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Noise Mechanisms.
from abc import abstractmethod
from mindspore import Tensor
from mindspore.nn import Cell
from mindspore.ops import operations as P
from mindspore.ops.composite import normal
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.common import dtype as mstype
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_type
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_value_positive
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_param_in_range
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_value_non_negative
from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'NoiseMechanism'
[docs]class ClipMechanismsFactory:
""" Factory class of clip mechanisms"""
def __init__(self):
[docs] @staticmethod
def create(mech_name, decay_policy='Linear', learning_rate=0.001,
target_unclipped_quantile=0.9, fraction_stddev=0.01, seed=0):
mech_name(str): Clip noise generated strategy, support 'Gaussian' now.
decay_policy(str): Decay policy of adaptive clipping, decay_policy must
be in ['Linear', 'Geometric']. Default: Linear.
learning_rate(float): Learning rate of update norm clip. Default: 0.001.
target_unclipped_quantile(float): Target quantile of norm clip. Default: 0.9.
fraction_stddev(float): The stddev of Gaussian normal which used in
empirical_fraction, the formula is $empirical_fraction + N(0, fraction_stddev)$.
Default: 0.01.
seed(int): Original random seed, if seed=0 random normal will use secure
random number. IF seed!=0 random normal will generate values using
given seed. Default: 0.
NameError: `mech_name` must be in ['Gaussian'].
Mechanisms, class of noise generated Mechanism.
>>> decay_policy = 'Linear'
>>> beta = Tensor(0.5, mstype.float32)
>>> norm_bound = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32)
>>> beta_stddev = 0.1
>>> learning_rate = 0.1
>>> target_unclipped_quantile = 0.3
>>> clip_mechanism = ClipMechanismsFactory()
>>> ada_clip = clip_mechanism.create('Gaussian',
>>> decay_policy=decay_policy,
>>> learning_rate=learning_rate,
>>> target_unclipped_quantile=target_unclipped_quantile,
>>> fraction_stddev=beta_stddev)
>>> next_norm_bound = ada_clip(beta, norm_bound)
if mech_name == 'Gaussian':
return AdaClippingWithGaussianRandom(decay_policy, learning_rate,
target_unclipped_quantile, fraction_stddev, seed)
raise NameError("The {} is not implement, please choose "
[docs]class NoiseMechanismsFactory:
""" Factory class of noise mechanisms"""
def __init__(self):
[docs] @staticmethod
def create(mech_name, norm_bound=1.0, initial_noise_multiplier=1.0, seed=0, noise_decay_rate=6e-6,
mech_name(str): Noise generated strategy, could be 'Gaussian' or
'AdaGaussian'. Noise would be decayed with 'AdaGaussian' mechanism
while be constant with 'Gaussian' mechanism.
norm_bound(float): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients. Default: 1.0.
initial_noise_multiplier(float): Ratio of the standard deviation of
Gaussian noise divided by the norm_bound, which will be used to
calculate privacy spent. Default: 1.0.
seed(int): Original random seed, if seed=0 random normal will use secure
random number. IF seed!=0 random normal will generate values using
given seed. Default: 0.
noise_decay_rate(float): Hyper parameter for controlling the noise decay. Default: 6e-6.
decay_policy(str): Mechanisms parameters update policy. Default: None, no
parameters need update. Default: None.
NameError: `mech_name` must be in ['Gaussian', 'AdaGaussian'].
Mechanisms, class of noise generated Mechanism.
>>> norm_bound = 1.0
>>> initial_noise_multiplier = 0.01
>>> network = LeNet5()
>>> batch_size = 32
>>> batches = 128
>>> epochs = 1
>>> loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits(is_grad=False, sparse=True)
>>> noise_mech = NoiseMechanismsFactory().create('Gaussian',
>>> norm_bound=norm_bound,
>>> initial_noise_multiplier=initial_noise_multiplier)
>>> clip_mech = ClipMechanismsFactory().create('Gaussian',
>>> decay_policy='Linear',
>>> learning_rate=0.01,
>>> target_unclipped_quantile=0.9,
>>> fraction_stddev=0.01)
>>> net_opt = nn.Momentum(network.trainable_params(), learning_rate=0.1,
>>> momentum=0.9)
>>> model = DPModel(micro_batches=2,
>>> clip_mech=clip_mech,
>>> norm_bound=norm_bound,
>>> noise_mech=noise_mech,
>>> network=network,
>>> loss_fn=loss,
>>> optimizer=net_opt,
>>> metrics=None)
>>> ms_ds = ds.GeneratorDataset(dataset_generator(batch_size, batches),
>>> ['data', 'label'])
>>> ms_ds.set_dataset_size(batch_size * batches)
>>> model.train(epochs, ms_ds, dataset_sink_mode=False)
if mech_name == 'Gaussian':
return NoiseGaussianRandom(norm_bound=norm_bound,
if mech_name == 'AdaGaussian':
return NoiseAdaGaussianRandom(norm_bound=norm_bound,
raise NameError("The {} is not implement, please choose "
"['Gaussian', 'AdaGaussian']".format(mech_name))
class _Mechanisms(Cell):
Basic class of noise generated mechanism.
def construct(self, gradients):
Construct function.
