# This is the Python adaptation and derivative work of Myia (https://github.com/mila-iqia/myia/).
# Copyright 2020 Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# ============================================================================
"""Providing interface methods."""
import types
from collections import OrderedDict
from functools import wraps
from mindspore import context
from mindspore import log as logger
from mindspore.parallel._utils import _get_parallel_mode
from .._c_expression import generate_key, Executor_, Tensor, MetaTensor
from .._c_expression import verify_inputs_signature, init_exec_dataset, export_graph, _set_dataset_mode_config, init_ge
from .tensor import Tensor as MsTensor
# store ms_function class compiled pipeline cache
ms_compile_cache = {}
def _convert_function_arguments(fn, *args):
Process the fn default parameters.
fn (Function): The function to be parsed.
args (tuple): The parameters of the function.
arguments_dict = OrderedDict()
parse_method = None
if isinstance(fn, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
parse_method = fn.__name__
index = 0
for value in args:
arguments_dict[f'arg{index}'] = value
index = index + 1
logger.debug("fn(%r) full parameters dict is: %r", fn, arguments_dict)
converted = True
logger.warning("Find error: fn isn't function or method")
converted = False
return converted, arguments_dict, parse_method
def _wrap_func(fn):
Wrapper function, convert return data to tensor or tuple of tensor.
fn (Function): The function need be wrapped.
Function, a new function with return suitable format data.
def wrapper(*arg, **kwargs):
results = fn(*arg, **kwargs)
def _convert_data(data):
if isinstance(data, Tensor) and not isinstance(data, MsTensor):
return MsTensor(data)
return data
if isinstance(results, tuple):
return tuple(_convert_data(x) for x in results)
if isinstance(results, list):
return list(_convert_data(x) for x in results)
return _convert_data(results)
return wrapper
def _exec_init_graph(obj, init_phase):
"""Execute the parameter initializer graph."""
inst_executor = Executor_.get_instance()
exec_init_graph = False
for param in obj.get_parameters():
if not param.is_init:
param.is_init = True
exec_init_graph = True
if exec_init_graph:
inst_executor.run_init_graph(obj.parameters_dict(), init_phase)
class _MindSporeFunction:
Represents a function compiled by mind expression.
_MindSporeFunction will compile the original function for every combination
of argument types and shapes it is given (as well as their values, optionally).
fn (Function): The root function to compile.
input_signature (Function): User defines signature to verify input.
obj (Object): If function is a method, obj is the owner of function,
else, obj is none.
def __init__(self, fn, input_signature=None, obj=None):
self.fn = fn
self.save_graphs = context.get_context("save_graphs")
self.save_graphs_path = context.get_context("save_graphs_path")
self.input_signature = input_signature
self.obj = None
self.identify_obj = None
if hasattr(obj, fn.__name__):
self.obj = obj
elif obj is not None:
self.identify_obj = obj
self._executor = Executor_.get_instance()
def build_data_init_graph(self, graph_name):
"""Build GE data graph and init graph for the given graph name."""
if self.obj is None:
logger.warning("Make sure parameter should not be used in function")
para_dict = OrderedDict()
self._executor.build_data_graph(para_dict, graph_name)
self._executor.build_data_graph(self.obj.parameters_dict(), graph_name, self.obj.parameters_broadcast_dict())
init_phase = "init_subgraph" + graph_name[graph_name.find("."):]
_exec_init_graph(self.obj, init_phase)
def compile(self, arguments_dict, method_name):
"""Returns pipline for the given args."""
args_list = tuple(arguments_dict.values())
arg_names = tuple(arguments_dict.keys())
# remove first self parameter when fn is a method
if self.obj is not None:
args_list = args_list[1:]
arg_names = arg_names[1:]
# verify the signature for both function and method
if self.input_signature is not None:
signatures = []
for sig_spec in self.input_signature:
if not isinstance(sig_spec, MetaTensor):
raise TypeError("Input_signature is not MetaTensor")
is_valid_input = verify_inputs_signature(signatures, args_list)
if not is_valid_input:
raise ValueError("Inputs is incompatible with input signature!")
dic = dict(zip(arg_names, args_list))
generate_name = self.fn.__module__ + "." + self.fn.__name__
self.fn.__parse_method__ = method_name
# replace key with obj info and object ext info when fn is a method
if self.obj is not None:
self.obj.__parse_method__ = method_name
generate_name = self.obj.__module__ + "." + str(self.obj.create_time)
if self.identify_obj is not None:
generate_name = generate_name + str(id(self.identify_obj))
key = generate_key(generate_name, dic)
phase = str(key[1]) + generate_name
if key not in ms_compile_cache.keys():
is_compile = False
if self.obj is None:
is_compile = self._executor.compile(self.fn, args_list, phase, True)
is_compile = self._executor.compile(self.obj, args_list, phase, True)
if not is_compile:
raise RuntimeError("Executor compile failed.")
if context.get_context("enable_ge"):
# since function can be redefined, we only cache class method pipeline
if self.obj is not None or self.identify_obj is not None:
ms_compile_cache[key] = phase
return phase
return ms_compile_cache[key]
def __call__(self, *args):
converted, arguments_dict, parse_method = _convert_function_arguments(self.fn, *args)
if not converted:
raise RuntimeError('Process function parameter is failure')
args_list = tuple(arguments_dict.values())
if self.obj is not None:
args_list = args_list[1:]
phase = self.compile(arguments_dict, parse_method)
if context.get_context("precompile_only"):
return None
return self._executor(args_list, phase)
[docs]def ms_function(fn=None, obj=None, input_signature=None):
Creates a callable MindSpore graph from a python function.
