# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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# ============================================================================
"""Summary collector callback."""
import os
import re
import json
from importlib import import_module
import numpy as np
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.common.tensor import Tensor
from mindspore.common.parameter import Parameter
from mindspore.train.summary.summary_record import SummaryRecord
from mindspore.train.summary.enum import PluginEnum, ModeEnum
from mindspore.train.callback import Callback, ModelCheckpoint
from mindspore.train import lineage_pb2
from mindspore.train.callback._dataset_graph import DatasetGraph
from mindspore.nn.optim.optimizer import Optimizer
from mindspore.nn.loss.loss import _Loss
from mindspore.train._utils import check_value_type
class LineageMetadata:
"""Initialize parameters used in model lineage management."""
train_dataset_path = 'train_dataset_path'
valid_dataset_path = 'valid_dataset_path'
train_network = 'train_network'
loss_function = 'loss_function'
loss = 'loss'
optimizer = 'optimizer'
learning_rate = 'learning_rate'
epoch = 'epoch'
step_num = 'step_num'
parallel_mode = 'parallel_mode'
device_num = 'device_num'
batch_size = 'batch_size'
model_path = 'model_path'
model_ckpt = 'model_ckpt'
model_size = 'model_size'
metrics = 'metrics'
train_dataset_size = 'train_dataset_size'
valid_dataset_size = 'valid_dataset_size'
[docs]class SummaryCollector(Callback):
SummaryCollector can help you to collect some common information.
It can help you to collect loss, learning late, computational graph and so on.
SummaryCollector also persists data collected by the summary operator into a summary file.
1. Multiple SummaryCollector instances in callback list are not allowed.
2. Not all information is collected at the training phase or at the eval phase.
3. SummaryCollector always record the data collected by the summary operator.
summary_dir (str): The collected data will be persisted to this directory.
If the directory does not exist, it will be created automatically.
collect_freq (int): Set the frequency of data collection, it should be greater then zero,
and the unit is `step`. Default: 10. If a frequency is set, we will collect data
at (current steps % freq) == 0, and the first step will be collected at any time.
It is important to note that if the data sink mode is used, the unit will become the `epoch`.
It is not recommended to collect data too frequently, which can affect performance.
collect_specified_data (Union[None, dict]): Perform custom operations on the collected data. Default: None.
By default, if set to None, all data is collected as the default behavior.
If you want to customize the data collected, you can do so with a dictionary.
Examples,you can set {'collect_metric': False} to control not collecting metrics.
The data that supports control is shown below.
- collect_metric: Whether to collect training metrics, currently only loss is collected.
The first output will be treated as loss, and it will be averaged.
Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- collect_graph: Whether to collect computational graph, currently only
training computational graph is collected. Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- collect_train_lineage: Whether to collect lineage data for the training phase,
this field will be displayed on the lineage page of Mindinsight. Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- collect_eval_lineage: Whether to collect lineage data for the eval phase,
this field will be displayed on the lineage page of Mindinsight. Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- collect_input_data: Whether to collect dataset for each training. Currently only image data is supported.
Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- collect_dataset_graph: Whether to collect dataset graph for the training phase.
Optional: True/False. Default: True.
- histogram_regular: Collect weight and bias for parameter distribution page display in MindInsight.
This field allows regular strings to control which parameters to collect.
Default: None, it means only the first five parameters are collected.
It is not recommended to collect too many parameters at once, as it can affect performance.
Note that if you collect too many parameters and run out of memory, the training will fail.
keep_default_action (bool): This field affects the collection behavior of the 'collect_specified_data' field.
Optional: True/False, Default: True.
True: means that after specified data is set, non-specified data is collected as the default behavior.
False: means that after specified data is set, only the specified data is collected,
and the others are not collected.
custom_lineage_data (Union[dict, None]): Allows you to customize the data and present it on the MingInsight
lineage page. In the custom data, the key type support str, and the value type support str/int/float.
Default: None, it means there is no custom data.
collect_tensor_freq (Optional[int]): Same as the `collect_freq`, but controls TensorSummary specifically.
Default: None, which means the frequency is auto-calculated just to collect at most 20 steps TensorSummary.
max_file_size (Optional[int]): The maximum size in bytes each file can be written to the disk.