[docs]class NoiseGaussianRandom(_Mechanisms):
Gaussian noise generated mechanism.
norm_bound(float): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients.
Default: 1.0.
initial_noise_multiplier(float): Ratio of the standard deviation of
Gaussian noise divided by the norm_bound, which will be used to
calculate privacy spent. Default: 1.0.
seed(int): Original random seed, if seed=0 random normal will use secure
random number. IF seed!=0 random normal will generate values using
given seed. Default: 0.
decay_policy(str): Mechanisms parameters update policy. Default: None.
Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients.
>>> gradients = Tensor([0.2, 0.9], mstype.float32)
>>> norm_bound = 0.5
>>> initial_noise_multiplier = 1.5
>>> seed = 0
>>> decay_policy = None
>>> net = NoiseGaussianRandom(norm_bound, initial_noise_multiplier, seed, decay_policy)
>>> res = net(gradients)
>>> print(res)
def __init__(self, norm_bound=1.0, initial_noise_multiplier=1.0, seed=0, decay_policy=None):
super(NoiseGaussianRandom, self).__init__()
norm_bound = check_param_type('norm_bound', norm_bound, float)
self._norm_bound = check_value_positive('norm_bound', norm_bound)
self._norm_bound = Tensor(norm_bound, mstype.float32)
initial_noise_multiplier = check_param_type('initial_noise_multiplier', initial_noise_multiplier, float)
self._initial_noise_multiplier = check_value_positive('initial_noise_multiplier',
self._initial_noise_multiplier = Tensor(initial_noise_multiplier, mstype.float32)
self._mean = Tensor(0, mstype.float32)
if decay_policy is not None:
raise ValueError('decay_policy must be None in GaussianRandom class, but got {}.'.format(decay_policy))
self._decay_policy = decay_policy
seed = check_param_type('seed', seed, int)
self._seed = check_value_non_negative('seed', seed)
[docs] def construct(self, gradients):
Generated Gaussian noise.
gradients(Tensor): The gradients.
Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients.
shape = P.Shape()(gradients)
stddev = P.Mul()(self._norm_bound, self._initial_noise_multiplier)
noise = normal(shape, self._mean, stddev, self._seed)
return noise
[docs]class NoiseAdaGaussianRandom(NoiseGaussianRandom):
Adaptive Gaussian noise generated mechanism. Noise would be decayed with
training. Decay mode could be 'Time' mode, 'Step' mode, 'Exp' mode.
`self._noise_multiplier` will be update during the model.train, using
norm_bound(float): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients.
Default: 1.0.
initial_noise_multiplier(float): Ratio of the standard deviation of
Gaussian noise divided by the norm_bound, which will be used to
calculate privacy spent. Default: 1.0.
seed(int): Original random seed, if seed=0 random normal will use secure
random number. IF seed!=0 random normal will generate values using
given seed. Default: 0.
noise_decay_rate(float): Hyper parameter for controlling the noise decay.
Default: 6e-6.
decay_policy(str): Noise decay strategy include 'Step', 'Time', 'Exp'.
Default: 'Exp'.
Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients.
>>> gradients = Tensor([0.2, 0.9], mstype.float32)
>>> norm_bound = 1.0
>>> initial_noise_multiplier = 1.5
>>> seed = 0
>>> noise_decay_rate = 6e-4
>>> decay_policy = "Exp"
>>> net = NoiseAdaGaussianRandom(norm_bound, initial_noise_multiplier, seed, noise_decay_rate, decay_policy)
>>> res = net(gradients)
>>> print(res)
def __init__(self, norm_bound=1.0, initial_noise_multiplier=1.0, seed=0, noise_decay_rate=6e-6, decay_policy='Exp'):
super(NoiseAdaGaussianRandom, self).__init__(norm_bound=norm_bound,
self._noise_multiplier = Parameter(self._initial_noise_multiplier,
noise_decay_rate = check_param_type('noise_decay_rate', noise_decay_rate, float)
check_param_in_range('noise_decay_rate', noise_decay_rate, 0.0, 1.0)
self._noise_decay_rate = Tensor(noise_decay_rate, mstype.float32)
if decay_policy not in ['Time', 'Step', 'Exp']:
raise NameError("The decay_policy must be in ['Time', 'Step', 'Exp'], but "
"get {}".format(decay_policy))
self._decay_policy = decay_policy
class _MechanismsParamsUpdater(Cell):
Update mechanisms parameters, the parameters will refresh in train period.
decay_policy(str): Pass in by the mechanisms class, mechanisms parameters
update policy.
decay_rate(Tensor): Pass in by the mechanisms class, hyper parameter for
controlling the decay size.
cur_noise_multiplier(Parameter): Pass in by the mechanisms class,
current params value in this time.
init_noise_multiplier(Parameter):Pass in by the mechanisms class,
initial params value to be updated.
