Source code for mindarmour.diff_privacy.monitor.monitor

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""" Monitor module of differential privacy training. """
import math
import numpy as np
from scipy import special

from mindspore.train.callback import Callback

from mindarmour.utils.logger import LogUtil
from mindarmour.utils._check_param import check_int_positive, \

LOGGER = LogUtil.get_instance()
TAG = 'DP monitor'

[docs]class PrivacyMonitorFactory: """ Factory class of DP training's privacy monitor. """ def __init__(self): pass
[docs] @staticmethod def create(policy, *args, **kwargs): """ Create a privacy monitor class. Args: policy (str): Monitor policy, 'rdp' is supported by now. args (Union[int, float, numpy.ndarray, list, str]): Parameters used for creating a privacy monitor. kwargs (Union[int, float, numpy.ndarray, list, str]): Keyword parameters used for creating a privacy monitor. Returns: Callback, a privacy monitor. Examples: >>> rdp = PrivacyMonitorFactory.create(policy='rdp', >>> num_samples=60000, batch_size=32) """ if policy == 'rdp': return RDPMonitor(*args, **kwargs) raise ValueError("Only RDP-policy is supported by now")
class RDPMonitor(Callback): """ Compute the privacy budget of DP training based on Renyi differential privacy theory. Reference: `Rényi Differential Privacy of the Sampled Gaussian Mechanism <>`_ Args: num_samples (int): The total number of samples in training data sets. batch_size (int): The number of samples in a batch while training. initial_noise_multiplier (Union[float, int]): The initial multiplier of added noise. Default: 1.5. max_eps (Union[float, int, None]): The maximum acceptable epsilon budget for DP training. Default: 10.0. target_delta (Union[float, int, None]): Target delta budget for DP training. Default: 1e-3. max_delta (Union[float, int, None]): The maximum acceptable delta budget for DP training. Max_delta must be less than 1 and suggested to be less than 1e-3, otherwise overflow would be encountered. Default: None. target_eps (Union[float, int, None]): Target epsilon budget for DP training. Default: None. orders (Union[None, list[int, float]]): Finite orders used for computing rdp, which must be greater than 1. noise_decay_mode (str): Decay mode of adding noise while training, which can be 'no_decay', 'Time' or 'Step'. Default: 'Time'. noise_decay_rate (Union[float, None]): Decay rate of noise while training. Default: 6e-4. per_print_times (int): The interval steps of computing and printing the privacy budget. Default: 50. Examples: >>> rdp = PrivacyMonitorFactory.create(policy='rdp', >>> num_samples=60000, batch_size=256) >>> network = Net() >>> net_loss = nn.SoftmaxCrossEntropyWithLogits() >>> net_opt = nn.Momentum(network.trainable_params(), 0.01, 0.9) >>> model = Model(network, net_loss, net_opt) >>> model.train(epochs, ds, callbacks=[rdp], dataset_sink_mode=False) """ def __init__(self, num_samples, batch_size, initial_noise_multiplier=1.5, max_eps=10.0, target_delta=1e-3, max_delta=None, target_eps=None, orders=None, noise_decay_mode='Time', noise_decay_rate=6e-4, per_print_times=50): super(RDPMonitor, self).__init__() check_int_positive('num_samples', num_samples) check_int_positive('batch_size', batch_size) if batch_size >= num_samples: msg = 'Batch_size must be less than num_samples.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) check_value_positive('initial_noise_multiplier', initial_noise_multiplier) if max_eps is not None: check_value_positive('max_eps', max_eps) if target_delta is not None: check_value_positive('target_delta', target_delta) if max_delta is not None: check_value_positive('max_delta', max_delta) if max_delta >= 1: msg = 'max_delta must be less than 1.