This allows the MindSpore runtime to apply optimizations based on graph.
fn (Function): The Python function that will be run as a graph. Default: None.
obj (Object): The Python Object that provide information for identify compiled function. Default: None.
input_signature (MetaTensor): The MetaTensor to describe the input arguments. The MetaTensor specifies
the shape and dtype of the Tensor and they will be supplied to this function. If input_signature
is specified, every input to `fn` must be a `Tensor`. And the input parameters of `fn` cannot accept
`**kwargs`. The shape and dtype of actual inputs should keep same with input_signature, or TypeError
will be raised. Default: None.
Function, if `fn` is not None, returns a callable that will execute the compiled function; If `fn` is None,
returns a decorator and when this decorator invokes with a single `fn` argument, the callable is equal to the
case when `fn` is not None.
>>> def tensor_add(x, y):
>>> z = F.tensor_add(x, y)
>>> return z
>>> @ms_function
>>> def tensor_add_with_dec(x, y):
>>> z = F.tensor_add(x, y)
>>> return z
>>> @ms_function(input_signature=(MetaTensor(mstype.float32, (1, 1, 3, 3)),
>>> MetaTensor(mstype.float32, (1, 1, 3, 3))))
>>> def tensor_add_with_sig(x, y):
>>> z = F.tensor_add(x, y)
>>> return z
>>> x = Tensor(np.ones([1, 1, 3, 3]).astype(np.float32))
>>> y = Tensor(np.ones([1, 1, 3, 3]).astype(np.float32))
>>> tensor_add_graph = ms_function(fn=tensor_add)
>>> out = tensor_add_graph(x, y)
>>> out = tensor_add_with_dec(x, y)
>>> out = tensor_add_with_sig(x, y)
def wrap_mindspore(func):
def staging_specialize(*args):
process_obj = obj
if args and not isinstance(args[0], MsTensor) and hasattr(args[0], func.__name__):
process_obj = args[0]
args = (x.default_input if hasattr(x, 'default_input') else x for x in args)
return _MindSporeFunction(func, input_signature, process_obj)(*args)
return staging_specialize
if fn is not None:
return wrap_mindspore(fn)
return wrap_mindspore
def _generate_pip_args(obj, *args, method="construct"):
"""Generate arguments for pipeline."""
if hasattr(obj, method):
fn = getattr(obj, method)
raise AttributeError('The process method is not exist')
converted, arguments_dict, parse_method = _convert_function_arguments(fn, *args)
if not converted:
raise RuntimeError('Process method parameter is failure')
args_list = tuple(arguments_dict.values())
args_names = tuple(arguments_dict.keys())
obj.__parse_method__ = parse_method
return args_names, args_list
class _Executor:
An executor used to compile/manage/run graph.
Including data_graph, train_graph, eval_graph and predict graph.
Graph, return the result of pipeline running.
def __init__(self):
# create needed graph by lazy mode
self.is_init = False
self._executor = Executor_.get_instance()
self.compile_cache = {}
self.phase_prefix = ""
def init_dataset(self, queue_name, dataset_size, batch_size, dataset_types, dataset_shapes,
input_indexs, phase='dataset'):
Initialization interface for calling data subgraph.
queue_name (str): The name of tdt queue on the device.
dataset_size (int): The size of dataset.
batch_size (int): The size of batch.
dataset_types (list): The output types of element in dataset.
dataset_shapes (list): The output shapes of element in dataset.
input_indexs (list): The index of data with net.
phase (str): The name of phase, e.g., train_dataset/eval_dataset. Default: 'dataset'.
bool, specifies whether the data subgraph was initialized successfully.
if not init_exec_dataset(queue_name=queue_name,
raise RuntimeError("Failure to init and dataset subgraph!")
return True
def _build_data_graph(self, obj, params, phase):
if params is None:
self._executor.build_data_graph(obj.parameters_dict(), phase, obj.parameters_broadcast_dict())
elif isinstance(params, OrderedDict):
self._executor.build_data_graph(params, phase)
raise TypeError('Parameters need OrderedDict type, but got {}'.
def compile(self, obj, *args, phase='predict', params=None):
Compiles graph.
obj (Function/Cell): The function or cell instance need compile.
args (tuple): Function or cell input arguments.
phase (str): The name of compile phase. Default: 'predict'.
params (OrderedDict): The parameters dictionary used for init data graph. Default: None.