Default: None, which means no limit.
ValueError: If the parameter value is not expected.
TypeError: If the parameter type is not expected.
RuntimeError: If an error occurs during data collection.
>>> # Simple usage:
>>> summary_collector = SummaryCollector(summary_dir='./summary_dir')
>>> model.train(epoch, dataset, callbacks=summary_collector)
>>> # Do not collect metric and collect the first layer parameter, others are collected by default
>>> specified={'collect_metric': False, 'histogram_regular': '^conv1.*'}
>>> summary_collector = SummaryCollector(summary_dir='./summary_dir', collect_specified_data=specified)
>>> model.train(epoch, dataset, callbacks=summary_collector)
>>> # Only collect metric, custom lineage data and record data that collected by the summary operator,
>>> # others are not collected
>>> specified = {'collect_metric': True}
>>> summary_collector = SummaryCollector('./summary_dir',
>>> collect_specified_data=specified,
>>> keep_default_action=False,
>>> custom_lineage_data={'version': 'resnet50_v1'}
>>> )
>>> model.train(epoch, dataset, callbacks=summary_collector)
'collect_metric': True,
'collect_graph': True,
'collect_train_lineage': True,
'collect_eval_lineage': True,
'collect_input_data': True,
'collect_dataset_graph': True,
'histogram_regular': None
def __init__(self,
super(SummaryCollector, self).__init__()
self._summary_dir = self._process_summary_dir(summary_dir)
self._record = None
self._check_positive('collect_freq', collect_freq)
self._collect_freq = collect_freq
self._check_positive('collect_tensor_freq', collect_tensor_freq, allow_none=True)
self._collect_tensor_freq = collect_tensor_freq
self._check_positive('max_file_size', max_file_size, allow_none=True)
self._max_file_size = max_file_size
self._collect_specified_data = self._process_specified_data(collect_specified_data, keep_default_action)
msg = f"For 'collect_specified_data' the value after processing is: {self._collect_specified_data}."
self._custom_lineage_data = custom_lineage_data
self._temp_optimizer = None
self._has_saved_train_network = False
self._has_saved_custom_data = False
self._is_parse_loss_success = True
self._first_step = True
self._dataset_sink_mode = True
def __enter__(self):
self._record = SummaryRecord(log_dir=self._summary_dir, max_file_size=self._max_file_size)
self._first_step, self._dataset_sink_mode = True, True
return self
def __exit__(self, *err):
def _process_summary_dir(summary_dir):
"""Check the summary dir, and create a new directory if it not exists."""
check_value_type('summary_dir', summary_dir, str)
summary_dir = summary_dir.strip()
if not summary_dir:
raise ValueError('For `summary_dir` the value should be a valid string of path, but got empty string.')
summary_dir = os.path.realpath(summary_dir)
if not os.path.exists(summary_dir):
os.makedirs(summary_dir, exist_ok=True)
if not os.path.isdir(summary_dir):
raise NotADirectoryError('For `summary_dir` it should be a directory path.')
return summary_dir
def _check_positive(name, value, allow_none=False):
"""Check if the value to be int type and positive."""
if allow_none and value is None:
check_value_type(name, value, int)
if value <= 0:
raise ValueError(f'For `{name}` the value should be greater than 0, but got `{value}`.')
def _check_custom_lineage_data(custom_lineage_data):
Check user custom lineage data.
custom_lineage_data (dict): The user custom defined data.
TypeError: If the type of parameters is invalid.
if custom_lineage_data is None:
check_value_type('custom_lineage_data', custom_lineage_data, [dict, type(None)])
for key, value in custom_lineage_data.items():
check_value_type(f'custom_lineage_data -> {key}', key, str)
check_value_type(f'the value of custom_lineage_data -> {key}', value, (int, str, float))
def _check_action(action):
"""Check action type."""
check_value_type('keep_default_action', action, bool)
def _process_specified_data(self, specified_data, action):
"""Check specified data type and value."""