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if target_eps is not None: check_value_positive('target_eps', target_eps) if orders is not None: for item in orders: check_value_positive('order', item) if item <= 1: msg = 'orders must be greater than 1' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if noise_decay_mode not in ('no_decay', 'Step', 'Time'): msg = "Noise decay mode must be in ('no_decay', 'Step', 'Time')" LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if noise_decay_rate is not None: check_value_positive('noise_decay_rate', noise_decay_rate) if noise_decay_rate >= 1: msg = 'Noise decay rate must be less than 1' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) check_int_positive('per_print_times', per_print_times) self._total_echo_privacy = None self._num_samples = num_samples self._batch_size = batch_size self._initial_noise_multiplier = initial_noise_multiplier self._max_eps = max_eps self._target_delta = target_delta self._max_delta = max_delta self._target_eps = target_eps self._orders = orders self._noise_decay_mode = noise_decay_mode self._noise_decay_rate = noise_decay_rate self._rdp = 0 self._per_print_times = per_print_times def max_epoch_suggest(self): """ Estimate the maximum training epochs to satisfy the predefined privacy budget. Returns: int, the recommended maximum training epochs. Examples: >>> rdp = PrivacyMonitorFactory.create(policy='rdp', >>> num_samples=60000, batch_size=32) >>> suggest_epoch = rdp.max_epoch_suggest() """ epoch = 1 while epoch < 10000: steps = self._num_samples // self._batch_size eps, delta = self._compute_privacy_steps( list(np.arange((epoch - 1) * steps, epoch * steps + 1))) if self._max_eps is not None: if eps <= self._max_eps: epoch += 1 else: break if self._max_delta is not None: if delta <= self._max_delta: epoch += 1 else: break self._rdp = 0 return epoch def step_end(self, run_context): """ Compute privacy budget after each training step. Args: run_context (RunContext): Include some information of the model. """ cb_params = run_context.original_args() cur_step = cb_params.cur_step_num cur_step_in_epoch = (cb_params.cur_step_num - 1) % \ cb_params.batch_num + 1 if cb_params.cur_step_num % self._per_print_times == 0: steps = np.arange(cur_step - self._per_print_times, cur_step + 1) eps, delta = self._compute_privacy_steps(list(steps)) if np.isnan(eps) or np.isinf(eps) or np.isnan(delta) or np.isinf( delta): msg = 'epoch: {} step: {}, invalid eps, terminating ' \ 'training.'.format( cb_params.cur_epoch_num, cur_step_in_epoch) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if np.isnan(delta) or np.isinf(delta): msg = 'epoch: {} step: {}, invalid delta, terminating ' \ 'training.'.format( cb_params.cur_epoch_num, cur_step_in_epoch) LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) print("epoch: %s step: %s, delta is %s, eps is %s" % ( cb_params.cur_epoch_num, cur_step_in_epoch, delta, eps)) def _compute_privacy_steps(self, steps): """ Compute privacy budget corresponding to steps. Args: steps (list): Training steps. Returns: float, privacy budget. """ if self._target_eps is None and self._target_delta is None: msg = 'target eps and target delta cannot both be None' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self._target_eps is not None and self._target_delta is not None: msg = 'One of target eps and target delta must be None' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self._orders is None: self._orders = ( [1.005, 1.01, 1.02, 1.08, 1.2, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40, 80]) sampling_rate = self._batch_size / self._num_samples noise_step = self._initial_noise_multiplier if self._noise_decay_mode == 'no_decay': self._rdp += self._compute_rdp(sampling_rate, noise_step) * len( steps) else: if self._noise_decay_rate is None: msg = 'noise_decay_rate in decay-mode cannot be None' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if