# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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# ============================================================================
"""Record the summary event."""
import os
import re
import threading
from mindspore import log as logger
from ..._c_expression import Tensor
from ..._checkparam import _check_str_by_regular
from .._utils import _make_directory
from ._event_writer import EventWriter
from ._summary_adapter import get_event_file_name, package_graph_event, package_init_event
# for the moment, this lock is for caution's sake,
# there are actually no any concurrencies happening.
_summary_lock = threading.Lock()
# cache the summary data
_summary_tensor_cache = {}
def _cache_summary_tensor_data(summary):
Get the time of ms.
summary (list): [{"name": tag_name, "data": tensor}, {"name": tag_name, "data": tensor},...].
with _summary_lock:
for item in summary:
_summary_tensor_cache[item['name']] = item['data']
return True
def _get_summary_tensor_data():
global _summary_tensor_cache
with _summary_lock:
data = _summary_tensor_cache
_summary_tensor_cache = {}
return data
[docs]class SummaryRecord:
SummaryRecord is used to record the summary value.
The API will create an event file in a given directory and add summaries and events to it.
It writes the event log to a file by executing the record method. In addition,
if the SummaryRecord object is created and the summary operator is used in the network,
even if the record method is not called, the event in the cache will be written to the
file at the end of execution. Make sure to close the SummaryRecord object at the end.
log_dir (str): The log_dir is a directory location to save the summary.
queue_max_size (int): The capacity of event queue.(reserved). Default: 0.
flush_time (int): Frequency to flush the summaries to disk, the unit is second. Default: 120.
file_prefix (str): The prefix of file. Default: "events".
file_suffix (str): The suffix of file. Default: "_MS".
network (Cell): Obtain a pipeline through network for saving graph summary. Default: None.
TypeError: If `queue_max_size` and `flush_time` is not int, or `file_prefix` and `file_suffix` is not str.
RuntimeError: If the log_dir can not be resolved to a canonicalized absolute pathname.
>>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="/opt/log", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
>>> pass
def __init__(self,
self.log_path = _make_directory(log_dir)
if not isinstance(queue_max_size, int) or not isinstance(flush_time, int):
raise TypeError("`queue_max_size` and `flush_time` should be int")
if not isinstance(file_prefix, str) or not isinstance(file_suffix, str):
raise TypeError("`file_prefix` and `file_suffix` should be str.")
self.queue_max_size = queue_max_size
if queue_max_size < 0:
# 0 is not limit
logger.warning("The queue_max_size(%r) set error, will use the default value: 0", queue_max_size)
self.queue_max_size = 0
self.flush_time = flush_time
if flush_time <= 0:
logger.warning("The flush_time(%r) set error, will use the default value: 120", flush_time)
self.flush_time = 120
self.prefix = file_prefix
self.suffix = file_suffix
self.network = network
self.has_graph = False
self._closed = False
# create the summary writer file
self.event_file_name = get_event_file_name(self.prefix, self.suffix)
self.full_file_name = os.path.join(self.log_path, self.event_file_name)
except Exception as ex:
raise RuntimeError(ex)
self._event_writer = None
def _init_event_writer(self):
"""Init event writer and write metadata."""
event_writer = EventWriter(self.full_file_name, self.flush_time)
return event_writer
def __enter__(self):
"""Enter the context manager."""
if not self._event_writer:
self._event_writer = self._init_event_writer()
if self._closed:
raise ValueError('SummaryRecord has been closed.')
return self
def __exit__(self, extype, exvalue, traceback):
"""Exit the context manager."""
[docs] def record(self, step, train_network=None):
Record the summary.
step (int): Represents training step number.
train_network (Cell): The network that called the callback.
>>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="/opt/log", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
>>> summary_record.record(step=2)
bool, whether the record process is successful or not.
logger.info("SummaryRecord step is %r.", step)
if self._closed:
logger.error("The record writer is closed.")
return False
if not isinstance(step, int) or isinstance(step, bool):
raise ValueError("`step` should be int")
# Set the current summary of train step
if not self._event_writer:
self._event_writer = self._init_event_writer()
logger.warning('SummaryRecord should be used as context manager for a with statement.')
if self.network is not None and not self.has_graph:
graph_proto = self.network.get_func_graph_proto()
if graph_proto is None and train_network is not None:
graph_proto = train_network.get_func_graph_proto()
if graph_proto is None:
logger.error("Failed to get proto for graph")
self.has_graph = True
if not _summary_tensor_cache:
return True
data = _get_summary_tensor_data()
if not data:
logger.error("The step(%r) does not have record data.", step)
return False
if self.queue_max_size > 0 and len(data) > self.queue_max_size:
logger.error("The size of data record is %r, which is greater than queue_max_size %r.", len(data),
# process the data
result = self._data_convert(data)
if not result:
logger.error("The step(%r) summary data is invalid.", step)
return False
self._event_writer.write((result, step))
logger.debug("Send the summary data to scheduler for saving, step = %d", step)
return True
def log_dir(self):
Get the full path of the log file.
>>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="/opt/log", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
>>> print(summary_record.log_dir)
String, the full path of log file.
return self.full_file_name
[docs] def flush(self):
Flush the event file to disk.
Call it to make sure that all pending events have been written to disk.
>>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="/opt/log", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
>>> summary_record.flush()
if self._closed:
logger.error("The record writer is closed and can not flush.")
elif self._event_writer:
[docs] def close(self):
Flush all events and close summary records. Please use with statement to autoclose.
>>> with SummaryRecord(log_dir="/opt/log", file_prefix="xxx_", file_suffix="_yyy") as summary_record:
>>> pass # summary_record autoclosed
if not self._closed and self._event_writer:
# event writer flush and close
self._closed = True
def __del__(self) -> None:
def _data_convert(self, summary):
"""Convert the data."""
# convert the summary to numpy
result = []
for name, data in summary.items():
# confirm the data is valid
summary_tag, summary_type = SummaryRecord._parse_from(name)
if summary_tag is None:
logger.error("The data type is invalid, name = %r, tensor = %r", name, data)
return None
if isinstance(data, Tensor):
result.append({'name': summary_tag, 'data': data.asnumpy(), '_type': summary_type})
logger.error("The data type is invalid, name = %r, tensor = %r", name, data)
return None
return result
def _parse_from(name: str = None):
Parse the tag and type from name.
name (str): Format: TAG[:TYPE].
Tuple, (summary_tag, summary_type).
if name is None:
logger.error("The name is None")
return None, None
match = re.match(r'(.+)\[:(.+)\]', name)
if match:
return match.groups()
logger.error("The name(%r) format is invalid, expected 'TAG[:TYPE]'.", name)
return None, None