Tuple, next params value.
def __init__(self, decay_policy, decay_rate, cur_noise_multiplier, init_noise_multiplier):
super(_MechanismsParamsUpdater, self).__init__()
self._decay_policy = decay_policy
self._decay_rate = decay_rate
self._cur_noise_multiplier = cur_noise_multiplier
self._init_noise_multiplier = init_noise_multiplier
self._div = P.Div()
self._add = P.TensorAdd()
self._assign = P.Assign()
self._sub = P.Sub()
self._one = Tensor(1, mstype.float32)
self._mul = P.Mul()
self._exp = P.Exp()
def construct(self):
update parameters to `self._cur_params`.
Tuple, next step parameters value.
if self._decay_policy == 'Time':
temp = self._div(self._init_noise_multiplier, self._cur_noise_multiplier)
temp = self._add(temp, self._decay_rate)
next_noise_multiplier = self._assign(self._cur_noise_multiplier,
self._div(self._init_noise_multiplier, temp))
elif self._decay_policy == 'Step':
temp = self._sub(self._one, self._decay_rate)
next_noise_multiplier = self._assign(self._cur_noise_multiplier,
self._mul(temp, self._cur_noise_multiplier))
next_noise_multiplier = self._assign(self._cur_noise_multiplier,
self._div(self._cur_noise_multiplier, self._exp(self._decay_rate)))
return next_noise_multiplier
[docs]class AdaClippingWithGaussianRandom(Cell):
Adaptive clipping. If `decay_policy` is 'Linear', the update formula is
norm_bound = norm_bound - learning_rate*(beta - target_unclipped_quantile).
If `decay_policy` is 'Geometric', the update formula is norm_bound =
norm_bound*exp(-learning_rate*(empirical_fraction - target_unclipped_quantile)).
where beta is the empirical fraction of samples with the value at most
decay_policy(str): Decay policy of adaptive clipping, decay_policy must
be in ['Linear', 'Geometric']. Default: Linear.
learning_rate(float): Learning rate of update norm clip. Default: 0.001.
target_unclipped_quantile(float): Target quantile of norm clip. Default: 0.9.
fraction_stddev(float): The stddev of Gaussian normal which used in
empirical_fraction, the formula is empirical_fraction + N(0, fraction_stddev).
Default: 0.01.
seed(int): Original random seed, if seed=0 random normal will use secure
random number. IF seed!=0 random normal will generate values using
given seed. Default: 0.
Tensor, undated norm clip .
>>> decay_policy = 'Linear'
>>> beta = Tensor(0.5, mstype.float32)
>>> norm_bound = Tensor(1.0, mstype.float32)
>>> beta_stddev = 0.01
>>> learning_rate = 0.001
>>> target_unclipped_quantile = 0.9
>>> ada_clip = AdaClippingWithGaussianRandom(decay_policy=decay_policy,
>>> learning_rate=learning_rate,
>>> target_unclipped_quantile=target_unclipped_quantile,
>>> fraction_stddev=beta_stddev)
>>> next_norm_bound = ada_clip(beta, norm_bound)
def __init__(self, decay_policy='Linear', learning_rate=0.001,
target_unclipped_quantile=0.9, fraction_stddev=0.01, seed=0):
super(AdaClippingWithGaussianRandom, self).__init__()
if decay_policy not in ['Linear', 'Geometric']:
msg = "decay policy of adaptive clip must be in ['Linear', 'Geometric'], \
but got: {}".format(decay_policy)
LOGGER.error(TAG, msg)
raise ValueError(msg)
self._decay_policy = decay_policy
learning_rate = check_param_type('learning_rate', learning_rate, float)
learning_rate = check_value_positive('learning_rate', learning_rate)
self._learning_rate = Tensor(learning_rate, mstype.float32)
fraction_stddev = check_param_type('fraction_stddev', fraction_stddev, float)
self._fraction_stddev = Tensor(fraction_stddev, mstype.float32)
target_unclipped_quantile = check_param_type('target_unclipped_quantile',
self._target_unclipped_quantile = Tensor(target_unclipped_quantile,
self._zero = Tensor(0, mstype.float32)
self._add = P.TensorAdd()
self._sub = P.Sub()
self._mul = P.Mul()
self._exp = P.Exp()
seed = check_param_type('seed', seed, int)
self._seed = check_value_non_negative('seed', seed)
[docs] def construct(self, empirical_fraction, norm_bound):
Update value of norm_bound.
empirical_fraction(Tensor): empirical fraction of samples with the
value at most `target_unclipped_quantile`.
norm_bound(Tensor): Clipping bound for the l2 norm of the gradients.
Tensor, generated noise with shape like given gradients.
fraction_noise = normal((1,), self._zero, self._fraction_stddev, self._seed)
empirical_fraction = self._add(empirical_fraction, fraction_noise)
if self._decay_policy == 'Linear':
grad_clip = self._sub(empirical_fraction,
next_norm_bound = self._sub(norm_bound,
self._mul(self._learning_rate, grad_clip))
# decay_policy == 'Geometric'
grad_clip = self._sub(empirical_fraction,
grad_clip = self._exp(self._mul(-self._learning_rate, grad_clip))
next_norm_bound = self._mul(norm_bound, grad_clip)
return next_norm_bound