self._noise_decay_mode == 'Time': noise_step = [self._initial_noise_multiplier / ( 1 + self._noise_decay_rate * step) for step in steps] elif self._noise_decay_mode == 'Step': noise_step = [self._initial_noise_multiplier * ( 1 - self._noise_decay_rate) ** step for step in steps] self._rdp += sum( [self._compute_rdp(sampling_rate, noise) for noise in noise_step]) eps, delta = self._compute_privacy_budget(self._rdp) return eps, delta def _compute_rdp(self, q, noise): """ Compute rdp according to sampling rate, added noise and Renyi divergence orders. Args: q (float): Sampling rate of each batch of samples. noise (float): Noise multiplier. Returns: float or numpy.ndarray, rdp values. """ rdp = np.array( [_compute_rdp_order(q, noise, order) for order in self._orders]) return rdp def _compute_privacy_budget(self, rdp): """ Compute delta or eps for given rdp. Args: rdp (Union[float, numpy.ndarray]): Renyi differential privacy. Returns: float, delta budget or eps budget. """ if self._target_eps is not None: delta = self._compute_delta(rdp) return self._target_eps, delta eps = self._compute_eps(rdp) return eps, self._target_delta def _compute_delta(self, rdp): """ Compute delta for given rdp and eps. Args: rdp (Union[float, numpy.ndarray]): Renyi differential privacy. Returns: float, delta budget. """ orders = np.atleast_1d(self._orders) rdps = np.atleast_1d(rdp) if len(orders) != len(rdps): msg = 'rdp lists and orders list must have the same length.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) deltas = np.exp((rdps - self._target_eps) * (orders - 1)) min_delta = min(deltas) return min(min_delta, 1.) def _compute_eps(self, rdp): """ Compute eps for given rdp and delta. Args: rdp (Union[float, numpy.ndarray]): Renyi differential privacy. Returns: float, eps budget. """ orders = np.atleast_1d(self._orders) rdps = np.atleast_1d(rdp) if len(orders) != len(rdps): msg = 'rdp lists and orders list must have the same length.' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) eps = rdps - math.log(self._target_delta) / (orders - 1) return min(eps) def _compute_rdp_order(q, sigma, alpha): """ Compute rdp for each order. Args: q (float): Sampling probability. sigma (float): Noise multiplier. alpha: The order used for computing rdp. Returns: float, rdp value. """ if float(alpha).is_integer(): log_integrate = -np.inf for k in range(alpha + 1): term_k = (math.log( special.binom(alpha, k)) + k * math.log(q) + ( alpha - k) * math.log( 1 - q)) + (k * k - k) / (2 * (sigma ** 2)) log_integrate = _log_add(log_integrate, term_k) return float(log_integrate) / (alpha - 1) log_part_0, log_part_1 = -np.inf, -np.inf k = 0 z0 = sigma ** 2 * math.log(1 / q - 1) + 1 / 2 while True: bi_coef = special.binom(alpha, k) log_coef = math.log(abs(bi_coef)) j = alpha - k term_k_part_0 = log_coef + k * math.log(q) + j * math.log(1 - q) + ( k * k - k) / (2 * (sigma ** 2)) + special.log_ndtr( (z0 - k) / sigma) term_k_part_1 = log_coef + j * math.log(q) + k * math.log(1 - q) + ( j * j - j) / (2 * (sigma ** 2)) + special.log_ndtr( (j - z0) / sigma) if bi_coef > 0: log_part_0 = _log_add(log_part_0, term_k_part_0) log_part_1 = _log_add(log_part_1, term_k_part_1) else: log_part_0 = _log_subtract(log_part_0, term_k_part_0) log_part_1 = _log_subtract(log_part_1, term_k_part_1) k += 1 if max(term_k_part_0, term_k_part_1) < -30: break return _log_add(log_part_0, log_part_1) / (alpha - 1) def _log_add(x, y): """ Add x and y in log space. """ if x == -np.inf: return y if y == -np.inf: return x return max(x, y) + math.log1p(math.exp(-abs(x - y))) def _log_subtract(x, y): """ Subtract y from x in log space, x must be greater than y. """ if x <= y: msg = 'The antilog of log functions must be positive' LOGGER.error(TAG, msg) raise ValueError(msg) if y == -np.inf: return x return math.log1p(math.exp(y - x)) + x