bound ([float, int]): max abs value of weight in this layer, default: 1.20. """ def __init__(self, array, is_add_noise, is_lower_clip, min_num, upper_bound=1.20): super(GradMaskInCell, self).__init__() self.mul_mask_array_shape = array.shape mul_mask_array = array.copy() self.mul_mask_array_flat = mul_mask_array.flatten() self.mul_mask_tensor = Tensor(array, mstype.float32) self.mask_able = False self.is_add_noise = is_add_noise self.is_lower_clip = is_lower_clip self.min_num = min_num self.upper_bound = check_value_positive('upper_bound', upper_bound) self.para_num = array.size self.is_approximity = False self.sparse_pos_list = [0] self.part_num = 1 self.part_size = self.para_num self.part_num_max = 16 self.para_many_num = 10000 self.para_huge_num = 10*10000*10000 if self.para_num > self.para_many_num: self.is_approximity = True self.is_add_noise = False self.is_lower_clip = False ratio = 2 if self.part_size > self.para_huge_num: while self.part_size % ratio == 0 and self.part_size > self.para_huge_num \ and self.part_num < self.part_num_max: self.part_num = self.part_num * ratio self.part_size = int(self.part_size / ratio) msg = "this layer has {} para, disable the operation of clipping lower, clipping upper_bound, " \ "adding noise. \n part_num={}, part_size={}" \ .format(self.para_num, self.part_num, self.part_size), msg) def construct(self): """ Return the mask matrix for optimization. """ return self.mask_able, self.mul_mask_tensor def update(self): """ Update the mask tensor. """ self.mul_mask_tensor = Tensor(self.mul_mask_array_flat.reshape(self.mul_mask_array_shape), mstype.float32) class DeWeightInCell(Cell): """ Define the mask matrix for de-weight masking. Args: array (numpy.ndarray): The mask array. """ def __init__(self, array): super(DeWeightInCell, self).__init__() self.add_mask_array_shape = array.shape add_mask_array = array.copy() self.add_mask_array_flat = add_mask_array.flatten() self.add_mask_tensor = Tensor(array, mstype.float32) self.mask_able = False self.zero_mask_tensor = Tensor(np.zeros(array.shape, np.float32), mstype.float32) self.just_update = -1.0 def construct(self): """ Return the mask matrix for optimization. """ if self.just_update > 0.0: return self.mask_able, self.add_mask_tensor return self.mask_able, self.zero_mask_tensor def update(self): """ Update the mask tensor. """ self.just_update = 1.0 self.add_mask_tensor = Tensor(self.add_mask_array_flat.reshape(self.add_mask_array_shape), mstype.float32) def reset_zeros(self): """ Make the de-weight operation expired. """ self.just_update = -1.0