if specified_data is None:
if action:
return dict()
check_value_type('collect_specified_data', specified_data, [dict, type(None)])
for param_name in specified_data:
check_value_type(param_name, param_name, [str])
unexpected_params = set(specified_data) - set(self._DEFAULT_SPECIFIED_DATA)
if unexpected_params:
raise ValueError(f'For `collect_specified_data` the keys {unexpected_params} are unsupported, '
f'expect the follow keys: {list(self._DEFAULT_SPECIFIED_DATA.keys())}')
if 'histogram_regular' in specified_data:
check_value_type('histogram_regular', specified_data.get('histogram_regular'), (str, type(None)))
bool_items = set(self._DEFAULT_SPECIFIED_DATA) - {'histogram_regular'}
for item in bool_items:
if item in specified_data:
check_value_type(item, specified_data.get(item), bool)
if action:
result = dict(self._DEFAULT_SPECIFIED_DATA)
result = specified_data
return result
def begin(self, run_context):
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
if cb_params.mode not in ModeEnum.to_list():
raise ValueError('Only support `train` (model.train) and `eval` (model.eval) mode, '
'but got `{cb_params.mode}` mode.')
if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
# Note: if model.init is not executed then the computed graph will not be obtained here
# The purpose of recording the graph here was to collect_freq if it was set to a large size,
# but also want to see the graph as soon after compilation.
if self._collect_tensor_freq is None:
default_tensor_summary_limit = 20
total_step = cb_params.epoch_num * cb_params.batch_num
self._collect_tensor_freq = max(self._collect_freq, total_step // default_tensor_summary_limit)
if self._custom_lineage_data and not self._has_saved_custom_data:
packaged_custom_data = self._package_custom_lineage_data(self._custom_lineage_data)
self._record.add_value('custom_lineage_data', 'custom_lineage_data', packaged_custom_data)
self._has_saved_custom_data = True
# There's nothing special about setting step to 0 here, just to satisfy the interface call
def step_end(self, run_context):
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
if cb_params.mode != ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
if not self._has_saved_train_network:
if self._first_step:
# Notice: This way of determining whether dataset sink mode is True does not work in the eval scenario
self._dataset_sink_mode = cb_params.cur_step_num == cb_params.batch_num
self._collect_at_step_end(cb_params, plugin_filter=None)
self._first_step = False
current = cb_params.cur_epoch_num if self._dataset_sink_mode else cb_params.cur_step_num
if current % self._collect_freq == 0 and current % self._collect_tensor_freq == 0:
self._collect_at_step_end(cb_params, plugin_filter=None)
elif current % self._collect_tensor_freq == 0:
self._collect_at_step_end(cb_params, lambda plugin: plugin == PluginEnum.TENSOR.value)
elif current % self._collect_freq == 0:
self._collect_at_step_end(cb_params, lambda plugin: plugin != PluginEnum.TENSOR.value)
def _collect_at_step_end(self, cb_params, plugin_filter):
self._record.record(cb_params.cur_step_num, plugin_filter=plugin_filter)
def end(self, run_context):
cb_params = run_context.original_args()
if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
# This is a workaround to avoid record '_summary_tensor_cache'.
# There's nothing special about setting step to 0 here, just to satisfy the interface call
def _check_callbacks(self, cb_params):
"""Check there if there are duplicate instances of SummaryCollector."""
callbacks = cb_params.list_callback
is_find = False
for callback in callbacks:
if type(callback).__name__ == self.__class__.__name__:
if not is_find:
is_find = True
raise ValueError(f"There are more than one {self.__class__.__name__} instance in callback list,"
f"but expected only one {self.__class__.__name__} instance.")
def _package_custom_lineage_data(custom_lineage_data):
Package user-defined lineage data into binary data.
custom_lineage_data (dict): User custom lineage data.
UserDefinedInfo, a object of lineage_pb2.UserDefinedInfo.
user_defined_info = lineage_pb2.UserDefinedInfo()
for key, value in custom_lineage_data.items():
if isinstance(value, int):
attr_name = "map_int32"
elif isinstance(value, float):
attr_name = "map_double"
attr_name = "map_str"
user_info = user_defined_info.user_info.add()
getattr(user_info, attr_name)[key] = value
return user_defined_info
def _collect_input_data(self, cb_params):
"""Only support to collect image data."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_input_data'):
input_data = getattr(cb_params, 'train_dataset_element', None)
if input_data is None:
self._collect_specified_data['collect_input_data'] = False
logger.info("The 'train_dataset_element' in cb_params is None, maybe there is dataset sink mode.")
