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#include <vision.h>

std::shared_ptr<HwcToChwOperation> HWC2CHW()

Convert the channel of the input image from (H, W, C) to (C, H, W).

  • Returns

    Return a HwcToChw operator.


#include <vision_lite.h>

std::shared_ptr<CenterCropOperation> CenterCrop(std::vector<int32_t> size)

Crop the center area of the input image to the given size.

  • Parameters

    • size: The output size of the resized image. If the size is a single value, the image will be resized to this value with the same image aspect ratio. If the size has 2 values, it should be (height, width).

  • Returns

    Return a CenterCrop operator.


#include <vision_lite.h>

std::shared_ptr<CropOperation> Crop(std::vector<int32_t> coordinates, std::vector<int32_t> size)

Crop an image based on the location and crop size.

  • Parameters

    • coordinates: The starting location of the crop.

    • size: Size of the cropped area.

  • Returns

    Return a Crop operator.


#include <vision_lite.h>

std::shared_ptr<DecodeOperation> Decode(bool rgb = true)

Decode the input image.

  • Parameters

    • rgb: Whether to decode in RGB mode.

  • Returns

    Return a Decode operator.


#include <vision_lite.h>

std::shared_ptr<NormalizeOperation> Normalize(std::vector<float> mean, std::vector<float> std)

Normalize the input image with the given mean and standard deviation.

  • Parameters

    • mean: The mean value to do normalization.

    • std: The standard deviation value to do normalization.

  • Returns

    Return a Normalize operator.


#include <vision_lite.h>

std::shared_ptr<ResizeOperation> Resize(std::vector<int32_t> size, InterpolationMode interpolation = InterpolationMode::kLinear)

Resize the input image to the given size.

  • Parameters

    • size: The output size of the resized image. If the size is a single value, the image will be resized to this value with the same image aspect ratio. If the size has 2 values, it should be (height, width).

    • interpolation: An enumeration for the mode of interpolation.

      • kLinear, Linear interpolation.

      • kNearestNeighbour, Nearest Interpolation.

      • kCubic, Bicubic interpolation.

      • kArea, Area interpolation.

  • Returns

    Return a Resize operator.