Str, the full phase of the cell.
Bool, if the graph has been compiled before, return False, else return True.
args_names, args_list = _generate_pip_args(obj, *args)
dic = dict(zip(args_names, args_list))
key = generate_key(phase, dic)
self.phase_prefix = str(key[1])
if phase == 'export':
phase = phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
phase = self.phase_prefix + phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
enable_debug_runtime = context.get_context("enable_debug_runtime")
enable_ge = context.get_context("enable_ge")
use_vm = not enable_ge or (enable_debug_runtime and context.get_context("mode") == context.PYNATIVE_MODE)
if phase in self.compile_cache.keys():
logger.debug("%r graph has existed.", phase)
return phase, False
result = self._executor.compile(obj, args_list, phase, use_vm)
self.compile_cache[phase] = phase
if not result:
raise RuntimeError("Executor compile failed.")
graph = self._executor.get_func_graph(phase)
if graph is None:
logger.error("%r graph compile failed.", phase)
if not enable_debug_runtime or enable_ge:
if _get_parallel_mode() in ["auto_parallel", "semi_auto_parallel"]:
obj.parameter_layout_dict = self._executor.get_parameter_layout(phase)
if _get_parallel_mode() in ["hybrid_parallel"]:
obj.parameter_layout_dict = self._build_parameter_layout(obj)
# the following GE init process is not needed when use vm or ms backend
if enable_ge:
# decide whether to sink based on whether the inputs is virtual or not
if args_list and isinstance(args_list[0], Tensor) and args_list[0].virtual_flag:
self._build_data_graph(obj, params, phase)
if "export" not in phase:
init_phase = "init_subgraph" + "." + str(obj.create_time)
_exec_init_graph(obj, init_phase)
elif not enable_ge and "export" in phase:
self._build_data_graph(obj, params, phase)
return phase, True
def _get_strategy(self, obj):
real_phase = self.phase_prefix + obj.phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
return self._executor.get_strategy(real_phase)
def _get_allreduce_fusion(self, obj):
real_phase = self.phase_prefix + obj.phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
return self._executor.get_allreduce_fusion(real_phase)
def has_compiled(self, phase='predict'):
Specify whether have been compiled.
phase (str): The phase name. Default: 'predict'.
bool, specifies whether the specific graph has been compiled.
return self._executor.has_compiled(phase)
def __call__(self, obj, *args, phase='predict'):
if context.get_context("precompile_only"):
return None
return self.run(obj, *args, phase=phase)
def _exec_pip(self, obj, *args, phase=''):
"""Execute the generated pipeline."""
fn = obj.construct
converted, arguments_dict, parse_method = _convert_function_arguments(fn, *args)
if not converted:
raise RuntimeError('Process method parameter is failure')
args_list = tuple(arguments_dict.values())
obj.__parse_method__ = parse_method
return self._executor(args_list, phase)
def run(self, obj, *args, phase='predict'):
Run the specific graph.
phase (str): The phase name. Default: 'predict'.
Tensor/Tuple, return execute result.
if phase == 'save':
return self._executor((), phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time))
phase_real = self.phase_prefix + phase + '.' + str(obj.create_time)
if self.has_compiled(phase_real):
return self._exec_pip(obj, *args, phase=phase_real)
raise KeyError('{} graph is not exist.'.format(phase_real))
def _build_parameter_layout(self, obj):
Build parameter layout, for layerwise_parallel parameter.
obj (Function or Cell): The function or cell instance need to be compiled.
Dictionary, parameter layout info.
parameter_layout_dict = {}
layerwise_parallel_parameters = []
for key in obj.parameters_dict():
if obj.parameters_dict()[key].layerwise_parallel is True:
if not layerwise_parallel_parameters:
return parameter_layout_dict
from ..communication.management import get_group_size
group_size = [get_group_size()]
for key in layerwise_parallel_parameters:
tensor_map = [0]
shape = obj.parameters_dict()[key].data.shape()
for x in range(len(shape)): # dim 0 set 0, others set -1
if x:
layout = [group_size, tensor_map]
parameter_layout_dict[key] = layout
return parameter_layout_dict
def del_net_res(self, net_id):
def _get_func_graph_proto(self, exec_id, ir_type="onnx_ir", use_prefix=False):
"""Get graph proto from pipeline."""
if use_prefix:
exec_id = self.phase_prefix + exec_id
if self._executor.has_compiled(exec_id) is False:
return None
return self._executor.get_func_graph_proto(exec_id, ir_type)
def export(self, net, file_name, file_format='GEIR'):
Export graph.
net (Cell): MindSpore network
file_name (str): File name of model to export
file_format (str): MindSpore currently support 'GEIR' and 'ONNX' format for exported model
phase = 'export' + '.' + str(net.create_time)
export_graph(file_name, file_format, phase)
_executor = _Executor()
__all__ = ['ms_function']