if isinstance(input_data, (list, tuple)):
input_data = input_data[0]
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.IMAGE.value, 'input_data/auto', input_data)
except ValueError:
logger.warning('The input data of network are not image, so will not collect by SummaryCollector.')
self._collect_specified_data['collect_input_data'] = False
def _collect_dataset_graph(self, cb_params):
"""Only collect train dataset graph."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_dataset_graph'):
# After analysis, we think that the validated dataset graph and the training dataset graph
# should be consistent under normal scenarios, so only the training dataset graph is collected.
if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
train_dataset = cb_params.train_dataset
dataset_graph = DatasetGraph()
graph_bytes = dataset_graph.package_dataset_graph(train_dataset)
self._record.add_value('dataset_graph', 'train_dataset', graph_bytes)
def _collect_graphs(self, cb_params):
"""Collect the graph of train network and eval network."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_graph'):
network = cb_params.train_network if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value else cb_params.eval_network
graph_proto = network.get_func_graph_proto()
if graph_proto is None:
self._has_saved_train_network = True
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.GRAPH.value, 'train_network/auto', graph_proto)
def _collect_metric(self, cb_params):
"""Collect metric, currently only collection Loss is supported."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_metric'):
loss = self._get_loss(cb_params)
if loss is None:
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.SCALAR.value, 'loss/auto', loss)
except ValueError:
logger.warning("The output of network is not a scalar, so will not collect loss in SummaryCollector.")
self._collect_specified_data['collect_metric'] = False
def _get_loss(self, cb_params):
Get loss from the network output.
cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.
Union[Tensor, None], if parse loss success, will return a Tensor value(shape is [1]), else return None.
if not self._is_parse_loss_success:
# If parsing has failed before, avoid repeating it
return None
output = cb_params.net_outputs
if output is None:
logger.warning("Can not find any output by this network, so will not collect loss in SummaryCollector.")
self._is_parse_loss_success = False
return None
if isinstance(output, (int, float, Tensor)):
loss = output
elif isinstance(output, (list, tuple)) and output:
# If the output is a list, since the default network returns loss first,
# we assume that the first one is loss.
loss = output[0]
logger.warning("The output type could not be identified, so no loss was recorded in SummaryCollector.")
self._is_parse_loss_success = False
return None
if not isinstance(loss, Tensor):
loss = Tensor(loss)
precision = 4
loss = Tensor(round(np.mean(loss.asnumpy()), precision))
return loss
def _get_optimizer(self, cb_params):
Get optimizer from the cb_params or parse from the network.
cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.
Union[Optimizer, None], if parse optimizer success, will return a optimizer, else return None.
# 'optimizer_failed' means find optimizer failed, so we will not collect data about optimizer.
optimizer_failed = 'Failed'
if self._temp_optimizer == optimizer_failed:
return None
if self._temp_optimizer is not None:
return self._temp_optimizer
optimizer = cb_params.optimizer
if optimizer is None:
network = cb_params.train_network if cb_params.mode == 'train' else cb_params.eval_network
optimizer = self._parse_optimizer_by_network(network)
if optimizer is None or not isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer):
logger.warning("Can not find optimizer in network, or the optimizer does not inherit MindSpore's "
"optimizer, so we will not collect data about optimizer in SummaryCollector.")
optimizer = None
self._temp_optimizer = optimizer if optimizer is not None else optimizer_failed
return optimizer
def _parse_optimizer_by_network(network):
"""Parse optimizer from network, if parse success will return a optimizer, else return None."""
optimizer = None
for _, cell in network.cells_and_names():
if isinstance(cell, Optimizer):
return cell
optimizer = getattr(cell, 'optimizer')
except AttributeError:
if not isinstance(optimizer, Optimizer):
# Optimizer found successfully
return optimizer
def _collect_histogram(self, cb_params):
"""Collect histogram data, contain the parameter weight and bias."""
