# Copyright 2019 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
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# ==============================================================================
This module c_transforms provides common operations, including OneHotOp and TypeCast.
from enum import IntEnum
import numpy as np
import mindspore.common.dtype as mstype
import mindspore._c_dataengine as cde
from .validators import check_num_classes, check_de_type, check_fill_value, check_slice_op, check_mask_op, \
check_pad_end, check_concat_type, check_random_transform_ops
from ..core.datatypes import mstype_to_detype
[docs]class OneHot(cde.OneHotOp):
Tensor operation to apply one hot encoding.
num_classes (int): Number of classes of the label.
def __init__(self, num_classes):
self.num_classes = num_classes
[docs]class Fill(cde.FillOp):
Tensor operation to create a tensor filled with passed scalar value.
The output tensor will have the same shape and type as the input tensor.
fill_value (Union[str, bytes, int, float, bool])) : scalar value
to fill created tensor with.
def __init__(self, fill_value):
[docs]class TypeCast(cde.TypeCastOp):
Tensor operation to cast to a given MindSpore data type.
data_type (mindspore.dtype): mindspore.dtype to be casted to.
def __init__(self, data_type):
data_type = mstype_to_detype(data_type)
self.data_type = str(data_type)
[docs]class Slice(cde.SliceOp):
Slice operation to extract a tensor out using the given n slices.
The functionality of Slice is similar to NumPy indexing feature.
(Currently only rank-1 tensors are supported).
slices(Union[int, list(int), slice, None, Ellipses]):
Maximum `n` number of arguments to slice a tensor of rank `n`.
One object in slices can be one of:
1. :py:obj:`int`: Slice this index only. Negative index is supported.
2. :py:obj:`list[int]`: Slice these indices ion the list only. Negative indices are supported.
3. :py:obj:`slice`: Slice the generated indices from the slice object. Similar to `start:stop:step`.
4. :py:obj:`None`: Slice the whole dimension. Similar to `:` in python indexing.
5. :py:obj:`Ellipses`: Slice all dimensions between the two slices. Similar to `...` in python indexing.
>>> # Data before
>>> # | col |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------|
>>> data = data.map(operations=Slice(slice(1,3))) # slice indices 1 and 2 only
>>> # Data after
>>> # | col |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [2,3] |
>>> # +---------|
def __init__(self, *slices):
dim0 = slices[0]
if isinstance(dim0, int):
dim0 = [dim0]
elif dim0 is None:
dim0 = True
elif isinstance(dim0, slice):
dim0 = (dim0.start, dim0.stop, dim0.step)
elif dim0 is Ellipsis:
dim0 = True
[docs]class Relational(IntEnum):
EQ = 0
NE = 1
GT = 2
GE = 3
LT = 4
LE = 5
DE_C_RELATIONAL = {Relational.EQ: cde.RelationalOp.EQ,
Relational.NE: cde.RelationalOp.NE,
Relational.GT: cde.RelationalOp.GT,
Relational.GE: cde.RelationalOp.GE,
Relational.LT: cde.RelationalOp.LT,
Relational.LE: cde.RelationalOp.LE}
[docs]class Mask(cde.MaskOp):
Mask content of the input tensor with the given predicate.
Any element of the tensor that matches the predicate will be evaluated to True, otherwise False.
operator (Relational): One of the relational operator EQ, NE LT, GT, LE or GE
constant (Union[str, int, float, bool]): constant to be compared to.
Constant will be casted to the type of the input tensor
dtype (mindspore.dtype, optional): type of the generated mask. Default to bool
>>> # Data before
>>> # | col1 |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+
>>> data = data.map(operations=Mask(Relational.EQ, 2))
>>> # Data after
>>> # | col1 |
>>> # +--------------------+
>>> # | [False,True,False] |
>>> # +--------------------+
def __init__(self, operator, constant, dtype=mstype.bool_):
dtype = mstype_to_detype(dtype)
constant = cde.Tensor(np.array(constant))
super().__init__(DE_C_RELATIONAL[operator], constant, dtype)
[docs]class PadEnd(cde.PadEndOp):
Pad input tensor according to `pad_shape`, need to have same rank.
pad_shape (list(int)): list on integers representing the shape needed. Dimensions that set to `None` will
not be padded (i.e., original dim will be used). Shorter dimensions will truncate the values.
pad_value (Union[str, bytes, int, float, bool]), optional): value used to pad. Default to 0 or empty
string in case of Tensors of strings.
>>> # Data before
>>> # | col |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------|
>>> data = data.map(operations=PadEnd(pad_shape=[4], pad_value=10))
>>> # Data after
>>> # | col |
>>> # +------------+
>>> # | [1,2,3,10] |
>>> # +------------|
def __init__(self, pad_shape, pad_value=None):
if pad_value is not None:
pad_value = cde.Tensor(np.array(pad_value))
super().__init__(cde.TensorShape(pad_shape), pad_value)
[docs]class Concatenate(cde.ConcatenateOp):
Tensor operation that concatenates all columns into a single tensor.
axis (int, optional): axis to concatenate the tensors along (Default=0).
prepend (numpy.array, optional): numpy array to be prepended to the already concatenated tensors (Default=None).
append (numpy.array, optional): numpy array to be appended to the already concatenated tensors (Default=None).
def __init__(self, axis=0, prepend=None, append=None):
if prepend is not None:
prepend = cde.Tensor(np.array(prepend))
if append is not None:
append = cde.Tensor(np.array(append))
super().__init__(axis, prepend, append)
[docs]class Duplicate(cde.DuplicateOp):
Duplicate the input tensor to a new output tensor. The input tensor is carried over to the output list.
>>> # Data before
>>> # | x |
>>> # +---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+
>>> data = data.map(input_columns=["x"], operations=Duplicate(),
>>> output_columns=["x", "y"], columns_order=["x", "y"])
>>> # Data after
>>> # | x | y |
>>> # +---------+---------+
>>> # | [1,2,3] | [1,2,3] |
>>> # +---------+---------+
[docs]class Compose(cde.ComposeOp):
Compose a list of transforms into a single transform.
transforms (list): List of transformations to be applied.
>>> compose = Compose([vision.Decode(), vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=compose)
def __init__(self, transforms):
[docs]class RandomApply(cde.RandomApplyOp):
Randomly performs a series of transforms with a given probability.
transforms (list): List of transformations to be applied.
prob (float, optional): The probability to apply the transformation list (default=0.5)
>>> rand_apply = RandomApply([vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=rand_apply)
def __init__(self, transforms, prob=0.5):
super().__init__(prob, transforms)
[docs]class RandomChoice(cde.RandomChoiceOp):
Randomly selects one transform from a list of transforms to perform operation.
transforms (list): List of transformations to be chosen from to apply.
>>> rand_choice = RandomChoice([vision.CenterCrop(), vision.RandomCrop()])
>>> dataset = ds.map(operations=rand_choice)
def __init__(self, transforms):