# Note: if there is not a key named `histogram_regular` in `self._collect_specified_data`,
# it means we will not collect histogram data.
if 'histogram_regular' not in self._collect_specified_data:
optimizer = self._get_optimizer(cb_params)
if optimizer is None:
parameters = optimizer.parameters
regular = self._collect_specified_data.get('histogram_regular')
if regular is not None:
for parameter in parameters:
if re.match(regular, parameter.name):
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.HISTOGRAM.value, parameter.name+'/auto', parameter.data)
# Note: If `histogram_regular` in `self._collect_specified_data` and the value is None,
# we will collect the first five parameters.
default_parameter_count = 5
for parameter in parameters[:default_parameter_count]:
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.HISTOGRAM.value, parameter.name+'/auto', parameter.data)
def _get_learning_rate(optimizer):
parse the learning rate from optimizer.
optimizer (Optimizer): A optimizer which inherit the MindSpore Optimizer class.
Union[Tensor, None], if parse learning rate success, will return a Tensor, else return None.
learning_rate = optimizer.learning_rate
if not isinstance(learning_rate, Parameter):
logger.info("The learning rate detected in the optimizer is not a Parameter type, so it is not recorded.")
return None
return learning_rate.data
def _collect_train_lineage(self, cb_params):
"""Collect train lineage data, the detail refer to lineage_pb2.TrainLineage."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_train_lineage'):
train_lineage = {}
loss = self._get_loss(cb_params)
if loss:
loss_numpy = loss.asnumpy()
loss = float(np.atleast_1d(loss_numpy)[0])
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.loss] = loss
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.loss] = None
optimizer = self._get_optimizer(cb_params)
learning_rate = self._get_learning_rate(optimizer) if optimizer is not None else None
if learning_rate is not None:
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.learning_rate] = list(np.atleast_1d(learning_rate.asnumpy()))[0]
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.learning_rate] = None
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.optimizer] = type(optimizer).__name__ if optimizer else None
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.train_network] = type(cb_params.network).__name__
loss_fn = self._get_loss_fn(cb_params)
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.loss_function] = type(loss_fn).__name__ if loss_fn else None
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.epoch] = cb_params.epoch_num
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.step_num] = cb_params.cur_step_num
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.parallel_mode] = cb_params.parallel_mode
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.device_num] = cb_params.device_number
ckpt_file_path = self._get_ckpt_file_path(cb_params)
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.model_path] = json.dumps(dict(ckpt=ckpt_file_path))
model_size = os.path.getsize(ckpt_file_path) if ckpt_file_path else 0
train_lineage[LineageMetadata.model_size] = model_size
self._parse_dataset(cb_params, train_lineage)
train_lineage_message = self._package_train_lineage_message(train_lineage)
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.TRAIN_LINEAGE.value, 'train_lineage', train_lineage_message)
def _package_train_lineage_message(train_lineage):
Package train lineage data into binary data.
train_lineage (dict): The train lineage dict, refer to the attribute of `_collect_train_lineage` method.
TrainLineage, a object of lineage_pb2.TrainLineage.
lineage_message = lineage_pb2.TrainLineage()
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_network) is not None:
lineage_message.algorithm.network = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_network)
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.loss) is not None:
lineage_message.algorithm.loss = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.loss)
# Construct train_dataset message.
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_dataset_path) is not None:
lineage_message.train_dataset.train_dataset_path = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_dataset_path)
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_dataset_size) is not None:
lineage_message.train_dataset.train_dataset_size = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.train_dataset_size)
# Construct model message
lineage_message.model.path = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.model_path)
lineage_message.model.size = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.model_size)
# Construct hyper_parameters message.
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.learning_rate) is not None:
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.learning_rate = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.learning_rate)
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.optimizer) is not None:
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.optimizer = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.optimizer)
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.loss_function) is not None:
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.loss_function = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.loss_function)
if train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.parallel_mode) is not None:
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.parallel_mode = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.parallel_mode)
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.epoch = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.epoch)
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.device_num = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.device_num)
lineage_message.hyper_parameters.batch_size = train_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.batch_size)
return lineage_message
def _parse_dataset(self, cb_params, lineage_dict):
Analyze Dataset to get the dataset path and dataset size.
cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.
lineage_dict (dict): The lineage dict, refer to the attribute
of `_collect_train_lineage` method or `_collect_eval_lineage`.
dict, the lineage metadata.
dataset = cb_params.train_dataset if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value else cb_params.valid_dataset
dataset_path = self._get_dataset_path(dataset)
except IndexError:
dataset_path = None
if dataset_path and os.path.isfile(dataset_path):
dataset_dir = os.path.dirname(dataset_path)
dataset_dir = dataset_path
batch_num = dataset.get_dataset_size()
batch_size = dataset.get_batch_size()
dataset_size = int(batch_num * batch_size)
lineage_dict[LineageMetadata.batch_size] = batch_size
if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
lineage_dict[LineageMetadata.train_dataset_path] = dataset_dir
lineage_dict[LineageMetadata.train_dataset_size] = dataset_size
lineage_dict[LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_path] = dataset_dir
lineage_dict[LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_size] = dataset_size
return lineage_dict
def _get_dataset_path(self, output_dataset):
Get dataset path of MindDataset object.
output_dataset (Union[Dataset, ImageFolderDatasetV2, MnistDataset, Cifar10Dataset, Cifar100Dataset,
VOCDataset, CelebADataset, MindDataset, ManifestDataset, TFRecordDataset, TextFileDataset]):
Refer to mindspore.dataset.Dataset.
str, dataset path.
IndexError: it means get dataset path failed.
dataset_package = import_module('mindspore.dataset')
dataset_dir_set = (dataset_package.ImageFolderDatasetV2, dataset_package.MnistDataset,
dataset_package.Cifar10Dataset, dataset_package.Cifar100Dataset,
dataset_package.VOCDataset, dataset_package.CelebADataset)
dataset_file_set = (dataset_package.MindDataset, dataset_package.ManifestDataset)
dataset_files_set = (dataset_package.TFRecordDataset, dataset_package.TextFileDataset)
if isinstance(output_dataset, dataset_file_set):
return output_dataset.dataset_file
if isinstance(output_dataset, dataset_dir_set):
return output_dataset.dataset_dir
if isinstance(output_dataset, dataset_files_set):
return output_dataset.dataset_files[0]
return self._get_dataset_path(output_dataset.children[0])
def _get_ckpt_file_path(cb_params):
Get checkpoint file path from MindSpore callback list.
cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.
Union[str, None], if parse success will checkpoint file absolute path, else return None.
callbacks = cb_params.list_callback
ckpt_file_path = None
for callback in callbacks:
if isinstance(callback, ModelCheckpoint):
ckpt_file_path = callback.latest_ckpt_file_name
if ckpt_file_path:
ckpt_file_path = os.path.realpath(ckpt_file_path)
return ckpt_file_path
def _get_loss_fn(cb_params):
Get loss function by cb_params and analyzing network.
cb_params (_InternalCallbackParam): Callback parameters.
Union[Cell, None], a Cell object, if parse failed, will return None.
loss_fn = cb_params.loss_fn
if loss_fn is not None:
return loss_fn
if cb_params.mode == ModeEnum.TRAIN.value:
network = cb_params.train_network
network = cb_params.eval_network
for _, cell in network.cells_and_names():
if isinstance(cell, _Loss):
loss_fn = cell
return loss_fn
def _collect_eval_lineage(self, cb_params):
"""Collect eval lineage data, the detail refer to lineage_pb2.EvaluationLineage."""
if not self._collect_specified_data.get('collect_eval_lineage'):
eval_lineage = dict()
eval_lineage[LineageMetadata.metrics] = json.dumps(cb_params.metrics)
self._parse_dataset(cb_params, eval_lineage)
eval_lineage_message = self._package_eval_lineage_message(eval_lineage)
self._record.add_value(PluginEnum.EVAL_LINEAGE.value, 'eval_lineage', eval_lineage_message)
def _package_eval_lineage_message(eval_lineage):
Package eval lineage data into binary data.
eval_lineage (dict): The eval lineage dict, refer to the attribute of `_collect_eval_lineage` method.
EvaluationLineage, a object of lineage_pb2.EvaluationLineage.
lineage_message = lineage_pb2.EvaluationLineage()
if eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.metrics) is not None:
lineage_message.metric = eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.metrics)
if eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_path) is not None:
lineage_message.valid_dataset.valid_dataset_path = eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_path)
if eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_size) is not None:
lineage_message.valid_dataset.valid_dataset_size = eval_lineage.get(LineageMetadata.valid_dataset_size)
return lineage_message